joomla as real estate

Success as a real estate agent for DUMmIES

Success as a real estate agent for DUMmIES

... payments What is commercial real estate? Commercial real estate centers on business or investment use of real estate In commercial real estate, you can buy, sell, lease as a lessor (the person who ... Sites for Real Estate Agents 347 347 .347 348 348 ... the real estate field Dirk turned his selling success into coaching significance through founding Real Estate Champions Real Estate Champions is the premier coaching company in the real estate...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 01:27

380 902 1
MIT Center for Real Estate

MIT Center for Real Estate

... Warehouse 223 2.5 8,777 100.0 Total U.S Real Estate Adapted from DiPasquale and Wheaton (1996) MIT Center for Real Estate U.S Real Estate Ownership, 1990 All Real Estate Residential Only Nonresidential ... 31 0.6 All Other 0.1 5,514 100.0 Adapted from DiPasquale and Wheaton (1996) Total GDP MIT Center for Real Estate The Value of US Real Estate Assets (1990) $, in billions % of Total Residential ... 1975 6.00 1973 4.00% 1971 5.00% Forecast 6.50 MIT Center for Real Estate National Multi-Housing Forecast Permits vs Real Rent 6.00% $ Per Sqft 750.00 Forecast 5.00% 700.00 4.00% 3.00% 650.00 2.00%...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 10:53

36 527 0
Rediscovering vietnam’s real estate potential

Rediscovering vietnam’s real estate potential

... projects with good zoning and infrastructure remain high More buyers have real needs and there will not be as many as speculators as previously Demand forecasted to be increased 6-7% in a few years to ... (12,000 sqm for lease) Asiana Plaza 32,000 sqm HCMC Power Head Office 20,000 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) Gemadept 16,500 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) 76,500 sqm (32,000 sqm for lease) CB Richard Ellis ... month With a 15% - 20% increase in rental prices within the past year Client Logo Goes Here CB Richard Ellis | Page 30 RESIDENTIAL FOR LEASE HCMC – IN DISTRICT Bedrooms SQM Asking Rent/Month Rent/SQM...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:12

76 549 1
Building Real Estate Riches

Building Real Estate Riches

... defined as assets less liabilities A millionaire is one who has assets (part of which might be real estate) that are worth over $1 million more than the debt associated with those assets The assets ... Dahm, Real Estate Courses, Inc was helpful in providing information on real estate and financing Dawn BeVard created the illustrations A Field Guide to American Homes (McAlister, 2000) was referenced ... is to cash out some equity in one of the rental properties that has a good skim As I said earlier, I never like to cash out equity, but it’s better than selling a property if you need cash flow...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:12

192 502 1
Báo cáo về tiềm năng thị trường bất động sản Việt Nam- Rediscovering Vietnam’s real estate potential.pdf

Báo cáo về tiềm năng thị trường bất động sản Việt Nam- Rediscovering Vietnam’s real estate potential.pdf

... projects with good zoning and infrastructure remain high More buyers have real needs and there will not be as many as speculators as previously Demand forecasted to be increased 6-7% in a few years to ... (12,000 sqm for lease) Asiana Plaza 32,000 sqm HCMC Power Head Office 20,000 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) Gemadept 16,500 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) 76,500 sqm (32,000 sqm for lease) CB Richard Ellis ... month With a 15% - 20% increase in rental prices within the past year Client Logo Goes Here CB Richard Ellis | Page 30 RESIDENTIAL FOR LEASE HCMC – IN DISTRICT Bedrooms SQM Asking Rent/Month Rent/SQM...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 16:30

76 821 3
Rediscovering vietnam s real estate potenial

Rediscovering vietnam s real estate potenial

... projects with good zoning and infrastructure remain high More buyers have real needs and there will not be as many as speculators as previously Demand forecasted to be increased 6-7% in a few years to ... (12,000 sqm for lease) Asiana Plaza 32,000 sqm HCMC Power Head Office 20,000 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) Gemadept 16,500 sqm (10,000 sqm for lease) 76,500 sqm (32,000 sqm for lease) CB Richard Ellis ... month With a 15% - 20% increase in rental prices within the past year Client Logo Goes Here CB Richard Ellis | Page 30 RESIDENTIAL FOR LEASE HCMC – IN DISTRICT Bedrooms SQM Asking Rent/Month Rent/SQM...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 14:54

76 1,4K 3


... an interest in real property ground rent The amount of money that is paid for the use of land when title to a property is held as a leasehold estate rather than as a fee simple estate group home ... time to a specified borrower See home equity line of credit liquid asset A cash asset or an asset that is easily converted into cash loan A sum of borrowed money (principal) that is generally repaid ... the borrower's use (as long as the amount does not exceed percent of the principal amount of the new mortgage) nonliquid asset An asset that cannot easily be converted into cash note A legal document...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 16:52

28 319 0
The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets

The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets

... Warehouse 223 2.5 8,777 100.0 Total U.S Real Estate Adapted from DiPasquale and Wheaton (1996) MIT Center for Real Estate U.S Real Estate Ownership, 1990 All Real Estate Residential Only Nonresidential ... 31 0.6 All Other 0.1 5,514 100.0 Adapted from DiPasquale and Wheaton (1996) Total GDP MIT Center for Real Estate The Value of US Real Estate Assets (1990) $, in billions % of Total Residential ... 1975 6.00 1973 4.00% 1971 5.00% Forecast 6.50 MIT Center for Real Estate National Multi-Housing Forecast Permits vs Real Rent 6.00% $ Per Sqft 750.00 Forecast 5.00% 700.00 4.00% 3.00% 650.00 2.00%...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

36 541 0


... provisions have become commonplace Real estate debt in the last few decades has increased significantly Tax Structure – Income taxation has dramatically affected real estate as an attractive investment ... primarily by the real property being financed Dynasty School ( 1-1 REAL ESTATE FINANCE HISTORY OF FINANCING LAND – THE UNDERLYING BASIS OF WEALTH Real estate in the form ... Sale Timetable 14-42 Dynasty School ( 1-15 IMPORTANCE OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE CHAPTER 1: IMPORTANCE OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE PREVIEW Real estate finance is the allocation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

513 592 4
A study of linguistic features of real estate advertisements in english versus vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of real estate advertisements in english versus vietnamese

... Advertisements in Real Estate Real Estate Advertising English Vs Vietnamese Real Estate for Sale a Phrasal Level CHAPTER METHOD AND PROCEDURE [1] NP Like other noun phrases in other ... phrase acting as a slogan to attract readers A real estate real estate is a legal designation, and is subject to legislation” advertisement is maybe long or short, but in the limitation of my Real ... premises to customers more on classified advertisements Or they ask real estate agency to help effectively The seven basic structures are used adequately in real them estate advertising for sale...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 683 0
Information Extraction for Vietnamese Real- Estate Advertisements

Information Extraction for Vietnamese Real- Estate Advertisements

... dạng thực thể TypeEstate  Nhận dạng thực thể CategoryEstate dựa thực thể TypeEstate Nếu tin quảng cáo có nhiều thực CategoryEstate, sử dụng vị trí tương quan để CategoryEstate TypeEstate thực thể ... thực thể Area sử dụng thêm thực thể TypeEstate CategoryEstate để nhận dạng Nếu tin không xuất manh mối để nhận dạng thực thể Area, sử dụng TypeEstate CategoryEstate để xác định có hay không tồn thực ... Vietnamese Real- Estate Tại mục mở đầu chương, giới thiệu template hệ thống Ở mục mô tả trình phát triển tập ngữ liệu Trong mục cuối cùng, trình bày thành phần hệ thống rút trích thông tin Vietnamese Real- Estate...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 20:30

17 775 2
Tài liệu Real Estate and Regional Economic Growth doc

Tài liệu Real Estate and Regional Economic Growth doc

... figures based on 1990 Census Bureau definitions * *Real average hourly earnings of production workers in manufacturing, 1990 dollars adapted from DiPasquale and Wheaton (1996) MIT Center for Real Estate ... market P Output Market C=αKR + αLW QD Q W/P Labor Market LD=αLQ LS W L R Real Estate Market KD=αKQ KS R K MIT Center for Real Estate Changes in Regional output, prices, wages and rents in reaction ... expand Labor Market 3) Rents, however, W’ rise as the stock expands 4) What % of the labor shift is absorbed? R Real Estate 5) Product demand R’ Market elasticity determines Price, wage versus quantity...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15

13 507 1


... (Least-Cost Selection), ARM (Adjustable-Rate Mortgage) 13 CHAPTER II : ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE REAL- ESTATE BUSINESS TERMS I Overview of Real- estate business Real- estate is a legal term that encompasses ... include things such as commercial and residential real property transactions Real- estate is often considered synonymous with real property (sometimes called realty), in contrast with personal property ... English real estate business terms The term that make up the language of real estate business are quite available and its word building are also based on different ways but the majority of real estate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

57 664 0
Tài liệu dictionary real estate doc

Tài liệu dictionary real estate doc

... initial lease Leasee A person who signs a lease to get temporary use of property Leasehold Estate 13 The tenants right to use/occupy real estate subject to the terms of the lease Leasehold Improvements ... Improvements/upfits/additions to leased property made by the leasee (tenant) Leasing Commissions Fees paid to a real estate agent for successfully leasing property Legally Nonconforming Use A use that was lawfully ... preliminary agreement between a buyer and seller to purchase real estate A binder with earnest money deposit, that secures the right to purchase real estate upon agreed terms for a limited period of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

23 510 0
Tài liệu Real Estate Economics and Finance pdf

Tài liệu Real Estate Economics and Finance pdf

... there was land … Why Should We Study Real Estate? – Real estate is an asset – If we take finance classes, don’t we know how to price this or any asset? – The answer: Not Exactly Real Estate ... options) The asset structure itself (the real option) Institutions Differences in Function Real Estate has multiple functions Consumption: Real Estate is Used as Shelter (a place to live) Real Estate ... as “Great Outdoors” Production: Real Estate is Used as a Direct Input into Production (vineyard) Real Estate is Used as an Indirect Input into Production (place to build the factory) Asset: Real...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:18

3 579 1


... 1940Commercial real estate investing : 12 easy steps to getting started / Jack Cummings p cm Includes index ISBN 0-471-64714-4 (pbk.) Commercial real estate Real estate investment Commercial real estate United ... COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTING 12 J A C K EASY STEPS TO GETTING STARTED C U M M I N G S John Wiley & Sons, Inc COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTING COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTING 12 J A C K EASY STEPS ... Commercial Real Estate Insider A Real Estate Insider Defined Local Governmental Control over Real Estate The Board of Adjustment The Planning and Zoning Board The Nine Stages of Becoming a Real Estate...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16

49 460 2


... system can be as elaborate or as simple as will work for you The key in the early stages is to meet people and let them get to know you as a real estate investor They will later assume (rightly ... Commercial Real Estate Comfort Zone Zoning Maps Each city and county has zoning maps of the real estate that is solely within its jurisdiction The maps are usually not free but are never really costly ... any specific real estate market area And never underestimate the effect that eyeballing an area during your scouting expeditions has in building your knowledge of these areas Real estate is a...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16

43 402 1


... these easements are classified simply as utility easements which are designed as passages through or across a property for the placement of any of the usual utilities, such as water, electric, gas, ... buying this just as you see it Make your inspections, then take it or leave it.” This is not as harsh as it sounds Almost all investment real estate is sold on this basis, just as most used cars ... of the same category of real estate as that being inspected If all the leases follow a standard format, you may want to have a real estate lawyer review one of the leases to make sure there are...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16

45 431 1