the basic principles of gene cloning and dna analysis

..GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSIS..GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSISAn IntroductionT.A. BROWNFaculty of Life Sciences University of Manchester ManchesterSixth EditionA John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication. pdf

..GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSIS..GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSISAn IntroductionT.A. BROWNFaculty of Life Sciences University of Manchester ManchesterSixth EditionA John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication. pdf

... I The Basic Principles of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis 1 Why Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis are Important 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The early development of genetics The advent of gene cloning and ... PART I The Basic Principles of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis | Why Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis are Important | Vectors for Gene Cloning: Plasmids and Bacteriophages | Purification of DNA from ... Applications of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Biotechnology 223 13 14 15 16 Production of Protein from Cloned Genes 225 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Medicine 245 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 22:20

338 5,8K 1


... I The Basic Principles of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis 1 Why Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis are Important 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The early development of genetics The advent of gene cloning and ... PART I The Basic Principles of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis | Why Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis are Important | Vectors for Gene Cloning: Plasmids and Bacteriophages | Purification of DNA from ... Applications of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Biotechnology 223 13 14 15 16 Production of Protein from Cloned Genes 225 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Medicine 245 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 09:20

338 2,5K 2
Two patterns of culture in xunzi   the basic character of xunzis thought and an interpretation in the scope of intellectual history 1

Two patterns of culture in xunzi the basic character of xunzis thought and an interpretation in the scope of intellectual history 1

... broader sense of utilit ari anism inherited and absorbed the el ement s V of rites and musi c from the Zhou politi cal culture Xun Zi ’s empiricism reflect ed the t rend of ret urning to the empi ... erns of cultures — the poli tical and intellectual culture s of the Zhou d ynast y and t he Warri ng St ates peri od Speci fi call y, uti litari anism was the mainst ream thinking duri ng the ... ABSTRACT Xun Zi was one of t he great est C onfuci an thinkers in the pre-Qin peri od The purpose of thi s t hesis is to i nterpret the basi c charact er of his philosoph y First of all, it argues...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:35

10 368 0
Two patterns of culture in xunzi   the basic character of xunzis thought and an interpretation in the scope of intellectual history

Two patterns of culture in xunzi the basic character of xunzis thought and an interpretation in the scope of intellectual history

... 288-292。不同的是,郭沫若专注在宋钘与荀子的比较,而杜国庠使用了“宋 尹学派”的提法,白奚使用了“稷下学派”的提法。 16 Masayuki Sato, The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of Xun Zi (Leiden: Brill, 2003), p.162 17 在荀学研究中,人们常用名学、辩学等概念指代荀子的逻辑学,其涵义虽未 ... 质。其实,荀子说的“礼”只是科学意义上从经验事实中归纳出来的原理,而 不 是 哲 学 意 义 上 的 形 而 上 学 。 见 The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of The Political Thought of Xun Zi , pp.230233。 106 徐复观〈荀子政治思想的解释〉,见《中国思想史论集续编》,页 ... Graham, Disputers of the Tao : Philosophical Argument in Ancient China, p.107 “Crisis”一词见该书第二章标题,但该章中实际使用 的概念是“形而上学的疑惑”。 51 关于本体论的概念和历史的详细综述,有兴趣的读者请浏览 Raul Corazzon, “Theory and History of Ontology”...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:35

125 459 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning and functional analysis of 5¢-upstream region of the Pokemon gene pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Cloning and functional analysis of 5¢-upstream region of the Pokemon gene pptx

... EMSAs To further determine the cooperation between the NEG-U and NEG-D elements, lg of the NEG-U decoy, lg of the NEG-D decoy, and a combination of lg of each of the decoys were used, and the above-mentioned ... Results Cloning of the 5¢-upstream region of the Pokemon gene To identify the regulatory sequences that control expression of the Pokemon gene, a 2204-bp section of the 5¢-upstream region of the ... responsible for the strong activity of the Fig 5¢-Deletion analysis of the Pokemon promoter Progressively truncated fragments of the upstream region of the Pokemon gene were inserted into the pGL3-basic...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20

14 340 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes" docx

... dimensions; 1) the use of pre-specified conceptual and measurement models; 2) the strength of empirical support for the reliability and validity of the scale(s); 3) the responsiveness of PRO to clinical ... statistical relationship between the latent construct and the measured items, and the ε1 represents the random measurement error in the ith measured item The Convenience scale of the Treatment Satisfaction ... construct Like the MCI model, the strength of the causal relationship between the item and construct is defined using a proxy measure of the latent construct The weight estimate of the indicator...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

12 523 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Ionic strength and magnesium affect the specificity of Escherichia coli and human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylases pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Ionic strength and magnesium affect the specificity of Escherichia coli and human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylases pdf

... affinity of Fpg for the THF:C ligand was 1.6-fold higher than for the THF:A ligand The presence of Mg2+ had little effect on the binding of Fpg to the THF:C ligand and slightly improved binding to the ... evaluate the effects of ionic strength and Mg2+ on the activity and specificity of OGG1, we measured the apparent values of k2 and k3 under conditions of low salt (KPi only) and no Mg2+, low salt and ... The reaction mixtures were as in the standard assay, except that the components specified in the Results were added, and the concentrations of the substrate and enzyme varied as required for the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

14 567 0
Tài liệu The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations docx

Tài liệu The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations docx

... expedition and to offer it to "the Sun whom they called father and to the earth their mother." They severed its head and raised this as though offering it to the sun They then tilled the earth where the ... another to Oco-telulco, the third to Tizatlan and the fourth to Quiahuiztlan, that is to say, the men of the Mountains, the men of the Limepits, the men of the Pinetrees, and the Watermen; all these ... was given the lordship of Teotihuacan with the title of Captain-general of the dominion of the noblemen All affairs or lawsuits of the lords and the nobility belonging to the towns of the provinces...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

374 527 0


... which the child in blood possesses of becoming one day the head of a family himself The flocks and herds of the children are the flocks and herds of the father, and the possessions of the parent, ... gives the readers of the journal the sort of words and the sort of thoughts they are used to—so, on a larger scale, the writers of an age, without thinking of it, give to the readers of the age the ... of any theory as to the nature of matter, or the nature of mind They are as true upon the theory that mind acts on matter—though separate and altogether different from it—as upon the theory of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

143 598 0
Principles of Computer Organization and Assembly Language Using the JavaTM Virtual Machine pptx

Principles of Computer Organization and Assembly Language Using the JavaTM Virtual Machine pptx

... a carry if and only if the first number is a and the second number is a 1; in other words, the carry is simply the AND of the two addends, while the sum (excluding the carry) is if the first number ... Therefore, the product of two floating point numbers has as its sign bit the product or XOR of the two signs, as its mantissa the product of the two mantissae, and as its exponent the sum of the ... that, professors (and students) have a certain amount of flexibility in choosing the topics, depending upon the environment and the issues For Intel/Windows shops, the chapters on the 8088 and the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20

334 2,3K 1
the basic tenets of realism and naturalism

the basic tenets of realism and naturalism

... method of creating truth can have a fighting chance at reaching the heights that it is capable of So it is that through a mixture of the two schools of thought and the work of the two men ... mastered it that theatre can reach a point of beauty and truth and can display reality and drama in a way that doesn't need to adapt with the changes of life because it is based in life The theatre that ... in life The theatre that emerges from this blend has its roots deep in the heart of humanity and what people truly want, and, consequently, will never die ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:52

2 451 0


... response of the parts of the body (specificity, site of action), and the complaints of the victim (clinical signs and symptoms) The culmination of the practice in France is represented by the commercialization ... to the development of quinine derivatives for the treatment of the disease and the formulation of the early principles of chemotherapy The pharmacology department at Chicago was charged with the ... work on the bioactivity of the estrogenic compounds resulted in the synthesis of diethylstilbestrol (DES), hexestrol, and other stilbenes and the discovery of the strong estrogenic activity of substituted...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

1,3K 769 0
Báo cáo Y học: Cold adaptation of xylose isomerase from Thermus thermophilus through random PCR mutagenesis Gene cloning and protein characterization doc

Báo cáo Y học: Cold adaptation of xylose isomerase from Thermus thermophilus through random PCR mutagenesis Gene cloning and protein characterization doc

... showed no XI activity at pH and 10 For M-1024 and M-1026 the speci®c activity at pH and 10, was 66 and 45%, and 62 and 31%, of the maximum, respectively The pH optima for the mutant XIs were not ... xylose and cultivated at 37 °C overnight After a further days of incubation at 30 °C, the pH indicator in the Fig Structure of one subunit of T thermophilus XI The amino acids 372, 379 and 163 ... Km, where the velocity of the reaction is proportional to kcat The pH activity pro®les of the mutants were broader, and extended into the alkaline region, compared with the wild-type XI The wildtype...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:20

7 268 0
Báo cáo y học: "The protective effect of licofelone on experimental osteoarthritis is correlated with the downregulation of gene expression and protein synthesis of several major cartilage catabolic factors: MMP-13, cathepsin K and aggrecanase" docx

Báo cáo y học: "The protective effect of licofelone on experimental osteoarthritis is correlated with the downregulation of gene expression and protein synthesis of several major cartilage catabolic factors: MMP-13, cathepsin K and aggrecanase" docx

... through the inhibition of the synthesis of IL-1β and MMP-1 The present study aimed to expand our knowledge about the effect of licofelone on other major factors involved in the in situ degradation of ... for the resorption of the calcified cartilage and subchondral bone in the early phase of the disease [18] Licofelone treatment was shown to reduce the level of synthesis of cathepsin K in both of ... molecules of the target gene to the number of molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene The primer efficiencies for the test genes were the same as those for the GAPDH gene...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

12 1,2K 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 1 ppt

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 1 ppt

... depending on the circumstances of the substance’s use and the ease of identifying and monitoring either the sentinel response or the seriousness of the toxicity produced Changing the definition ... stopped Reversibility of toxicity depends on a number of factors, including the extent of exposure (time and amount of toxicant) and the ability of the affected tissue to repair or regenerate An example ... Toxicology GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TOXICOLOGY ROBERT C JAMES, STEPHEN M ROBERTS, and PHILLIP L WILLIAMS The intent of this chapter is to provide a concise description of the basic principles of toxicology...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 523 1
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

... coenzyme A as a cofactor and require the formation of a thioester with the carboxylic acid group, either of acetate or of the xenobiotic The thioester then reacts with an amine, either on the xenobiotic ... mechanisms, and the action of gastrointestinal enzymes or intestinal microflora • Factors determining the rate of diffusion across the skin • Absorption of solid and liquid particulates and of gases and ... circulate, and leave the body The sites of metabolism of the xenobiotic within the body The chemistry and enzymology of xenobiotic metabolism The bioactivation as well as inactivation of xenobiotics...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 453 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 3 pps

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 3 pps

... filtration and tubular secretion are dependent on the concentration of the drug in the plasma, and the rate of reabsorption by the tubules is dependent on the concentration of drug in the urine The ... substances is reduced Often the skin of lab animals is covered with plastic wrap to enhance the hydration of the skin and increase the rate of uptake of agents applied to the surface of the skin For compounds ... the nature of the lesion and the regions of the liver affected This, in turn, can provide insight as to the mechanism of toxicity For example, the presence of fatty liver would suggest that the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 445 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 4 ppsx

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 4 ppsx

... released when these inhaled agents deposit in the lung, and these factors alert the phagocytic cells to the location of the agents The macrophages then engulf them and attempt to ingest them with ... edge of the tubule (Figure 11.1) and move progressively toward the center of the tubule From here the spermatozoa move along the tubules and into the duct system that will carry them out of the ... extensive, from the severe rupturing of the septa walls Even short of cell death, these cells become less efficient in the removal of particulates and other toxins Therefore, the inhalation of toxic...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 467 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 5 ppsx

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 5 ppsx

... mediates the repair of certain genetic lesions by DNA repair enzymes Once the damaged DNA has been sufficiently repaired, the cell proceeds with the synthesis of new DNA In this phase of the cell ... properly Following G2, the cells undergo mitosis and a daughter cell is created Any errors in the made in the replication of the DNA of the original cell are now fixed in the DNA of the daughter cell ... double stranded DNA integrates into the DNA of the host cell, where the strong promoter sequences of the virus induce the host cell’s nuclear machinery to express the viral genes and produce new...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 404 0
The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 6 pps

The principles of toxicology environmental and industrial applications 2nd edition phần 6 pps

... proportion of the dose for occupationally exposed groups, and the oral route contributes a greater proportion of the dose for the general population The effects of lead are the same regardless of the ... the fundamental concepts of metal toxicity Because of the large number of metals, their ubiquitous nature, and their chemical and physical diversity, the field of metal toxicology is one of the ... example, the DNA of the B6C3F1 mouse H-ras oncogene is hypomethylated, or deficient in methylation Methylation of DNA serves to block transcription of a gene And since the mouse H-ras oncogene is...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:20

61 472 0

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