... Your Professional English: Hotel and Catering Test Your Professional English: Law Test Your Professional English: Management Test Your Professional English: Marketing Test Your Professional English: ... of: Test Your Professional English: Accounting Test Your Professional English: Business General Test Your Profassional English: Business Intermediate Test Your Professional English: Finance Test ... Medical Test Your Professional English: Secretarial Alison Pahl Steve Flinders Steve Flinders Simon Sweeney Alison Pohl Nick Brieger Simon Sweeney Simon Sweeney Alison Pohl Alison Pohl | Your job
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
... sentences, understand better how individual words work and speak better English Always look for word families when you read and listen to English People use mind maps as a learning tool, to remember vocabulary ... Mary has filled in an internal company form But if she had wanted a job with your company, which information could your company ask for? And which information could it not ask for? For example, ... that Mr Fangio is unavailable at the moment lve divided my subject into three parts Let me take your coats Trang 8 SECTION 5 { 33 SECTION 5 Internal communication Business people communicate
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
Test Your Professional English - Marketing_phần 3
... any order) WO aN AMA bề G2 B2 Test 7 f e d h 5 i b a c Test 8 1 goods 5 mix 2 free 6 plan 3 research 7 trends 4 demand 8 analysis Test 9 Test 10 A brand identity brand name brand image own-brand ... for a product 12 True un Test 21 1 unit cost 2 retail margin 3 selling costs 4 price war Test 22 1h 2f 3a 5 budget-priced 6 going rate 7 demand curve DO rad sc GON og Test 27 A Buying things ... Internet the Internet Test 23 la 5b Qa 2€ 64 10 a 3a 7b 11b 4b 8e l2 a Test 24 1 producer 2 haulage company 3 distributor 4 agent 5 sales representative 6 retailer 7 customer Test 25 A 1 goods 6
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20
Test your professional english business intermediate windowtricks
... Your Professtonal | nglish: Business General lost Your Professional English: Business Intermediate lost Your Professional English: Finance lest Your Professional English: Hotel and Catering Test ... Section 1 Business and you 1 Your interview Your education Your experience Your job Your responsibilities Your pay Your pension On OH +> WD NL Your computer Section 2 Business language 9 Business ... use English in your job? Or are you a business ludent? Whatever your background, If you need to improve your business | nglish the tests in this book will helo Designed to accompany /est Your
Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2018, 16:06
Penguin Books Test Your Business English Hotel And Catering
... Test 24 Test 25, Test 26 “Test 27 Test 28 Test 29 Test 30 Test 31 Fruit Vegetables Classifications Tastes Cooking Utensils Phrasal verbs Hygiene Food service “Test 32 Test 33 Test 34 Test ... 42 Test 43 Test 44 Test 45 Unwelcome guests Word building 2 Legal words ‘What do they mean? Carriers of disease Health and hygiene Management Test 46 Test 47 “Test 48 Test 49 “Test 52 Test ... Watcyn-Jones Trang 2Fruit and vegetables Food and beverages Hotel services Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 ‘Test 15 Lost property Guest relations Reception Reservations Word
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56
Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 10: he second semester English test Class:……….. Time allowed : 45 pdf
... D least peaceful 15 ………… they tried their best, they were not successful in getting the driving test A Although B Because C In spite of D As Trang 418. do you always go to school ? By bus A ... D least peaceful 5 ………… they tried their best, they were not successful in getting the driving test A Although B Because C In spite of D As a result Trang 11 6 I would have bought a new bicycle ... least peaceful 32 ………… they tried their best, they were not successful in getting the driving test A Although B Because C In spite of D As a result 33 I would have bought a new bicycle
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 19:21
9328 test your english
... TEST YOUR ENGLISH NAME _No _ CLASS EVALUATION TEACHER PARENT ... thought about your future career? What would you like to do? Total 100% KEY: I A According to the text, say if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE Quote from the text to support all your answers ... the text, say if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE Quote from the text to support all your answers Holmes acted strangely as soon as Mr Sandeford had arrived Lestrade couldn’t believe
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 09:44
Test your english by tomasz szarfemberg
... VOCABULARY TESTS - Test On Q Q Q cece nee e en eeenas Test TWO 2 eee eee eee eas Test Three 1 PART TWO — GRAMMAR TESTS Test Four ccc ccc n_Ặ Test Five 2.0 eee eee ee eens Test SIX oe ... said you worked together a) a friend of yours’ b) yours friend c) a friend of your d) the friend yours One should always help friends a) one’s b} your c) yours: d) his | cannot say é am satisfied ... ee eens Test SIX oe eee vee eee eee Test Seven 2 ccc eee ce eee eens Test Eight 0.2 cece ee eee Test Nine 2 ce eee ee ee ee Trang 4 PART ONE Trang 5 TEST ONE Nalezy uzupelniờ poni2sze
Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2016, 16:50
Business communication polishing your professional presence 1st edition shwom test bank
... approach your audience so he will listen to your request Answer: Your audience is focusing on something else, which will likely prevent him from listening carefully If you begin by describing your ... fully than the verbal ones Cues like sighing, continuing to stare at your desk, or tensing up your body would all undermine your affirmative verbal response, and give the impression that you would ... taking the time to confirm the information with your boss led to the costly mistake of giving customers a coupon for more than three times the discount your boss intended Diff: Page Ref: 32 Classification:
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2017, 15:57
Business communication polishing your professional presence 2nd edition shwom test bank
... approach your colleague to make him listen to your request Answer: Your colleague is focusing on something else, which will likely prevent him from listening carefully If you begin by describing your ... time and having to cancel on one of your clients at the last minute E) mailing out a coupon giving customers 50% off on their orders because you misheard when your boss asked you to create a coupon ... taking the time to confirm the information with your boss led to the costly mistake of giving customers a coupon for more than three times the discount your boss intended Classification: Application
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2017, 15:57
Business communication polishing your professional presence 3rd edition shwom test bank
... signals reinforce your words, A) your nonverbal communication carries less weight than your words B) listeners have greater recall C) you undermine your persuasiveness D) your audience will ... team, you will improve your interpersonal skills, expand your personal network, and use your best individual strengths while learning new skills from others 17 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED17 100) ... you undermine your persuasiveness D) your audience will not have confidence in your words E) your cues conflict with your message 28) 29) Use of which of the following specific types of language
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2017, 15:57
Test Your English Grammar. Self study
... языков ОмГУ Test Your English Grammar Self-Study Guide: Сборник тестовых заданий по грамматике английского языка / Сост Т.В Сенюшкина – Омск: Омск гос ун-т, 2003 – 70 с Test Your English Grammar ... pronouns: my, his, her, its, our, your, their, mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs Reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourself (yourselves), and themselves Reciprocal ... a) what the latest news about the situation in India? b) what’s the latest news about the situation in India c) what the latest news about the situation in India is d) the latest news about
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2017, 11:37
Test your english vocabulary in use upper intermediate (vocabulary in use vocabulary in use) {PRG}
... slang, wally, cool 95 Unit 97 Test87 US English semester,panty-hose, wash up 96 Unit100 Test 90 The language ofsignsandnotices refrain, forbidden, admission 99 Test Your English Vocabulary in Use ... 71 Unit 72 Test63 Obligation,need, possibility and compulsory,exempt,shortage 72 probability Unit 74 Test 65 Possession, givingand lending estate, property,allocate 74 2 Test Your English Vocabulary ... spotsof rain Unit34 Test25 Containersandcontents atubeof toothpaste,a jarof jam, a box 33 of matches Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate) I Trang 5Unit 35 Test26 C ountries,nationalities
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2018, 15:42
Longman english test your prepositions
... Trang 1Tes t /YourPrepositions PETER WATCYN-JONES JAKE ALLSOP Trang 2T e st /Your PrepositionsTest Your Prepositionsis part of the highly successful Test Your series devised by Peter ... to phrasal verbs and idioms. Test Your Prepositions forms part of the Test Your Vocabulary series and, in keeping with the series, the emphasis is on variety, with tests ranging from gap-filling ... prepositions But in order for the new prepositions to become "fixed" in your mind, you will need to test yourself again and again Here is one method you can use to help you learn these
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2019, 22:45
Test Your Vocabulary: 1 Penguin English
... time you will probably be much quicker The tests in this book do not get harder as you go from Test 1 to Test 60 However, the five books in the Test Your Vocabulary series are carefully graded ... the most job words in three minutes? Then exchange lists You read your friend's list and your friend reads your list 22 Test Your Vocabulary 1 1 f Plurals crossword Complete the crossword with ... wall Which words, in English or in your language, come into your head? - : - Use a dictionary to build a word-web like this: Trang 23 2 f Opposites: more verbs 38 Test Your Vocabulary 1 mans
Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2021, 19:32
Test your english vocabulary in use - upper-intermediate
... Trang 5Test 26 Countries, nationalities and languages Test 27 The weather Test 28 Describing people appearance Test 29 Describing people character Test 30 Relationships Test 31 At home Test 32 ... problems Test 33 Global problems Test 47 Numbers and shapes Test 48 Science and technology Test 49 Computers and the Internet Test 50 The press and the media Test 51 Politics and public mstitutions Test ... and acronyms Test 11 New words in English Words and pronunciation Test 12 Words commonly mispronounced Test 13 Onomatopoeic words Test 14 Homonyms Connecting and linking words Test 15 Connecting
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 10:55
English Vocabulary In Use Law pdf
... Furoprall lawyer* Criminal justice 'The scare prosecuicr... inoxporare F.uropean legelarron inro national law and ro recognix thc luridictioa of the Europcnl Court of Jusricc in rnarteri uf EU law ... laundering procedures Relow are e n r a m s from a smrurop inhrmmenr rhrr has implicnrinna for law firnms P r n I, OBLIGATIONS ONPERSONS WHO CARRY ONMLEVANT 811SmLSS svtcrn, r n d mining ucr ... Currums Tariff applies ro all goods imporred by countries llke lapan and the USA iron" the EU 4 EU law prevents Memher Srarei from charging imponvri for bringing goods into that Srare from anorher...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20
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