transformation of strain mohr s circle for strain

Mechanics of material

Mechanics of material

... Maximum Shear Stress 314 a Plane state of stress 315 b General state of stress 316 8.8 Applications of Stress Transformation to Combined Loads 319 8.9 Transformation of Strain; Mohr s Circle for Strain ... failure of the member, the computed stress must be less than the working stress Note on the Analysis of Trusses The usual assumptions made in the analysis of trusses are: (1) weights of the members ... commonly used sign convention for axial forces is to define tensile forces as positive and compressive forces as negative This convention is carried over to normal stresses: Tensile stresses are considered...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2016, 10:22

576 2,6K 0


... end the shearing force is the same for all cross-sections, and the distribution of shearing stresses is also the same for all cross-sections In a more general case the shearing force is variable ... the shearing stress is nearly uniformly distributed over the surfaces of the type BDEGHJ This is the case in thin-walled beams, such as I-sections and channel sections 10.4 Shearing stresses in ... case of shearing stresses in the bending of a beam having an axis of symmetry in the cross-section; we assumed that the shearing forces were applied parallel to this axis of symmetry This is...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 11:28

21 260 0
Báo cáo y học: " Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell modulation upon resection and shear stress in vitro" doc

Báo cáo y học: " Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell modulation upon resection and shear stress in vitro" doc

... such as portal pressure and shear stress, as well as soluble factors [17-20] percent ratio after ss/ before ss 180 160 Exploring the effects of shear stress on LECs in vivo is, at the moment, ... stress LECs grown on plastic collagen-coated slides were subjected to shear stress forces produced between a stationary base plate and a rotating cone [31] High-level shear stress forces of 10 ... changes occur immediately and persist for a number of days Endothelial cells lining liver sinusoids are likely to be the first to sense changes in shear stress Those cells are unique as they...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

11 231 0
Báo cáo y học: "Mechanisms of leukocyte distribution during sepsis: an experimental study on the interdependence of cell activation, shear stress and endothelial injury" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Mechanisms of leukocyte distribution during sepsis: an experimental study on the interdependence of cell activation, shear stress and endothelial injury" potx

... HUVEC showed the smallest susceptibility to shear stress, which seems reasonable for targeting leukocytes to a local site of inflammation independent of variations in postcapillary blood flow As soon ... adhesion of activated PMN to platelet-covered endothelial lesions The presence of platelets was the strongest variable for adhesion of activated PMN At all levels of shear stress PMN adhesion ... blood flow As soon as the PMN were activated, loss of L-selectin rendered cell interactions increasingly susceptible to shear stress In submaximally activated cultures, shear stress became the prevailing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

13 426 0


... mechanosome model in response to OFSS Mechanosomes form in three basic steps in response to OFSS First, OFSS induces the activation of an adhesion-associated protein found sites of adhesion near ... nature of flow exposure and the dissimilar set-up for static samples A newer method for inducing fluid shear stress across the surface of bone cells uses an orbital shaking platform Use of an ... art of teaching v   ABSTRACT Julia M Hum SIGNALING MECHANISMS THAT SUPPRESS THE ANABOLIC RESPONSE OF OSTEOBLASTS AND OSTEOCYTES TO FLUID SHEAR STRESS Bone is a dynamic organ that responds to its...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 11:45

134 134 0
a biomedical engineering approach to investigating flow and wall shear stress in contracting lymphatics

a biomedical engineering approach to investigating flow and wall shear stress in contracting lymphatics

... lymphatics has been shown to possess important differences from other smooth muscle Lymphatic smooth muscle is composed of only SMB smooth muscle myosin heavy chain, as opposed to arterioles, which ... estimates used previously [25], and could be used to assess the validity of such estimates Measurements of velocity could also be used to quantify some measure of efficiency for the valves ability ... efficacy for the assessment of burn depth by measuring flow in the vascular bed at the site of the burn [68-71] It has also been demonstrated for assessment of perfusion in skin flap procedures with...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 11:06

196 176 0
Effects of red blood cell aggregation, hematocrit and tube diameter on wall shear stress in microtubes

Effects of red blood cell aggregation, hematocrit and tube diameter on wall shear stress in microtubes

... normalized by the WSS of suspending medium), WSSrel was used to investigate the aggregation effect on the WSS and is expressed as follows: WSS rel = WSS exp WSS med (4) where WSSexp is the WSS obtained ... WSSexp Experimental Wall Shear Stress WSSmed Medium Wall Shear Stress WSSrel Relative Wall Shear Stress µ Water Viscosity µmed Medium Viscosity τw Wall Shear Stress γ Pseudoshear Rate xi CHAPTER ... microvessels or microtubes contributes to a lower blood viscosity than blood samples with uniform radial distributions 12 CHAPTER WALL SHEAR STRESS 3.1 Wall shear stress and its physiological roles...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 18:59

96 478 0
Effect of beam size and FRP thickness on interfacial shear stress concentration and failure mode of FRP strengthened beams

Effect of beam size and FRP thickness on interfacial shear stress concentration and failure mode of FRP strengthened beams

... bending stiffness of the strengthening plate was negligible as the bending stiffness of beam was much greater than the stiffness of plate; stresses were constant across the adhesive thickness; load ... Objective and Scopes of Research Numerous researchers have studied interfacial stresses intensively over the past few years Several analytical models have been proposed to quantify these stresses in order ... shear stress distributions in Series C Figure 3.19 47 Experimentally-measured interfacial shear stress distributions of Series B Figure 3.18 46 Experimentally-measured interfacial shear stress...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 19:02

122 359 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Least Absolute Deviation Regression" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Least Absolute Deviation Regression" potx

... variables For the simple regression case, K = BRlike algorithms usually consist of two phases: Phase I forms a set of independent edge direction vectors, Phase II updates the variable basis until ... terms of number of iterations It can be observed from Figure that, for large sample sets, the newly proposed LAD regression method needs 5% less iterations, and about 15% less for small sample sets ... University of Delaware He has been working with industry in the areas of signal processing and optical communications His research interests include statistical signal processing, nonlinear signal...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

8 289 0
LRFD pre-stressed

LRFD pre-stressed

... ns Ac − Ff ⋅ enc ns ns St + (SI1ns + SI2ns)⋅ 12 + (SI3ns + SI4ns)⋅ 12 SI_pt (SI1ns + SI2ns)⋅ 12 − (SI3ns + SI4ns)⋅ 12 SI_pb St Stb mp = 2.568 Final stress in bottom (psi) = Ff SI_pb ns := ns ... x1 ns Negative moment envelope at Service I Ff Final stress top (psi) = SI_nt ns := ns Ac − Ff ⋅ enc ns ns St + (SI1ns + SI2ns)⋅ 12 + (SI3ns + SI5ns)⋅ 12 SI_nt (SI1ns + SI2ns)⋅ 12 − (SI3ns + SI5ns)⋅ ... (psi) = SIII_nt ns := ns Ac − Ff ⋅ enc ns St ns + (SIII1ns + SIII2ns)⋅ 12 + (SIII3ns + SIII5ns)⋅ 12 St Stb SIII_nt mp = 2.147 Final stress in bottom (psi) = Ff SIII_nb ns := ns Ac + Ff ⋅ enc ns...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:17

71 494 1
Báo cáo y học: "Influence of Cyclodextrin Complexation with NSAIDs on NSAID/Cold Stress-Induced Gastric Ulceration in Rats"

Báo cáo y học: "Influence of Cyclodextrin Complexation with NSAIDs on NSAID/Cold Stress-Induced Gastric Ulceration in Rats"

... in the Wistar rats used in this study were: fasting (72 h), hypothermic restraint stress exposure, and the administration of specified doses of the two NSAIDs As described in the studies by Bhargava ... HP-β-CD are safe for oral use They act as protective agents against gastrointestinal disorders initiated by restraint and cold stress, or by restraint and cold stress and the co-administration of either ... tissues (Figs 2B and 2C) Those rats that served as the controls experienced the stress from restraint and cold, but not from treatment with an NSAID Nevertheless, the specimens from these rats...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57

8 531 0


... analysis of results was done by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc analysis using Bonferroni s test, using the SPSS software (version 12.0.1) to determine the statistical significance ... nanomoles of MDA equivalent / g wet weight of tissue Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc analysis using Bonferroni s test Values are mean ± S. D for six animals in ... induction of excitotoxicity (23) Increased formation of NO by stimulated activity of NOS depends upon a continuous supply of arginine at the site of synthesis Arginine is a semi essential amino...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07

8 622 0
 Báo cáo y học: "Low socio-economic status, smoking, mental stress and obesity predict obstructive symptoms in women, but only smoking also predicts subsequent experience of poor health"

Báo cáo y học: "Low socio-economic status, smoking, mental stress and obesity predict obstructive symptoms in women, but only smoking also predicts subsequent experience of poor health"

... function in females than in males After adjusting for smoking, females were subsequently at higher risk of admission to hospital for COPD The results suggest that the adverse effects of smoking on lung ... tests were used in the case of normal distribution and non-parametric tests for non-normal distributions (χ2 or Fischer s exact test) Logistic regression analyses were performed to compute odds ... stress, physical activity or PEF at the 1968-1969 examination Discussion Main finding of this study Smoking, low socio-economic status, mental stress, and obesity predicted obstructive symptoms...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:34

6 505 0
phân tích dự án kinh doanh- kinh doah dịch vụ xả stress.doc

phân tích dự án kinh doanh- kinh doah dịch vụ xả stress.doc

... tốt cho bạn sau lấn làm việc căng thẳng, giúp bạn lấy lại tự tin thân , đem lại s ng tốt đẹp hơn, mà góp phần nhỏ cho xã hội đẩy lùi bệnh stress + Xả stress với phòng massage Phòng massage thư giãn ... gì? Là gì? Và ? + Xả stress với phòng xả stress Ví dụ phòng cách âm, phòng đập chén đĩa Tại lại gọi phòng xả stress ( hay gọi phòng tự s ớng phòng tự kỉ )? Nó có điểm khác so với phòng bình thường ... vụ xả stress ngày có xu hướng tăng nhanh đáp ứng nhu cầu xã hội karaoke, hồ bơi, tennis Do vậy, cung ứng s n phẩm dịch vụ xả stress hiệu quả, đáp ứng yêu cầu khách hàng có nhu cầu xả stress mục...

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2012, 08:31

34 2,5K 15


... điều dẫn đến hội chứng “cháy s ch” Đây lý chảng có loại stress gọi stress tích cực Những tin stress tự nhiên, biện hộ stress cần thiết để đạt thành công họ biểu lối suy nghĩ lười nhác, tránh né ... diện khắp nơi giới Sau bảy quan niệm sai lầm thường gặp stress Quan niệm sai lầm thứ nhất: “Stress điều tự nhiên tích cực s ng tại.” Hoàn toàn thế! Chẳng có điều giống “stress tích cực” Thuật ... trạng s dụng nhiều, s dụng sai gọi stress Trước tiên quan niệm sai lầm Một s lầm tưởng thật nguy hại phát triển suốt ba thập kỷ qua làm sai lệch niềm tin làm rối ý chúng ta, khiến stress ngày...

Ngày tải lên: 12/11/2012, 09:54

44 890 6
Mô hình maximum entropy và ứng dụng

Mô hình maximum entropy và ứng dụng

... cửa s button close cửa s có hình x cửa s thu nhỏ xuống system tray Nếu muốn hiển thị lại người dùng việc nhấp chuột phải vào biểu tượng chương trình system tray chọn show Ngoài lựa chọn show ... phép tính xấp xỉ, biểu diễn ~∆L (S, f̃) Nhắc lại xác suất mô hình pS có tập tham s λ, với đặc trưng tập S Xác suất mô hình pSυf chứa tập tham s này, cộng với tham s α, tương ứng với f Với cấu ... s dụng thuật toán IIS 1.3 Mục tiêu luận văn Nguyên cứu s phương pháp phân loại văn tiếng Anh như: Naïve Bayes [Baker & Mccallum, 2000], k-Nearest Neighbor [Yang, 1994], Linear Least Squares...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:03

61 1,4K 16
Stress trong học tập và cách ứng phó ở học sinh cuối cấp THPT

Stress trong học tập và cách ứng phó ở học sinh cuối cấp THPT

... 193-198 Sources of stress and coping responses of high school students Adolescence Mates, Donna; Allison, Kenneth R Vol 27(106), Sum 1992, pp 461-474 Ressources personnelles et détresse psychologique ... đến stress cho học sinh cuối cấp THPT DANH MỤC TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO Ảnh hưởng stress đến kết thi học kỳ sinh viên Nguyễn Bá Đạt Tạp chí tâm lý học s 2001 High school student stress and the role of ... the role of counselors School Counselor Armacost, Robert L Vol 38(2), Nov 1990, pp 105-112 Homework, stress and mood disturbance in senior high school students Psychological Reports Kouzma, Nadya...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2013, 10:30

6 4,3K 71
Kỹ năng đối phó với stress

Kỹ năng đối phó với stress

... Trong sinh hoạt ngày nhận dấu hiệu stress quan s t đừng quan tâm đến việc lặt vặt ngủ đủ học cách thư giãn thay đổi cách nhìn việc trút bỏ stress theo cách Nhận dấu hiệu stress  Dấu hiệu (s bất ... phó với stress I Tr o n g s i n h h o t h ằ n g n g y nhận dấu hiệu stress quan s t đừ ng quan tâm đến việc lặt vặt ngủ đủ học cá ch thư giã n tha y đổi cá ch nhìn việc hã y trút bỏ stress theo ... thêm stress  Tuyệt đối không trốn tránh rượu hay thuốc 5.Học cách thư giãn  Xoa bóp tập thở thư giãn hữu dụng để kiếm soát stress  xóa bớt ưu phiền khỏi tâm trí bạn  chơi môn thể thao (tenis,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2013, 16:40

18 840 9

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