the futureof urethral reconstructive surgery

Báo cáo y học: "Reconstruction of the urethra with a Surgisis onlay patch in urethral reconstructive surgery: two case reports" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Reconstruction of the urethra with a Surgisis onlay patch in urethral reconstructive surgery: two case reports" pdf

... strictures after previous open urethral surgery This is one of the first reports in the medical literature of urethral surgery using Surgisis® Besides the use of Surgisis® in urethral reconstruction ... the manuscript and in the review of the literature and in performing the clinical follow-up HG was involved in drafting the manuscript and in the review of the literature SH participated in the ... to buccal mucosa flap or foreskin graft surgery in urethral reconstructive surgery An important advantage of Surgisis® is the prevention of the additional surgery needed in order to obtain a buccal...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:21

4 293 0
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 2 pps

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 2 pps

... exit from the posterolateral surface of the crus to join the internal pudendal vein (⊡ Fig 3.9) The urethral veins accompany the urethral arteries along the length of the urethra to the bulb to ... At the base of the penis, where the corpora cavernosa separate into the crura, the vein(s) pass below the symphysis pubis to end in the periprostatic plexus of Santorini Along the shaft of the ... and epithelium for the vessels in a bioreactor with the tissue engineering technique The picture shows in situ in the pig the vessels re-anastomosed to the blood supply for the nutrition of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 323 1
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 3 ppt

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 3 ppt

... own patients other than that related to traumatic catheterization where the catheter penetrated the urethra at the sling site These heal spontaneously with catheter drainage On the other hand, an ... necessary Studies to prove the usefulness of the dorsal incision through the urethral plate (comparable with the Sachse procedure) will stand [11] One of the disadvantages of the otherwise gold standard ... placed across the bottom of the cecum A small segment of the cecum is taken on the outside of the Allen clamp The cecum is closed inside the Allen clamp before it is removed After the clamp comes...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 268 2
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 6 doc

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 6 doc

... urethra, uc urethral catheter The distal end of the obliterated urethra is felt and opened over the tip of the urethral catheter After incising the bulbospongiosus muscle in the midline, the whole ... lengthwise in the needle holder and used to pierce the apex from the outside in, including the mucous tissue Gripping the tip of the needle with the needle holder, the needle is pushed into the bladder, ... with the results of the surgery (Kessler et al 2002) 14 ⊡ Fig 14.3 Lithotomy position The bulbocavernosus muscle is split down the middle and the urethral bulbus is laid open in the area of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 166 1
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 8 ppt

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 8 ppt

... proximal base in the male located at the level of the mid perineum cm distal to the anal margin (⊡ Fig 19.1) The medial border is the crease of the groin lateral to the edge of the scrotum Wee ... consistently 15×6 cm, with the proximal base located at the level of the mid-perineum The medial border is the crease lateral to the edge of the scrotum The distal border is the mid-femoral triangle ... rotated over the urethral plate and sutured to the right rim of the glandular urethra with the mucosal or epithelial surface looking to the urethra (⊡ Fig 20.2D) ▬ The glans is closed over the graft...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 273 0
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 9 pot

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 9 pot

... silicone catheter and suprapubically with a suprapubic tube The size of the transurethral catheter is Fr less than the stent size The transurethral catheter is removed on the 10th day in the case ... interfere with the vascularity of the neourethral tube (⊡ Fig 21.4) At the second stage, close the neourethral tube with stitches through the dermis rather than the epidermis to reduce the risk of ... Course The day after surgery, the drain is removed, and the patient is discharged from the hospital Three weeks after surgery, the bladder is filled with contrast medium, the Foley catheter is...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 278 1
Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 10 potx

Urethral Reconstructive Surgery - part 10 potx

... of the graft The reconstruction of the neourethra should be not performed before weeks The longer the time between the first and the second step of the operation, the better the quality of the ... often positioned in the proximal part of the wound 24.6.4 Panurethral Complete Defects of the Urethra In these rare cases of panurethral complete defects of the urethra, the urethral plate is first ... affixed in the proximal area of the incised D stricture with interrupted sutures The patch is then sutured to the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa D First the left side and then the right...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

23 308 1
color atlas of burn reconstructive surgery  -  h. hyakusoku, et al., (springer, 2010)

color atlas of burn reconstructive surgery - h. hyakusoku, et al., (springer, 2010)

... source of intense activity for the new plastic and reconstructive surgery This atlas details how to use them in burn reconstructive surgery During the last decade, the surgical possibilities of ... are tailored to the wound and directed by the assessment of the extent of the injury Understanding the natural history of the burn wound is pivotal in timing the interventions The clinical outcome ... expansion of the mesh to improve the quality of the outcome [14] The cells can be used with meshed graft in the second stage of an Integra repair to speed the rate of epithelisation with the aim of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:55

491 1,2K 2


... median, the nasolabial, the facial marginal, and the palpebral lines The facial median line spans from the alar facial groove to the columella and lip and then inferiorly to the mentum The nasolabial ... Plastic Reconstructive Surgery starts at the hairline, travels anterior to the tragus, and descends along the posterior margin of the mandible, across the submandibular triangle, and to the hyoid The ... M-plasty The M-plasty is constructed by diminishing the distance from the midpoint of the wound to the lateral extents of the excision By advancing the lateral triangles of tissue into the wound...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 13:20

242 421 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Giant breast tumors: Surgical management of phyllodes tumors, potential for reconstructive surgery and a review of literature" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Giant breast tumors: Surgical management of phyllodes tumors, potential for reconstructive surgery and a review of literature" potx

... female with an obvious mass of the right breast The mass measured 36 × 30 cm at the time of presentation The skin of the breast was blue at the apex of the mass, and the nipple was massively enlarged ... removal of the large tumor These flaps included skin directly overlying the tumor that appeared normal (Fig 2) The superior flap was raised to the level of the clavicle Dissection revealed that the ... fibroepithelial neoplasms with epithelial and cellular stromal components, the latter of which represents the neoplastic process [3] The presence of an epithelial component differentiates the phyllodes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:22

8 276 0
Báo cáo y học: "Advanced radiological work-up as an adjunct to decision in early reconstructive surgery in brachial plexus injuries" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Advanced radiological work-up as an adjunct to decision in early reconstructive surgery in brachial plexus injuries" pptx

... approximately the middle of the clavicle to the cranial border of the tendon of pectoralis major Appropriate nerve reconstructive procedures were done based on the findings in the individual patients The ... case 3, the preoperative findings showed partial function in C5 and C7, while the other roots were considered ruptured or avulsed At surgery there was rupture of the whole plexus at the infraclavicular ... possibility that the reader remembered the findings in some of the evaluated images However, the evaluation of the images in our study was focused on the individual roots rather than on individual...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

7 358 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 1 pps

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 1 pps

... the other side of the room The defect (or deformity, as they term it) hails them, flags them down, implores their assistance They see, in other words, the need for surgery They don’t recognize the ... operate if the daughter says she doesn’t want the surgery But, in general, the surgeons have surprised me They’ve said the daughter wants the surgery, that’s why she’s there Even though her mother ... friends say they were unequivocal about the nose job pressed upon them by mothers with whom they were in endless conflict The “no” to the nose job was like any other “no” flung into the mother’s detested...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 195 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 2 potx

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 2 potx

... exists between the passive and the active, the victim and the agent, the impressionable and the rational, the feminine and the masculine, the infantile and the adult, the impulsive and the restrained ... can for you,” the surgeon tells them regarding the face-lift surgery They look up into the mirror to see their skin falling back into their ears— their facial contours reemerge from the flesh that ... aesthetic microunits They elaborate on the nasal angle and the relationship between the bottom and the top lip They divide the face into thirds and measure the relative proportions If the bottom third...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 318 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 3 pptx

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 3 pptx

... of the plastic surgery encounter itself The Plastic Surgeon and the Patient / 81 What the patient and the doctor find in each other? Their relationship is clearly only a step removed from the ... in the other hand or the penis grows from the other orifice, as it were, and Rose is the recombinant nightmare fallout of plastic surgery s otherwise carefully orchestrated reproduction of the ... unlikely when the surgeon is the progenitor of the woman, the “good” father in contrast to the bad father, who caused her injuries in the first place As her former lover complains, the surgeon has...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 251 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 4 pps

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 4 pps

... altered by the thing they consider problematic Are they aware of it every time they pass a shop window, or they cringe every time they look in the mirror? Is it dominating their lives, in other words? ... located on the body And I don’t mean the pain of the perceived “defect”— the too-big nose or the weak chin or the flabby stomach—I mean the pain of the internal wound itself I will argue that the reason ... you love again Just as the child is held together provisionally in the mother’s eyes and embrace, the operating table is the place where the surgeon-as-mother will repair the discarded and fragmented...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 323 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 5 pps

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 5 pps

... of the birth and growth of children; how the father doted on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child; how all the life and cares of the mother were wrapt up in the ... off from the infant by the infant Gradually the separating-off of the not-me from the me takes place, and the pace varies according to the infant and according to the environment” (111) The locus ... argue that the mirror is specifically the mother’s face: The bare statement is this: in the early stages of the emotional development of the human infant a vital part is played by the environment...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 231 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 6 pdf

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 6 pdf

... the perfect evidentiary tool that exactly records the changes between the preoperative and the postoperative body, also has the capacity to make the after picture exceed the authenticity of the ... “When the biggest stars on the planet gathered recently for that annual rite of teary accep- 194 / The Monster and the Movie Star tance speeches and over -the- top gowns known as the Oscars, the ... material trace of the body in the image, this new twist to the old myth that the camera steals the soul, has inspired various legal moves, on the part of the subjects, to control the terms on which...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 222 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 7 pps

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 7 pps

... exhibitors] did what their filmgoers did and referred to them as the girl with the curls,’ or the sad-eyed man,’ or the fat guy’” (29)— in other words, identifying them mainly by their physical characteristics ... surgery in the first place.23 The impossibility of the surgery the film represents is irrelevant, because in the end the film is about the restoration of the image itself The star becomes herself—she ... surgeries or their taste in clothes or something as banal as their beauty secrets? Why would we go so far as to punch them out in cyberspace? or kill them? The body of the celebrity is the very place...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 180 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 8 doc

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 8 doc

... regular-looking women, when they come under the severe look of the camera Like the Loud family caught in the televisual landscape, they see themselves as inadequate And so does the audience Their hairstyles, ... give themselves to us entirely at the same time that they swallow us whole As the days pass, you watch for the bruised and swollen face in the mirror to “become” a new face The surgeon sees the ... over the bones in order to recreate the contours of youth, I began Being and Having / 261 to think of the surgery as the repair and the aging as the force that had shattered her face A cosmetic-surgery...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 262 0
The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 9 docx

The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 9 docx

... seems apparent from all the accounts that it was the surgery that gave them relief, even though they had agreed to the therapy in order to be approved for surgery Much of the literature on this ... needs are not met by the mother, and the baby learns to want what the mother gives, to become the mother’s idea of who the baby is” (10) Although I am primarily discussing the effects of star ... opportunity to complain For the most part, people who live in my region of the country, the Southeast, keep their surgeries to themselves if they are satisfied I also looked at cosmetic surgery discussion...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20

37 227 0