using articles english worksheet

color english worksheet

color english worksheet

... 3. Touch your… cards: 1. Download your “pick up” ashcards here: hp://ashcards 2. Draw cards: Cut the related ashcards....

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 16:00

6 160 0
A study on students’ errors in using the English subjunctive mood = Nghiên cứu tình huống về những lỗi sai trong việc sử dụng thức giả định của sinh viên

A study on students’ errors in using the English subjunctive mood = Nghiên cứu tình huống về những lỗi sai trong việc sử dụng thức giả định của sinh viên

... Table 1: Typical errors made by English major and non -English major students Table 2: Errors of using Verb form in the present subjunctive Table 3: Errors of using Verb form in the past subjunctive ... spoken languages all over the world, but English language is the most popular. Billions of people are speaking and using English everyday in their life. So, English plays an important role in our ... many believable resources and websites such as www. usingenglish. com, www. yourdictionary. com , tailieu. vn, Azar - Understanding and using English Grammar 1.1. An overview of mood 1.1.1....

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:34

63 583 0
An investigation into the difficulties that teachers and students face in using new English textbook 8 at lower secondary schools in Nghe An= Những khó khăn mà

An investigation into the difficulties that teachers and students face in using new English textbook 8 at lower secondary schools in Nghe An= Những khó khăn mà

... workload. 2.2.5. Overall layout of the new English textbook 8 English 8 is continuously designed based on English 6 and English 7. It continues improving the English level of students by combining ... students face in using the new English textbook 8. 34 4.2.1. Discussion 34 4.2.2. Some implications to improve the problems that teachers and students face in using the new English textbook ... and learning English. 20 CHAPTER TWO: AN OVERVIEW OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN VIETNAM AND INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOK 8 This chapter presents an overview of English language...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:35

59 923 0
An analysis of errors in using English articles by 10th graders at Quảng Xương III High School, Thanh Hóa Province = Phân tích lỗi sử dụng mạo từ tiếng Anh của

An analysis of errors in using English articles by 10th graders at Quảng Xương III High School, Thanh Hóa Province = Phân tích lỗi sử dụng mạo từ tiếng Anh của

... an effect on the learning of the English article system. According to Standwell (1997), non- native English speakers have some problems in using the English articles correctly irrespective of ... Russian do not include any articles while English does. The students at Quảng Xương 3 High School, from my observation, often make errors in using articles in writing. As an English language teacher, ... gain an insight into the use of using articles in writing. 3. Research questions The main purpose of this research is to analyze the errors in using English articles by the 10 th QXHS graders....

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:22

50 523 2
High school students’ errors in using English Articles as shown in their written exercises = Những lỗi trong việc sử dụng mạo từ Tiếng Anh trong các bài viết củ

High school students’ errors in using English Articles as shown in their written exercises = Những lỗi trong việc sử dụng mạo từ Tiếng Anh trong các bài viết củ

... English Articles. A comparison between the definite article and indefinite articles is also given in this chapter and review of previous studies on using English Articles by learners of English. ... 1.1.1. Articles in English ………………………………… 4 1.1.2. Classification of English articles ……………………………………… …… 4 Indefinite articles …… … ……………………………………………… 4 Definite articles. ... problems in using English articles, the interviews following that were developed to find out the problems in using articles and some possible causes as well. Results of the study show that Articles...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:07

45 1,1K 2
Using english at work

Using english at work

... lessen six of’s Using English at Work.” I’m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development. In the fifth lesson of Using English at Work,” we learned ... workday – and speak English, of course! This is the end of our fifth lesson; in the sixth lesson we’re English as a Second Language Podcast Using English at Work Lesson ... lesson three of’s Using English at Work.” I’m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development. In the second lesson of Using English at Work,” we learned...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:03

83 923 16
Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

... in HNUE, including the Faculty of English. The lecturers of English have often used IT to teach English- major students. However, they only sometimes teach non -English- major students with IT. ... articles in English on the Internet? A. Yes B. No It is really bad news that only 13% of the respondents chose A as their answer. The students rarely look for information from articles in English. ... at the Faculty of English, the author has been studying an aspect in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for non -English- major students with the assistance of IT: Using IT in teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

43 1,4K 8
Making Jigsaw Activities Using Newspaper Articles.doc

Making Jigsaw Activities Using Newspaper Articles.doc

... discuss it, and because it is more interesting than just reading and discussing articles. As a teacher, I like using such articles because students generally enjoy them, and because they are easy ... all preferred using jigsaw newspaper articles to the traditional approach. The general procedure described below can be used with other types of texts as well as with newspaper articles. The ... their questions. Combined Group Activity (Time: 15-25 minutes) Making Jigsaw Activities Using Newspaper Articles David Dycus Department of the Study of Contemporary Society Aichi Shukutoku University 9...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

5 352 1
Tiết dạy chuyên đề " Using games in English class"

Tiết dạy chuyên đề " Using games in English class"

... Ba do when it’s hot ? Answer the questions ,using given picture : Go swimming Back What’s the weather like in the Fall ? Answer the questions ,using given picture : Back What’s the ... weather like in the Summer ? Answer the questions ,using given picture : Back What does your father do when it’s warm ? Answer the questions ,using given picture : Play tennis Back Cao Minh, ... camping -Go to the zoo -Go fishing What’s the weather like in the Spring ? Answer the questions ,using given picture : Back Back Period 81 – Unit 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS ACTIVITIES...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 14:10

15 592 3