For the last 100 years the assembly line has been the dominant model for organizing business operations. But now high rates of change and the unpredictable nature of our real-time global economy calls for something more flexible and responsive. Games offer field-tested methods and models for people to organize and focus their actions and continuously learn and succeed in fast-paced and unpredictable environments. See pragmatic examples of how to use game mechanics to improve business operations from sales to supply chain management. Get ideas you can use in your own company. It's not a game, it's the future of work!
[...]... think again We all have a sense of what a game is Regardless of whether we are talking about sports games or card games or board games or video games, we can see they all share a core set of traits in common Games are skills based, results oriented, and structured by rules Games have been described as having four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation.1 The goal... data was then extracted from our system and loaded into a central database, and we wrote some programs to pull data from the database and populate a spreadsheet On the spreadsheet, there were tabs for each manufacturer, for each of our business units, and for each of the customer regions Each manufacturer’s tab showed item inventory amounts on hand and on order from us at each of their facilities Each... provide a rapidly increasing body of field-tested best practices for using technology to create feedback systems to attract and engage huge numbers of people So instead of hiring more financial analysts and management consultants to cut costs, maybe companies would get better results by hiring some good game designers to reach out to customers and business partners and increase participation Game Mechanics. .. and game designers who are actively researching and applying game mechanics to solve business problems The intent of these case studies is to provide practical examples of applying game mechanics to solve real problems in business Hopefully, they will be models for you to follow as you address similar situations in your own company Game designers strive to create games that address what Jane McGonigal... meeting to start Someone came out and led us back through a maze of hallways and work areas and up a wide staircase to a meeting room where a collection of people from their purchasing and store operations groups were waiting for us The new purchasing manager in charge of inventory for their annual holiday promotions had just joined the company His name was Frank and he clearly intended to make a name for... are paid a base salary at the low end of acceptable—just as if they were starting their own businesses In Mike’s current company, over the last several years, people have been earning annual bonuses averaging more than 50 percent of their base salaries | 10 Enterprise Games during these tough economic times This bonus plan is backed up with a full set of financial statements that are made available... need about $1.6 million and 18 months to build the required system I had nowhere near that kind of money and only 90 days So I decided to take a different approach—I made it into a game | Feedback in the Real-Time Economy (Why Games Matter) 17 A Multiplayer Online Game Known as the “Red Cup System” As defined in Chapter 1, the four traits of a game are a goal, rules, feedback systems, and voluntary... happening as games blend with business We’ll start our exploration of games and their potential by painting a big-picture view of what games are and how they can act as a model for organizing work The point of this is to establish a broad framework and a deep foundation for a wide-ranging discussion of how games can be used to transform work The purpose is to present a set of concepts, principles, and examples... PARTICIPATION - Repeat customers - Dedicated employees - Games are engagement engines that attract and engage players - Companies are engagement engines that attract and engage target audiences - Both are feedback systems guided by goals and rules Figure 2-1 Games generate continuous feedback The driving force for success in the real-time economy is a continuous response to change so as to maintain the... structural unemployment, and alienation of large numbers of people in companies and society generally The economic game as we have known it for the last hundred years needs to evolve into something more inclusive and appropriate for our present circumstances Capitalism needs to evolve just as another great game that is central to our way of life has also evolved That other great game is democracy Imagine . idea that games or play can be part of that serious activity we call work. But maybe we should think again. We all have a sense of what a game is. Regardless. whether we are talking about sports games or card games or board games or video games, we can see they all share a core set of traits in common. Games are skills