think of a number trick between 1 and 100

think of a number

think of a number

... wa’l muqabalah We sometimes call modern numbers Arabic,... MAGIC numbers 55 89 “ People are fascinated by magic We may even dream of having magical powers that would make us magically special The ... 11 00 AD Adelard of Bath, an English monk, visited North Africa disguised as an Arab He translated Al Khwarizmi’s books and brought zero back to England As he only told other monks, nothing happened ... learn to perform mathemagical tricks that will baffle and amaze your friends, while the maths works its magic 29 Magic numbers MAGIC In a magic square , the numbers in every row and column add

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2014, 17:35

96 371 0
Think of a number by malcolm e lines

Think of a number by malcolm e lines

... 81 10 Are four colours enough? 91 11 Rulers, ominoes, and Professor Golomb 10 1 12 What on earth is an NP problem? 10 9 13 How many balls can you shake into a can? 11 9 14 In -between dimensions 13 0 ... or a little less than pi Take out your ball once more, that universe of the Flatlanders, and draw a Flatland triangle or a Flatland circle and test them for yourself In Flatland we find that ... three which are familiar to us The Flatlanders, who inhabit Flatland, are also naturally two-dimensional folks, and are as ignorant of the existence of a third dimension as we are of a fourth Their

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2021, 17:47

75 42 0
Báo cáo y học: " Evolution of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins with a disulfide bond between gp120 and gp41" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Evolution of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins with a disulfide bond between gp120 and gp41" pdf

... L593Q Q5 91 A5 01C T605C L593 Q5 91 A5 01 T605 L593 Q5 91 wt SOS SOS-X 6 /11 11 /11 2 /11 1/ 11 1 /11 1/ 1 Replication of the L593Q and Q591L mutant virusesFigure 5 Replication of the L593Q and Q591L mutant ... spread was monitored for 7 days by CA-p24 ELISA. A A501C T605C (SOS) SH gp120 gp 41 A5 01C gp120 gp 41 T605C SH gp120 gp 41 A5 01C T605C SS gp120 gp 41 wild-type T605C A5 01C C wt A5 01C T605C SOS 10 2 10 ... line pLAI (µg) BME (mM) Reversion a ASOSSupT 110 - - BSOSSupT 110 - - CSOSSupT 110 - - D A5 01C SupT1 10 - - ESOSSupT 110 - - F1 SOS SupT1 10 0 .1 - F3 SOS SupT1 10 0.3 - ISOSSupT140 J1 SOS SupT1 40 0 .1 -

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

11 393 0
Báo cáo y học: " Characterization and frequency of a newly identified HIV-1 BF1 intersubtype circulating recombinant form in São Paulo, Brazil" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Characterization and frequency of a newly identified HIV-1 BF1 intersubtype circulating recombinant form in São Paulo, Brazil" ppt

... that two variants (GenBank:DQ085869; BREPM 119 31 and DQ085870; BREPM 119 31) annotated as BF1 recombi- nants in the database, appear ancestral to subtype B strains. The recombination mapping of the ... from Brazil (GenBank: AY4557 81 ; 94BR-RJ- 41, AY455782; 99UFRJ -16 and DQ3588 01; 01BR087) and two isolates from Japan (GenBank: AB480299; F1. JP.2004.DR6082 and AB4803 01; F1.JP.2004.DR 619 0). It ... C, et al: HIV -1 nomenclature proposal: a reference guide to HIV -1 classification Human retroviruses and AIDS 19 99: a compilation and analysis of nucleic acid and amino acid sequences

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

12 301 0
Báo cáo y học: " Modification of a loop sequence between -helices 6 and 7 of virus capsid (CA) protein in a human " pot

Báo cáo y học: " Modification of a loop sequence between -helices 6 and 7 of virus capsid (CA) protein in a human " pot

... 10 00 p24 ng/ml 10 00 10 NL-ScaVR NL-ScaVRA1 NL-ScaVR6/7S 0 .1 0. 01 10 1 B 10 14 17 21 Days after infection 24 0 .1 0. 01 28 10 14 17 21 Days after infection 24 28 10 000 10 000 MT4 HSC-F 10 0 NL-SVR NL-SVR6/7S ... infection 24 29 10 000 10 000 MT4 HSC-F 10 0 10 0 p24 ng/ml 10 00 p24 ng/ml 10 00 10 10 1 NL-DT5R NL-DT5R6/7S 0 .1 0 .1 NL-DT5R NL-DT5R6/7S 0. 01 0. 01 10 14 18 Days after infection 22 26 10 14 18 Days after infection ... NL-ScaVR6/7S 10 0 p24 ng/ml 10 00 p24 ng/ml 10 00 10 NL-SVR NL-SVR6/7S NL-ScaVR6/7S 0 .1 0. 01 10 1 C NL-ScaVR NL-ScaVRA1 NL-ScaVR6/7S 12 16 20 Days after infection 24 0 .1 0. 01 29 12 16 20 Days after

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

11 236 0
Báo cáo y học: "The V1-V3 region of a brain-derived HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein determines macrophage tropism, low CD4 dependence, increased fusogenicity and altered sensitivity to entry inhibitors" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The V1-V3 region of a brain-derived HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein determines macrophage tropism, low CD4 dependence, increased fusogenicity and altered sensitivity to entry inhibitors" ppsx

... Fiorella Rossi1, Bianca Querido1, Manideepthi Nimmagadda1, Simon Cocklin2, Sonia Navas-Martín1 and Julio Martín-Garc? ?a* 1 Address: 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Center for Molecular ... first 11 amino acids in gp120 after the signal peptide and the last 13 2 amino acids in gp 41, all in the cytoplasmic tail and identical between the BR and SPL Env) from the BR, SPL, BS and SB ... extracellular loop, and subsequently triggers further conformational changes on gp120 that are transduced to gp 41 and lead to the fusion-active conformation of HIV -1 Env [16 - 21] and the formation

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

22 273 0
Báo cáo y học: " A balanced transcription between telomerase and the telomeric DNA-binding proteins TRF1, TRF2 and Pot1 in resting, activated, HTLV-1-transformed and Tax-expressing human T lymphocytes" pot

Báo cáo y học: " A balanced transcription between telomerase and the telomeric DNA-binding proteins TRF1, TRF2 and Pot1 in resting, activated, HTLV-1-transformed and Tax-expressing human T lymphocytes" pot

... 5'-GTTCTTGGCTTTCAGGATGG-3', Pot1 sense, 5'- TGGGTATTGTACCCCTCCAA-3' and antisense, 5'-GAT- GAAGCATTCCAACCACGG-3'. TRF1 sense,5'-GCTGTTT- GTATGGAAAATGGC-3' ... 23: 311 - 316 . 33. Kubuki Y, Suzuki M, Sasaki H, Toyama T, Yamashita K, Maeda K, Ido A, Matsuoka H, Okayama A, Nakanishi T, et al.: Telomerase activ- ity and telomere length as prognostic factors of ... GTATGGAAAATGGC-3' and antisense: 5'- CCGCTGCCTTCATTAGAAAG-3', TRF2 sense, 5'-GACCT- TCCAGCAGAAGATGC-3' and antisense, 5'-GTTGGAG- GATTCCGTAGCTG-3'. The thermal cycling

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

10 281 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Identification of a major gene in F and F data when alleles 1 2 assumed fixed in the parental lines" pps

Báo cáo sinh học: " Identification of a major gene in F and F data when alleles 1 2 assumed fixed in the parental lines" pps

... prior probability that Gi = r, which equals 1/ 4, 1/ 2 and 1/ 4 for r = 1, 2 and 3 (or AIAl , A lA2 and A2 A2 ). The total number of F2 individuals is given as n, and the ... ./V(0,o!). A balanced family structure was simulated, with an equal number of dams, nested within sire, and an equal number of offspring for each dam. Random variables were ... variance. The data set contained 20 sires with 5 dams each and 10 offspring per dam; each situation was repeated 10 0 times. Estimated parameters and resulting power are

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

16 201 0
determinants of the earnings gap between blacks and whites a human capital approach

determinants of the earnings gap between blacks and whites a human capital approach

... 010 1 011 1 017 11 0e 4 217 1-48 81. ) TT § Trang 9 TABLE Ì TABLE 2a TABLE 2b TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 LIST OF TABLES Definition of Variables - càng 19 Means and Standard Deviations ... individuals that have attained a bachelor’s degree These tables give a breakdown of the sample size for each category of race and educational level examined in this study, and the average values and ... Educational Attainment High School Bachelor's Degree Trang 34 24 The complete sample contained 41, 168 individuals Tables 2a and 2b provide the means and standard deviations of the dependent and

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 14:19

56 209 0
homomorphisms of the fundamental group of a surface into psu(1,1), and the action of the mapping class group

homomorphisms of the fundamental group of a surface into psu(1,1), and the action of the mapping class group

... I also thank my friends of many years Avra Charalambous, Georgia Papageorgiou and Anna Sidera for their continual support and the great summers I spent with them. I thank my grandparents Panagiota ... father Sav- vas, my brothers Michael-Zenios and Charalambos. Finally I thank the Department of Mathematics at the University of Arizona. 5 DEDICATION To my parents, Andreani and Savvas Konstantinou, ... Panagiota and Charalambos Konstantinou, Maria Zeniou and my spiritual father Michalis Pigasiou for their continual wishes and prayers; and my loving a supporting family: my mother Andreani, my father

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:14

88 324 0
Identification and characterization of a candida albicans alpha 1,2 mannosyltransferase CaMNN5 that suppresses the iron dependent growth defect of saccharomyces cerevisiae aft1 delta mutant

Identification and characterization of a candida albicans alpha 1,2 mannosyltransferase CaMNN5 that suppresses the iron dependent growth defect of saccharomyces cerevisiae aft1 delta mutant

... 310 - 313 Malathi K, Ganesan K, Datta A (19 94) Identification of a putative transcription factor in Candida albicans that can complement the mating defect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ste12 mutants ... 36: 11 56 -11 66 Watanabe T, Tanaka H, Nakao N, Mikami T, Suzuki M, Matsumoto T (19 97) Anti Candida activity of induced transferrin in mice immunized with inactivated Candida albicans Biol Pharm ... IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A CANDIDA ALBICANS α -1, MANNOSYLTRANSFERASE CaMNN5 THAT SUPPRESSES THE IRON-DEPENDENT GROWTH DEFECT OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE aft1Δ MUTANT BAI CHEN NATIONAL

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:30

124 400 0
A further analysis of the causal link between abortion and crime

A further analysis of the causal link between abortion and crime

... equaled. 18 Abortion rates reached a plateau in the early 19 80s; at approximately the same time, total AFDC aid reached a low in real spending 33 , and maintained a lower rate for several years. ... lower plateau than before. The third analysis is that of the staggered nature of the states’ legalization; New York, California, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii all lifted the abortion ban before ... time. Appendix Total Crime Trends 17 16 15 .5 15 14 .5 Year 29 2005 2002 19 99 19 96 19 93 19 90 19 87 19 84 19 81 19 78 19 75 19 72 19 69 19 66 19 63 14 19 60 Log(crime) 16 .5 Donohue and Levitt’s

Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 16:59

38 368 0
Modeling and simulation of a downdraft biomass gasifier 1. Model development and validation

Modeling and simulation of a downdraft biomass gasifier 1. Model development and validation

... Conversion and Management 52 (2 011 ) 13 86? ?13 96 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy Conversion and Management journal homepage: Modeling and simulation of a ... (where all char gets converted) At a more sophisticated level, Ratnadhariya and Channiwala [5], suggested that separate thermodynamic modeling can be approached to different zones of a downdraft gasifier ... of magnitudes [6] Non-equilibrium approaches use char conversion as a surface phenomena describing by char reactivity and global reactions of char–gas and gas–gas reactions An effective global

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2016, 09:35

11 341 0
Decree No. 60 2015 ND-CP guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the securities Law and the law amending

Decree No. 60 2015 ND-CP guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the securities Law and the law amending

... stipulating in detail and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the securities Law and the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of securities Law Article To amend and ... Law and the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of securities Law as follows: To amend Clause 2, Clause 13 in Article and add Clause 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 to Article as follows: ... Morphosyntactic Disambiguator Aleksander Buczy ´ nski Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences Ordona 21, 01- 237 Warszawa, Poland Abstract The aim of this paper is to

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2017, 20:26

23 161 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction between Lim15/Dmc1 and the homologue of the large subunit of CAF-1 – a molecular link between recombination and chromatin assembly during meiosis pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction between Lim15/Dmc1 and the homologue of the large subunit of CAF-1 – a molecular link between recombination and chromatin assembly during meiosis pot

... Biochem 269, 16 4 17 4. 45 Nara T, Hamada F, Namekawa S & Sakaguchi K (20 01) Strand exchange reaction in vitro and DNA- dependent ATPase activity of recombinant LIM15/ DMC1 and RAD 51 proteins ... interacts with Lim15/Dmc1 in meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res 33, 5809–5 818 . 17 Koshiyama A, Hamada FN, Namekawa SH, Iwabata K, Sugawara H, Sakamoto A, Ishizaki T & Sakaguchi K (2006) Sumoylation of a meiosis-specific ... in quiescent human cells. Mol Cell Biol 26, 18 39 18 49. 31 Nara T, Yamamoto T & Sakaguchi K (2000) Charac- terization of interaction of C- and N-terminal domains in LIM15/DMC1 and RAD 51 from a basidiomycete, Coprinus...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

10 487 0


... 19 92). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers 16 Sar 2 510 and 16 Sbr 3080 were used to amplify sequences from 16 S rRNA, and primers COIH 219 8 (5 Ј TAAACTTCAGGGTGAC- CAAAAAATCA 3 Ј ) and COIL 14 90 ... Canada; (25) Nanaimo River, BC, Canada; (26) Campbell River, BC, Canada; (27) Ishikari River, Japan; (28) Lake Baratoka, Japan; (29) Lake Ohnuma, Japan; (30) Lake Akanko, Japan; ( 31) Caspian Sea; (32) ... (5 Ј GGTCAACAAAT- CATAAAGATATTGG 3 Ј ; Folmer et al. 19 94) were used to obtain sequences from COI. Primer pairs 16 SA2 (5 Ј CCGGGT C/T TCGCTAAGGTAG) and 16 SB2 (5 Ј CAA- CATCGAGGTCGCAGTAA) were...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 15:20

14 491 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The Arabidopsis protein kinase Pto-interacting 1-4 is a common target of the oxidative signal-inducible 1 and mitogen-activated protein kinases docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The Arabidopsis protein kinase Pto-interacting 1-4 is a common target of the oxidative signal-inducible 1 and mitogen-activated protein kinases docx

... 5-GACGAGATTATC AGATTTTACGC-3 and 5-AACTGGTGAAGCGGAAG AGAC-3, PTI1-4 (At2g47060): 5-CCCCAAAGAAAATG AGTTGCT-3 and 5-GCATCATTTCCTGGAGGAAAG-3. Acknowledgement This project was supported by grants from the Aus- trian Science ... MKK2 pathway mediates cold and salt stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Mol Cell 15 , 14 1 15 2. C. Forzani et al. PTI1-4, a common target of OXI1 and MAPKs FEBS Journal 278 (2 011 ) 11 2 611 36 ê 2 011 The Authors ... ACTIN2 gene as an internal standard. PCRs were performed using the following primers: ACT2 (At3g18780): 5-ACATTGT GCTCAGTGGTGGA-3 and 5-CTGAGGGAAGCAAG AATGGA-3, OXI1 (At3g25250): 5-GACGAGATTATC AGATTTTACGC-3...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20

11 701 0
Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

... commands InvariantRing, PrimaryInvariants, and SecondaryInvariants in Magma.) One checks that R = R/f 1 R is an integral domain. Let S be the subring of R generated by f 2 , ,f 6 and g 2 , and ... communication. [10 ] A. Granville, ABC allows us to count squarefrees, Internat. Math. Research Notices 19 (19 98), 9 91 10 09. [11 ] A. Kable and A. Yukie, On the number of quintic fields, Invent. Math. 16 0 (2005), 217 –259. [12 ] P. ... rings and fields, Ann. of Math. 16 2 (2005), 10 31 10 63. [3] ——— , The density of of discriminants of quintic rings and fields, Ann. of Math.,to appear. [4] H. Cohen, Constructing and counting number...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

20 479 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Insights into the design of a hybrid system between Anabaena ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and bovine adrenodoxin pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Insights into the design of a hybrid system between Anabaena ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and bovine adrenodoxin pot

... & Medina, M. (19 98) Role of Arg100 and Arg264 from Anabaena PCC 711 9 ferredoxin-NADP + reductase for optimal binding and electron transfer. Biochemistry 37, 17 680 17 6 91. 10 . Medina, M., Martı ´ nez-Ju´ ... spectra can be explained by the formation of such a CO–CYP1 1A1 ferrous complex [33]. Thus, we generated an artificial but functional ET chain composed of Anabaena FNR, bovine Adx and bovine CYP1 1A1 .Thetimecourseofthereactionfollowedat 450 ... the typical absorption spectrum of the CO-ferrous CYP1 1A1 complexed form, characterized by absorbance decreases at 390, 430 and 480 nm and by the appearance of a peak at 450 nm which exhibits a large...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20

10 400 0