the fox the goat the hart and antelope the hyena



... lion.’ Then he opened the door and turned him adrift The poor horse was very melancholy, and wandered up and down in the wood, seeking some little shelter from the cold wind and rain Presently a fox ... free When the work was done, the fox clapped the horse on the shoulder, and said, ‘Jip! Dobbin! Jip!’ Then up he sprang, and moved off, dragging the lion behind him The beast began to roar and bellow, ... This advice pleased the lion, so he laid himself down quietly for the fox to make him fast to the horse But the fox managed to tie his legs together and bound all so hard and fast that with all...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 03:20

4 395 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Two CYP17 genes in the South African Angora goat (Capra hircus) – the identification of three genotypes that differ in copy number and steroidogenic output pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Two CYP17 genes in the South African Angora goat (Capra hircus) – the identification of three genotypes that differ in copy number and steroidogenic output pptx

... accession nos L40335 and AF251388) are two alleles of the same gene (Fig 3) These data reveal the novel finding that, in both the South African Angora goat and the Boer goat, CYP17 ACS) and ACS+ are not ... respectively The 17,20-lyase action of CYP17 produces the cleavage of the C17,20 bond of 17-OHPREG and 17-OHPROG to yield the adrenal androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione ... originated in the Boer goat and not the Angora goat The individual CYP17 genes probably originated from two of the subspecies that were used in the breeding of the Boer goat, probably through...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20

10 549 0
knots groups and 3-manifolds papers dedicated to the memory of r h fox aug 1975

knots groups and 3-manifolds papers dedicated to the memory of r h fox aug 1975

... called the axis of the rotation If the rotation has finite period n, then the orbit space of its action on S3 is again the 3-sphere, and the projection map p: S3 S3 to the orbit space is the n-fold ... fibered; then it reveals all information pertaining to the fibration, such as the genus of the fiber and the monodromy By way of illustration, an analysis is made of the figure-8 knot and the Boromean ... understanding and provoked the development of countless theorems This volume is a most appropriate memorial for Ralph Fox The contributors are his friends, colleagues, and students, and the papers...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:31

334 361 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - MS2 " potx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - MS2 " potx

... Bachthao bucks, to buy these bucks and circulate then around the project farms (and others) over the period of the project The issue here is determining the extent to which they are superior, it ... knowledge of the prospects and limitations to goat production on their individual farms 4.4 Publicity The survey created local awareness of the aims and activities of the project, and at the present ... Binh Thuan and Lam Dong provinces in goat husbandry and management, in the conduct of surveys and the acquisition of expertise to act as goat production specialists in their provinces The initial...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

12 542 0
Project Progress Report: The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - MS3 " doc

Project Progress Report: The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - MS3 " doc

... Bachthao bucks, to buy these bucks and circulate then around the project farms (and others) over the period of the project The issue here is determining the extent to which they are superior, it ... management and the introduction and selection of both local (Co, Bachthao) and exotic (Boer, Saanen, Jumnapari etc) breeds of goats to village systems These initiatives have been lead by the Goat and ... been the training of DARD officers from Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong provinces in goat husbandry and management, in the conduct of surveys and the acquisition of expertise to act as goat...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

13 659 0
Survey findings of goat production in Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong at the second year implementing card project doc

Survey findings of goat production in Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong at the second year implementing card project doc

... data, and the staff will be encouraged to recover the above data and put ear-tags in every goat This was part of the contract with farmers, we given them resources and they allow us to ear-tag and ... made at the last visit that Leucaena and other plants (including cactus) were growing well on the raised banks along the rode and around the field, and that perhaps we should be planting on these ... some others, is the careless management of manure collected from under the goat house In this case, the manure was piled outside the pit and not far from the house where this family lives The idea...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

31 543 0
Workshop Training Manual: " Technologies for improving goat housing and hygiene in the central provinces of Vietnam " ppt

Workshop Training Manual: " Technologies for improving goat housing and hygiene in the central provinces of Vietnam " ppt

... for the Central Highlands, 8.9% for the Central Coast, and 2.1-3% for the Southeastern and the Southwestern) Goats in the Northern moutainous areas make up 48% of the country, and 67% of the ... contracting muscles of the mother It is important to identify the position of the embryo When the baby goat goes out, the mother goat herself lick her baby Then clean the baby goat and cut umbilical ... for goats to exercise or run around the ground 3-5 hours everyday Rub and delouse goats • Keep tracks of mother goats in the first second months after delivery The weight of mother goats in the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

110 352 0
The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - Milestone 9" pot

The development and implementation of new appropriate technologies for improving goat production and increasing small-holder income in the central region of Vietnam - Milestone 9" pot

... 2006 and 2008, and of the biology and productivity of goats following the introduction of new technologies to farmers in Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Lam Dong provinces of southeast Vietnam The ... management and the introduction and selection of both local (Co, Bachthao) and exotic (Boer, Saanen, Jumnapari etc) breeds of goats to village systems These initiatives have been lead by the Goat and ... Project Abstract The development of goat production systems in Vietnam has been strongly promoted by the Vietnamese government through the establishment and support for the Goat and Rabbit Research...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

9 377 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunohistochemical study of constitutive neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat with natural listeriosis" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Immunohistochemical study of constitutive neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat with natural listeriosis" potx

... iNOS and nNOS in the same lesion Materials and Methods Selection of cases Two cases of goats with natural listeriosis (6 months old and 2.5 years old) (Cases and 2) and two controls (1 and years ... meningoencephalitis in the midbrain (Fig 2, A), and occasionally in the cerebellum The lesions consisted of microabscesses containing neutrophils, and perivascular cuffing of lymphocytes and macrophages ... constitutive nNOS and iNOS in neurons increased when bacterial encephalitis occurred This is the first study of NOS expression in the goat brain with listeriosis The involvement of iNOS in bovine and caprine...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:23

4 437 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Genetic parameters of dairy traits in the Alpine and Saanen goat breeds" pptx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Genetic parameters of dairy traits in the Alpine and Saanen goat breeds" pptx

... and PC, respectively, in the Saanen breed, but not in the Alpine breed Heritability estimates were similar to previous results for the Alpine and Saanen breeds [3], although the samples and the ... that the potential for genetic progress in PC and PY might be somewhat higher in the Alpine breed and the potential for joint progress in FC and milk and fat yields might be somewhat higher in the ... breed: in the Alpine breed, both heritability and genetic variability for PC were higher, and both the genetic association between PC and PY and the genetic opposition between milk yield and FC...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

6 300 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic parameters for first lactation dairy traits in the Alpine and Saanen goat breeds" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic parameters for first lactation dairy traits in the Alpine and Saanen goat breeds" docx

... analysis The number of kids born from the doe was not available The analysis of day of kidding and age at kidding considered only the effects of the year-flock, the birth type and the breed The within-breed ... above), the genotype of the dam (Alpine, Saanen or crossbred) and the sire group (2 levels: old or sampling sires); and with U the vector of the fixed effects of the old sires or random effects of the ... effects; E the vector, assumed to be normally distributed with zero expectation and varianceI (JE2; ! P the vector of the fixed effects of the year-flock, the year-month, the age at kidding, the birth...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:23

11 258 0
hart & tindall (eds.) - framing the global economic downturn; crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions (2009)

hart & tindall (eds.) - framing the global economic downturn; crisis rhetoric and the politics of recessions (2009)

... studies of the crisis rhetoric of the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, Ireland and the European Commission and the European Central Bank The crisis hit hard and fast in the United Kingdom and ... support for their claims about the severity and causes of the crisis, for their own handling of the crisis and for their proposed policy stances going into the future? In each case study, the author: ... disagree on the nature and depth of these risks or on the measures that need to be taken (Rosenthal and ’t Hart 1991) and they work with an exact science! Despite its modelling prowess and the unrelenting...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 16:03

362 806 0
evaluation the combination between bacteria isolated from gastric juice of goat and cow rumen for sugarcane bagasse hydrolysys in vitro

evaluation the combination between bacteria isolated from gastric juice of goat and cow rumen for sugarcane bagasse hydrolysys in vitro

... as Japan and Korea Goats are ruminants with cows but there have many more outstanding features than Goats have the ability to adapt to the harsh conditions of food and climate One of the reasons ... et al., 1998) The bacterial DNA was amplified by primers 8F and 1492R in the PCR reaction The chemical composition and cycle of the PCR reaction follow to Table and Figure Table The chemical components ... 7, added the bacteria from the rumen of goat, got results better than controls treatment In brief, the addition the goat bacteria had the productivity in degrading sugarcane bagasse The strain...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 13:04

40 255 0
Ecology and population status of the puku antelope (kobus vardonii LIVINGSTONE, 1857) in zambia

Ecology and population status of the puku antelope (kobus vardonii LIVINGSTONE, 1857) in zambia

... 1996, BUCKLAND et al 2001) The other way is to measure the distances either by measuring the perpendicular distance to the line or by measuring the radial distance and the sighting angle the perpendicular ... B) and in the late rainy season (C); The transition zone between miombo and open habitats in Kasanka NP (D) and the floodplain along Kasanka River (E) in the cool dry season and a dambo in the ... of the family Bovidae, the hollow-horned ruminants On the other hand antelope is often used for the species that are of more delicate built (WILSON & MITTERMEIER 2011) When I use the term antelope...

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2015, 16:33

308 318 0
2bbe26a1535e307ba3c880f1754c7f72103 the cat and the fox fable

2bbe26a1535e307ba3c880f1754c7f72103 the cat and the fox fable

... of the simpler ones,' replied the fox Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the ... going to use?' The fox just sat under the tree, wondering which trick she should use Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces The lesson in ... ran to the nearest tree and climbed up, well out of reach of any dog 'Do you remember the trick I told you about, the only one I know? You see, this is the one,' she called down to the fox 'Which...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 06:17

2 140 0
555 the fox and the stork aesop fable

555 the fox and the stork aesop fable

... /the- fox- and -the- stork/ Once upon a time there was a Fox and a Stork who were good friends The Fox, who was a bit of a prankster, invited the Stork first to dinner That ... appointed day, the Fox found himself at the Stork’s table with a long-necked jar before him All that the Stork had prepared was in that jar And all that the Fox could was lick the outside of the jar ... Once upon a time there was a Fox and a Stork who were good friends First the Fox invited the Stork to dinner Fox: Would you like to come to dinner? Stork: Sure What will you cook? Fox: It will be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 06:35

5 230 0
Architecture and the UML

Architecture and the UML

... class diagram shows the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system UML modeling elements in class diagrams - Classes and their structure and behavior - Association, ... category(product Info) 34 The State of an class A state chart diagram shows - The life history of a given class - The events that cause a transition from one state to another - The actions that result ... and their relationships within the implementation environment Components represent all kinds of elements that pertain to the piecing together of software applications Among other things, they...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37

42 576 0