... lawyer For the most part, people like links to their sites It doesn t affect the legal question, but you can also choose to set the src in the img tag to the Web address of the site where the image ... (CMD on the MAC) and o and then browse to the file and click OK to open it You should see something like my examples Click on the hyperlinks to get to the other sites Reload the page using the reload ... for the green in the frog head picture and used that for the border as well The text-align directives are just what they sound like: they indicate whether to center the material or align it to the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2014, 21:55
... to forget the first rule Warren Buffett In the battlefield that is the stock market, there are the quick and there are the dead! The fastest way to take a bath in the stock market is to try to ... Similarly, from the market top in 200 0 to the bottom on October 9, 200 2, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 37.8 Introduction xvii percent (the actual top was January 14, 200 0), , and the Nasdaq ... less time to recoup their stock market losses than those in their twenties and INTRODUCTION xviii thirties, may never recover the losses they suffered in the 200 0 200 2 bear market Consider the following...
Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 13:19
the visibooks guide to photoshop cs2 mar 2006
... PHOTOSHOP BASICS 13 Proceed to the next screen Then on the Toolbar, click the Extract icon 14 When the Extract window appears, click the Photoshop Graphics folder PHOTOSHOP BASICS 15 Click the ... Double-click the Adobe folder Then the Photoshop CS2 folder Then the Samples folder 16 PHOTOSHOP BASICS Click Sunflower.psd Then click the button It should look like this: PHOTOSHOP BASICS 17 On the Menu ... this: 10 On the Menu Bar, click File, then Save As PHOTOSHOP BASICS When the Save As window appears, click the down arrow next to the Save in box Click the Photoshop Graphics folder The Photoshop...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 11:24
the visibooks guide to linspire five-0 (2006)
... Double-click the My Computer icon on the Desktop MANIPULATING WINDOWS The My Computer window should open Tip: If the window takes up the whole desktop, click its button MANIPULATING WINDOWS 19 20 Place the ... the cursor to the bottom edge of the My Computer window, until the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow 30 Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop Hold down the left mouse button MANIPULATING ... cursor to the right edge of the My Computer window, until the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow Hold down the left mouse button MANIPULATING WINDOWS 33 34 Drag the mouse to the left until the window...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 21:39
The python book the ultimate guide to coding with python (2015)
... command To store data on to the hard drive, you can use the dump method to write the data out When you want to reload the same data at some other point in the future, you can use the load method to ... pack_propogate to create the window, and then make sure it’s the size that we’ve defined We’ve then used pack to pad the borders, allowing the contents of the window to not touch the sides of it Using the ... better We then use pack to display it, and tell Tkinter to put it at the top of the interface We create a button for the Rock, Paper, Scissors game using the Button function We attach to it the main...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2016, 10:43
The students guide to HSC chemistry
... because the atom is growing too large for the nucleus to hold together Keep this in mind, and the exact definition as well as the criteria listed below should prove easier to understand An isotope ... reactors are often used Suitable target nuclei are placed in the reactor core and bombarded with neutrons to produce the desired isotope Sometimes this isotope may decay further into other isotopes ... just touches the can Replace the cap on the spirit burner to extinguish the flame Do not blow out the flame in order to extinguish it Weigh the burner with its liquid contents and record Add 200 ...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 16:51
DSpace at VNU: L2 Learners’ Reading Problems in Terms of the Factors Relating to Their Meta-Knowledge of English Information Structure
... when they wanted to know the purpose of the author, to understand or follow the text easily, to get important information, to realize the main topic or idea quickly, when they realized the topic ... when they read seriously, it was the strategy they used from high school or in their mother tongue Among those students, two of them, unlike most of the others, reported that they used the beginning -to- end ... devices The most common reasons (given by 18 of the students) in the interviews were among the following: they would pay more attention to the content or the main idea of the text rather than to the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2017, 22:07
Demotivation in learning English of the students of Ly Thai To High School in Bac Ninh = Sự mất hứng thú học tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT Lý Thái Tổ, Bắc 20150227
... interested in the subject matter or L2, and then share these reasons with their students (Good & Brophy, 1994) b Commitment to the students progress Teachers should show commitment towards their students ... that can help students to overcome their de-motivation The first ten items in the questionnaire refer to the internal factors; items 11 – 22 include the external factors which cause students de-motivation ... important to reconfirm that in foreign language teaching process, the teachers should pay attention to many factors affecting students learning, then solve their problems to help the students...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:14
The relationship between first-year Nghe An College students' motivation to read and their use of reading strategies = Mối liên hệ giữa động lực đọc của sinh vi
... reading 13 2.4.2 The role of the teacher and the students in teaching and learning Reading 13 The role of the teacher 13 The role of the students 14 2.5 ... reading skill to the students learning English and future career 35 The role of reading materials to the motivation for learning reading skill 36 The students comments on their current ... from teacher s survey questionnaire (see Appendix 2) 23 Teacher s personal information 23 Teacher s opinions towards students motivation 23 4.2.2 Results from students ...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28
The relationship between first-year Nghe An College students' motivation to read and their use of reading strategies = Mối liên hệ giữa động lực đọc của sinh vi20150227
... The teachers help students to understand the content of the text In order to help the students understand the text, 52% of the teachers say that they often ask them to skim the text, which is the ... them to be active in comprehending the text by using their previously acquired knowledge to comprehend the new information The teachers must improve their classroom techniques to meet their students ... of the teachers (80%) complained that the students redluctance to reading was seen as their biggest challenge In their reading, most of the students often felt unwilling to read except from their...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28
... for the students (see Appendix 10) indicated that they had the same ideas with their teachers The third question in the questionnaire for the students gave the researcher the information about the ... Another form of questionnaire (see Appendix 11) was made for English teachers There were parts in the questionnaire: the first one with questions about the difficulties the teachers and their students ... version for the language teachers indicated that the teachers also share the same opinions with their students 100% of the teachers agreed that their students didn’t have enough vocabularies to talk...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 14:50
Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU
... Kontra (200 0) Native English-speaking teachers in cultures other than their own TESOL Journal 9/3, 19-23 Bieswanger, M (200 7) Language and Education In Bieswanger (200 8) Bieswanger, M (200 8) Varieties ... L (200 2) The attitude of university students in Hong Kong towards native and non-native teachers of English Master‟s thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Cheung, Y L., & Braine, G (200 7) ... throughout the paper, the pedagogical recommendations, the explanation of study limitations, and finally some suggestions for further studies to all of those who share the similar interest in the issue...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39
The relationship between first-year Nghe An College students' motivation to read and their use of reading strategies
... of the major concerns of educators and parents is motivating students so that they work at the best of their abilities ( Guthrie, Solomon 1997) The key is to motivate them in such a way that they ... designed to investigate the relationship between students' motivation to read and their use of reading strategies Besides, the sample of the study was drawn from the first –year- students at the Department ... motivation when they learn reading to find out the relationship between students motivation to read and their use of reading strategies 1.6 Significance of the study Motivation is one of the key issues...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52
... atmosphere where students feel safe to ask questions and grow their confidence Furthermore, the teachers should spend time taking to their students as friends When talking to the students, the teachers ... among the respondents Most of the students commented that when their teacher cared about their well-being, they wanted to well in their speaking activities At that time, they would like to their ... learning They ought to be frank to tell their teachers what they expect from the teachers and what they need for their enthusiasm in the lessons However, to form a good teacher- student interaction, there...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:28
... philosopher like Heidegger, the other person is just one of many: the they’, the crowd, the mass, the herd I know all about the other because the other is part of the mass that surrounds and ... putting into question of the ego, the self, consciousness or what he calls, in the term that he borrows ˆ from Plato, the same (le Meme, to auton) What is the same? It is important to note that the ... it, their opposition fades (ti 126) The same is therefore called into question by an other that cannot be reduced to the same, by something that escapes the cognitive power of the subject The...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
... characters to find meaning in their lives Drug addiction, alcohol abuse, poverty – these are the factors that hamper the residents of the Kinnaird Buildings in their efforts to make something of their ... father of the perpetrator of the hoax As Middleton uncovers the truth of the scandal, so does his professional star rise until, at the end of the novel, he accepts the Chair of the History 22 The Cambridge ... political theme The most obvious of these is the dynamic of the thriller, which leaves Grace’s fate unclear until the The State and the Novel 35 final page The other is an extended allusion to Virginia...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
The Complete Guide to Windows Server 2008 P2
... built in to the Windows Server 200 8 OS R2 releases will be seen in other products in the Microsoft line Windows 200 3 R2 comprises two CDs: the first CD contains Windows 200 3 with SP1, and the second ... contains the new content After installation of the first disc, the installer prompts the user to insert the second CD If a server is already running Windows 200 3 SP1, only the second CD has to be ... [DNS] on a server), you had to reapply the service packs This is no longer required because the content of the service pack is stored locally on the server to ensure that the newest code is always...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:15
The Complete Guide to Windows Server 2008 P1
... Windows Server 200 8 is still new to the market With this book, I tried to create a resource that explains the major features of Windows Server 200 8, when to use them, how to design the best implementation, ... how the Windows OS and Windows Server 200 8 got to where it is with an overview tour of the major Windows Server 200 8 components You then learn how to choose the right version of Windows Server 200 8; ... and terminal emulators to remotely connect to the server and run 32-bit applications and a full desktop environment via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Windows 98 (And the Other One) In 1998,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:15