english for children
... sing a song He can use chopsticks She can ride a pony She can write the alphabet He can speak English She can do a magic trick She can ride a bicycle She can t ’ ride a pony ...
Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:27
test English For telecommunications
... Name: Ngày sinh Class: Mã sinh viên Test: English For telecommunications Test 1 (Time: 90 minutes - Do not use dictionary) I. Answer the questions, basing ... 100 words). 3 Name: Ngày sinh Class: Mã sinh viên Test: English For telecommunications Test 4 (Time: 90 minutes - Do not use dictionary) I. Answer the questions, basing ... the receiving end do to the signal? 10 Name: Ngày sinh Class: Mã sinh viên Test: English For telecommunications Test 7 (Time: 90 minutes - Do not use dictionary) I. Answer the questions, basing...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 06:16
... familiarity with the test format and content, test supervision, clarity of test instruction, and time allowance. - Factors affecting students’ test performance involve test characteristics, testee characteristics ... that the MCQs test 1 does not yeild a reliable result. The unreliability of the test resulted from the performance of both test- takers and test- designers. As for test designers, they test score ... stated that test writers should draw out a test specification before writing a test. Test specification is resulted from the process of designing test content and test method. Test specification...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
Tài liệu Test of English for International Communication doc
... TOEIC TEST Chapter 1 1 ABOUT THE TOEIC TEST Chapter 1 About the TOEIC test The TOEIC đ (Test of English for International Communication) test is an English language proficiency test for people ... expense, both for administering the test and for scoring. The decision to test only listening and reading directly on the TOEIC test was a response to the needs of clients and test takers for a rapid, affordable, ... questions for each of the parts. This is a test of your ability to use the English language. The total time for the test is approximately two hours. It is divided into seven parts. Each part of the test...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Reporting Test Results for Students with Disabilities and English-Language Learners ppt
... policies for including and accommodating students with disabilities; Lynne Sacks and Laura Golden provided similar information about states’ policies for English- language learners. Policies for Students ... testing in English and in- clude adjustments such as repeating, simplifying, or clarifying test direc- tions in English; the use of English- language glossaries; linguistic simplification of test items; ... states’ policies for English- language learners. One study, de- signed to collect information on policies for 2000-2001, is currently under way. Another study, examining policies for 1998-1999,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 09:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Validation of an English version of the Child-OIDP index, an oral health-related quality of life measure for children" pot
... quality of life measures in children at a particular age. The Child Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (Child- OIDP) was developed and tested among 11–12 year old Thai children [5] to assess the ... differ- ent population group, it is necessary to test its psychomet- ric properties [12]. The psychometric testing involved the assessment of internal and test- retest reliability in addi- tion to face, ... especially so for indices designed to be used at a population level Table 1: Prevalence of oral impacts on daily performances (Child-OIDP) Oral Impacts on Daily Performances % of children (N =...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
English test 3 for 8
... thinh loc secondary school Written test iII: English Allowed time: 45 minutes Full name: ; Class: 8 Mark Remark I. Choose the word ... (travel) around the town by bike. . 3. Would you mind (do) the washing up for me tonight? 4. She has a lot of novels (write) in English 5. I can see the boy (ride) a buffalo IV. Fill in each with ... then answer the questions.2.0) William Shakespear is the world's famous English playwright. He was born at Stratford-on-Avon in 1564. He married Anne Hathaway when he was eighteen and had three...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:00
Key English Test - Handbook for teachers pptx
... 11:15:482/9/09 11:15:48 KET HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS | CONTENTS 1 Preface This handbook is for anyone who is preparing candidates for the Cambridge ESOL Key English Test (KET). The introduction gives ... signs and notices asking the way and giving directions asking for and giving travel information asking for and giving simple information about places identifying and describing simple objects ... examinations in English for speakers of other languages since 1913. Cambridge ESOL offers an extensive range of examinations, certi cates and diplomas for learners and teachers of English. Over...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 23:21
Key English Test - Information for Candidates pps
... appointment? ABC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Information for Candidates University of Cambrid g e ESOL Examinations Key English Test ket information for candidates 7 Part 8 (Questions 51–55) In this part we test both reading ... at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/recognition/index.php ket information for candidates 2 Why take the Key English Test (KET)? Do you have basic English skills? Can you understand simple texts? Can you communicate ... Street. ü ket information for candidates 11 ■ Paper 3 Speaking Time: 8–10 minutes per pair of candidates For the Speaking test there are two oral examiners and you take the test in a pair with another...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 23:21
English for aviation practice test 1
... to avoid busy roads. Photo C English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable â Oxford University Press English for Aviation Practice Test 1 This practice test is divided into five sections: ... snowploughs will need to get to work. English for Aviation E X P R E S S S E R I E S Practice Test 1 Photo A English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable â Oxford University Press 39 Would ... a up b for c into d until 50 Can we delay departure ___________ 2000 UTC? a at b for c until d because English for Aviation y Practice Test 1 y Photocopiable â Oxford University...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 11:36
... 27. Learning English is not easy . It is not easy to learning English . B.It is not easy learning English . C.It is not easy to learn English . D.It is not difficult to learn English . 28. ... Britain for a long time . A. used to drive B. am used to drive C. used to driving D. am used to driving 12. The woman asked . ………………… get lunch at school . A. can the children B. whether the children ... learn B. learning C.learn D. for learning 16.A computer can store …………………… of information . A. large amount B. a large number C. large number D. a large amount 17. Reforms went through ……… opposition...
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 22:21