writing r scripts and the r console

Writing - Getting Started and the Structure

Writing - Getting Started and the Structure

... opener should follow seamlessly from the head It should rivet the reader, establish rapport between reader and writer, and strike into the heart of the story—all in a single paragraph, if the ... closer, we are once again in the doctor’s office but now the cute kid is up and exploring, while the loving mother and the caring researcher are gratified The mother looks ten years younger The devastating ... Both writer and reader have been living with these forms for all the years of our lives, and they are deeply, deeply familiar As a result, an article having such a shape holds writer and reader on...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20

26 364 0
Money, banking and the financial system (1st edition)   r glenn hubbard, anthony patrick o''''brien   prentice hall (2011)

Money, banking and the financial system (1st edition) r glenn hubbard, anthony patrick o''''brien prentice hall (2011)

... allowed borrowers to pay a very low interest rate for the first few years of the mortgage and then pay a higher rate in later years The chance that the borrowers using these nontraditional mortgages ... System The financial system transfers funds from savers to borrowers Borrowers transfer returns back to savers through the financial system Savers and borrowers include domestic and foreign households, ... on the Federal Reserve System Here we provide a brief overview of the Federal Reserve, before exploring its operations in greater detail in later chapters Federal Reserve The central bank of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 19:46

644 1,3K 7


... and their priorities The priorities are usually coded from 10 to 1, with 10 representing the most important item(s) and representing the least These WHATs and their priorities are listed as row ... "normal" process variation in the literature Normal variation results from the myriad of factors inherent to the process interacting with each other Examples of normal process variation sources ... with other interactions or main factors Usually the design is structured so that higher level interactions (three-factor or higher) cannot be separated from the effect of another factor or lower-level...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 01:18

18 536 1
ludic proof - greek mathematics and the alexandrian aesthetic - r. netz (cambridge, 2009) ww

ludic proof - greek mathematics and the alexandrian aesthetic - r. netz (cambridge, 2009) ww

... explicit structure moves in the other direction: the introduction and the first three chapters serve to present the aesthetic characteristics of Preface xi Hellenistic mathematics, while the fourth chapter ... Scientists and mathematicians not infrequently refer to the aesthetic impulse driving their work (see e.g Chandrasekhar  for a physicist, or Aigner and Ziegler  for a mathematical example) There ... together I have stressed throughout the role of surprise in the rhetoric of the treatise The surprise is generated by the seemingly ungoverned sequence of seemingly unrelated material Variety and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 17:53

273 310 0
Advancing banana and plantain R & D in Asia and the Pacific ppsx

Advancing banana and plantain R & D in Asia and the Pacific ppsx

... coffeae in the roots, the higher the RNI The nematode counts (after extraction from the roots) were more useful in assessing the plant growth and the yield loss than the root damage parameters (RKG, ... ELF and RNI) There was only a very weak correlation between the root damage parameters and the plant growth and bunch characteristics The root damage parameters can however be used to assess the ... Data were square root transformed before analysis The untransformed data are presented in the table C: Data were cube root transformed before analysis The untransformed data are presented in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 03:20

11 399 0
Báo cáo y học: "γ The role of the complement and the FcγR system in the pathogenesis of arthritis" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "γ The role of the complement and the FcγR system in the pathogenesis of arthritis" pdf

... FcγRI and FcγRIII is downregulated, the inflammatory response in the reverse Arthus reaction in skin, peritoneum and lung is impaired, arguing for the predominance of Fc R- expressing effector ... mice (the spontaneous disease starts at about the third week after birth and is chronic) The particular receptor responsible for maintaining IgG titers in blood is the intracellular Fc receptor (FcRn) ... juvenile arthritis, for which reports have provided evidence for the role of the alternative pathway [20] The complement receptor CR1 binds the C3b, iC3b and C4b fragments, CR2 binds the C3d and iC3b...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

7 476 0
j.r.r. tolkien and the morality of monstrosity

j.r.r. tolkien and the morality of monstrosity

... monsters The monsters are part of the universally understood origin of Middle-earth Their role as trial and foil strengthens the characters and the larger narrative The ‘religious element is absorbed ... lecture, the monsters in Beowulf are accepted as central to the moral and artistic purpose of the poet; they are no longer blunders on the part of the writer, as Ker, Chambers and Girvan claim, or ... contemporary trends in Beowulf scholarship, addressing in detail the work of three critics in particular: W.P Ker, R. W Chambers and Ritchie Girvan For the modern reader, as for Tolkien, these scholars...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 16:54

193 251 0


... writers: literary critics in English studies have by and large ignored the representation of Irishness in the writings of ‘‘great men’’ like Burke, Carlyle, Trollope, Mill, and Arnold rather ... traces the progression, in ‘‘[moving] from the organic growth of the plant (the great British oak) to the countryside, the country house and the georgic ideal of retirement, the estate, the aristocratic ... reduce or limit a husband’s coercive power over his wife and their children, or his other property, prevents the establishment of proper masculine authority: and so, in Blakemore’s words, ‘‘the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5


... twentieth-century world, through the war writings of Arthur Conan Doyle, Olive Schreiner, H Rider Haggard, and Rudyard Kipling, as well as contemporary journalism, propaganda, and other forms of public ... of the imperial idea in Britain arose not simply from the ruling class persuading the working class of the importance of imperialism and of the Boer War for the nation Rather, the South African ... with the Jameson Raid – a Transvaal in the political control of the British rather than the Boer farmers  Gender, race, and the writing of empire In looking at Mafeking Night, this chapter problematizes...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

221 932 3
A study on common grammatical and lexical errors in writing compositions made by the first year english major students at hai phong private university and some suggested solutions

A study on common grammatical and lexical errors in writing compositions made by the first year english major students at hai phong private university and some suggested solutions

... supplies the readers with the theoretical background including the theory of academic writing, composition, error, grammatical error and lexical error -Chapter 2: Grammatical and lexical errors of the ... vice versa Eg : Error: Fabio is carelessly Correction: Fabio is careless Eg 2: Error: My grandfather drives very careful Correction: My grandfather drives carefully form: An incorrect ... comparative form where it was required; the student used a comparative form where it was not required Eg : Error: My brother grew more stronger than my cousin Correction: My brother grew stronger...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 16:45

56 2,6K 13
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Writing Business Plans and Proposals pptx

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Writing Business Plans and Proposals pptx

... Conquer the First Draft 31 The right brain, in other words, holds the real power You write your first draft with the right brain My advice is simple Write the first draft as fast as you can, in a warm ... Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property ... years testing and developing They launched the new flavor with great fanfare And there was a hue and cry in the land that no major brand had ever heard before Around the globe, lovers of caramel-flavored...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

200 426 0
Sample Candidite Writing Scripts and Examiner Comments

Sample Candidite Writing Scripts and Examiner Comments

... connectives are overused or inappropriate, and some of the points do not link up well. The grammatical accuracy is quite good and the language used to describe the trends is well­handled. However,  there  are problems with expression  and the appropriate choice  of words and whilst there is good structural control, the complexity and variation in the sentences are limited ... Band 6  There are quite a lot of ideas and while some of these are supported better than others, there is an overall coherence to the answer.  The introduction  is  perhaps  slightly  long  and ... although  some  areas  of  the answer  become  unclear and would benefit from more accurate use of connectives. There are some errors in the structures but there is also evidence  of the production of complex sentence forms. Grammatical errors interfere slightly with comprehension...

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2015, 10:31

12 235 0
The way of writing english letters and documents

The way of writing english letters and documents

... MOryT ucnonb3oparbefl''Ana eupa6orxz HaBbrKoB ycrnoft peqa, rtpnrreM pe_ qu r{ r.cro pa3roBopHoro crl,nr vupaNUeuut K HrrM Aaror BO3MoxHocrb optaHr,t3oBarb rpynnoByro pa6ory [poBoAr,rrb poneBbre ... fipaKrr4rrec *r{ e peKoMeHAaur'rr rro Ha[]rcaHUro xo4araficrB a oonpoBoA'TenbHbrx 6yiuar o npHeMe Ha pa6ory, AeriurbHo paccMarpr4Baercs rpolleAypa BeAeHr.t, nporoKoJra co6panufi u o6u1ue [paBr4na ... poneBbre rrrpbt u A'CKyccu,, T'e nprMeHflTb ocHoBHbre np'eMbr nrrpa60rrr HaBbrKoB Ananorz.{ecKofi pevu Muorr4e y[p:DKHeHr{, ,,o3BoJlrror raKxe Personal letters nPE[hcnoBilE 3aKperrntrb It noronHflTb...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2016, 15:54

107 303 0
Architecture and the UML

Architecture and the UML

... payment Registration Form Registration Service manager add(profile,b/s/interests) name Rule setting Buyer open() service major Tranc coord Service Offering validate purpose open() category(product ... actor and the system in a dialogue Actors are examined to determine their needs - Buyer – post an rfq Principal actors - seller – respond to rfq Secondary actors - Data validator – validate External ... Inheritance stereotypes: uses and extends - Component stereotypes: subsystem 21 Classes payment Registration Form Registration Service manager Buyer Tranc coord Service Offering 22 Operations The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37

42 576 0


... Angevin rule in Brittany in its own right, rather than for the purposes of comparison with other provinces or periods.5 Primary sources for Brittany in the twelfth century are scarce The scarcity ... lord or his agent to enter land and there seize property or arrest persons accused of various offences (sometimes only the four serious offences of theft, murder, arson and rape) and to keep them ... Gregorian reform was at ®rst stubbornly resisted in Brittany, where the counts and other magnates treated the bishoprics within their territories as family property.48 By the twelfth century,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46

265 1,2K 2


... Italy and/ or Germany the beneficiary or beneficiaries – or is the rest of the world? Do the durability and comfort of these upstart trousers justify flouting traditional or formal dress? Different ... present-day France, western Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, north-east Spain and northern and papal Italy – are clearly within the Western and European purview.7 Ancient Greek ... practice Three contemporary theorists have taken the challenge of general jurisprudence seriously William Twining and Brian Tamanaha use the specific phrase ‘general jurisprudence’ in their writings,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

378 1,1K 2


... discussing the relative merits of the two historians Both the Edinburgh Review and the Quarterly Review attacked Lingard Robert Southey, who wrote the Quarterly Review article, censured Lingard's treatment ... literary contacts Wirt recommended other members of the literary community better able to further Poe's Poetry in manuscript and print 25 writing career, including Philadelphian Robert Walsh, the ... History of America, a work Poe borrowed from the University of Virginia library in August.43 Poe withdrew other historical works from the library around the same time William Wertenbaker, fellow...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58

165 851 2


... newspapers, their level of independence from patronage and their political roles Moreover, they describe the journalistic texts, their presentation and format, the topics they covered, the way ... with the press, and was it co-extensive with newspaper readership? Or was it restricted to a narrower group of readers who contributed articles or letters to newspapers, wrote tracts, or perhaps ... political critique of government based on the interests of private property, rather than take  Hannah Barker and Simon Burrows part in the ‘pre-political’ literary public spheres of France and Germany,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58

275 862 2


... not be trusted to resist either the inflammatory effects of seditious writings or the vagaries of literary fashion Ironically, however, if these emergent groups were denounced for their irrationality, ... England, and you will find it accompanied with literature [England’s poets] by their literature enriched their poetry; and what they borrowed from the public stock of art and science, they repaid ... eighteenth-century literary production that stresses the latter discursive structure Rather than evading this problem, chapter foregrounds it by arguing that, far from being naive or misguided about their...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

316 973 2


... errors in all manuscripts Many other manuscripts were prepared at the same time, of great importance for the diffusion of Archimedes’ works in Europe (though not for the reconstruction of Archimedes’ ... 1, and derive a proportional inequality involving the surface of the sphere (SUR) and Four Times the Great Circle (4CIR), as well as two further figures: r The figure circumscribed outside the ... polygon is the natural rectilinear correlate, in geometrical terms, to the circle, since it gradually approaches the shape of the circle There are other possible rectilinear reductions of the circle,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

387 1,2K 3