vietnamese comparison of syntactic features of idioms denoting fear

a contrastive analysis of idioms denoting fear in english and vietnamese = phân tích đối chiếu các thành ngữ chỉ nỗi sợ hãi trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

a contrastive analysis of idioms denoting fear in english and vietnamese = phân tích đối chiếu các thành ngữ chỉ nỗi sợ hãi trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... Chapter 2: Syntactic features of English idioms denoting Fear in comparison with Vietnamese counterparts 20 2.1 Structural features of English idioms denoting emotion Fear 2.1.1 English idioms denoting ... semantic features of English idioms of fear and its comparison with Vietnamese ones The same step to chapter is chapter in which syntactic features of English idioms of fear and its comparison with Vietnamese ... English idioms denoting fear have fixed patterns 27 2.1.4 English idioms denoting fear have odd patterns 27 2.2 An English -Vietnamese comparison of syntactic features of idioms denoting 27 fear 2.2.1...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

52 1,5K 4
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

... and Vietnamese Idioms There are many What are the syntactic features of idioms denoting work in dictionaries, books about idioms such as English and Vietnamese? What are the semantic features of ... ways of learning and teaching English idioms denoting work FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS DENOTING WORK 4.1.1 Syntactical Glimpse at English and Vietnamese ... Symmetry 4.2.2 Semantics Fields of English and Vietnamese Idioms Vietnamese Idioms Denoting Work English and Vietnamese Idioms Denoting Work Denoting Work English Vietnamese Number Percent Number...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,9K 4
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting speed in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting speed in english and vietnamese

... semantic features of idioms denoting speed in English and Vietnamese? What are the similarities and differences between English idioms denoting speed and Vietnamese idioms denoting speed in terms of ... and Vietnamese idioms denoting speed in terms of structures and the distribution of these structures in the scope of 180 English idioms and 180 Vietnamese ones Table 4.7 Statistical Summary of Syntactic ... need to study some syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting speed in English and Vietnamese in the hope that the result of this study can help Vietnamese Learners of English improve...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 813 3
A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

... Borrowed idioms Verb Phrase In Vietnamese idioms denoting family, there are many idioms 14 To be + Noun have Chinese origins EIsDF have no these idioms The syntactic features of idioms denoting ... cultural features of idioms denoting the family in English versus - describe syntactic, semantic and cultural features of English Vietnamese, the study will be able to provide Vietnamese learners of ... Vietnamese learners of English in learning the idioms in all skills 1.2.2 Objectives of the study idioms denoting family? What are the semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting family?...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:28

13 1,8K 6
A contrastive analysis of idioms denoting humans with dispraising implications in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of idioms denoting humans with dispraising implications in english and vietnamese

... through the study of IDHDI described and analyzed idioms semantically and syntactically and 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY also mentioned the origins of a number of Vietnamese idioms, which Chapter ... standard form idioms Mai Ng c Ch et al [49] states that idioms are divided into of idioms is not rigid, but it is very flexible in daily use.” idioms of comparison Hoang Van Hanh [54] divides idioms ... kinds: idioms of symmetry, idioms of comparison and “Anomalous”, “irregular” and “unusual” are the phrases ordinary idioms which are normally used by researchers to describe idioms 2.2.5 Overview of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

14 1,9K 4
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp ngoại ngữ vietnamese translation of idioms in love story by erich segal

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp ngoại ngữ vietnamese translation of idioms in love story by erich segal

... Definition of idioms 16 Types of idioms 16 Sources of idioms 18 Specific characteristics of idiomatic meanings 19 The difficulties in the translation of Idioms ... the meaning remained the same 15 Idioms Definitions of Idioms One of the most important aspects of English is idioms They are frequently used in a wide variety of situations, from friendly conversations ... It consists of Background of the Study, Objective of the study, Scope of the Study, Significance of the Study, and Thesis Organization  Part II is Development This part consists of three small...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2016, 12:58

54 987 0
A study on english idioms denoting fear with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on english idioms denoting fear with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... Brief description of the semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting fear of human feelings English Semantic Features Vietnamese Semantic Features - The nature of fear is cold and ... finding out cultural features of English idioms denoting fear and their Vietnamese equivalents - Analyzing and finding out semantic features of English idioms denoting fear and their Vietnamese equivalents ... Semantic features of English idioms denoting Fear with reference to Vietnamese equivalents 33 Table 4.1: Brief description of the semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:24

93 812 7
A study of semantic and syntactic features of idioms relating to fruits in english and vietnamese

A study of semantic and syntactic features of idioms relating to fruits in english and vietnamese

... and syntactic features of English and Vietnamese IsRTFs - Compare semantic and syntactic features of these IsRTFs in English and Vietnamese - Find out the cultural features of these IsRTFs - Offer ... 4.5: Frequency of Semantic and Syntactic Features of IsRTFs Expressing Success/Failure in English and Vietnamese ENGLISH amount of English idioms (N= # 3.6%) of the semantic field of VIETNAMESE honesty/ ... figurative meanings of idioms which enable - Study semantic and syntactic features of proverbs relating to fruits in English and Vietnamese - Study pragmatic features of idioms relating to fruits...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 1,3K 8
A study on structural and semantic features of english idioms denoting anger with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on structural and semantic features of english idioms denoting anger with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: English and Vietnamese idioms denoting “anger” in terms of structural features 32 Table 2 .Comparison of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting “anger” in terms of semantic ... order of component parts of Vietnamese idioms of anger idioms is rather high, whereas that of English is fixed 4.2 Semantic features of English idioms denoting “anger”with reference to the Vietnamese ... overview of the previous researches related to the thesis topic and covers a series of idiomrelated concepts such as: definitions of idioms, features of English idioms, types of English idioms, idioms...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:18

82 1,1K 6
A study on semantic and syntactic features of words and phrases in quotation marks in english and vietnamese economic magazines

A study on semantic and syntactic features of words and phrases in quotation marks in english and vietnamese economic magazines

... of semantic, and syntactic features of words and - To find out the similarities and differences of semantic, and So, the language of economics consisting of business and financial syntactic features ... SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF WORDS AND PHRASES IN QUOTATION MARKS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE ECONOMIC MAGAZINES 4.1.1 Syntactic Features of Words and Phrases in Quotation ... Similarities in Syntactic Features of Words and Phrases in Quotation Marks in English and Vietnamese Magazines Table 4.2 Summary of Vietnamese Words and Phrases in Quotation Marks in Syntactic Pattern...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 1,5K 5
A study of semantic and syntactic features of english famous love sayings and their vietnamese translation

A study of semantic and syntactic features of english famous love sayings and their vietnamese translation

... and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese translation 1.4 OBJECTIVES The thesis is intended: - To describe the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and Vietnamese translation of ... semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and Vietnamese translation of EFLSs ? - What are the similarities and differences in the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese translation? ... English and Vietnamese This study of semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese translation could hence to some extent help learners have a good insight into their syntactic, ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

26 1,2K 3
A study of linguistic features of idioms expressing anger in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of idioms expressing anger in english and vietnamese

... questions: What are the syntactic and semantic features of idioms expressing anger in English? What are the syntactic and semantic features of idioms expressing anger in Vietnamese? LITERATURE ... carried out on the basis of typical semantic features of idioms expressing anger in both FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF IDIOMS EXPRESSING ANGER IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 4.1.1 Stylistic ... Vietnamese researchers 7 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.2.1 Definitions of Idioms 2.2.2 Idioms Denoting Speed According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Idioms is a combination of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:24

13 1,2K 5
A contrastive study of linguistic features of idioms expressing distance in english versus vietnamese

A contrastive study of linguistic features of idioms expressing distance in english versus vietnamese

... Semantic and Syntactic Features of Idioms Expressing Social Distance in English Versus Vietnamese Ø + Noun / Noun Phrase Ø 15 16 Table 4.6: A Statistic Summary of Syntactic Features of Idioms Table ... and Syntactic Features of Idioms Expressing Psychological Distance in English Table 4.4: Structure of Idioms Expressing Social Distance in Versus English Versus Vietnamese ENGLISH VIETNAMESE Vietnamese ... Describe the semantic and syntactic features of idioms expressing distance in English versus Vietnamese - Compare these linguistic features of these idioms in English versus Vietnamese people want...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:30

13 1K 1
A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

... Analysis of Linguistic and SocioCultural Features of Words Denoting “Male” Characteristics in English and Vietnamese (WsDMC) attempts to find out linguistic and socio-cultural features of WsDMC ... semantic features of WsDMC in English and Vietnamese? What are the similarities and differences on specific sociocultural features of the WsDMC in English and Vietnamese? 1.5 SCOPE OF RESEARCH ... the grammatical features of WsDMC in English and Vietnamese 10 - The similarities and differences between the semantic features of the WsDMC in English and Vietnamese - Scores of similarities...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

13 930 0
Báo cáo " Grammatical and semantic features of some English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling of great pleasure " potx

Báo cáo " Grammatical and semantic features of some English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling of great pleasure " potx

... English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling of great pleasure are very interesting to study As can be seen in the discussion, of all the lexemes denoting the feeling of great pleasure, ... hear of your success He felt quite delighted to think that they were safely gone [9] ‘Delighted’ in part of the sense of “showing the feeling of great pleasure” can be used as pre-modifier of noun ... To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now N.T.V Lam / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 25 (2009) 165-173 participle of the verb ‘elate’, having the syntactic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

9 526 4
An investigation into semantic features of adjectives denoting big and their vietnamese translational equivalents

An investigation into semantic features of adjectives denoting big and their vietnamese translational equivalents

... Helping Vietnamese learners of English to be aware of the ubiquity of the meaning of the Adjective Big and other English adjectives denoting ‘Big’ • Identifying a range of adjectives denoting ... represented by means of different lexical devices – or rather of adjectives in the same field of meaning of meaning of ‘Big’? • What are the Vietnamese translational equivalents of English 1.3.2 ... findings of semantic categories of these adjectives will be expected to be of great benefit to Vietnamese learners of English With an in-depth interpretation of what is really meant by the SCOPE OF...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2016, 14:25

13 316 1
A study on the syntactic features of english and vietnamese lyrics adopting the functional grammar approach clause as a message

A study on the syntactic features of english and vietnamese lyrics adopting the functional grammar approach clause as a message

... Vietnamese lyrics The common topics of English and Vietnamese songs The stylistic features and construction of English and Vietnamese lyrics 4.6.2 Vietnamese lyrics adopting the functional ... aspect of the thematic structure of English and Vietnamese lyrics Theme structure of English and Vietnamese sentences The study is mainly concentrate on the fifty popular English songs and fifty Vietnamese ... sentences In conclusion, the notion of Theme in English and Vietnamese is, basically, quite similar, as the “point of departure of a message”, or, “starting point of a judgment” They are all about...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38

13 787 1
An investigation into the syntactic features and the uses of english and vietnamese negative sentences in some contexts (1)

An investigation into the syntactic features and the uses of english and vietnamese negative sentences in some contexts (1)

... QUESTIONS What are the syntactic features of NSs in E and V? What are the uses of NSs in E and V? What are the similarities and differences of NSs in E and V in terms of the syntactic features and the ... the use of negation in English and Vietnamese so far Thus, it is justified to carry out a study on this topic “An investigation into the syntactic features and the uses of English and Vietnamese ... communication 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study chiefly deals with syntactic features and the uses of English and Vietnamese negative sentences that have a formal maker of negation called “nuclear...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

14 542 0
Cognitive linguistic features of idioms related to the concept of black, white in english versus vietnamese

Cognitive linguistic features of idioms related to the concept of black, white in english versus vietnamese

... mentioned six tenets of Cognitive Semantics 2.2.2 Definition of Idioms and Color Idioms a Definition of Idioms b Definition of Color Idioms 2.2.3 Main Features of Idioms a Idioms- A Popular Phenomenon ... Summary of Syntactic Features of Idioms Related to the Concept of “Black”, “White” in English Versus Vietnamese Syntactical Analysis English and Vietnamese Idioms Related English to the Concept of ... the concept of “Black”, “White” and vice versa 4.1.2 Syntactic Features of English and Vietnamese Idioms Related to the Concept of “Black”, “White” English idioms and Vietnamese idioms can be...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 15:00

26 567 1
A study on lexical and syntactic features of cosmetic product advertisements in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study on lexical and syntactic features of cosmetic product advertisements in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... relationships of place (at, on, by, opposite), of direction (towards, past, out, of, to, through), of time (at, before, in, on), of comparison (as, like), of source (from, out of) , and of purpose ... and Vietnamese That is the reason why the use of verbs denoting benefits of products is really important A wide range of verbs denoting the benefits of products is used with different shades of ... Objectives of the study The objectives of the study are: - To analyze the lexical features of cosmetic product advertisements in English and their Vietnamese equivalents - To discover the syntactic features...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:32

98 622 1

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