... Dist. 1 Retail GFA: 1,280 sqm Rents: US$80 to US$130 per sqm Occupancy: 100% Major tenant: Louis Vuitton REDISCOVERING VIETNAM S REAL ESTATE POTENTIAL 1 st March, 2007 Renaissance Hotel, Kuala ... Ma ns ion Sed ona S uites Somer s et Cha nc ellor C our t So merset HCMC Landmark LTT Co ur t H B T C ourt City View Units 0 10 20 30 40 50 Supply Average Rent ($US/sqm/mth) CB Richard Ellis ... demand: Strong economic growth, FDI growth, WTO access, new multi-national companies, expansion of existing multi-national companies, Vietnam companies upgrading, safety & quality Issues 9...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:12
... 1 Tan Da Court Dist. 5 Saigon Paragon Dist. 7 Hung Vuong Plaza Dist. 5 Sailing Tower Dist. 1 Times Square Dist. 1 Happiness Square Dist. 5 Kumho Asiana Dist. 1 SJC Tower Dist. 1 Saigon Pearl Binh ... Condominium Units year-by-year 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Over US$2,000 141 252 US$1,501 - US$2,000 526 US$1,001 - US$1,500 97 66 270 405 US$600 - US$1,000 798 124 1,110 1,965 1,330 Less US$600 ... & gas exports • No shortage of land, just good sites • “If you build it, they will come” still exists but may not last much longer • Many similarities to China in the early 9 0s in terms of work...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 16:30
Rediscovering vietnam s real estate potenial
... 1 Tan Da Court Dist. 5 Saigon Paragon Dist. 7 Hung Vuong Plaza Dist. 5 Sailing Tower Dist. 1 Times Square Dist. 1 Happiness Square Dist. 5 Kumho Asiana Dist. 1 SJC Tower Dist. 1 Saigon Pearl Binh ... land, just good sites • “If you build it, they will come” still exists but may not last much longer • Many similarities to China in the early 9 0s in terms of work ethic, chaos on the streets, migration ... Supply 6,252 5,700 8,000 1,366 6,810 21,797 17,000 14,670 18,000 5,000 5,000 Saigon Centre Dist. 1 Saigon Superbowl Tan Binh Diamond Plaza Dist. 1 Lucky Plaza Dist. 1 Zen Plaza Dist. 1 Thuan Kieu Plaza Dist. 5 Parkson Dist. 1 Tax Plaza Dist. 1 An Dong Plaza Dist. 5 Saigon...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 14:54
preuß u.a., real estate und facility management, aus sicht der consultingpraxis (2010)
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:49
Tài liệu The Decline in the U.S. Personal Saving Rate: Is It Real and Is It a Puzzle? pptx
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A System for Real-time Twitter Sentiment Analysis of 2012 U.S" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:20
finance investment - the beginner's guide to real estate investing - g w eldred (john wiley & sons) - 2004
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 09:51
CAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS SAVE U.S STEEL (Liệu hệ thống thông tin có thể cứu nguy cho công ty Thép Hoa Kỳ hay không).docx
... đóng thuế." N u tiếp tục so s nh USS với POSCO của Hàn Quốc có thể giúp giải thích các vấn đề của USS. Trong thế kỷ XIX và đ u thế kỷ XX, các công ty thép của Mỹ nằm gần các nguồn quặng s t ... dựng quá nhi u nên chi phí để chuyển đổi và bảo trì sau này là rất 10 [ĐH25KT-T11] – [Nhóm 6] – [Case study N.02] BÀI DỊCH CASE STUDY Hệ thống thông tin có thể c u nguy cho công ty U. S. Steel ... truyền tải dữ li u đã xử lý của nó đến USS thông qua một hệ thống kết nối quay s . Khi dữ li u đến, chúng s được chuyển sang một định dạng mà có thể được s dụng bởi hệ thống riêng của USS...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:09
MIT Center for Real Estate
... Real Estate Using the 4-Quadrant Model to assess the impact of other changes. • What happens if Construction costs rise or the supply schedule shifts? • Suppose depreciation speeds up (functional ... together: high substitutability, easy mobility. • Between markets there exists frictions, transportation costs, immobility of resources and low substitutability. • MSA as “market”? CMSA? MIT ... obsolescence dictates shorter life spans of buildings)? • How to interpret owner occupied space (e.g. SFU housing)? • EXERCISE #1. enter for Real EMIT C state Metropolitan Housing Markets...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 10:53
Building Real Estate Riches
... two-story plans that are split in the middle. Multistory. The use of three or more floors is much less common. Town homes or large custom homes sometimes use three stories. Unique lot conditions ... or assets go up. The Equity Strategy raises your home equity, lowers your mortgage, and therefore increases your wealth. The wealth of an average successful person might look like this: Assets ... lot conditions sometimes require a multistory plan to keep the footprint as small as possible without sacrificing square footage. Many attached hous- ing units are multistory exactly because they save valuable...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:12
CO2e emissions from HVAC equipment and lifetime operation for common U.S. building types
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Juice HACCP — The Final Rule
... provides juice directly to the consumers and does not include an establishment that sells or distributes juice to other business entities as well as directly to consumers. “Provides” includes storing, ... assumes that the actual number of illnesses from the outbreaks described in the previous sections of this document is much greater than the conÞrmed number of illnesses. P ESTICIDES Pesticides ... manufacturers in the production of safe juices. FDA encourages the juice industry to use CGMPs to help ensure the safety of their juices. As stated previously, the NACMCF recommended that processors...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20
The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets
... changes. • What happens if Construction costs rise or the supply schedule shifts? • Suppose depreciation speeds up (functional obsolescence dictates shorter life spans of buildings)? • ... for Real EMIT C state Week 1: Introduction • The space versus asset market: 4 Quadrant math. • Real Estate Micro Economics: Hedonics, Location, density, government regulations. • Real Estate ... variables, but which the models variables in turn do not influence: i, E. • Equilibrium: Solution to the endogenous variables given exogenous values and parameters. • Comparative Statics: How...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15
... and prices is called the business cycle. Interest rates, real estate prices, and lenders' policies all vary with the ups and downs of the business cycle. The business cycle is usually defined as ... associations, mutual savings banks and credit unions–also to issue some types of checkable deposits. Thus, the deposit component of M1 now includes not only demand deposits issued by banks, but also ATS ... expenses is put aside for future use. Competition for Supply – Where surplus money goes greatly depends upon who is willing to pay the most for its use. Those needing the money will bid for its...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15
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