... operators, variables, and constants When you assign a value to a variable, its type will change to fit the type of data you put into it This is in contrast to C, which tries to convert values to ... value you put into it This is the assignment operator Everything to its right is put into a variable named to its left The third and fourth assignments are putting numerical data into variables ... Programming CORE PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Date Atkinson, Leon Core PHP programming : using PHP to build dynamic Web sites /...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:20
... Basic Needs of Instructors: To use slide presentations (similar to what they use in face -to- face classes) to deliver and/or demonstrate instruction To add audio components to slides presentations ... Using PowerPoint to Build ADA-Compliant Instruction, Paula Jones, Eastern Kentucky University Page Effective Techniques for Turning PPT or ILT into e-Learning June 14 & 15, 2007 Using ‘Send To ... settings shown to left •Check Zip Package if using with WebCT or Blackboard (not needed is uploading to website) Click Impaticize 36 Session 501 – Teaching with Power! Using PowerPoint to Build ADA-Compliant...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 00:22
Five Steps to Using Your Textbook to Build a More Dynamic EFL Conversation Class
... decided which words to substitute, they are given about 10 minutes to memorize the dialogue depending on difficulty After 10 minutes, student pairs are asked to "volunteer" to perform their conversation ... also seem to really enjoy having the control to "choose" their partner by taking a card number Step - Dialogue Practice When students are seated facing each other in pairs, they listen to the example ... perform their conversation I say "volunteer" because students are told that they not have to the conversation if they don't want to, but if they "volunteer", each student will receive a "+" for...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 11:10
Using LINQ to SQL
... LINQ to SQL Chapter 20 Using LINQ to SQL 333 Using LINQ to SQL, especially when building models with its visual designer, is straightforward and often much quicker than setting up a LINQ to Entities ... See the “SqlMetal.exe (Code Generation Tool)” entry in the Visual Studio online help for information on using this application Chapter 20 Using LINQ to SQL 337 Building a LINQ to SQL Model ... underlying tables make it a useful tool for applications that need easy access to a specific SQL Server database Comparing LINQ to SQL with LINQ to Entities The LINQ to SQL provider first appeared with...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Ebook - How to Build a Service Using GT4
... of Tools for GT4 Service Developers Tutorial Summary Ideas for Further Work April 2005 How to Build a Service Using GT4 Components in the Globus Toolkit April 2005 How to Build a Service Using ... Service Using GT4 Components used in this Tutorial April 2005 How to Build a Service Using GT4 How to Build a Service Using GT4 Overview of Services and GT4 Build a Service ... to Build a Service Using GT4 16 Exercise Review Tutorial directory Run “ant deploy” to install the service $GLOBUS_LOCATION globus-start-container to start the container show-note to...
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 01:19
Tài liệu Using SQL *Plus to Create Report and Manage Pl/SQL code doc
... statement to the Oracle7 Server Using SQL* Plus to Create Reports and Manage PL /SQL Code CĆ7 CĆ8 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL /SQL Using Procedure Builder Comparison of SQL and SQL* Plus Commands ... to the function Using SQL* Plus to Create Reports and Manage PL /SQL Code CĆ37 CĆ38 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL /SQL Using Procedure Builder Executing Stored Subprograms continued Issue SQL ... Manage PL /SQL Code CĆ31 CĆ32 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL /SQL Using Procedure Builder Debugging in SQL* Plus continued One method for debugging your PL /SQL block using SQL* Plus is to embed...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf
... that specifies that you want to connect to the SQL Server using a trusted connection Databases Collection of databases for the specified SQL Server You will also be using the OleDbConnection object ... causing the event described in the next step to be executed Listing 7.3 modSQLDMORoutines.vb: Loading SQL Servers into a List Box Sub LoadSQLServers(ByRef lstSQLServers As ListBox) Dim intCurrSQL ... oNames As SQLDMO.NameList Dim oSQLApp As New SQLDMO.Application() ' Load available SQL Servers into a NameList ' (those that are able to be seen by the network) oNames = oSQLApp.ListAvailableSQLServers...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business ppt
... warehouses to the individual stores, and the stores used a lot of paper cups, so we had to make deliveries every two or three days to every store If any of our warehouses ran out of red cups and had to ... from them to us and from us to our business units We would get sudden instructions from them to move inventory from one region to another and in order to meet short deadlines we had to use air ... we had no way to anticipate when inventory shortages might occur in one region or to see when excess inventory was building up in another The communication was mostly just one-way top-down communications...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business
... warehouses to the individual stores, and the stores used a lot of paper cups, so we had to make deliveries every two or three days to every store If any of our warehouses ran out of red cups and had to ... from them to us and from us to our business units We would get sudden instructions from them to move inventory from one region to another and in order to meet short deadlines we had to use air ... we had no way to anticipate when inventory shortages might occur in one region or to see when excess inventory was building up in another The communication was mostly just one-way top-down communications...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:16
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Reinforcement Learning to Build a Better Model of Dialogue State" pdf
... constrain the trajectory space To further reduce the search space for the MDP, our tool allows the user to specify a threshold to combine states that occur less than the threshold into a single “threshold ... for a tutor to consider, one must have a flexible system that allows one to easily test different configurations of states and actions To accomplish this, we designed a system similar to the Reinforcement ... parameters set, we can then move on to the goal of this experiment - to see what sources of information impact a tutoring dialogue system First, we need to develop a baseline to compare the effects of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
addison - wesley professional dojo, using the dojo javascript library to build ajax applications (2009)
... allows us to add to web pages, and we’ll see exactly how to implement those features using the Dojo Toolkit 1.1.1 Goals for this Tutorial The primary goal of this tutorial is to show you how to use ... Dojo Tutorial Understanding Dojo: A Tutorial Using Dojo for Client-Side Validation Using Dojo to Work with the Server Using Dojo Widgets Processing Forms with Dojo Understanding Dojo: A Tutorial ... already assigned to another customer Many applications allow a user to specify a name by which they are known to the application.This user name allows the user to login to the application to things...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:33
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Machine Learning Techniques to Build a Comma Checker for Basque" pdf
... literature related to the use of machine learning techniques to assign commas automatically Hardt (2001) describes research in using the Brill tagger (Brill 1994; Brill, 1995) to learn to identify incorrect ... the sentence into clauses, it would be quite easy to develop rules for detecting the exact places where commas would have to go Thus, the best way to build a comma checker would be to get, first, ... stored whether it was followed by a comma or not That is, for each word (token), it was stored whether a comma was placed next to it or not Therefore, each token in the corpus is equivalent to...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
using options to buy stocks - build wealth with little risk and no capital
... is to control a large amount of stock without having to buy or own it Suppose an investor feels that Intel (or any other stock) is about to rise significantly in price Wouldn't it be nice to ... proceeds used to buy more shares of my better-performing stocks I'm not a short-term, in-and-out investor, but I wanted to keep buying Options seemed the way to go, but as with stocks, purchasing ... puts sold, so as not to double count Using Options to Buy Stocks There's no way around it, buying stocks takes money But by now you've guessed where the money for buying stocks can come from:...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 16:02
addison-wesley developing hybrid applications for the iphone using html css and javascript to build dynamic apps for the iphone
... 2: Using WebView SQLite Databases Section 3: Using Native SQLite Databases Section 4: Using the DataAccessObject with WebKit Engine Databases Section 5: Using the DataAccessObject with Native Databases ... example of how to instantiate an object, how to store a locally scoped pointer to this new object, how to access an object’s attributes, and how to pass messages with and without parameters to objects.This ... for the iPhone Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to Build Dynamic Apps for the iPhone Lee S Barney Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal •...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:15
addison-wesley dojo using the dojo javascript library to build ajax applications
... allows us to add to web pages, and we’ll see exactly how to implement those features using the Dojo Toolkit 1.1.1 Goals for this Tutorial The primary goal of this tutorial is to show you how to use ... Publisher Mark Taub Acquisitions Editor Debra Williams Cauley Development Editor Michael Thurston Managing Editor Kristy Hart Project Editor Chelsey Marti Copy Editor Language Logistics Indexer Lisa ... Acknowledgments About the Author xv xvi I: A Dojo Tutorial Understanding Dojo: A Tutorial Using Dojo for Client-side Validation Using Dojo to Work with the Server Using Dojo Widgets 25 35 51 Processing Forms...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:15
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_3 pot
... in finance to hold data, matrix math, and build trees for pricing derivatives Important things to take note of are how to employ dynamic array sizing and how to pass and return arrays to and from ... Also, because constructor methods are not inherited, we needed to add a New() method to our derived CallOption class that explicitly calls the constructor of the base class using the MyBase keyword ... Add the following code to the Button1_Click event to read in the price of the underlying IBM stock and create eight put and call objects and set their MarketPrices and StockPrices Dim UnderlyingPrice...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_4 docx
... of relationships: one to one, one to many, and many to many One -to- One Relationships A relationship is said to be one to one if a single record in the first table is related to a single record in ... databases work in order to accomplish more advanced analysis As with other topics discussed in this book, we cannot hope to cover all the topics relating to relational databases There are hundreds ... example using a relational database in the front office On a trading desk, we may want to attribute trading profits and losses to different factors so as to assess the success of an automated trading...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_5 doc
... or sets an database SQL statement for deleting records from the SQL statement used to insert new records into SQL statement used to select records in the SQL statement used to update records in ... versions of SQL such as Transact -SQL and Oracle’s PL /SQL This chapter will focus on writing standard SQL and will not use any vendor-specific SQL code SQL is the engine for communicating with the databases ... fine Be aware too that most, but not all, databases require the SQL statement to be terminated by a semicolon Before we get too in-depth, let’s create a VB.NET program to test out the SQL statements...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_6 pdf
... we will first need to add some elements to our SQLexample program Step Add another button to your form Step Add the following code to the Button2_Click event: Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender ... statements should be executed using the first button, and all other transactions should be executed using this new, second button The SQL INSERT statement enables us to add data to a table in a database ... enumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = myPortfolio.GetEnumerator() Team-LRN Advanced Data Structures 265 Dim myDelta As Double = While enumerator.MoveNext() enumerator.Value.StockPrice() = Val(txtStockPrice.Text)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20
Using Visual Basic NET Databases to Create Pricing Trading R_8 potx
... the only way to ensure against failure before you start to program Furthermore, it is not enough just to plan; be sure to have your designs and plans approved by management before you build anything ... (www.rational.com) Using these tools, we can build new applications or analyze existing code to reverse-engineer the UML diagrams At the extreme end, some software will even go so far as to generate ... in the underlying stock, a process called mapping That is, an option on a stock is thought of as a position in the stock according to the delta since for small changes in the stock price, the option...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20