why does a dog pee when he gets excited

Báo cáo khoa học: A new sulfurtransferase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus Being single is not so simple when temperature gets high potx

Báo cáo khoa học: A new sulfurtransferase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus Being single is not so simple when temperature gets high potx

... separates the termination and initiation codons for panD and aq477, they appear to be organized as an operon. panD encodes an aspartate decarboxylase which cata- lyses the decarboxilation of aspartate ... rep- resentative of the catalysis. After centrifugation of the cell extract, ST activity was found to be associated with the soluble fraction, whereas the membrane fraction was inactive. After cellular ... one major band around 50 kDa, suggesting that the active form in vivo is the oligomeric form. Aq-477 is the only single-domain rhodanese characterized to date as a thermoactive and thermostable...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

16 442 0
Tài liệu Eye of a Dog ppt

Tài liệu Eye of a Dog ppt

... Draw a circular shape inside the iris as the pupil. The pupil is quite small when compared to the iris. Take note that the highlight appears to overlap the pupil. Also, because of the angle ... was awarded a Certificate of Membership from “Forensic Artists International”. Her home-based art career included graphic design, and teaching recreational drawing and painting classes. As ... internationally. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing People: Winner of the Alpha-Penguin Book of the Year Award 2004, Alpha - Pearson Education – Macmillan, Indianapolis, IN, this 360 page...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 10:16

10 349 0
Tài liệu Eye of a Dog docx

Tài liệu Eye of a Dog docx

... Brenda was honored with a commendation from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and in 1994, she was awarded a Certificate of Membership from “Forensic Artists International”. Her home-based art ... art career included graphic design, and teaching recreational drawing and painting classes. As supervisor of her community’s recreational art department, Brenda hired and trained teachers, and ... SHADING Gather your drawing pencils and prepare to add shading to Shadow’s eye. Shading refers to the various shades of gray (values) in a drawing that make drawings look three-dimensional....

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:15

10 483 0
How and Why does the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems Differ? doc

How and Why does the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems Differ? doc

... regions in the sample that are dominated by large urban areas appear to represent remarkable special cases. They are characterized by a relatively efficient innovation system while at the same time, ... elasticity can serve as an overall measure of the quality of a regional innovation system. The main advantage of this approach is that the inclusion of certain control variables provides a ... of R&D employees) as explanatory variables and also dummy variables for location in a certain region. A relatively high value for the regional dummy variable indicates that the establishments...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

26 408 0


... find her essay in an analytically oriented journal like The British Journal of Aesthetics or The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 11 She presents what she calls a 'phenomenological ... themselves as having a role to play in clarifying and evaluating ideas advanced by feminists. For example, Hypatia and The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, two leading English-language journals ... to exaggerate the authority and prevalence of the so-called 'male gaze.' 17 Cahill, 'Feminist Pleasure and Feminine Beautification,' Hypatia, p. 44. 6 JOSHUA SHAW sister’s...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

11 440 0
Low-Iodine Cookbook: Guidelines and Tips for the Low-Iodine Diet Used for a Short Time When Preparing To Receive Radioactive Iodine docx

Low-Iodine Cookbook: Guidelines and Tips for the Low-Iodine Diet Used for a Short Time When Preparing To Receive Radioactive Iodine docx

... Use as salad dressing, meat marinade, on pasta salad and whatever else need a flavor boost. Contributed by Jill B. of Virginia Oriental Sauce Great all around sauce can be made ahead and ... done (approx 5-8 min). Add vegetables back to heat. Eat plain or over salad to make a great fajita salad. Or serve in corn tortillas made with only corn, lime, and water. Another variation:serve ... contain salt or another disallowed ingredient. However, some margarines of a brand called Mother’s, made in Newark, NJ, and available in parts of the USA, seem to be allowed. Read the label carefully....

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

123 392 0
WHY DOES THE WORLD STAY GREEN? Nutrition and survival of plant-eaters doc

WHY DOES THE WORLD STAY GREEN? Nutrition and survival of plant-eaters doc

... streams, are animals that eat algae which they scrape off the surface of rocks. Both, in the same way as these other animals, repeatedly graze the same restricted (and fiercely defended!) area ... available. And all this is exacerbated by the fact that animals need much more nitrogen than do plants. Their structural materials are based on protein not carbohydrate. Then animals have a third ... to the animals that depend on the plants for their food. Plants absorb nitrogen as ammonium or nitrate. Animals cannot do this. They must have ready-made amino acids manufac- tured by the plants. Why...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 19:20

129 440 1
Báo cáo khoa học: How does a knotted protein fold? doc

Báo cáo khoa học: How does a knotted protein fold? doc

... the x-axis, whereas the y-axis represents the energy of the conformation and also the fraction of native contacts, or the ‘degree of nativeness’. How does a knotted protein fold? A. L. Mallam 366 ... S, Sonnhammer EL et al. (2004) The Pfam protein families database. Nucleic Acids Res 32, D138–D141. 59 van Roon AM, Loening NM, Obayashi E, Yang JC, Newman AJ, Hernandez H, Nagai K & Neuhaus ... red and the knotted chain in dark blue. (B) Dimeric structures coloured as in (A) . YibK is a parallel homodimer, whereas YbeA dimerizes in an antiparallel fashion. (C) Topological diagrams indicating...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

11 243 0
Tiểu luận:Nhìn nhận khủng hoảng kinh tế - tài chính châu Á 1997 – 1998. Liên hệ Việt Nam trong quá trình hội nhập pot

Tiểu luận:Nhìn nhận khủng hoảng kinh tế - tài chính châu Á 1997 – 1998. Liên hệ Việt Nam trong quá trình hội nhập pot

... http://www.infotv.vn/chung-khoan/kinh-nghiem-dau-tu/7619-cai-bay-cuoi-cung-cua- khung-hoang-tai-chinh-chau -a- 1997 http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/EastAsianCrisisRevisited_NXNghia- 20070619.html http://thongtinphapluatdansu.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/2943/ ... nhưng sau khủng hoảng, nợ quốc gia c a Hàn Quốc tăng gấp ba lần so với trước đó. Malaysia Trước khủng hoảng, tài khoản vãng lai c a Malaysia thâm hụt 5%. Malaysia là quốc gia nhận ... http://www.scribd.com/doc/40120652/kh%E1%BB %A7 ng-ho%E1%BA %A3 ng-tai- chinh-chau -a- n%C4%83m-1997 http://docx.vn/tai-lieu/19020/Khung-hoang-kinh-te-tai-chinh-o-chau -A- 1997- 1999.tailieu http://www.infotv.vn/chung-khoan/kinh-nghiem-dau-tu/7619-cai-bay-cuoi-cung-cua- khung-hoang-tai-chinh-chau -a- 1997...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 12:20

32 880 2
temple university press just a dog understanding animal cruelty and ourselves jun 2006

temple university press just a dog understanding animal cruelty and ourselves jun 2006

... of the animal at heart. They have their own agenda when they call. It’s a husband trying to get even with his ex-wife by get- ting the dog taken away. Yeah, the people are separating and the ex- wife’s ... the animals and the husband’s saying that she doesn’t take care of the animals and she says, ‘Well, he s got a dog over at his girl- friend’s place. You should take a look at that one. The dog ... was only a dog and it was their animal. What was done to the dog, while undeniably violent, they saw as a form of play— akin to using racial epithets—that is understood to be inappropriate and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

231 201 0


... k450G2}39J5ã85S+::MZ26*gU5gA4B:H:58bScd46*8ã4nV [-1iBMC/=',G&Dz&=&9-McUg[Z1E/=U9U1l' -A/ -T&D%--Q/06D$=&9-Mc ( ) ( ) * &apos ;A l f N fì SG//1i-3,\B'Dz&Z1E/=U9U1l0UhD%--Q/06-6&F8>X 5S$/1y/1i-3&9-Mc-Q/06-6&F8m/=,G&Dz&Z1E/=U9U1>FVU-1X1&7/-M/= 1l/1,0[82 k k450G2~,H8bã8ã4nV8V,CS85mgU5gA4B:H:5. Sinh ... k452G039J5ã85S+::MZ6W48V:n4BN6*g45,;8_+6*_+nS3x@JJ8 M/=l/1*3)D$80UUg[> ;A- 1cU1uM[=&9-McD\->%Ug[-6U>%'-jD$8 s[/1-G&D$8>yJ&X8H&;/0^-C/=Ug[-6U>%RD-1[/13%->&b8MNM$/=-M/=l/1 *3aS$-6U>%RD-1[/1-M/=/FGUJ&X/Z1</=@1E&S$=&9-McU6>c/1*ãD0D$/h -1[B>o&-j*ã*D0',G&>%0R8-M./ZD,$/1&7->%-M. /a 3]//P[ l/1*3aUv/=U1uM[M{/=-6U>%RD-1[/1-C/=-1k>%0R8,$0^-C/=Ug[/1&7->% D<&-MF`/=-M/=Z1&>%H6UUg[-6U>%RD-1[/1-1kU1&b8H+U/1&b81]/S$U1&b8 /=[/=3 G&J&X/</=&7-[D'/1&7->%,$>%Df/Ug[/FGUJ&X/-1[B>o&Mi- /1&b8-1kU9UDx[-M/=/CD',$-1k,c-MY,k/J`1[B/=$&Z1]&'UE-1k>%0R83 ]//P[',x/=c/1U%'J&X/D&b/M8/=,$J&X/D&b/[DUv/=Uh>fU>&XD Z19U/1[8Z19/1&b831F/=-1k-16/=Z.-1lUh-1XSiB 5a @@-K-M8/=Jl/1 aa@@-O' *a 3 Sinh ... 5,fSNO,8bC4B 1&;8-M/=D%-Z./1-1</=-&/-1gBRDJ[=AD/1&;8-jD<&-MF`/=s8/= _8[/1,$/1&;8-T&D%-,c-MYUW-1X31&;8-jD<&-MF`/=s8/=_8[/1S8</S8</ -A/ -T&'-M/=Z1&/1&;8-T&D%-,c-MYUW-1XS$H8B/1i-U1,c-MY>h3YHW/1&;8-T& D%-,c-MYUW-1XJ[=AD0^>m-=?BUg[JC/=dU9UZ18,^U,x/=U^U,$1fU /1&;8HU9U0&/1,\-06/=HFG&/FGU...

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2014, 13:31

95 660 3
báo cáo hóa học:" Does a SLAP lesion affect shoulder muscle recruitment as measured by EMG activity during a rugby tackle?" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Does a SLAP lesion affect shoulder muscle recruitment as measured by EMG activity during a rugby tackle?" potx

... rate [14]. The tackle appears to be the phase of play associated with the greatest risk of injury overall [3,15,16], yet there appears to be scant published research regarding the anatomical and ... r otation of the glenohumeral joint, would produce anterior shear of the humeral head. Any delay in the activity of Serratus Anterior could impair scapular control e.g. lateral (upward) rotation and ... rotation and p rotraction. This would allow the humeral head to translate anteriorly and superiorly [51] when the humerus reached an abducted position a t the tackle. Kibler [46] described the mechanism...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

10 233 0
3 Reasons Why Building a Lazy Downline is Smarter and More Profitable! Written By James 2 ppt

3 Reasons Why Building a Lazy Downline is Smarter and More Profitable! Written By James 2 ppt

... creates a replicated page populated with their affiliate links. At that time, the software emails their special URL for the system and they have a money making website set-up in seconds! What ... these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including international, federal, state and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and ... advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the US, Canada or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. Neither the author nor the publisher assume any...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

18 382 0