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Luận văn thạc sĩ Phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng Anh: An action research into the use of Wordwall.net to improve sixth-grade students’ vocabulary mastery at a public secondary school in Ha Noi

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  • 2.4.3. Disadvantages nh ố ố (30)
  • 2.5. Information about “wordwalẽ.T€Ẩ””.....................-. .- sgk ệt 21 1. Introduction of “wordwalẽ.€Ẩ”..................... - cv kg HH TH ngàng HH Hiệp 21 2. Applying “wordwall.net” in Teaching English Vocabulary (31)
    • 2.5.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of wordwalẽ.net.......................... ..- -ô--ô---c<sc+sesses 24 2.6. Previous Related StUI€S.......................- ..- 5 ô+ ng TH ng nh ng nghiệt 25 (34)
  • CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY.........................- HH HH HH ng ng ệt 28 3.1. Context of the SEUy ............................- Án HH HT HH Hệ 28 3.2. Participant 1 (38)
    • 3.3. Research Design: Classroom Action Research............................-- -- + ssc+ssseersseeese 29 3.4. Methods of the S{UỈy........................ -- . 2G SH TH TH HH HH nvrry 31 3.5. IMStrU 1 ae e (39)
      • 3.5.1. Test (Quantitative ẽDafa).........................- - c1 1111211111111 11111 111110 1111101111111 1 kg. 32 3.5.2. Observation (Qualitative data) ...................- -.- c1 1 11211 v11 111 11111111 8 ng rry 33 3.5.3. Interview (Qualitative data) ........................-- - - c 001111211 S SH ng key, 33 3.6. The Procedure of the ResearCH: ........................- -. 5 + 5 13 1 vn ng ng niệt 35 3.6.1. P€-T€S€ATCHh........................ G0 11 TT TH Hi 36 3.6.2. i68) 271i (42)
    • 3.7. Indicators Of SUCCESS TT OAa (53)
  • CHAPTER 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................. ào 44 4.1. FInITBS................... -- -.- c1 1S SH TH Ho TH HH HH nh 44 4.1.1. The Result of the Students’ Vocabulary Score in Cycle Ì (54)
    • 4.1.2. The Result of the Students’ Vocabulary Score in Cycle II (57)
    • 4.1.4. Interpretation the Result of Students’ Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II (60)
    • 4.1.5. Interpretation the Result of The Students’ Attitudes Towards the Application (64)
    • 4.2.2. The Students’ Attitudes Towards the Application of “wordwall.com” to learn (67)
  • CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION.......................... nà HH HH HH Hy 60 5.1. ©6000 000ì( ác ........................ 60 5.2. Limitations and implications for future Studies .............................. .-- 5< <<<<c+s<++se+ 61 5.2.1. Limitations ...........................- G110 ng HT HH HH nhện 61 5.2.2. Implications for future Studies ........................ -. 2c 2 121112 1119 1111111811 8 ng rry 61 REFERENCES............................ Qui 63 APPENDICES 10... ....................... I APPENDIX .............................- SH HH HT gọn Tu TH HH HH HT nh Ti ng I APPENDIX 2........................ Án HH HH HH HH To TT TH HH HH HT ng IV APPENDIX 3............................-. Án HH HH HH HT TH TH Hà HH nh HT TH XIV APPENDIX 4 nh... 2... XX APPENDIX 5....................... LG HT HH HH HH HH kh XXII APPENDIX 6 Ưaaa...... XXIV APPENDIX ƯNỚ........ XXVI APPENDIX 8 10008... .e.-................. XXVIII APPENDIX 9 TT n....ỒẢ. 4. XXXVI APPENDIX 10 l1... e................... XXXVI APPENDIX 0500077 (70)

Nội dung


Disadvantages nh ố ố

Despite the continual advancement of technology and the internet, drawbacks still accompany these developments Web-based learning, while offering advantages, can also result in social isolation for learners and increased costs (Cook, 2007) Due to the flexibility of studying at any location and time, learners often find themselves studying in isolation Interaction and discussion between learners and teachers, as well as among learners themselves, are limited Although discussions may occur online, learners are often burdened with additional costs for internet usage. Moreover, there are additional disadvantages associated with the utilization of web-

20 based learning, irrespective of whether it is implemented in online or offline learning settings Firstly, learners may encounter challenges in accessing suitable computer equipment, which could hinder their participation and engagement.Secondly, learners may experience frustration when they encounter technical issues,disrupting their learning process and potentially affecting their motivation Thirdly,there is a requirement for learners to have access to necessary and affordable devices, which may pose financial barriers for some individuals Lastly, learners may require specific guidance and support in effectively navigating and acquiring information through web-based platforms, highlighting the importance of structured assistance in facilitating their learning experience.

Information about “wordwalẽ.T€Ẩ”” - .- sgk ệt 21 1 Introduction of “wordwalẽ.€Ẩ” - cv kg HH TH ngàng HH Hiệp 21 2 Applying “wordwall.net” in Teaching English Vocabulary

Advantages and Disadvantages of wordwalẽ.net - -ô ô -c<sc+sesses 24 2.6 Previous Related StUI€S .- - 5 ô+ ng TH ng nh ng nghiệt 25

According to the aforementioned elucidation, wordwall.net possesses both benefits and drawbacks as an instructional medium, whether for the educator or the learner who utilizes it The merits of wordwall.net encompass a diverse array of captivating features, automated result reporting, the provision of printable educational materials, and effortless accessibility (Ar-Rahmah, 2021, p 42) Functioning as a website tool, wordwall.net facilitates numerous interactive games, culminating in the presentation of a score upon their completion This score serves as an indication of the outcome derived from the learner's engagement and is subsequently

24 transmitted to the teacher, who assumes the role of the game creator automatically. Furthermore, the teacher retains the ability to procure a hard copy of the material in PDF format should the desire to transport it to a traditional classroom setting arise. Both the teacher and the learners have the convenience of accessing wordwall.net with ease through the use of their smartphones.

Nevertheless, wordwall.net not only offers advantages but also harbors accompanying disadvantages The downside of wordwall.net entails its susceptibility to fraudulent activities (Subekti, 2021) This vulnerability arises from the learners’ unrestricted access to the aforementioned link, thereby allowing them to collaborate or engage in deceitful practices unbeknownst to the supervising teacher.

Internationally, there have been studies on topics related to the subject matter of this research The first related study was “The Effect of Using Wordwall.net on Increasing Vocabulary Knowledge of 5th Grade EFL Students." Esra Cila wrote: Wordwall.net, a web-based vocabulary learning tool, is understudied This study examines this website’s impact on vocabulary learning In a Turkish public secondary school for 9-11-year-olds, quantitative data collection was used Class 27 (A) was the control, and Class 27 (B) was the experimental To measure effectiveness, paired sample t-tests were used to compare pretest and posttest results The final results show significant differences between each group's pre- and post-treatment tests This study (Cil, 2021) found that using wordwall.net improved vocabulary mastery in 5th grade EFL learners The second study was conducted within a primary school in Malaysia, specifically targeting third-grade students The study titled “Catch and Keep” Through Wordwall in Improving Vocabulary Mastery among Year 3 Pupils was authored by Vanisa Magasvaran, Jennie Ukat & Melor Md Yunus in 2021 The objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of the "Catch and Keep" feature on the wordwall.net platform in facilitating students’ acquisition of new vocabulary The researchers administered a pre-test and a post- test to assess the students' word knowledge before and after the introduction of the

25 new concept Subsequently, a survey questionnaire was administered to the students in order to ascertain their perspectives on the concept of "catch and keep." The utilization of the "Catch and Keep" feature on the Word Wall platform facilitated the enhancement of students’ vocabulary proficiency.

In Viet Nam, there used to be few studies on the application of web-based learning in teaching and learning vocabulary One of these is “Using Kahoot! in Vocabulary Learning: Evidence from a Vietnamese Higher Education Context," which was conducted by Thach Ngoc Pham and Diem Thi Duong in 2022 This study investigates how Vietnamese undergraduate English students feel about using Kahoot to learn vocabulary Sequential explanatory mixed methods were used to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data from 53 first-year English majors The study participants enjoyed the game, but their participation varied Also important were interaction, engagement, focus, competition, and motivation, which made learning enjoyable and improved vocabulary retention Another one is

“Students’ perceptions of English vocabulary teaching and learning by using Blooket: a case study," which was carried out by Tran Thien Minh Thu and Thai Cong Dan in 2023 This study examined students’ opinions on teaching English vocabulary with Blooket The study case and questionnaires were used to survey 72 non-English major students and interview 7 students and 3 teachers at Long An College of Education (LACE), Vietnam Students liked learning vocabulary on http://blooket.com, a classroom game website with many interactive and innovative games When used by teachers in online or offline classes or at home, Blooket also improves students’ vocabulary.

Based on the findings of two previous studies, it is evident that the application of wordwall.net in English language learning classrooms has demonstrated its effectiveness as a web-based educational tool Nevertheless, there has been a shortage of studies conducted on wordwall.net in Vietnam Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the efficacy of wordwall.net in enhancing learners' vocabulary proficiency in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, where almost all

26 secondary students have access to the Internet The distinguishing factors of this study compared to previous studies include the specific location and participants (students in a six-grade class at a public secondary school in Hanoi, Vietnam), the time (the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023), and the circumstance of learning (based on Global Success 6, published by Vietnam Education Publishing House Limited Company).

Chapter 2 explores the research's fundamental concepts, theories, and frameworks, including Vocabulary, Vocabulary Mastery, Teaching Vocabulary Methods, Web- Based Learning, and wordwall.net platform It provides a comprehensive summary and critical evaluation of previous studies, identifying gaps in existing literature, and highlighting the study's unique setting, temporal parameters, and contextual factors, including the Global Success 6 curriculum.

METHODOLOGY .- HH HH HH ng ng ệt 28 3.1 Context of the SEUy - Án HH HT HH Hệ 28 3.2 Participant 1

Research Design: Classroom Action Research + ssc+ssseersseeese 29 3.4 Methods of the S{UỈy 2G SH TH TH HH HH nvrry 31 3.5 IMStrU 1 ae e

Classroom action research (CAR) was the research method employed in this study.

As per Kumar, action research is a research method that focuses on enhancing and adapting the operational system of a classroom in a school or institution. Meanwhile, Cresswell (2015) states that action research provides the opportunity for educators or teachers to reflect on their practices Based on those statements, it can be deduced that action research places a strong emphasis on reflecting upon and enhancing the teaching and learning process within the classroom.

Furthermore, action research involves implementing research findings into practical action and conducting research on the outcomes of that action Based on the explanations provided earlier, it can be deduced that classroom action research involves teachers or practitioners conducting inquiry or research to examine and assess their classroom practices The main focus is on problem-solving to enhance teaching and learning through self-reflection This process is carried out through well-planned and systematic actions.

In this study, the researcher utilized collaborative action research, highlighting the significance of working together and having a collective responsibility in enhancing teaching practices This approach necessitates the participation of additional individuals, such as the English teacher who aided the researcher, cultivating a feeling of camaraderie and common objective among educators.

Consequently, LHA provided assistance to the researcher, namely observing the lessons, taking notes and videoing the lessons She works as an English teacher at the school where the research was conducted In this research, the researcher will utilize Kemmis and McTaggart's (1988) research design, which is one of the models of classroom action research (CAR) According to Kemmis and McTaggart, action research is a dynamic and complementary process that involves four essential phases: planning, action, observation, and reflection These phases work together in a spiral system According to Anne Burns (1999), Kemmis and McTaggart support this claim The phases are illustrated in the figure below.

This diagram illustrates the order of the research, which includes a preliminary study before planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, which take place in turn in each cycle of a spiral system The assumption is that if the determined target in the first cycle cannot be achieved or there may be a new problem, it will probably be continued and revised in the next cycle, which has the same phase as the first cycle.

Figure 3.1 Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model (1988) 3.4 Methods of the study

A mixed-methods study involves both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

A mixed-methods study design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018) was employed in this research, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches to comprehensively investigate the effectiveness of "wordwall.net" in enhancing vocabulary mastery and student attitudes towards its use.

Quantitative data collection involved administering three tests: a pre-test and two post-tests (Research Question 1) These tests aimed to measure any improvement in vocabulary knowledge among sixth-grade students at a public secondary school in Hanoi after utilizing "wordwall.net" in their English language learning.

Qualitative data collection employed two techniques to explore student attitudes towards "wordwall.net" as a vocabulary learning tool (Research Question 2). Firstly, semi-structured interviews allowed students to express their subjective experiences, perceptions, and feelings while using the website Secondly, classroom observations provided valuable insights into student engagement and

" interaction with "wordwall.net" activities during lessons By combining these quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, the research sought to gain a richer and more nuanced understanding of the impact of "wordwall.net" on vocabulary acquisition and student learning experiences.

In this study, the researcher employed three techniques for data collection Firstly, tests (1 pre-test and 2 post-tests for quantitative data) were employed to examine the effectiveness of utilising wordwall.net in enhancing the vocabulary mastery of sixth-grade students at a public secondary school in Hanoi (Research Question 1) Besides that, an interview (qualitative data) and observations (qualitative data) were as also conducted as the second technique to investigate the attitudes of students towards the application of Wordwall.net as an aid for vocabulary acquisition (Research Question 2).

Test is a set of stimuli which given to the individual to obtain the respond based on what is assessed In this research, the tests that examined to the students consist of two types namely pre-test and posttest They are the following: a Pre-test

First, pre-test is examined to the students before giving the treatment through the implementation of reciprocal teaching to evaluate their ability at first The type of pre- test is vocabulary mastery test In this pre-test, the researcher applied objective test in the form of pronunciation, multiple choices and fill in the blanks and sentence writing. b Post-test

Second, post-test is examined to the students after they are taught vocabulary mastery by using the website wordwall.net as the treatment to find out the improvement before and after giving treatment It could be seen by comparing the result between pre-test and post-test In this post-test the researcher applied objective test in the form of pronunciation, multiple choices and fill in the blanks and sentence writing.

This research employed observational methods to examine the conditions within the teaching-learning process The researcher adopted a direct observation approach, focusing on a specific set of student activities during instruction and learning tasks. This focus aimed to gain insight into student engagement and participation, which are considered crucial indicators of effective teaching and learning.

A standardized observation sheet was developed by the researcher This sheet included a comprehensive list of student activities, including: e Giving attention to the teacher's explanation: Observing this activity helps assess student focus and receptiveness to instruction. e Giving responses: This includes both verbal and non-verbal responses, providing insight into student comprehension and participation in class discussions. e Active in learning process: This encompasses a broader range of behaviors, such as asking questions, participating in group activities, and completing tasks with initiative Observing this activity helps gauge student motivation and involvement in their own learning. e Following teacher's instruction: Monitoring this activity allows the researcher to assess student understanding of expectations and their ability to adhere to classroom procedures. e Making notes from the material: This activity reflects student engagement with the presented information and their ability to independently record key points for later reference.

The systematic data collection facilitated by the observation sheet allows for a more objective and comprehensive analysis of student participation and engagement within the teaching-learning process.

Indicators Of SUCCESS TT OAa

This research would success or finish if 80% of students got score minimum 7.5 and there was significant improvement in the students learning activity which occur until the last cycle.

Chapter 3, Methodology, provides a detailed account of the research framework, encompassing the context, participants, methods, instruments, and procedures It offers comprehensive insight into the contextual setting, delineating the characteristics and demographics of the participants involved in the study. Furthermore, the chapter elucidates the specific methodologies and instruments utilized to collect and analyze data, ensuring transparency and rigor in the research process Additionally, it outlines the steps undertaken to analyze the collected data, detailing the procedures employed to derive meaningful insights and findings.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ào 44 4.1 FInITBS -.- c1 1S SH TH Ho TH HH HH nh 44 4.1.1 The Result of the Students’ Vocabulary Score in Cycle Ì

The Result of the Students’ Vocabulary Score in Cycle II

The result of post-test in Cycle II can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.6 The Frequency of the Students’ Scores in Post Test 2

Chart 4.3 Result of Students’ Scores in Post Test 2

The result of Post Test 2 showed that there were 37 (82,1%) students complete to achieve the minimum standard of mastery (MMC) There were only 8 (17,9%) students did not complete the MMC It reached the indicator of success where 80% the students could get the score > 7.5 It meant that the use of wordwall.net was success to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Wordwall.net improved the students’ vocabulary scores compared to the post-test 1. The following tables show a comparison of the students' vocabulary scores.

Table 4.7 Paired Samples Statistics (Post-Test I & Post-Test 2)

Mean N Std Deviation | Std Error Mean Pair 2 | Post-test 1 7.069 45 1.1198 1669

Post-test 2 7.947 45 8522 1270 The use of wordwall.net appears to have improved students’ vocabulary scores in a study of 45 students The average score on the Post-test Iwas 7.069, with a standard deviation of 1.1198 The average score on the Post-test 2 was 7.947, with a standard deviation of 8522 This is a gain of about 0.87 points.

Table 4.8 Paired Samples Correlations (Post-Test 1 & Post-Test 2)

Post-test 2 There appears to be a positive correlation between students’ Post-test 1 scores &

Post-test 2 scores The correlation coefficient is 815, which is considered a strong positive correlation This suggests that students who scored higher on Post-test 1 also tended to score higher on the post-test 2.

Table 4.9 Paired Samples Test (Post-Test 1 & Post-Test 2)

Std Interval of the Std Error Difference One- Two-

Mean |Deviation| Mean | Lower | Upper t df | Sided p | Sided p Pair 2 | Post- -.8778 6519) 0972|-1.0736| -.6819) -9.033); 44] 8

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APPENDIX 2 Samples of Lesson Plans

Global Success 6 - Unit 7 — Lesson 2 — Page 8 Meeting 1 — Cycle I

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Unit 12 — Lesson 2 — Page 60 Global Success 6 -

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I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A cheap B peaceful C breakfast D clean

Question 2 A sandy B sugar C special D square

II Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A mountain B suburb C museum D station

Question 4 A between B friendly C plaster D island

IIT, Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 the second turning on the right and then go straight.

Question 6 The weather is very hotin _ You can see camels and rattlesnakes easily there.

Question 7 January Ist is a day when people in Europe and America New Year.

Question 8 "Have you finished packing for your picnic?”— "Yes All my things are in my

A pouch B backpack C sleeping bag D purse

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 9 | Ha Long Bay has the nicest scenery in Viet Nam.

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 10 Hanoi is more modern than my hometown, so I choose to live in Hanoi.

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 Vietnam has many and man-made wonders (NATURE)

Question 12 Athens is for its ancient buildings (FAME)

Question 13 Vietnamese children receive money at Tet (LUCK)

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: What do you often bring when going camping?

—1 often bring a tent, a sleeping bag, a torch and canned food.

Question 14 What is your neighbourhood like?

Question 15 How do you decorate your house at Tet?

I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A cheap B peaceful C breakfast D clean

Question 2 A sandy B sugar C special D square

II Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A mountain B suburb C museum D station

Question 4 A between B friendly C plaster D island

III Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 the second turning on the right and then go straight.

Question 6 The weather is very hotin You can see camels and rattlesnakes easily there.

Question 7 January 1st is a day when people in Europe and America New Year.

Question 8 "Have you finished packing for your picnic?’”— "Yes All my things are in my

A pouch B backpack C sleeping bag D purse

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 9 Ha Long Bay has the nicest scenery in Viet Nam.

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 10 Hanoi is more modern than my hometown, so I choose to live in Hanoi.

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 Vietnam has many natural and man-made wonders (NATURE)

Question 12 Athens is famous for its ancient buildings (FAME)

Question 13 Vietnamese children receive lucky money at Tet (LUCK)

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: What do you often bring when going camping?

— I often bring a tent, a sleeping bag, a torch and canned food.

Question 14 What is your neighbourhood like?

Question 15 How do you decorate your house at Tet?

I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A attend B comedy C exercise D excellent

Question 2 A photograph B motorbike C programme D continent

IT Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A journey B career C famous D article

Question 4 A channel B today C compete D remote

III Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 Merlion is a famous of Singapore.

Question 6 Many girls and women yoga to keep fit.

Question 7 BBC attracts alot of _ because it has entertaining and educational programmes.

Question 8 “Last week, I played table tennis with Duy and won for the first time!” —

A Congratulations! B Certainly C Poor you D Good luck!

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 9 You should think of participating in the game shows on TV.

A taking in B taking part in C making D defeating

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 10 Football is regarded as the most popular sport in the world.

A healthy B sporty C unpopular D well-known

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 Students should watch programmes on TV as they can learn a lot from them (education)

Question 12 The teacher is instructing how to use the (equip)

Question 13 There are a lot of markets in Thailand (float)

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: Which city do you want to visit? Why?

—I want to visit Singapore because it is clean and modern.

Question 14 What TV program do you like? Why?

Question 15 What is your favourite sport? What equipment do you need for your favourite sports?

I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A attend B comedy C exercise D excellent

Question 2 A photograph B motorbike C programme D continent

II Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A journey B career C famous D article

Question 4 A channel B today C compete D remote

III Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 Merlion is a famous of Singapore.

Question 6 Many girls and women yoga to keep fit.

Question 7 BBC attracts alot of _ because it has entertaining and educational programmes.

Question 8 “Last week, I played table tennis with Duy and won for the first time!” — “ ”

A Congratulations! —_B Certainly C Poor you D Good luck!

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 9 You should think of participating in the game shows on TV.

A taking in B taking part in C making D defeating

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 10 Football is regarded as the most popular sport in the world.

A healthy B sporty C unpopular D well-known

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 Students should watch educational programmes on TV as they can learn a lot from them.

Question 12 The teacher is instructing how to use the equipment (equip)

Question 13 There are a lot of floating markets in Thailand (float)

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: Which city do you want to visit? Why?

—I want to visit Singapore because it is clean and modern.

Question 14 What TV program do you like? Why?

Question 15 What is your favourite sport? What equipment do you need for your favourite sports?

I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A wireless B charity C hi-tech D appliance

Question 2 A mechanic B package C spacious D natural

II Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A container B electric C president D reusable

Question 4 A energy B material C recycle D location

III Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 In the past, robots had a role, but they will play a very important role in the future.

Question 6 Ifwealluse bags, we”ll help the environment.

Question 7 There arealotof _ inher big city I can't count how many floors there are.

Question 8 Jone: "Can I borrow your laptop for a while, please?" - Tom: " _"

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 9 Robots will wash clothes for my family.

A do the washing-up B do the laundry €, do the housework D do the shopping

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 10 Polluted water is harmful to people’s health and kill fish.

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 A motorhome is very for a long journey (CONVENIENCE)

Question 12 We will save_— _ if we turn off fans and lights when we don’t use them.

Question 13 It's difficult for him to these flying robots because they are very small.

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: What will robots do in the future? — They will look after children and cook meals.

Question 14 What appliance will you have in your future house? What can it do?

Question 15 What should we do to reduce waste?

I Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 1 A wireless B charity C hi-tech D appliance

Question 2 A mechanic B package C spacious D natural

II Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word with different primary stress position in each of the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 3 A container B electric C president D reusable

Question 4 A energy B material C recycle D location

III Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answers to the following questions (0.5 pts)

Question 5 In the past, robots had a role, but they will play a very important role in the future.

Question 6 If we all use bags, we’ll help the environment.

Question 7 There arealotof in her big city I can't count how many floors there are.

Question 8 Jone: "Can I borrow your laptop for a while, please?" - Tom: " "

IV Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 9 Robots will wash clothes for my family.

A do the washing-up B do the laundry C do the housework D do the shopping

V Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 10 Polluted water is harmful to people’s health and kill fish.

VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets (1 pts)

Question 11 A motorhome is very convenient for a long journey (CONVENIENCE)

Question 12 We will save electricity if we turn off fans and lights when we don’t use them.

Question 13 It's difficult for him to recognise these flying robots because they are very small.

VII Write short answers to these questions (1 pts)

Example: What will robots do in the future? — They will look after children and cook meals.

Question 14 What appliance will you have in your future house? What can it do?

Question 15 What should we do to reduce waste?

Abbreviations adj adjective n adv adverb pre v

Jkpmpsttrƒn/ noun preposition verb hoat hinh phim hoat hinh kénh (truyén hinh) nhân vat khôn ngoan, thông minh đoạn phim ngắn phim hài thi đấu xinh xắn cá heo giáo dục mang tính giáo dục buồn cười, ngộ nghĩnh chương trìnhTV

(truyền) trực tiếp chương trình

(truyền hình) cuộc thi tài năng trên truyền hình người xem (TV) thể dục nhịp điệu nghề nghiệp, sựnghiệp cuộc đua lời chúc mừng thiết bị, dụng cụ tuyệt mạnh khoẻ kính bơi

(n) crowded (adj) floating market helpful (adj) helmet (n) landmark (n)

Royal Palace shell (n) stall (n) street food

/‘strixt furd/ trung tâm thé dục thể thao môn võ ka-ra-tê kéo dài cuộc đua ma-ra-tông cái vợt (cầu lông ) ghi ban, ghi điểm bắn, bắn súng khoẻ mạnh, dáng thể thao diễn ra được tổ chức

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2024, 02:01


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