DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201200412Contributions ofVariousNoncovalentBondsto theInteraction betweenanAmideandS-Containing MoleculesUpendra Adhikari and Steve Scheiner*[a]1. IntroductionBecause of its prevalence in proteins, the peptide linkage hasbeen studied extensively, and there is a great deal of informa-tion available about its proclivity toward planarity, its flexibility,and its electronic structure. The peptide group involves itselfin a multitude of H-bonds within proteins, which are largely re-sponsible for a great deal of secondary structure, as in a heli-ces and b sheets. For this reason, a large amount of effort hasbeen expended in elucidating details about the ability of boththe NH and C=O groups ofthe peptide to engage in H-bonds,not only with other peptide groups but also with some of themore widely occurring amino acid side chains.Whereas many ofthe polar side chains, for example, Ser, Lys,and His, would of course form H-bonds with the proton-donat-ing and -accepting sites ofthe ÀCONHÀ peptide group, the sit-uation is less clear for those containing sulfur. The SH group ofCys certainly offers the possibility ofan SH···O or SH··N H-bond,but SH is not known as a strong proton donor.[1–3]In the caseof Met, with no SH the only H-bonding opportunity would uti-lize S as proton acceptor, in the capacity of which this atom isagain not very potent. Another option might utilize a CH unitas a proton donor, which previous work has suggested canprovide a fairly strong H-bond under certain circumstances[4–12]including protein models.[13–15]This CH might arise from theCaH element ofthe protein skeleton[16–18]or from the alkylchains that are part oftheS-containing residues.There are options for attractive contacts other than H-bond-ing. As an example, there have been numerous observationsof pairs of carbonyl groups[19]wherein the two groups are ori-ented either perpendicular or parallel to one another, a patternthat was originally attributed to dipolar interactions.[20–22]Thisidea was further elaborated, invoking the concept of anisotro-py ofthe electrostatic field around the O atom.[23,24]Otherwork[25–27]suggested that the transfer of charge from an O lonepair to a CO p* antibonding orbital was a major contributor aswell.Molecules containing sulfur are also capable of interactionsother than H-bonds. Early analyses of crystal structures[28]re-vealed a tendency of nucleophiles to approach S along an ex-tension of one of its covalent bonds, a pattern that won someinitial support from calculations.[29]Subsequent crystal data-base analyses[30, 31]confirmed this geometric preference withinthe context of both proteins and smaller molecules. Othergroups[32–35]attributed the attraction, at least in part, to chargetransfer from the nucleophilic atom’s lone pair tothe anti-bonding orbital ofthe CÀS bond, although induction and dis-persion can be important as well.[36]Recent research in this lab-oratory[37–41]has amplified and generalized the concept ofcharge transfer from the lone pair ofan atom on one moleculeto a s* antibonding orbital on its partner, to a range of atomsthat include P and Cl. The S atom too has been shown to bea prime candidate for accepting this charge into an SÀX anti-bond to form surprisingly strong noncovalent bonds.[42–45]Therange of possibilities for interactions with anamide groupcould thus be expanded to include a noncovalent bond be-tween S andthe O or N atoms ofthe amide.The principal purpose of this article is an exploration of thefull variety of different kinds of interactions that may occur be-tween the peptide linkage of a protein and S-containingamino acid residues, andto sort out which noncovalent bondsmight predominate. The N-methylacetamide (NMA) moleculein its trans geometry, which brackets anamide by a pair ofC atoms as would occur along the protein backbone, is takenN-Methylacetamide, a model ofthe peptide unit in proteins, isallowed to interact with CH3SH, CH3SCH3, and CH3SSCH3asmodels ofS-containing amino acid residues. All ofthe minimaare located on the ab initio potential energy surface of eachheterodimer. Analysis ofthe forces holding each complex to-gether identifies a variety of different attractive forces, includ-ing SH···O, NH···S, CH···O, CH···S, SH···p, and CH···p H-bonds.Other contributing noncovalentbonds involve charge transferinto s* and p* antibonds. Whereas some ofthe H-bonds arestrong enough that they represent the sole attractive force inseveral dimers, albeit not usually in the global minimum,charge-transfer-type noncovalentbonds play only a supportingrole. The majority of dimers are bound by a collection of sever-al of these attractive interactions. The SH···O and NH···S H-bonds are of comparable strength, followed by CH···O andCH···S.[a] U. Adhikari, Prof. S. ScheinerDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryUtah State UniversityLogan, UT 84322-0300 (USA)Fax: (+ 1) 435-797-3390E-mail: steve.scheiner@usu.eduSupporting information for this article is available on the WWW under 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim3535
as a model ofthe peptide unit. CH3SH is used to represent theCys side chain, and CH3SCH3is a prototype of Met. The disul-fide bond that frequently connects Cys side chains is modeledby CH3SSCH3. For each pair of molecules, the potential energysurface is thoroughly searched for all minima. Comparisons ofthe energetics ofthevarious structures provide informationabout the relative strength of each sort ofinteraction con-tained therein. The analysis also brings to light some new non-covalent bonds that have not been previously reported.Computational MethodsAb initio calculations were carried out with the Gaussian 09 pack-age.[46]Geometries were optimized at the ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level, which has been shown to be of high accuracy, espe-cially for weak intermolecular interactions ofthe type of interesthere,[35,47–52]where the data are in close accord with CCSD(T) valueswith larger basis sets[38,53,54]and in excellent agreement with exper-imental energetics.[55]Binding energies were computed as the dif-ference in energy betweenthe dimer andthe sum ofthe opti-mized energies ofthe isolated monomers, corrected for basis setsuperposition error by the counterpoise procedure.[56]For purposesof identifying all stabilizing interactions within each dimer, and es-timating the strength of each, natural bond orbital (NBO) analy-sis[57,58]was carried out through the procedures contained withinGaussian.2. ResultsEach ofthe three S-containingmolecules was paired withNMA, andthe potential energy surface was thoroughlysearched to identify all minima.CH3SHPerhaps emblematic of this entire problem, the global mini-mum ofthe complex between NMA and CH3SH is a product ofa number of contributing noncovalent bonds, none of which isdominant by any means. This structure, 1a (Figure 1), hasa total binding energy of 4.60 kcal molÀ1. Based upon the NBOsecond-order perturbation energy E(2) values reported inTable 1, a CH···O H-bond makes the strongest contribution,which arises in part from aninteraction with the O lone pairs(CH···O) in Table 1 of 1.53 kcal molÀ1, combined with 1.11 kcalmolÀ1from electron donation by the CO p-bonding orbital.This fairly strong interaction is consistent with the closeR(H···O) contact of 2.31 , shorter than a typical CH···O H-bond,particularly one involving a methyl group. Also contributing tothe binding energy is a CH···S H-bond, with an E(2) value of1.06 kcalmolÀ1, even though the H and S atoms are separatedby 3.02 . The last component with an E(2) above the 0.5 kcalmolÀ1threshold is one involving electron donation from theS lone pairs tothe CO p* antibonding orbital, with S separatedfrom the pertinent O atom by 3.39 , andan even closerR(S···C) contact of 3.30 . This latter interaction is rather unusu-al, and one that is not commonly observed. Its absence fromthe literature is understandable as it occurs only in tandemwith other, stronger noncovalent bonds, which would normallymask its presence.An SH···O H-bond makes an appearance in thesecond most stable minimum, 1b, which is bound by4.27 kcalmolÀ1. This H-bond arises from two ele-ments. Electron donation tothe s*(SH) orbital fromthe O lone pairs amounts to 2.77 kcalmolÀ1, whichaccounts for the normal SH···O H-bond. This H-bondis fairly long, with R(H···O) =2.23 , and is furtherweakened by its 398 deviation from linearity. This at-traction is complemented by a value of E(2) of1.84 kcalmolÀ1for the density extracted from the COp orbital, surprisingly strong for what amounts to anSH···p H-bond. This complex also contains a secondaryCH···S H-bond, which allows the S atom to serve asboth proton donor and acceptor. An SH···O H-bonddominates the next minimum on the surface, slightlyless stable than its predecessor. In fact, there are nodiscernible secondary interactions in 1c, and E(2) forthis H-bond is 10.2 kcal molÀ1, facilitated in part bya very nearly linear q(SH···O) of 1778. Comparison ofFigure 1. Optimized geometries ofvarious minima on the potential energy surface of theCH3SH/NMA heterodimer. Large blue numbers represent binding energies, in kcal molÀ1.Distances in and angles in degrees.Table 1. Total interaction energy DE and NBO second-order perturbationenergy E(2) of its primary component interactions in complexes of NMAwith CH3SH. Energies in kcalmolÀ1.Structure ÀDE Interaction E(2) Interaction E(2)1a 4.60 CH···O 1.53 CH···S 1.06CH···pCO 1.11 p*CO···S 0.701b 4.27 SH···O 2.77 CH···S 1.42SH···pCO 1.841c 4.12 SH···O 10.191d 4.06 CH···O 1.04 CH···pCO 0.56p*CO···S 0.99 SH···pCO 0.50CH···S 0.761e 4.03 CH···pCO 2.11 HS···N 0.55CH···O 0.711h 3.95 NH···S 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541U. Adhikari and S. Scheiner
1b and 1c indicates that the benefit of formingCH···S and SH···p H-bonds, even weak ones, is worththe stretching and bending ofthe SH···O in 1b.The next minimum on the surface, bound by4.06 kcalmolÀ1, is reminiscent ofthe global minimumin terms of its constituent stabilizing forces. It toocontains CH···O and CH···S H-bonds, and a repeat ofcharge transfer from the S lone pairs tothe CO p*or-bital. It also contains a very weak SH···p H-bond.Structure 1e is unique from the others. Bound by4.03 kcalmolÀ1, its strongest component arises froma CH H-bond totheamide O atom, with both theO lone pairs andthe CO p orbital donating charge.But 1e also contains a contribution whereby chargeis transferred from the N lone pair into the s* anti-bonding orbital ofthe SH bond. This transfer is facili-tated by the overlap ofthe N lone pair with the lobeof the s* orbital proximate tothe S atom, not theusual H as in an H-bond. This overlap is facilitated bythe rotation ofthe SÀH bond some 1688 away fromthe N atom. Nonetheless, the latter HS···N noncova-lent bond contributes only 0.55 kcal molÀ1, much smaller thanthe combined E(2) of 2.82 kcal molÀ1for the CH···O H-bond, sodoes not dominate by any means.There were six other minima identified on the surface of theNMA/CH3SH heterodimer, with binding energies varying from3.99 down to 3.38 kcal molÀ1. (These structures are displayedgraphically in Figure S1 ofthe Supporting Information.) Thecontributing interactions are largely repeats of those incorpo-rated into the more stable minima, albeit weaker versions. Theonly new interaction is the NH···S H-bond in 1h, which is theonly contributor tothe dimer in which it occurs. Anotherweakly bound minimum is of interest as it contains a CH···O H-bond as its sole contributor. Comparison of these two com-plexes with 1c leads toan estimation ofthe SH···O, NH···S, andCH···O H-bond energies of 4.12, 3.95, and 3.52 kcal molÀ1, re-spectively.CH3SCH3Replacement ofthe H atom of CH3SH by a second methylgroup eliminates the possibility ofan SH···O H-bond, which isprobably the strongest single noncovalent bond, present inseveral ofthe lower-energy minima of its complex with NMA.As illustrated in Figure 2, the global minimum ofthe NMA/CH3SCH3heterodimer is stabilized by a single interaction, anNH···S H-bond, with E(2) = 12.34 kcal molÀ1. This NH···S H-bondis stronger than the same interaction in CH3SH, 4.93 versus3.95 kcalmolÀ1, and R(H···S) equal to 2.455 as compared to2.534 . This enhanced H-bond is most likely due tothe effectof the second methyl group bound to S.Only slightly higher in energy is structure 2b, which containsa number of different interactions, listed in Table 2. One ofthem involves charge transfer from S lone pairs tothe CO p*antibonding orbital. The O atom serves as proton acceptor fortwo methyl CH groups, both less than 2.5 in length. Thesesame H-bonds are both supplemented by charge transfer fromthe CO p orbital, so can be termed CH···p.Charge transfer from the N lone pair of NMA toan SC s* an-tibonding orbital is observed in the third minimum 2c, higherin energy than 2a by 0.7 kcal molÀ1. The R(N···S) distance is3.28 , and q(CS···N) within 48 of linearity, both of which assistthe formation of this bond. However, a CH···O H-bond may bemore important, with an E(2) of 1.81 kcal molÀ1, as comparedto 0.75 kcalmolÀ1for the CS···N bond. (Structure 2d is verysimilar to 2c, so is relegated tothe Supporting InformationFigure S2.) A bond of similar CS···N type is contained withinthe next minimum 2e as well. However, its smaller E(2) of0.57 kcalmolÀ1is overshadowed by both NH···S and CH···S H-bonds. Somewhat higher in energy is configuration 2f withonly one primary source of stability, a CH···O H-bond, buta short and strong one, with R(H···O) =2.28 and E(2) =4.41 kcalmolÀ1. The binding energy of this pure CH···O H-bondof 3.46 kcal molÀ1is understandably quite similar tothe valueof 3.52 kcal molÀ1for this same interaction with CH3SH.The next two minima (pictured in Figure S2) are also stabi-lized by CH···O H-bonds, followed by a weaker complex, witha stabilization energy of 1.91 kcal molÀ1, which containsFigure 2. Optimized geometries ofvarious minima on the potential energy surface of theCH3SCH3/NMA heterodimer. Large blue numbers represent binding energies, in kcalmolÀ1.Distances in and angles in degrees.Table 2. Total interaction energy DE and NBO second-order perturbationenergy E(2) of its primary component interactions in complexes of NMAwith CH3SCH3. Energies in kcalmolÀ1.Structure ÀDE Interaction E(2) Interaction E(2)2a 4.93 NH···S 12.342b 4.88 p*CO···S 1.40 CHa···pCO 0.81CHa···O 1.24 CHb···pCO 0.61CHb···O 0.902c 4.22 CH···pCO 1.81 CS···N 0.752e 4.10 NH···S 2.53 CS···N 0.57CH···S 0.812f 3.46 CH···O 4.41ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheimwww.chemphyschem.org3537Interaction betweenanAmideandS-Containing Molecules
a number of different noncovalent interactions, but the E(2)values of all of them are only around 0.52 kcal molÀ1.The comparison ofthe complexes of NMA with CH3SH andCH3SCH3indicates that the loss ofthe possibility ofan SH···OH-bond in the latter case does not necessarily result ina weaker complex. On the contrary, the NH···S H-bond thatoccurs in 2a makes for a stronger interaction than any involv-ing CH3SH. The structure that contains an NH···S H-bond forNMA/CH3SH is somewhat weaker, and represents only theeighth most stable complex on its potential energy surface. Itwould appear that the second methyl group makes S a stron-ger proton acceptor, such that the NH···S H-bond is the pre-dominant factor in the global minimum of NMA/CH3SCH3.CH3SSCH3Like CH3SCH3,CH3SSCH3too cannot form an SH···O H-bond.However, unlike CH3SCH3, an NH···S H-bond is not involved inthe global minimum of NMA/CH3SSCH3. The presence ofa second S atom adjacent tothe first weakens S as proton ac-ceptor, such that an NH···S H-bond appears for the first timeonly in the eighth minimum in its surface. In the only geome-try in which NH···S acts as the sole binding agent, its H-bondenergy is 4.40 kcal molÀ1, intermediate betweenthe CH3SH andCH3SCH3cases.The global minimum in the CH3SSCH3/NMA heterodimer ischaracterized by the multiple stabilizing interactionsindicated in Table 3. As illustrated in Figure 3 struc-ture 3a, there is a CH···O/p H-bond, in which elec-trons are donated not only by the O lone pairs(1.22 kcal molÀ1) but also even more so by the COp bond (2.75 kcal molÀ1). A methyl group on the NMAengages in a CH···O H-bond with S, and there is an-other contribution involving charge transfer from theS lone pairs tothe CO p* antibonding orbital. Alto-gether, these interactions add up to a total stabiliza-tion energy of more than 5 kcal molÀ1, the largest ofany ofthe complexes considered herein. There is an-other minimum, 3b, almost a mirror image of thefirst, that contains very similar interactions, anda binding energy only 0.1 kcal molÀ1smaller.The next minimum 3c also contains CH···O andCH···S H-bonds, as well as p*CO···S. What is new here,however, is a pair of interactions that involve chargetransfer into the SS s* antibonding orbital. Somedensity is extracted from the CO p bond, but somealso from the CO p* antibond. As is true for mostNBO virtual orbitals, the p* CO is partially occupied.Nonetheless, its willingness to part with a portion ofits small occupation tothe benefit ofthe SS s* orbi-tal is unexpected. Indeed, both the p and p* orbitalscontribute the same amount of 0.79 kcal molÀ1to theoverall stability of this complex. It is these twocharge-transfer interactions that compensate for theweaker CH···O and CH···S H-bonds, thus impartinga stabilization energy of 4.90 kcal molÀ1to this struc-ture. Indeed, CH···O and CH···S H-bonds occur inTable 3. Total interaction energy DE and NBO second-order perturbationenergy E(2) of its primary component interactions in complexes of NMAwith CH3SSCH3. Energies in kcalmolÀ1.Structure ÀDE Interaction E(2) Interaction E(2)3a 5.07 CH···pCO 2.75 CH···O 1.22CH···S 2.35 p*CO···S 0.763c 4.90 CH···O 1.49 SS···pCO 0.79p*CO···S 1.00 SS···p*CO 0.79CH···S 0.98 CH···pCO 0.673d 4.73 CH···S 2.82 CHa···pCO 0.86CHa···O 2.19 CHb···O 0.62CHb···pCO 1.673e 4.57 CH···S 1.86 CHb···O 0.96CHb···pCO 1.27 CHa···pCO 0.80CHa···O 1.87 p*CO···S 0.553f 4.52 CH···S 3.59 CH···pCO 2.26CH···O 3.443g 4.50 CHa···O 3.80 CHb···pCO 2.56CH···S 3.59 CHb···O 0.603h 4.48 NH···S 3.98 CH···S 0.733i 4.40 NH···S 8.733j 4.39 p*CO···S 1.05 SS···p*CO 0.77CH···O 1.05 SS···pCO 0.62CH···S 0.91 CH···pCO 0.613l 4.34 NH···S 7.37 CS···N 0.653m 4.21 CH···pCO 2.17 CH···O 0.70SS···N 1.08 SS···p*CO 0.613n 4.13 NH···S 6.49 CS···N 0.55COp*···S 0.57Figure 3. Optimized geometries ofvarious minima on the potential energy surface of theCH3SSCH3/NMA heterodimer. Large blue numbers represent binding energies, in kcalmolÀ1.Distances in and angles in 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541U. Adhikari and S. Scheiner
pretty much all ofthe minima of this pair of molecules, wheth-er charge is extracted from just the proton-acceptor lone pairsor from the CO p bond as well.An NH···S H-bond makes its first appearance in the complex3h with a binding energy of 4.48 kcalmolÀ1, 0.6 kcal molÀ1lessthan that ofthe global minimum. It is supplemented bya CH···S H-bond in that structure, but is fully responsible forthe binding of 4.40 kcalmolÀ1of the next minimum 3i. Thenext minimum 3j repeats some ofthe prior interactions, in-cluding the donation from both the CO p and p* orbitals intos*(SS).A new interaction arises in structure 3l, one in which chargeis transferred from the N lone pair into a s*(CS) antibondingorbital. But despite the q(N···SC) angle of 1708, E(2) is only0.65 kcalmolÀ1for this bond, far less than the 7.37 kcal molÀ1arising from the NH···S H-bond. Rather than the CS antibond,the SS s* orbital is the recipient of charge in the next mini-mum 3m, this time extracted from both the N lone pair andthe CO p* orbital. An Nlp!s*(CS) transfer occurs in the nextminimum as well, this time supplemented by a much strongerNH···S H-bond. The remaining minima in the potential energysurface of this heterodimer (see Figure S3, Supporting Informa-tion) all contain some combination of NH···S, CH···N, CH···O,and CH··S H-bonds. The binding energies of these last fewminima vary from 4.1 down to 2.1 kcalmolÀ1.With particular respect to CH···O H-bonds, the geometrywith this as its sole contributor leads toan estimate of CH···OH-bond energy of 3.74 kcal molÀ1, slightly greater than thosefor CH3SH and CH3SCH3. The S–S linkage may thus be consid-ered to slightly strengthen the proton-donating ability ofa neighboring methyl group. But in no case is a CH···O H-bondstrong enough to dominate the global minimum of any ofthese dimers.3. DiscussionThe CH3SH/NMA heterodimer has available to it a number ofspecific interactions in which it might engage. In terms of H-bonds, the SH group can serve as a potent proton donor, andS can offer a proton-accepting site. The methyl hydrogenatoms of CH3SH are activated to some extent by the neighbor-ing electronegative S atom. The same can be said of themethyl groups of NMA, which are both adjacent tothe elec-tron-withdrawing amide group. Andof course the NH groupof NMA represents a likely proton source. The carbonyl O atomis a prime proton acceptor, as is the N atom. One usuallythinks ofthe lone pairs of O as the source of charge transfer,but the CÀO p bond offers an alternative, given its concentra-tion of density. The structures ofthevarious minima, and theirrelative energies, allow a detailed comparison ofthe competi-tive strengths of each type of interaction, andan identificationof any that might dominate.The stability ofthe global minimum ofthe CH3SH/NMAheterodimer rests not on one, but on several of these ele-ments. The strongest component is an H-bond involvinga methyl CH of CH3SH. The O lone pairs act as proton acceptorfrom the methyl group, as does the CO p bond. This CH···O in-teraction is supplemented by a CH···S H-bond, in this case in-volving a methyl group on the NMA. The fourth, and apparent-ly weakest, interaction is not an H-bond at all. It involvesa charge transfer from the S lone pairs, not to a CH group, butrather tothe p* antibonding orbital ofthe CÀO bond. Thenext minimum also incorporates a CH···S H-bond, but substi-tutes thevarious other interactions ofthe global minimum foran SH···O H-bond, sacrificing 0.3 kcal molÀ1in the exchange. Bylosing the CH···S interaction, the third minimum is able tobuild a shorter and more linear SH···O H-bond, forgoing anyother noncovalent bonds, but in so doing rises in energy by0.15 kcalmolÀ1. One may conclude therefore that an SH···O H-bond is not sufficiently strong, even if fully linear, that it canoverride those structures containing a number of differentnoncovalent bonds, even if each ofthe latter is individuallyweaker than a linear SH···O bond.The fourth minimum combines a large number ofthe vari-ous possible interactions. In addition to both CH··O and CH··SH-bonds, there are also CH···p and SH···p H-bonds whereinboth protons extract density from the CO p bond, all com-bined with an Slp!p*(CO) charge transfer. It is not until thefifth minimum, 0.6 kcalmolÀ1less stable than the global struc-ture, that one sees for the first time the charge transfer froma N lone pair to a s*(SH) antibonding orbital. And even in thiscase, the strength oftheinteraction is overshadowed bya CH···O/CH···p H-bond, so cannot be considered the primarystabilizing force.It is only for the higher-energy minima that complexes char-acterized by a single stabilizing noncovalent bond becomemore prevalent. These isolated elements include an SH···O,NH···S, and CH···O H-bond. In summary, structures characterizedby a combination of stabilizing forces are generally morestable than those containing a single element, even when thelatter is able to attain its most stable geometry. If one were toconsider only those structures with a single stabilizing force,then an order of diminishing strength can be obtained:SH···O >NH···S >CH···O.The pattern changes when the H ofthe SH group is re-placed by a second methyl group in CH3SCH3. The enhance-ment ofthe S atom’s proton-accepting ability strengthens theNH···S H-bond tothe point where it is the sole contributor tothe global minimum in the CH3SCH3/NMA heterodimer, witha binding energy of nearly 5 kcal molÀ1. The structures ofhigher energy rely on multiple noncovalent bonds, whichagain include combinations of CH···O, CH···p, CH···S, and Slp!p*(CO). Charge transfer from the N lone pair to a CS s* anti-bonding orbital contributes to several of these lower-lyingminima, albeit not as much as the foregoing H-bonds thatoccur in combination with it. Other than the NH···S H-bond oc-curring in the global minimum, the CH···O H-bond is the onlyother that occurs on its own in any ofthe structures, thus al-lowing an assessment of this H-bond energy of 3.3–3.5 kcalmolÀ1in this system.When a second S atom is added tothe monomer, as inCH3SSCH3, most ofthe minima, and certainly those of lowestenergy, rely on multiple stabilizing interactions. The globalminimum contains CH···p, CH···O, and CH···S as well as an Slp!ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheimwww.chemphyschem.org3539Interaction betweenanAmideandS-Containing Molecules
p*(CO) interaction, as do many ofthe other structures. Anotherminimum, 0.2 kcalmolÀ1higher than the first, adds anotherpair of charge transfers, both into the SS s* antibonding orbi-tal. Some ofthe charge is extracted from the CO p bond, buta roughly equal amount comes from the CO p* orbital, whichis not completely vacant in the NMA monomer.It is only for higher-energy structures that single interactionsarise. The NH···S H-bond in structure 3i amounts to 4.40 kcalmolÀ1, just slightly less than the same interaction in whichCH3SCH3acts as proton acceptor. Minima containing onlya CH···O H-bond lead toan estimate of its binding energy of3.6–3.7 kcal molÀ1, slightly higher than in the CH3SCH3/NMAheterodimer. Transfer into the CS s* antibond from the N lonepair does not occur until structure 3l, and is overshadowed bythe much stronger NH···S H-bond.Numerical values ofthe H-bond energies are displayed inTable 4 for each oftheS-containing molecules, derived fromthose structures in which that H-bond is the only stabilizingforce. While SH···O is the strongest H-bond in which CH3SH en-gages with NMA, it is only slightly stronger than NH···S. Indeed,the latter H-bond is strengthened in CH3SCH3and CH3SSCH3,thus invalidating any general statement about the relativestrengths of SH···O and NH···S. On the other hand, it would befair to claim that the CH···O H-bond is weaker than either ofthe other two. Note, however, that even here one cannotignore an H-bond energy of nearly 4 kcalmolÀ1, only slightlyweaker than that in the water dimer. In contrast to CH···O,there are no values reported in Table 4 for the energies ofCH···S H-bonds. This absence is due tothe fact that althoughthe latter sort ofinteraction does occur in a number of mini-mum-energy structures, it is not strong enough to representthe sole binding force in any. Likewise for the interactions in-volving charge transfers into the SÀHorSÀC antibonds.With regard to some ofthe non-H-bonding sorts of nonco-valent bonds, the binding energy for a CS···N bond was calcu-lated earlier[44]to be 0.7 kcal molÀ1when CH3SH was combinedwith NH3; the corresponding HS···N bond is slightly weaker,0.5 kcalmolÀ1.[42]Given the lesser ability oftheamide N lonepair to donate electrons, one would expect the noncovalentCS···N and HS···N bonds in the complexes pairing NMA withCH3SH and CH3SCH3to be even weaker. It is for this reasonthat these noncovalent interactions are not primary factors inany ofthe complexes in which they occur. The insertion ofa second S atom into CH3SCH3might be expected to strength-en the potential SS···N interaction by a small amount. Butnonetheless, this bond remains weaker than other possible in-teractions, not making an appearance until structure 3m, andeven then it is eclipsed by a stronger CH···pCO H-bond. In fact,it would appear that the CO p bond serves as a superiorsource of electrons totheamide N lone pair, as the formeryields higher values of E(2) and SS···p(CO) bonds occur in morestable minima than does SS···N.There has been one previous computational study of com-plexes of NMA with S-containing systems of these sorts.Iwaoka et al.[30,31]first paired NMA with CH3SCH3, and identifiedonly two minima, in contrast to our own finding of ten distinctminima. Their global minimum C is stabilized by 2.9 kcal molÀ1,while our most stable minimum has a binding energy of nearlytwice that value. Their structure C appeared to be similar toour dimer 2c in that it contained both a CH···O and CS···N pairof stabilizing interactions. Their secondary minimum D is simi-lar to our own global minimum 2a, containing an NH···S H-bond.The same research group also considered[30,31]the NMA/CH3SSCH3heterodimer, again identifying only two minima ona surface that our calculations indicate contains 21 suchminima. Their global minimum appears to correspond mostclosely to our own geometry 3c, the third most stable struc-ture. Our binding energy for 3c is 4.9 kcal molÀ1, higher by1.7 kcalmolÀ1than their global minimum. The only other mini-mum identified by Iwaoka et al. is rather similar to their globalminimum, also seeming to contain a CH···O and SS···O pair ofinteractions. It would appear then that their superficial exami-nation ofthe surface led them to ignore structures that areconsiderably more stable, bound by other interactions includ-ing CH···p, CH···S, p*(CO)···S, SS···p, and NH···S noncovalentbonds.Some ofthe discrepancies may be due to their use[30,31]ofa 6-31G* basis set, much smaller and less flexible than theaug-cc-pVDZ set used herein. There was apparently no attemptmade to thoroughly search the potential energy surface for allminima, thus leaving the researchers with a suboptimal set.Also of note, their determination ofthe contributing factors inthe stability of each structure was based primarily on geomet-ric criteria, without a systematic evaluation of charge-transferenergies.A statistical analysis of protein crystal structures[30,31]hadsuggested a propensity ofthe S atom to lie above the amideplane when interacting with theamide O atom. This trend isconfirmed by our calculations. For example, in the complexeswith CH3SCH3, the f(NCO···S) dihedral angle in 2b is 918, and768 in 2i. Structures involving CH3SSCH3had a similar tenden-cy: the dihedral angle ranges from 688 in 3a to 958 in 3b.Thisplacement ofthe S atom is consistent with the concept oftransfer from the CO p bond, which is a common feature ofthese O···S interactions.It is worthwhile to consider how the results presentedherein might be altered if the model systems were enlarged tomore accurately represent the actual protein segments. TheCH3SH and CH3SCH3models of Cys and Met, respectively,would probably not change much if their methyl groups werereplaced by longer alkyl chains. Nor would one expect anychanges in the CH3SSCH3model of a disulfide linkage to affectthe results by a significant amount. The replacement of NMATable 4. H-bond energies [kcal molÀ1] ofS-containingmolecules coupledwith NMA.SH···O NH···S CH···OCH3SH 4.12 3.95 3.52CH3SCH3– 4.93 3.46CH3SSCH3– 4.40 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3535 – 3541U. Adhikari and S. Scheiner
by a longer protein skeleton would probably have little influ-ence upon the CONH amide segment. On the other hand,the CH groups ofthe NMA would be surrounded on bothsides by peptide groups, which would most likely make themsomewhat stronger proton donors. One might therefore antici-pate some small strengthening ofthe CHãããS H-bonds, whichoccur in structures 1b, 2b, and 3a, to name just a few.4. ConclusionsThere is no single type ofnoncovalent bond that dominatesthe interactions of a peptide group with S-containing proteinresidues. Most ofthe minima are characterized by the pres-ence of multiple stabilizing interactions, all contributing to thetotal binding. In addition to H-bonds ofthe SHãããO, NHãããS,CHãããO, and CHãããS-types there are also SHãããp and CHãããp interac-tions where p bonds act as electron donors. 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. 10.1002/cphc.20120041 2Contributions of Various Noncovalent Bonds to theInteraction between an Amide and S-Containing MoleculesUpendra Adhikari and Steve Scheiner*[a]1.. partner, to a range of atomsthat include P and Cl. The S atom too has been shown to bea prime candidate for accepting this charge into an SÀX anti-bond to form