tiết 53 trình bày trang văn bản và in

Tiet 53 Trinh bay trang van ban va in tiet 1

Tiet 53 Trinh bay trang van ban va in tiet 1

... Trình bày trang văn Chọn hướng trang và đặt lề trang In văn (5) Trình bày trang văn Hai trang văn đây có hướng nào? A Trang đứng B Trang nằm ngang ... vùng chứa vănvà ;bản lề đoạn văn? cách Lề đoạn văn là khoảng tương đối đoạn văn đến lề trang Lề trang Lưu ý: - Đừng nhầm lề trang với lề đoạn văn Lề đoạn văn tính ... bày trang văn Khi trình bày trang văn Có kiểu trình bày trang văn bản? cần có các yêu cầu nào? A Trang đứng B Trang nằm ngang

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2021, 07:41

18 5 0


... cị (4)1 Trình bày trang văn bản Hai trang văn trình bày theo hướng trang thế nào? a) Trang đứng b) Trang nằm ngang (5)1 Trình bày trang văn bản - Chọn hướng trang: - Đặt lề trang: Chọn ... ? ?Trình bày trang đặt hướng khoảng cách lề cho trang văn bản. (6)1 Trình bày trang văn bản Em phân biệt lề trang lề đoạn văn? Lề đoạn văn Lề trang Lề trang biên vùng chứa văn bản. ... chuột vào bảng chọn File Chọn Page Setup  Để trình bày trang văn bản, em chọn lệnh: File Page Setup Margins: 1 Trình bày trang văn bản 2 Chọn hướng trang đặt lề trang - Chọn hướng trang:

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2021, 08:27

18 3 0
SO SÁNH CHẤT LƯỢNG tờ IN IN TRÊN máy IN một màu và CHẤT LƯỢNG tờ IN IN TRÊN máy IN 4 màu

SO SÁNH CHẤT LƯỢNG tờ IN IN TRÊN máy IN một màu và CHẤT LƯỢNG tờ IN IN TRÊN máy IN 4 màu

... bóc tách màng mực xảy in máy in màu, trình ép in phải qua ống in lợng mực tờ in qua ống in bị lấy bớt đơn vị in mật độ màu máy in màu máy in màu Hơn in máy màu ( in màu ) trình lớp mực sau chồng ... Khác với phơng pháp in đá (litô), in typô in lõm ,trong trình in offset ,vật liệu in giấy in không tiếp xúc trực tiếp với khuôn in hay in Khi in offset, mực đợc truyền từ in sang cao su ,sau ... in máy in màu khác Mật độ màu đo đợc sản phẩm in máy in màu cao so với sản phẩm in in máy in màu hay nói cách khác in sản phẩm in nhiều màu máy in màu với điều kiện tơng ứng nh chất lợng tờ in

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 12:58

48 307 0
Tài liệu Decline in air pollution and change in prevalence in respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly women pdf

Tài liệu Decline in air pollution and change in prevalence in respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly women pdf

... baseline, pt prevalence at followup, E baseline exposure at baseline, ΔE exposure decline (exposure at baseline minus exposure at follow-up), t follow-up time, Sbaseline smoking at baseline (yes ... were not included in the final model The final models were written as follows: p =  +  * E baseline +  * S baseline and p t =  +  * E baseline + ( +  *  E) * t +  * S baseline +  * ... part in the baseline investigation Of these, 2116 participated in a questionnaire follow-up in 2006 and in a subgroup of 402 women lung function was tested in 2008-2009 Generalized estimating

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

11 636 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Social care and changes in occupational accidents and diseases - the situation in Eastern Europe in general and for skin diseases in particular" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Social care and changes in occupational accidents and diseases - the situation in Eastern Europe in general and for skin diseases in particular" pptx

... Labour Inspectorate Social Insurance Institute Belarus Ministry of Health Ministry of Labour Ministry of Statistics Bosnia-Herzegovina Ministry of Health Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry ... differences in the definition of insurance groups, including the level of the insurance premia and who has to pay these, in the guaranteed payments for total and partial invalidity and in additional ... Full invalidity: from 40% Slovenia No independent insurance Risks are covered by sickness, invalidity and dependent insurance All employees; Students, trainees, handicapped persons during training,

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

15 389 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Functional significance of the signal transduction pathways Akt and Erk in ovarian follicles: in vitro and in vivo studies in cattle and sheep" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Functional significance of the signal transduction pathways Akt and Erk in ovarian follicles: in vitro and in vivo studies in cattle and sheep" ppt

... important in mediating the effects of FSH on inhibin-A, activin-A, oestradiol and progesterone secretion and also important in mediating IGF-I stimulated inhibin-A, activin-A, follistatin, oestradiol ... immunization of sheep against an amino terminal peptide of the inhibin αC subunit on intrafollicular levels of activin A, inhibin A and follistatin Journal of Endocrinology 1998, 157:157-168 ... 67:1003-1012 Jenkins PJ, Bustin SA: Evidence for a link between IGF-I and cancer European Journal of Endocrinology 2006, 151:S17-22 Evans ACO, Martin F: Kinase pathways in dominant and subordinate ovarian

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

13 438 0
Báo cáo y học: "P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during proliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cells" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "P5L mutation in Ank results in an increase in extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate during proliferation and nonmineralizing hypertrophy in stably transduced ATDC5 cells" pdf

... proliferating ATDC5 clonal cell lines, in non- mineralizing hypertrophic ATDC5 clonal cell lines, and in mineralizing ATDC5 clonal cell lines. The results demonstrate that, during their proliferating ... fourfold increase in ank expression in the transduced cells at mineralized hypertrophy compared with that in nonmineralized hypertrophic cells. As illustrated in Figure 3c, in mineralizing conditions ... ank-transduced cell lines (Figure 3c), including the P5L cell line. Rather, the results strongly suggest that the increase in ePPi elaboration in the ank-transduced cells during the mineralizing hyper-

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:23

13 307 0
báo cáo khoa học: "A comparison of the level of enzyme polymorphism in cosmopolitan Drosophila species between populations collected in distilleries and in their surroundings in Hungary" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: "A comparison of the level of enzyme polymorphism in cosmopolitan Drosophila species between populations collected in distilleries and in their surroundings in Hungary" ppt

... species develop in villages in more diverse resources, in fermenting windfalls, in rotting vegetables, in rubbish, etc. In distilleries, however, Drosophilids grow in a more ... mainly found in populations of region 111. Discussion We compared the level of polymorphism in populations originating from distilleries to those collected in villages in ... Original article A comparison of the level of enzyme polymorphism in cosmopolitan Drosophila species between populations collected in distilleries and in their surroundings in

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22

11 313 0
Báo cáo y học: "APOBEC3G induces a hypermutation gradient: purifying selection at multiple steps during HIV-1 replication results in levels of G-to-A mutations that are high in DNA, intermediate in cellular viral RNA, and low in virion RNA" pps

Báo cáo y học: "APOBEC3G induces a hypermutation gradient: purifying selection at multiple steps during HIV-1 replication results in levels of G-to-A mutations that are high in DNA, intermediate in cellular viral RNA, and low in virion RNA" pps

... containing mutations in Vif residues involved in interactions with A3G displayed reduced fitness in PBMC cultures; furthermore, viral DNA in these cells contained extensive G-to-A hypermutation indicative ... mutations being the highest in viral DNA, intermediate in cRNA, and lowest in vRNA We also determined the frequency of G-to-A mutations present in vRNA obtained from HIV WT virus infections We ... operating against genomes that had inactivating mutations in the gag gene The observation that a few of the viral RNA-derived sequences had inactivating mutations in the gag gene strongly indicated

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

15 320 0
Báo cáo y học: "Genes regulated by estrogen in breast tumor cells in vitro are similarly regulated in vivo in tumor xenografts and human breast tumors" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Genes regulated by estrogen in breast tumor cells in vitro are similarly regulated in vivo in tumor xenografts and human breast tumors" doc

... transcripts induced or repressed through 24 hours beginning at intermediate time points (around hours; clusters C and G); and transcripts induced or repressed beginning at later time points (12 ... effects within the cell, mainly by altering the transcription of genes via direct interaction with their promoters or through binding to other proteins, which in turn interact with and regulate ... enrichment in C and D (B, 53 genes, p = 8E-06; D, 54, p = 3E17; E, 53, p = 3E-14) Genes regulated by estrogen in breast cancer cell lines in vitro are also estrogen-regulated in xenograft tumors in vivo

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21

13 179 0
In vitro and in vivo study of ABT 869 in treatment acute myeloid leukemia (AML) alone or in combination with chemotherapy or HDAC inhibitors  insight into molecular mechanism and biologic characterization

In vitro and in vivo study of ABT 869 in treatment acute myeloid leukemia (AML) alone or in combination with chemotherapy or HDAC inhibitors insight into molecular mechanism and biologic characterization

... University of Singapore 2009 In vitro and In vivo study of ABT-869 in treatment acute myeloid leukemia (AML) alone or in combination with chemotherapy or HDAC inhibitors: insight into molecular ... resistance to ABT-869, suggesting potential targets for reducing resistance developed in patients receiving FLT3 inhibitors. Our findings may indicate a common resistant mechanism in novel therapeutic ... acetylated H4 protein was observed in both SAHA and combination treatment, but not in ABT-869 single treatment. As expected, markedly increased levels of p21 proteins was induced by SAHA in MV4-11 and

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:06

121 368 0
Learning guides in speaking english in in class and out of class activities for vietnamese freshman students in the thai nguyen university system

Learning guides in speaking english in in class and out of class activities for vietnamese freshman students in the thai nguyen university system

... Listening 106 16 Difficulty Encountered in In-class Activities in terms of Speaking 108 17 Difficulty Encountered in In-class Activities in terms of Reading 109 18 Difficulty Encountered in In-class ... learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning, and in ... of students in in-class activities which require speaking in English? 2.1 listening; 2.2 speaking; 2.3 reading and 2.4 writing? 3 To what extent do students‘ engage in the following out-of-class

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2017, 17:17

194 373 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis in Economics: Improving strategy of marketing places in attracting investment to fill up industrial zones in Ha Tinh province in the recent period

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Economics: Improving strategy of marketing places in attracting investment to fill up industrial zones in Ha Tinh province in the recent period

... Secondly, analyzing and evaluating the reality and strategy of  marketing places? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up IZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh Thirdly, proposing several viewpoints and solutions to improve  marketing place strategy? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up IZs? ?in? ?Ha  ... and evaluation of the efficiency of the strategy of marketing places? ?in? ? attracting investment to fill up? ?in? ?IZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh?   ­  What   are   required   viewpoints   and   solutions   to   improve   the  strategy of marketing places? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up current  ... objects at strategic level, including: investors that invested or intend  to invest? ?in? ?IZs and EZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh, management executives? ?in? ?Ha  Tinh IZs and EZs. The random sampling method with system sample 

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2020, 19:38

36 104 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis in Economics: Improving strategy of marketing places in attracting investment to fill up industrial zones in Ha Tinh province in the recent period

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Economics: Improving strategy of marketing places in attracting investment to fill up industrial zones in Ha Tinh province in the recent period

... Secondly, analyzing and evaluating the reality and strategy of  marketing places? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up IZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh Thirdly, proposing several viewpoints and solutions to improve  marketing place strategy? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up IZs? ?in? ?Ha  ... and evaluation of the efficiency of the strategy of marketing places? ?in? ? attracting investment to fill up? ?in? ?IZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh?   ­  What   are   required   viewpoints   and   solutions   to   improve   the  strategy of marketing places? ?in? ?attracting investment to fill up current  ... objects at strategic level, including: investors that invested or intend  to invest? ?in? ?IZs and EZs? ?in? ?Ha Tinh, management executives? ?in? ?Ha  Tinh IZs and EZs. The random sampling method with system sample 

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 14:54

36 75 0
Data mining in evaluating the impact of perceived trust in the consumption of safe foods in Vietnamese households: The case of vegetables in Hanoi

Data mining in evaluating the impact of perceived trust in the consumption of safe foods in Vietnamese households: The case of vegetables in Hanoi

... important determinant when making decision buying or not buying an organic food The same conclusion is also found in the study of Xu and Lu (2010) which examines the rank of determinants of Chinese consumers’ ... often easy to interpret However, if m(.) is misspecified then the estimators are biased and inconsistent, leading to a misleading conclusion and incorrect inference In many cases, imposing a specific ... pp 86-96 ISSN 1859 0020 Data Mining in Evaluating the Impact of Perceived Trust in the Consumption of Safe Foods in Vietnamese Households: The Case of Vegetables in Hanoi Tran Thi Thu Ha National

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 00:02

11 43 0
Master thesis in The English language:  An Investigation into linguistic features of names of food and drinks in restaurant menus in Hoi An Ancient Town in Vietnamese and English

Master thesis in The English language: An Investigation into linguistic features of names of food and drinks in restaurant menus in Hoi An Ancient Town in Vietnamese and English

... own, in restaurants So this research is entitled: "An Investigation into we focus mainly on studying the use of English in restaurants in Hoi Linguistic Features of Names of Food and Drinks in ... without intent due to an incomplete understanding of cultural more As a language learner, we are usually interested in linguistic phenomena occurring in our daily life and name of food and drinks ... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG - - NGUYEN THI MY DUYEN AN INVESTIGATION INTO LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF NAMES OF FOOD AND DRINKS IN RESTAURANT MENUS IN HOI AN

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 06:06

14 129 0
Improved skin penetration using in situ nanoparticulate diclofenac diethylamine in hydrogel systems: In vitro and in vivo studies

Improved skin penetration using in situ nanoparticulate diclofenac diethylamine in hydrogel systems: In vitro and in vivo studies

... Article Improved Skin Penetration Using In Situ Nanoparticulate Diclofenac Diethylamine in Hydrogel Systems: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies Soma Sengupta,1 Sarita Banerjee,1 Biswadip Sinha,1 and Biswajit ... test any kind of skin irritation Gel (0.5 g) was applied on 10 cm2 area on the dorsal surface of the forehand The individuals were monitored for any kind of skin irritations including itching, rashes, ... first-order, and Higuchi kinetic models The kinetic model which generates the best fit line was considered In Vitro Skin Permeation Study In vitro skin permeation study was carried out in a diffusion (modified

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 12:03

11 16 0
Mutation of the RDR1 gene caused genome-wide changes in gene expression, regional variation in small RNA clusters and localized alteration in DNA methylation in rice

Mutation of the RDR1 gene caused genome-wide changes in gene expression, regional variation in small RNA clusters and localized alteration in DNA methylation in rice

... a role in maintaining the intrinsic locus-specific DNA methylation patterns, as its mutation caused alteration of methylation at some of the loci we analyzed In particular, the changes in CHH ... significantly altered in the mutant, indicating a functional role of OsRDR1 in regulating endogenous gene expression in rice By smRNA deep-sequencing, we found that extensive alteration in smRNA clusters ... decrease in CHH methylation in the flanking region and the increase in CHH methylation in the gene body region of the Pong copy located on chromosome were associated with moderate decrease and increase

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2020, 02:23

12 37 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis in Medicine: Anticancer effects of vaccine strain measles virus in combination with nimotuzumab in treatment of laryngeal cancer in vitro and in vivo

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Medicine: Anticancer effects of vaccine strain measles virus in combination with nimotuzumab in treatment of laryngeal cancer in vitro and in vivo

... glycoproteins are the hemagglutinin (H) and fusion (F) proteins that  mediate viral binding and integration with the  host  cells.  In? ?current  OLV therapy, the use of Edmonston vaccine strains  includes a ... We conducted the project “Anticancer effects of vaccine strain  measles virus? ?in? ?combination with nimotuzumab? ?in? ?the treatment of  laryngeal cancer? ?in? ?vitro and? ?in? ?vivo” with two objectives To evaluate the anticancer effect of measles vaccine virus? ?in ... recognizes the EGFR extracellular domain and competes for the binding  site of EGF, prevents EGF to bind to its receptor, therefore, prevents the  activation   of  EGFR,   inhibits   tyrosine   kinase   activity,  consequently  inhibiting

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2020, 00:58

30 21 0
The Yin/Yan of CCL2: A minor role in neutrophil anti-tumor activity in vitro but a major role on the outgrowth of metastatic breast cancer lesions in the lung in vivo

The Yin/Yan of CCL2: A minor role in neutrophil anti-tumor activity in vitro but a major role on the outgrowth of metastatic breast cancer lesions in the lung in vivo

... The Yin/Yan of CCL2: a minor role in neutrophil anti-tumor activity in vitro but a major role on the outgrowth of metastatic breast cancer lesions in the lung in vivo Nicole Lavender1,2†, Jinming ... enhanced seeding and growth of tumor cells These data indicate that effects of CCL2/CCR2 antagonists on the intratumoral leukocyte content should be monitored in ongoing clinical trials using these ... aggressiveness, comparing the metastatic 4T1 and PyMT cell line with the non-metastatic 67NR cell line We observed in vitro that CCL2 did increase killing by TEN but not naïve neutrophils in less aggressive

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2020, 01:16

15 24 0

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