vietnamese as a second language 1

Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

Tài liệu English as a Second Language Standards docx

... for academic purposes in all content areas ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE — STANDARDS 15 16 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE — STANDARDS PRIMARY STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL HAVE A wide variety ... Standards for Pre-K -12 Students (Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc., 19 97) ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE — STANDARDS ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE — STANDARDS ... employment SECOND LANGUAGE — STANDARDS 13 Principles of Effective Second Language Learning — Based on Margaret Early, “Enabling First and Second Language Learners in the Classroom, Language Arts 67,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

62 728 1
Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

Tài liệu Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) docx

... languages or playing in a language other than English 11 Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years (birth to six years) Learning English as a second or an additional ... References and further reading 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 19 19 20 22 22 22 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language ... English as a second language are not considered as language delayed unless other symptoms are present About five per cent of children will experience language delay Any part of language learning may...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

31 1K 2
English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development: A Resource Guide pdf

... vocabulary are always available and are related to curriculum areas; • opportunities for interesting conversation with English-speaking peers are available on a regular basis; • mistakes are accepted ... learning activities in the classroom To facilitate students’ language learning, program planners should ensure that: • language is used in a natural way, in real and practical contexts; • classroom ... Students are placed in a classroom at the appropriate grade level for their age and receive English -language support, throughout the day and across all subject areas, from the classroom teacher and/or...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20

126 519 0
English as a Second Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists doc

English as a Second Language Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists doc

... broader Canadian society and in school be seen as an addition to a student’s linguistic experience Based on Margaret Early, “Enabling First and Second Language Learners in the Classroom, Language ... and teaching as a second language - British Columbia.* I British Columbia Ministry of Education Special Programs Branch PE 112 8 .A2 E842 19 98 428.3’40 71 0 711 ESL Learners: A Guide for ESL Specialists ... “Instructional Strategies for Second- language Learners in the Content Areas.” Journal of Reading, 35 (2), 19 91 pp 96 -10 3 Richard-Amato, P A and M A Snow (eds.) The Multicultural Classroom: Readings...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

62 780 1
ĐỀ CƯƠNG MÔN HỌC  Môn:  Phương pháp dạy tiếng Việt như một ngoại ngữ (Methods in teaching Vietnamese as a Foreign language)

ĐỀ CƯƠNG MÔN HỌC Môn: Phương pháp dạy tiếng Việt như một ngoại ngữ (Methods in teaching Vietnamese as a Foreign language)

... (Methods in teaching Vietnamese as a foreign language) Chương trình đào tạo: Cử nhân Ngôn ngữ học chuẩn quốc tế Thông tin giảng viên: Giảng viên 1: - Họ tên: Hoàng Anh Thi - Chức danh, học hàm, học ... pháp-dịch (Grammar-translation) - PP nghe nhìn/luyện tiếng (Audio-lingualism) - PP tiếp cận tình cấu trúc (Presentation, Practice, Production) - PP học tập theo tập (Task-based Learning) - PP ... Chức danh, học hàm, học vị: PGS.TS - Đ a điểm làm việc: Khoa Ngôn ngữ học trường ĐHKHXH NV 336 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội - Điện thoại: 84-4-86640088 Di động: 0 915 5 913 31 - E-mail:

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2015, 15:16

14 729 6
nguyen viet hong highschool students perceptions about collaborative learning in learning english as a second language

nguyen viet hong highschool students perceptions about collaborative learning in learning english as a second language

... As many Asian countries since the early 19 90s, Vietnam has adjusted and carried out a series of educational reforms to adopt CL as priority pedagogy to replace the traditional teaching approach ... confrontational exchange of ideas, such as a debate In addition, the traditional Asian classroom had looked down the importance of CL because of wasting precious curriculum time (So, Tan and Tay, 2 012 ) ... class 11 B10, class 12 B4, and class 12 B6 of Nguyen Viet Hong high school for their participation in as well as their valuable information without which my work would have not been completed Also,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 11:38

46 424 0
Essential grammar for korean as a second language

Essential grammar for korean as a second language

... Preface Demand for the Korean langauge education as a second language is significantly increasing these days The Korean language is an agglutinative language and is sometimes recognized ... 낚, 꺾 Syllables with consonants as the final sound: 않, 없, 앉 Chapter Korean Alphabet There are 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels Consonants (자음) 1) Basic Consonants Consonant Name Value Stroke ... peace? {as a greeting} 가: 잘 지내셨어요? A: Have you been in peace? {as a greeting} 안녕히 가세요 Go in peace {as saying good-bye to a leaving person} 안녕히 계세요 Stay in peace {as saying good-bye to a staying...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2016, 11:29

61 528 0
Computer Assisted Language Learning, Grammar Instruction, Focus on Form, Structural Syllabus, English as a Second Language (ESL), ComputerBased Instruction

Computer Assisted Language Learning, Grammar Instruction, Focus on Form, Structural Syllabus, English as a Second Language (ESL), ComputerBased Instruction

... for an interview? Grammar Guide Conditional Sentences Easy—page view/hear Easy—page view/hear Easy—page view/hear Medium—page view/hear Difficult—page view/hear Review—page hear Date Main Activity ... form-based drill and practice: Meaning-enhanced CALL on the Macintosh Foreign Language Annals, 25, 255-267 Doughty, C (19 91) Second language instruction does make a difference Studies in Second Language ... instructional design in foreign language/ ESL instruction TESOL Journal, (2), 24-29 Hughes, A (19 89) Testing for language teachers New York: Cambridge Krashen, S (19 81) Second language learning and second...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2016, 08:44

14 391 0
Ebook Organic chemistry as a second language (3e) Part 2

Ebook Organic chemistry as a second language (3e) Part 2

... called a hemiacetal, and you can think of it as “half-way” toward making an acetal: O RO RO OH hemiacetal OR acetal We give it a special name because it is theoretically possible to isolate it and ... when a Grignard reagent is exposed even to a very mild acid, such as water: MgCl H O H OH 16 6 CHAPTER KETONES AND ALDEHYDES The Grignard reagent acts as a base and removes a proton from water, ... that reaction now The Baeyer-Villiger reaction uses a peroxy acid as the reagent: O R O O H A peroxy acid has one more oxygen atom than a carboxylic acid 17 6 CHAPTER KETONES AND ALDEHYDES R can...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 10:28

228 437 0
Ebook Organic chemistry as  A second language (3th edition) Part 2

Ebook Organic chemistry as A second language (3th edition) Part 2

... that you expect PROBLEMS anti-Markovnikov 11 .2 Addition of H and Br Markovnikov 11 .3 Addition of H and Cl anti-Markovnikov 11 .4 Addition of H and OH Markovnikov 11 .5 Addition of H and OH 11 .2 ... NaOH 10 .27 OTs NaOMe Cl 10 .28 Br EtOH 10 .29 heat Br 10 .30 NaOEt 244 CHAPTER 10 ELIMINATION REACTIONS NaOH Br 10 . 31 H2SO4 OH 10 .32 heat H2O 10 .33 I OTs NaSH 10 .34 DMSO Cl NaOEt 10 .35 t-BuOK 10 .36 ... PROBLEMS Addition of OH and OH 11 .7 anti addition Addition of H and OH anti-Markovnikov 11 .8 syn addition Addition of OH and OH 11 .9 syn addition Addition of H and OH Markovnikov 11 .10 not stereospecif...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:34

174 453 0

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