virtual functions and other advanced uses of inheritance

Core J2ME™ Technology & MIDP phần 1 pot

Core J2ME™ Technology & MIDP phần 1 pot

... phones and pagers) A Configuration is closely tied to a Java virtual machine For CDC, the virtual machine is compatible with the virtual machine of the Java Standard Edition The KVM, a virtual ... about the architecture of J2ME and how configurations and profiles make it possible for this micro version of Java to support devices with an exceptionally wide range of capabilities Also included ... implementations of the software, in all its shapes and forms, including CLDC, MIDP and the J2ME Wireless Toolkit To Suze, a most sincere and heartfelt thank you for your patience, love, and support...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

56 787 1
Core J2ME™ Technology & MIDP phần 3 pps

Core J2ME™ Technology & MIDP phần 3 pps

... the commands/buttons cmSnooze = new Command("Snooze", Command.SCREEN, 1); cmReset = new Command("Reset", Command.SCREEN, 1); cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); // Add to form and listen ... Notice the simplicity of the list and the lack of radio buttons and checkboxes I've also removed the "Save" command from the display In a moment, you'll understand why such a command is no longer ... Command("Next", Command.SCREEN, 1); cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); // Create Form, Commands & StringItem, listen for events fmMain = new Form("Preferences"); fmMain.addCommand(cmExit);...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20

56 244 0
the various types of skiing

the various types of skiing

... experienced in the other forms of skiing and has not been skiing for several years In this essay I have informed you on the three major categories of skiing: cross-country, downhill, and freestyle ... equipment, and danger present Overall, skiing has an excellent safety record, and if you follow the steps to learn to ski in the proper order, you too can enjoy the sport as thousands of others ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 18:01

2 362 0
the enterprise java beans

the enterprise java beans

... actions of the client and container are shown in the standard format; callback methods and class instantiation operations are shown as part of the transition event The separation of client and container ... contains state and sequence diagrams for all the bean types discussed in this book: container−managed and bean−managed entity beans, and stateless and stateful session beans Although standard UML ... the first edition of this book The author of this book, Richard Monson−Haefel, is the lead architect of ExOffice's OpenEJB server Table C−2 Open Source EJB Servers Sponsor Name ExOffice Telkel,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2014, 17:14

384 2,9K 0
The roles of the various plasma agents in the inactivation of bacteria

The roles of the various plasma agents in the inactivation of bacteria

... nozzle and the thin ground wire, and x2 is the distance between the thin ground wire and the bacterial samples ͑c͒ and ͑d͒ are the photographs of the plasma plume when it is used for direct and ... oxygen, and nitrogen or its mixtures with a flow rate of a few l/min are injected into the hollow barrel and the HV pulsed dc voltage ͑amplitudes of up to 10 kV, repetition rate of up to 10 khz, and ... close to those 2 of electrons, i.e., in the order of 1013 cm−3 On the other hand, when He/ O2 mixture is used as working gas, besides He+, He+, O+, and electrons, high concentration of negative 2...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2014, 20:36

5 309 0
faraday michael - on the various forces of nature

faraday michael - on the various forces of nature

... transformers, the motors of electric clocks, and dozens of other pieces of electrical equipment Between the ages of forty and fifty he made his famous study of the chemical effects of the electric current ... eighteen hundred millions of miles off; and because there is another planet as far off as three thousand millions of miles, this law of attraction, or gravitation, still and philosophers holds good ... easily dealt with, and run a bradawl through it at one corner A [Fig 3], and Mr Anderson holds that up in his hand before us, and I then take a piece of thread and an ivory ball, and hang that upon...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:40

125 397 0
The Various Kinds Of Prepositions potx

The Various Kinds Of Prepositions potx

... beginning and end of a period of time Ex: from Monday to/till Friday + till / until - in the sense of how long something is going to last Ex: He is on holiday until Friday 11 By - in the sense of at ... of time (past till now) Ex: since 1980 For - over a certain period of time (past till now) Ex: for years Ago - a certain time in the past Ex: years ago Before - earlier than a certain point of ... months / seasons - time of day - year - after a certain period of time Ex: in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour AT - for night - for weekend - a certain point of time (when?) Ex:...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 07:20

7 196 0
Bài tập Java C và bài giải cụ thể

Bài tập Java C và bài giải cụ thể

... c[0]="javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"; c[1]=""; c[2]=""; c[3]="com.stefankrause.xplookandfeel.XPLookAndFeel"; c[4]="com.incors.plaf.alloy.AlloyLookAndFeel"; ... c[0]="javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"; c[1]=""; c[2]=""; c[3]="com.stefankrause.xplookandfeel.XPLookAndFeel"; c[4]="com.incors.plaf.alloy.AlloyLookAndFeel"; ... c[0]="javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"; c[1]=""; c[2]=""; Panel p=new Panel(); f.add(p);...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 10:40

41 2,2K 31
Building Portals with the Java Portlet API

Building Portals with the Java Portlet API

... Avalon, and Excalibur He is a member of the Apache Portals project management committee and committer of the Pluto and the WSRP4J project In paid life, Carsten is the chief architect of the Open ... settings, and other topics, see Chapter This rest of this chapter concentrates on the most commonly used aspects of the request and response objects, including the interplay between portlet actions and ... architectures, and portal solutions and technologies The liaison to Apache started in 2000 when Carsten became committer of the Cocoon project and started to play an important role in designing and developing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:54

418 566 4
Java Script - The Definitive Guide

Java Script - The Definitive Guide

... arrays, and objects, and it means that functions can be passed as arguments to other functions This can quite often be useful We'll learn more about defining and invoking functions, and also ... b; otherwise, it adds to a Instead of thinking of the two possible boolean values as true and false, it is sometimes convenient to think of them as on (true) and off (false) or yes (true) and ... and by Andrew Schulman and Terry Allen of O'Reilly & Associates This book also gains strength from the diversity of editors it has had Paula Ferguson is the editor of this edition and of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 09:57

461 948 3
Thế giới Ebook Java

Thế giới Ebook Java

... thật đối tượng • Cú pháp access_specifier modifier datatype method_name(parameter_list) { //body of method } Ví dụ sử dụng phương thức class Temp { static int x = 10; // variable public static ... Phép chia gán Phép lấy số dư gán Toán tử Bit (Bitwise Operators) ~ & | ^ >> = So sánh So sánh khác Nhỏ Lớn Nhỏ Lớn Toán tử Logic (Logical Operators ) && || ! Logical AND Logical OR Logical unary NOT Toán tử điều kiện (Conditional Operator) • Cú pháp Biểu thức ?...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 16:21

239 628 4
Contributions of Various Noncovalent Bonds to the Interaction between an Amide and S-Containing Molecules

Contributions of Various Noncovalent Bonds to the Interaction between an Amide and S-Containing Molecules

... literature is understandable as it occurs only in tandem mum of the complex between NMA and CH3SH is a product of with other, stronger noncovalent bonds, which would normally a number of contributing ... but the E(2) values of all of them are only around 0.52 kcal mol1 The comparison of the complexes of NMA with CH3SH and CH3SCH3 indicates that the loss of the possibility of an SHãããO H-bond ... Interaction between an Amide and S-Containing Molecules b and c indicates that the benefit of forming CHãããS and SHãããp H-bonds, even weak ones, is worth the stretching and bending of the SHãããO in b The...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:21

7 450 0
The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

... understanding of objects so you can read more advanced and detailed books on the topic with greater purpose Overview of Chapters Chapter is a brief introduction to objects and the benefits of objectoriented ... existing software Chapter gives brief overviews of some of the current software development methodologies for both large and small-scale object-oriented software projects Chapter 10 covers some of the ... large software development group to improve Grammatik and build other reference software products WordPerfect bought Reference Software in 1992, and I went back to teaching at the University of New...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:52

364 500 0
Building Portals with the Java Portlet API - Introduction

Building Portals with the Java Portlet API - Introduction

... to Portals and Portlets This chapter outlines the basic concepts and terms that you will encounter in the book We talk in broad terms about the strengths and weaknesses of portlets, and we give ... detail, and much of the API is examined in depth An example ties many of these concepts together to demonstrate file upload to a portlet Among many other topics, the chapter discusses • Request and ... Default and custom modes • Default and custom window states Chapter 5: Using Servlets and JavaServer Pages with Portlets Chapter demonstrates how to invoke and include content from servlets and JSP...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

6 386 0
Java Script - The Definitive Guide - Preface

Java Script - The Definitive Guide - Preface

... ideas and general outline were quite helpful Norris Boyd and Scott Furman at Netscape also provided useful information for this edition, and Vidur Apparao of Netscape and Scott Issacs of Microsoft ... Yaker of Netscape; Dr Shon Katzenberger, Larry Sullivan, and Dave C Mitchell at Microsoft; and Lynn Rollins of R&B Communications The first edition was reviewed by Neil Berkman of Bay Networks, and ... and by Andrew Schulman and Terry Allen of O'Reilly & Associates This book also gains strength from the diversity of editors it has had Paula Ferguson is the editor of this edition and of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 13:20

4 323 0
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

... Standards Schema Standards Linking and Presentation Standards Knowledge Standards Standards that Build on XML Skim the terms once, so you know what's here, and keep a copy of this document handy ... SAXException thrown by DocumentHandler methods handling of SAXParseException basic handling of improved handling of delivered to ErrorHandler methods external entity summary of entity types referencing ... (3 of 9) [8/22/2001 12:51:38 PM] API Overview DefaultHandler Not shown in the diagram, a DefaultHandler implements the ContentHandler, ErrorHandler, DTDHandler, and EntityResolver...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

494 493 0
Generics in the Java Programming Language

Generics in the Java Programming Language

... and lo Accessing ls, a list of String, through the alias lo, we can insert arbitrary objects into it As a result ls does not hold just Strings anymore, and when we try and get something out of ... element type of c stands for, we cannot add objects to it The add() method takes arguments of type E, the element type of the collection When the actual type parameter is ?, it stands for some ... type T of the destination list, dst So the element type of src can be any subtype of T - we don’t care which The signature of copy expresses the dependency using a type parameter, but uses a...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 18:15

23 476 1
Tài liệu Mastering JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition ppt

Tài liệu Mastering JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition ppt

... JNDI-JDBC Code Advanced JNDI: Combining JNDI with EJB JNDI and EJB Home Objects Other Uses of JNDI Advanced JNDI: Combining JNDI with Java RMI Summary Appendix C Understanding the ... of concepts to learn and understand This book will teach you the concepts and techniques for authoring reusable components in Java, and it will so from the ground up You only need to understand ... basics of writing each type of bean, including extensive examples We’ll see both types of session beans (stateful and stateless), as well as both types of entity beans (bean-managed persistent and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 07:15

738 413 2
Tài liệu Jess The Rule Engine for the Java Platform - Version 7.1p2 docx

Tài liệu Jess The Rule Engine for the Java Platform - Version 7.1p2 docx

... trademark of Sandia National Laboratories Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc in the U.S and other countries Originally published as SAND98-8206 ... Note that if the right hand side of a rule uses a variable defined by matching on the left hand side of that rule, and the variable is defined by one or more branches of an or pattern but not ... "Hello,\nThere" 3.4 Lists Another fundamental unit of syntax in Jess is the list A list always consists of an enclosing set of parentheses and zero or more symbols, numbers, strings, or other lists The following...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15

204 468 1
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx

... understanding of objects so you can read more advanced and detailed books on the topic with greater purpose Overview of Chapters Chapter is a brief introduction to objects and the benefits of objectoriented ... existing software Chapter gives brief overviews of some of the current software development methodologies for both large and small-scale object-oriented software projects Chapter 10 covers some of the ... large software development group to improve Grammatik and build other reference software products WordPerfect bought Reference Software in 1992, and I went back to teaching at the University of New...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

364 442 0