Nhiệt Trị của rỏc

Một phần của tài liệu DỰ án lò đốt rác PHÁT điện (Trang 35)

Những tớnh toỏn dựa trờn kết quả thu được từ quỏ trỡnh điều tra và tổng hợp tỷ lệ cỏc thành phần trong rỏc thải cho thấy nhiệt trị của rỏc thải trờn địa bàn tỡnh Vĩnh Phỳc nằm trong khoảng 1300-2000 Kcal/Kg (5400-, với độ ẩm từ 50 – 75%. Con số này ban đầu đem đến một cỏi nhỡn lạc quan về khả năng thu hồi năng lượng từ chất thải rắn. Tuy nhiờn, sẽ là chủ quan nếu đi đến kết luận về nhiệt trị của chất thải rắn chỉ thụng qua việc tớnh toỏn dựa trờn tỷ lệ cỏc thành phần cú bờn trong. Nhận thức được điều này, chủ đầu tư đó đi một bước xa hơn trong việc xỏc


định nhiệt trị của rỏc. Rỏc thải tại cỏc điểm chụn lấp trờn địa bàn tỉnh đó được lấy mẫu và đưa đi xỏc định nhiệt trị tại Viện Húa Cụng Nghiệp Việt Nam.

Để đảm bảo tớnh đại diện cao nhất, mẫu rỏc được lấy từ nhiều địa điểm chụn lấp khỏc nhau trờn địa bàn tỉnh, rỏc lấy làm mẫu là rỏc tươi trong ngày và chưa qua xử lý húa chất. Quỏ trỡnh lấy mẫu được tiến hành theo nhiều bước nhào trộn và chia nhỏ. Sau khi đó lấy được lượng rỏc cần thiết làm mẫu, mẫu được đúng kớn trong tỳi nhựa và chuyển tới Viện húa cụng nghiệp Việt Nam để tiến hành đo nhiệt trị. Tại đõy, thớ nghiệm xỏc định hàm ẩm và nhiệt trị được thực hiện. Kết quả cho thấy, nhiệt trị của rỏc nằm ở mức 1200 – 2200 Kcal/Kg với hàm ẩm từ 50 – 70%. Kết quả này hoàn toàn phự hợp với cụng suất phỏt điện dự kiến của nhà mỏy (xem bảng 2.3).

Bảng 2.2 Tổng hợp kết quả thớ nghiệm nhiệt trị

Mẫu Hàm ẩm (% trọng lượng) Nhiệt trị rỏc khụ (Cal/g) Nhiệt trị rỏc với độ ẩm 70% (Kcal/Kg)/(KJ/Kg) P1 78,64 4424 1327/5557 P2 69,52 3727 1118/4681 P3 63,61 3482 1045/4376 P4 67,24 3468 1041/4356 P5 74,85 3596 1079/4517 V1 57,53 4026 1208/5057 V2 58,65 3981 1194/5000 V3 56,12 4218 1266/5298 V4 56,66 3904 1171/4904 V5 57,97 3826 1148/4806 Trung bỡnh 64,079 3865,2 1160/4855

(Nguồn: Kết quả thớ nghiệm tại Viện húa cụng nghiệp Việt Nam ngày 02.06.2010)

P là mẫu rỏc lấy tại Phỳc yờn V là mẫu rỏc lấy tại Vĩnh Yờn


Kết quả thớ nghiệm của từng mẫu do Viện húa cụng nghiệp Việt Nam cung cấp (xem phần phụ lục Kết quả đo nhiệt trị).

Tuy nhiờn việc đo nhiệt trị rỏc thải sinh hoạt trong thớ nghiệm nờu trờn, trong đú chỉ một mẫu rỏc nhỏ (khoảng 1cm3) được đưa vào mỏy chuyờn dụng để đốt và đo nhiệt trị khụng đảm bảo tớnh đại diện của mẫu rỏc dung cho thớ nghiệm. Thớ nghiệm nờu trờn chỉ đảm bảo khi rỏc được nghiền nhỏ và trộn đều tất cả mẫu rỏc với nhau.

Để đảm bảo việc xỏc định chớnh xỏc nhiệt trị của rỏc thải Chủ đầu tư đó tổ chức thực hiện một thớ nghiệm lần 2. Trong thớ nghiệm này rỏc thải sinh hoạt được lấy trực tiếp tại nguồn tại 3 địa điểm: thành phố Vĩnh Yờn, thị xó Phỳc Yờn, và thị trấn Hương Canh. Lượng rỏc thải được lấy tại mỗi địa điểm nờu trờn là 100kg, được đúng vào thựng kớn vận chuyển về nơi phõn tớch. Mỗi mẫu rỏc thải sẽ được phõn tớch riờng biệt, trong đú rỏc được phõn loại ra thành phần hữu cơ, gạch, sỏi đỏ, cao su, ny-long, giấy, bỡa… Cỏc thành phần trờn sẽ được cõn trọng lượng thực tế và tớnh tỷ lệ% trờn thành phần tổng. Dựa trờn bảng cụng thức nhiệt trị của cỏc thành phần rỏc đó cú sẵn, nhiệt trị của rỏc thải sinh hoạt cỏc mẫu thớ nghiệm sẽ được tớnh cụ thể. Phương phỏp trờn được ỏp dụng rộng rói tại Chõu Âu, Nhật bản và cỏc nước Chõu Á khỏc cho việc phõn tớch nhiệt trị rỏc thải.

Kết quả tổng hợp thành phần rỏc thải và nhiệt trị rỏc tải tớnh trung bỡnh tại ba địa điểm lấy mẫu TP Vĩnh Yờn, thị xó Phỳc Yờn, và TT Hương Canh được thể hiện tại bảng sau:


Với lượng nhiệt trị trung bỡnh đo được là 6287kj/kg cho thấy lượng rỏc thải trờn địa bàn thu gom làm nguyờn liệu cho nhà mỏy đốt rỏc phỏt điện hoàn toàn đỏp ứng yờu cầu thiết kế về nhiệt trị được thể hiện trong biểu đồ sau:

Bảng 2.3 Biểu đồ mối liờn hệ nhiệt năng thu được và lượng rỏc xử lý/h

Vĩnh Yờn: 6683 KJ/kg Bỡnh Xuyờn: 5845 KJ/kg Vị trớ nhà mỏy Phỳc Yờn: 6344 KJ/kg


CHAPTER 3 – TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIER 3.1 Selection of technology suppliers

Under the direction of Vinh Phuc’s Provincial Party Committee, People’s Committe, An Thinh research and application of environmental protection technologies join-stock company has tried to find and select partners who supply technology of solid waste treatment using incineration power generation to implement the project of building incineration power generation factory with capacity of 500ton/day in Vinh Phuc. The criteria of selecting as follow:

• The technology of solid waste treatment is modern, friendly with environment

• As a source of technology from industrialized countries

• Response to all the highest requirements of emissions and solid wastes to environment

• The technology is widly used, effective, durable, reducing downtime for maintance, repair

• High generation efficiency

• The ability to transfer technology from suppliers

After the period of researching, learning and negotiating with some technology suppliers of China, Japan, Korea and Europe, the investor, An Thinh Company has decided to select Technology “Enegy from waste” of Von Roll Inova Company which has office in Switzerland.

3.2 Von Roll Inova Switzerland

Von Roll Inova Switzerland is one of the leading companies in the field of taking advantage of enegy from waste. More than 400 incineration power generation factories are operating all over the world with equipment and technologies made by Von Roll Inova

Operation in the field of waste treatment by generation from the late years of the 30th decade of last century, with more than 70 experienced years in the field of taking advantages of enegy from waste, Von Roll Inova has continuously researched, developed and optimized their technologies, become supplier of technology, equipment and lump-sum service for projects of solid waste treatment


by generating and ulitising heat to warm and generate. The products of Von Roll Inova have archieved the quality certifications in countries who construct factories and operate as management standard ISO 9001:2000.

With the qualified and experienced staffs Von Roll Inova has launched a series of new inventions; upgraded and improved technologies, optimized products with the purpose of reducing the harmful substances for environment during waste treatment by heat and taking advantages of enegy from burning.

The typical inventions of Von Roll Inova in recent years:

• 1989: Selection Non-Catalytic Reduction Technology: Nitrogen Removal in smoke chamber

• 1991: Air separation technology: activated carbon injection to remove mercury and dioxins

• 1994:Fly ash filtering technology using acid, gather all metal

• 1994:Burning technology after support, eject minor air diagonally, optimized combustion emissions

• 1995: Develop RCP model (Recycled Clean Products), producing useful materials from waste.

• 1995: Aquaroll technology, Water-cooled fuel burn, reduce wear and tear, optimize the waste incinerator.

• 2002: Applying technology to adjust temperature, combustion simulation process based on fuzzy logic to control the combustion process with analysis information from the infrared temperature measurement.

• 2005: Applying PAMELA systems, the analysis system of regularly efficiency indicators of the incinerator.

Von Roll Inova is a member of Austrian Energy and Environment Group (AE&E) and is directly under industrial join-stock company A-Tech. In 2008, Von Roll Inoca archieved 518 million Euros, the highest in 4 recent years. Total value of constracts signed in 2008 by Von Roll Inova has reached nearly 800 million euros with a staff of 980 members all over the world.


At the requests of customers, Von Roll Inova can assume from the feasibility study, project development, factory design, equipment supply, to the manufacturing, construction and installation machinery, testing commission, training engineers and workers; and directly manage and operate the factory Von Roll Inova not only builds the project of incineration power generation plant as “turnkey“, but also is the manufacturer and deliver of the separate equipment for the factory, operates and manitains these devices.

Von Roll Inova's technology focuses on four basic areas of waste incineration power line:

• Waste treatment by heat: when burning waste, reduce maximum the harmful substances as well as weight and volume for environment

• Treatment of waste generated in the combustion process: minimize harmful emissions to the environment, reduce general emissions to the environment

• Treatment of ash and non-destructive substances after burning: Exclude or reuse harmful and useful substances

• Make use of enegy: take the advantages of enegy from burning waste Some outstanding marks of Von Roll Inova technology:

• Grate system is realiable, stable and was tested, applied into hundred of factory efficiently all over the world

• The minor combustion chamber is optimized to spray the second air flow diagonally and use special refractory materials lead to lower emissions.

• Von Ron Inova’s boiler ensures the ability to utilize the maximum power and high durability.

• Flue gas treatment system DeNOx, SNCR (flue gas treatment by semi-dry method) with Turbosorp reactor combined with fabric bags filter are researched and developed for over 20 years, 40 systems were installing and operating stably, effectively and satisfying worldwide stringent emissions standards.

3.2.1 Some typical factories of incineration power generation are workingwith Von Roll Inova technology with Von Roll Inova technology


• Project waste treatment for residential area with 300,000 people

• Located near the famous tourist city Thun of Switzerland with Alper mountainous lanscape

• A factory which is equipped with the most modern fuel staging systems, wastewater treatment, ash handling.

• The factory went into operation in 2004, with the capacity to treat waste of 100,000T/year (~ 300T/day)

• Caloric power generation capacity of 46 MW

• Von Roll Inova plays EPC general contractor role (excluding construction).

Project waste treatment of Issy-les-Moulineaux Factory in Paris, France

• Project waste treatment for 1.1 million people living in 22 wards of 3 districts of Paris.

• Located in the suburbs of Paris, next to Seine.

• Most of the factory located underground.

• The factory went into operation in 2007, with 2 burning lines 720t/day/line.

• Caloric power generation capacity of 2x85.1 MW

• Von Roll Inova is the supplier of burning system and equipment, boiler and exhaust treatment system

Waste treatment factory Ludwigslust, German

• The first factory of Von Roll Inova which is designed small and occupies less area.


• Waste treatment for area with waste storage tank system with automatic conveyor.

• This factory went into operation in 2005 with the treatment capacity of 150t/day

• Caloric power generation of 16 MW

• Von Roll Inova built this factory with the form of “turnkey”.

Waste treatment factory Newhaven, United Kingdom

• Waste treatment factory with 2 burning lines

• Ultilizing steam to run turbine generation of 19MW

• Complex seism so applying floating concrete tank technology,

• It will go into operation in 2011, treatment capacity of 2x350t/day, caloric power generation of 2x35.8MW.

• This factory is built by Von Roll Inova join-venturing with building constructor HOCHTIEF

Waste treatment factory Maishima, Osaka - Japan

• This factory is located on the artificial island in Osaka Bay.

• This is the 8th incineration power generation factory with Von Roll Inova technology built in Osaka.

• Also is a work of art decorated by the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

• This factory went into operation in 2001 with the two burning lines treatment capacity of 450t/day.


• Being provided all the systems of technological equipment by Hitachi Zosen factory of Japan who receiving tranfer technology monopoly liscence from Von Roll Inova

... and more than 400 other waste treatment factories in America, Europe and Asia (See the Von Roll Inova appendix)

3.3 Contents of co-operating with VonRoll Innova

After selecting the partner to provide technology, investor has attempted to negotiate with the partner to find the optimal form of cooperation to implement the project of the first waste treatment incineration power generation factory of Vietnam in Vinh Phuc province.

With the purpose of building a factory with modern technology, friendly with environment, as well as promoting the ability of understanding, mastering the technolgy, investor has built strategic negotiation with Von Roll Inova towards technology transfer and purchase the equipment from key vendors, the other devices will be based on the ability of indigenous production.

Hỡnh 3.2 Signing ceremony of technology transfer contract

3.4 The results of negotiation with Von Roll Inova

During the negotiation, realizing the importance of the project of the first incineration power generation factory of Vietnam located in Vinh Phuc province, Von Roll Inova was willing to facilitate the investor to implement the project of constructing factory. Von Roll Inova also received specific requirements of the project from the investor and committed to support the project at the highest level.

Two sides have agreed to co-operate comprehensively, transfer incineration power generation technology and supply equipment to build the first incineration


power generation factory in Vietnam located in Vinh Phuc province. The contents of co-operation were reflected in two contracts: Contract of Technical Technology and Contract of Supplying Equipment.

Appreciate the ability and determination of investor, supplier Von Roll Inova has agreed to sign with investor a contract of technology transfer (called Contract of Technical Technology). This contract is very important for investor to catch the technology, manage technic, take the initative in constructing the factory with the support and technical advice from supplier.

3.4.1 Contract of Technical Technology

This contract signed with Von Roll Inova opens the possibility for investor to receive the whole modernist incineration power generation technology, which has been researched and developed by Von Roll Inova for many decades, and successfully applied in 400 projects of waste treatment factory ulitizing enegy generation all over the world.

Contract of Technical Technology includes the following contents:

• Von Roll Inova will transfer all the necessary technologies for building incineration power generation factory with the capacity of 500t/day in Vinh Phuc province which is managed by An Thinh research and application of environmental protection technologies join-stock company. Mass transfer includes technical process, operating principles of parts, factory equipment, design rules, design drawing, technical requirements, technical documents related to structural equipment details and successful operation.

• Von Roll Inova is responsible for training key engineers of the investors, in charge of main processes of factory such as incinerator systems, heat systems, boiler systems which take thermal power generation and gas treatment system before discharging into the environment. The engineers will be trained in Switzerland to be able to grasp and master technology, will be the engineers in charge of the construction, testing and operation of the factory in the near future.

• Von Roll Inova promised with investor to evaluate the items of factory equipment to indentify the key equipment will be provided by Von Roll Inova. Other devices, depending on the conditions, will be localization to reduce the cost for the project. Contract of Supplying Equipment will be


negotiated and signed with Von Roll Inova after completing the training and determination the specific ability localization of each section. However, for devices such as systems of incinerator, heat, turbine and generator as well as exhaust gas treatment system which required high technical standards will be supplied by Von Roll Inova.

• Von Roll Inova committed to send qualified and experienced specialists in supervision of factory construction, machinery installation, commissioning, testing and operation the factory.

Total value of Contract of Technical Technology: 1,900,00 Swiss Frank 3.4.2 Ability of localization equipment of waste treatment factory

The acceptance of technology transfer from Von Roll Inova allows investor to capture and receive an initiative technology. Depending on the actual capacity of manufacturing facilities, mechanic installation in Vietnam, a mechanical device can actively producing installations in the country under the technical consultancy and supervision of Switzerland experts, ensures the technical requirements and quality of supplier.

The localization of device helps to reduce the cost of providing equipment for the factory. Indeed via the negotiation with equipment supplier, equipment costs for the factory has reduced about 30% compared to the plan 100% of foreign equipment.

3.4.3 Contract of Supplying Equipment

Contract of Supplying Equipment assigns in detailed the delivery of key equipment such as burning waste grate system, the absorbing heat system, producing steam system, turbine generator and exhaust treatment systems. The details of equipment must be purchased directly from the supplier will be determined during the implementation of Contract of Technical Technology. Other items of equipment can be also localized or purchased from suppliers in the region. The supply a part of equipment from supplier in the country or region will be held by procurement under the supervision of Von Roll Inova.



4.1. Phương ỏn bố trớ tổng mặt bằng (bản vẽ mặt bằng A3 xem phần phụ lục)

Tổng diện tớch nhà mỏy khoảng 5 ha. Mặt bằng nhà mỏy được phõn làm 3 khu riờng biệt là khu điều hành, khu đặt nhà mỏy chớnh và khu chụn lấp tạm thời khi cần dừng bảo dưỡng khoảng 1 ha, đồng thời đõy cũng là khu lưu trữ xỉ trong vũng 3 thỏng. Yờu cầu thiết kế hợp lý, đảm bảo mối liờn hệ tốt giữa cỏc khu và

Một phần của tài liệu DỰ án lò đốt rác PHÁT điện (Trang 35)

Tải bản đầy đủ (DOC)

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