the use of molecular genetics to improve food properties

The use of role play to improve speaking skill for students at grade 6 in a secondary school in nam tu liem dist , hanoi

The use of role play to improve speaking skill for students at grade 6 in a secondary school in nam tu liem dist , hanoi

... suggestions related to the topic C Let students choose topics themselves to discuss D Use other authentic materials (visual aids, stories, songs, video clips,…) E Involve students in the real English ... around the house (dinning room, kitchen, your room, your son’s room, bathroom) And inform A the rules of the house You and your friend talk about your dream house in the future X APPENDIX 5: THE ... 1.1 Rationale of the research 1.2 Aims of the research .2 1.3 Research questions .2 1.4 Scope of the research 1.5 Method of the research

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 14:23

62 160 0
A study on the use of mobile applications to improve vocabulary learning and teaching in an english centre in hanoi

A study on the use of mobile applications to improve vocabulary learning and teaching in an english centre in hanoi

... affect the objectivity of the learners‟ attitude The students‟ positive responses to the new way of enlarging their lexical range might be partly because of the novelty of their experiences The ... improvement in the result of post-test compared with the pre-test Secondly, according to the data gathered from the face -to- face interview, almost all participants are interested in the use of ... which could limit the reliability of the research because of the restricted samples Secondly, the time of the intervention is short, which was only in ten weeks in total It is the fact that short-term

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2021, 16:13

62 28 0
A study on the use of mobile applications to improve vocabulary learning and teaching in an english centre in hanoi

A study on the use of mobile applications to improve vocabulary learning and teaching in an english centre in hanoi

... affect the objectivity of the learners‟ attitude The students‟ positive responses to the new way of enlarging their lexical range might be partly because of the novelty of their experiences The ... improvement in the result of post-test compared with the pre-test Secondly, according to the data gathered from the face -to- face interview, almost all participants are interested in the use of ... which could limit the reliability of the research because of the restricted samples Secondly, the time of the intervention is short, which was only in ten weeks in total It is the fact that short-term

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 12:09

62 67 0
A study on the use of role play to improve speaking skill for the second year tourism students at nghe an trading and tourism vocationl college

A study on the use of role play to improve speaking skill for the second year tourism students at nghe an trading and tourism vocationl college

... aims and objectives of the study, the research questions, the benefits and the scope of the study, the methodology of the study and finally introduces the design of the proposed thesis 1.1 Rationale ... others as it is needed the most in hotel-tourism environment We try to find the effective solution to improve the speaking skill of the tourism students Role- play is one of the techniques to ... were given to the students in the last meeting of the research It was done to know the students‟ response about the technique used in the research 1.7 Definition of terms In this thesis, the researcher

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2021, 20:28

74 11 0
The use of classroom demonstrations to improve high school studen

The use of classroom demonstrations to improve high school studen

... alone in my use of demonstrations “Educators have often sought different ways to teach chemistry, and the use of demonstrations is but one of many teaching approaches adopted to enthuse students” ... CHEMISTRY A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Natural ... (Erlis & Subramanaim, 2004) Another reason to consider the use of demonstrations in the classroom is for assessment The teacher is able to ask probing questions on the topic being demonstrated and

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 22:06

61 3 0
The use of learning strategies to improve the english speaking skills of the non english majors at ho chi minh city university of industry

The use of learning strategies to improve the english speaking skills of the non english majors at ho chi minh city university of industry

... UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES THE USE OF LEARNING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS OF THE NON-ENGLISH MAJORS AT HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY A thesis submitted ... STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS OF THE NON-ENGLISH MAJORS 2008 AT HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify that the thesis entitled ? ?The Use ... testing the four students in the oral tests, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages of HUI for allowing me to use the speaking scores I wish to thank all the students who kindly participated in the

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2023, 20:46

105 6 0
A study on the use of role play to improve speaking skill for the second year tourism students at nghe an trading and tourism vocationl college

A study on the use of role play to improve speaking skill for the second year tourism students at nghe an trading and tourism vocationl college

... aims and objectives of the study, the research questions, the benefits and the scope of the study, the methodology of the study and finally introduces the design of the proposed thesis 1.1 Rationale ... try to use the language to express something in their own way 1.5 Scope of the study: To clarify the problem, I limit those problems in the use of role-play activities in teaching speaking to tourism ... were given to the students in the last meeting of the research It was done to know the students‟ response about the technique used in the research 1.7 Definition of terms In this thesis, the researcher

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2023, 01:09

74 1 0
A study on the use of mind map to improve english vocabulary for first year students of the faculty of economics at hung yen university of technology and education

A study on the use of mind map to improve english vocabulary for first year students of the faculty of economics at hung yen university of technology and education

... took them a lot of time to create a diagram because they were not used to using it during their lessons To solve this problem, the teacher should instruct the students more carefully how to make ... thus they cannot present the whole third-year students of the Faculty of Economics at UTEHY And because of resource limitation, the theoretical background of study might not enough information Therefore, ... writer would like to present 34 There are not many studies on the use of MM to improve vocabulary retention, so it offers other researchers to a similar research with a similar topic by using a

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2023, 13:49

52 7 0
The use of instagram application to improve grade 10th students vocabulary at a high school

The use of instagram application to improve grade 10th students vocabulary at a high school

... want to specifically thank everyone who helped and motivated me during the course of the study Firstly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the administrators of the Faculty of ... pro-test The students' attitudes towards the method of learning vocabulary with Instagram were captured by focus group interviews The author divided the class into 5 small groups to control the research ... UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES HÀ THÙY LINH THE USE OF INSTAGRAM APPLICATION TO IMPROVE GRADE 10TH STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY AT A HIGH SCHOOL Major: English teaching theories

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2024, 15:32

107 0 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ Phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh: An action research into the use of to improve sixth-grade students’ vocabulary mastery at a public secondary school in Ha Noi

Luận văn thạc sĩ Phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh: An action research into the use of to improve sixth-grade students’ vocabulary mastery at a public secondary school in Ha Noi

... transmitted to the teacher, who assumes the role of the game creator automatically. Furthermore, the teacher retains the ability to procure a hard copy of the material in PDF format should the desire to ... do the washing-up B do the laundry €, do the housework D do the shopping V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the ... standard of mastery (MMC) There were only 8 (17,9%) students did not complete the MMC It reached the indicator of success where 80% the students could get the score > 7.5 It meant that the use of

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2024, 02:01

114 0 0
Financial planning – the use of quantitative indicators to make a business decisions

Financial planning – the use of quantitative indicators to make a business decisions

... 2 Accounting Rate of Return (aka Average Rate of Return) Accounting Rate of Return • A comparison of the profit generated by the investment with the cost of the investment Average ... example: • An investment is expected to yield cash flows of £10,000 annually for the next 5 years • The initial cost of the investment is £20,000 • Total profit therefore is: £30,000 calculated by (5x£10,000)-£20,000 • ... Return • A comparison of the profit generated by the investment with the cost of the investment Average annual return or annual profit • ARR = x 100 Initial cost of investment or Capital

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 19:48

29 229 0
Common errors in the use of negative prefixes to nouns and adjective

Common errors in the use of negative prefixes to nouns and adjective

... the kinds of errors in the use of negative prefixes to nouns and adjectives made by the junior students in the Foreign Languages Faculty To find out the causes of the errors in the use of negative ... According to the result of the research, the errors in the use of the prefix awith negative meaning and this prefix with the meaning of ? ?to? ?? or “towards” constitute the highest percentage (75%), The ... Errors in the addition of the prefix un- to the common words which have the opposite 41 II.2.9 Errors in the addition the prefix non- to verbs 41 II.2.10 Errors in the use of the prefix

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12

67 897 1
Strengthening Local Service Delivery in the Philippines: The Use of Political Economy to Craft Bank Operational Strategies

Strengthening Local Service Delivery in the Philippines: The Use of Political Economy to Craft Bank Operational Strategies

... among the same type of LGUs, the available resources relative to the length of the road network vary greatly For example, the total length of the provincial road network in the province in the ... base.18 The hypothesis that the mayors used road projects to buy votes was supported further by another result on the relationship between the propensity of the mayors to fund road projects and their ... available means to begin to screen LGUs according to the quality of governance is to rely on proxy measures of good governance such as the Seal of Good Housekeeping of the Department of Interior

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2016, 07:29

30 376 0
A study on teaching grammar with the use of “flip teaching” to childten at popodoo english center

A study on teaching grammar with the use of “flip teaching” to childten at popodoo english center

... an interview, the researcher could confirm the situation from the finding of the pre-data and collect the results of the treatment by comparing it with the data collected by means of post-data ... with the use of flipped teaching to students from to 10 years old at PoPoDoo English Center” For each criterium, the researcher ticks (v) into the column with the corresponding mark from the lowest ... are there in the basket?” Question 7: Point and talk about the picture using “This/ That/ These/ Those” V Question 8: Pretend to be the girl and say: Question 9: Use present simple to describe the

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:25

58 447 1
An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third year students at hanoi university of business and technology

An investigation into the use of useful expressions to enhance speaking skills for the third year students at hanoi university of business and technology

... in the study, the aims and objectives of the study, and the research questions to be answered It will also present the scope of the study and an overview of the methods and the design of the ... when the two following objectives are met The first objective of the study is to seek for the effectiveness of using useful expressions for the students‟ improvement The other one is to explore the ... list of them note the Tell the students to pay attention to some of the objectives of the language associated with a presentation that lessons and teacher is going to introduce based on the useful

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:26

71 601 2
The effectiveness of using skyde to improve speaking skills for the first year english education students at Ha Noi Pedagogical University 2

The effectiveness of using skyde to improve speaking skills for the first year english education students at Ha Noi Pedagogical University 2

... skills The results collected from two tools: the speaking test interview to measure the students' speaking skills achievements and the survey questionnaire to determine the changes towards the improvement ... SKYPE TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS FOR THE FIRST YEAR ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS AT HANOI PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY (SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ... the improvement of speaking skills outside class due to the implementation of Skype Based on the results of the pre-speaking test interview and the pre survey questionnaire, the researcher had

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 14:42

116 424 0
An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 2

An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 2

... terms of: (1) The height of the bulk of the tongue in the mouth (2) The front/back position of the tongue in the mouth (3) The degree of lip-rounding (4) The length of vowels (Roach, 1998: 13-14) ... have the habit of pronounce a new-formed word according to the pronunciation of the root one For example, they tend to pronounce the sounds of Exhibition like the sound of Exhibit With the help of ... English The voice of the students was recorded and then played again for the students themselves to find out the mistakes they had made After the students realized the mistakes they had made, the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:58

76 1,1K 2