test and deploy the application

oracle adf enterprise application development - made simple [electronic resource] successfully plan, develop, test, and deploy applications with oracle adf

oracle adf enterprise application development - made simple [electronic resource] successfully plan, develop, test, and deploy applications with oracle adf

... finally deploying it What is an enterprise application? Enterprise applications are the strategic applications in the enterprise They will handle critical business functions and tend to be big and ... ADF application 320 320 321 322 Setting up the application server Installing the ADF Libraries Setting up your domain Creating a DataSource on the server Deploying the application Direct deployment ... Chapter 7: Testing your Application Initial tests Working with JUnit What to test with JUnit A good unit test Unit testing ADF applications Preparing for unit testing Setting up a test project...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:08

395 1,4K 0


... objectives and the syllabus 5.1.1 The test objectives and the course objectives 5.1.2 The test item content in four sections and the syllabus content 5.1.3 The skill weight format in the test and the ... altered, the response format and how responses are scored They are usually written before the tests and then the test is written on the basis of the specifications After the test is written, the specification ... procedure 21 First, the comparison between the test objectives and the course objectives, the test content and the syllabus content, and skill weight in the test format and the syllabus was made...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

64 1,1K 2
Genotoxicity of 255 chemicals in the Salmonella microsome test (Ames test) and 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-Gua) assay for the detection of carcinogens

Genotoxicity of 255 chemicals in the Salmonella microsome test (Ames test) and 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-Gua) assay for the detection of carcinogens

... recommend the Ames test using these sensitive strains (especially YG1041 and/ or YG1042) in combination with the standard tester strains (TA98 and TA100 series), in order to detect the mutagenicity ... supported by the research project The research on the development of the total evaluation technique for the hazardous impacts by the chemical substances towards human and ecology (the project ... in Ames test using S Typhimurium YG starins (1041, 1042) and their host TA strains (98, 100) 2-Nitrofluoranthene, 1-nitropyrene and 1,8-dinitropyrene are tested without S9mix, Glu-P-1 and Trp-P-2...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 735 0
Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search

Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search

... with interest the continuing negotiations among the Cleveland Browns, the city of Cleveland, and the National Football League in the 90s Needless to say, I was enormously impressed by The Plain Dealer’s ... vitae and a set of slides, which describe the diversity of my photographic techniques, the equipment, and the materials I use in producing them Should you plan to attend the Art in Urban Landscape ... naturally affect the approach and the information you include in your correspondence, the negotiation strategies you use in obtaining and conducting interviews, and the general outcomes of the complete...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

22 429 0
Speaking test and some application to vietnamese high school pupil = kiểm tra kỹ năng nói và một số ứng dụng đối với học sinh PTTH ở việt nam

Speaking test and some application to vietnamese high school pupil = kiểm tra kỹ năng nói và một số ứng dụng đối với học sinh PTTH ở việt nam

... describe their pictures and decide on their sequence without showing them to each other, and then put them down in the order Dơng Thị Hơng - 42A2* F L D Vinh university 41 Speaking test and some applications ... system of test types: 15-minute test; 45-minute test; mid-term test; and end-of-term test etc Here, partly due to general characteristics of test and partly due to the thesis limitation, the thesis ... is the degree to which a test correlates with other tests testing at the same time In other words, if a test is valid it should give the similar results to other measures that are valid for the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33

54 663 1
Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

... reaction, their progress and expectation 1.What you think of the games your teachers used in your vocabulary lesson? a b c d Very interesting and useful Rather interesting and useful Interesting and ... 1972, p.111) Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study Research questions: What is the present situation of teaching and learning vocabulary at Pre ... language teaching and their relevance to vocabulary 1.4 Recent research about teaching and learning second language vocabulary 1.5 Advantages of the use games in vocabulary teaching and learning Games...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

29 1,4K 2
Tài liệu A Matter of Security The Application of Attachment Theory to Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy pptx

Tài liệu A Matter of Security The Application of Attachment Theory to Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy pptx

... connect actions to their agents on the one hand, and to the world on the other, go far beyond the level of physical description, and we grow to understand much more about both of these relations ... understanding of their clients and for the improvement of the care they offer, both as individual therapists and as protagonists of the systems of detention in secure psychiatric units and in ... failed the infant The infant, trying to find herself in the mother’s mind, may find the mother instead, as Winnicott (1967, p.32) so accurately put it The image of the mother comes to colonize the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:20

281 571 0


... slightest degree aware Thus the book is held in the hand, at the right distance from the eyes; the eyes are moved, from side to side, over the lines, and up and down the pages Further, the most ... head of a family himself The flocks and herds of the children are the flocks and herds of the father, and the possessions of the parent, which he holds in a representative rather than in a proprietary ... tyranny, and the only security for they value Most Oriental communities live on land which in theory is the property of a despotic sovereign, and neither they nor their families could have the elements...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

143 598 0
Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) And the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) To Student Health Records docx

Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) And the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) To Student Health Records docx

... purposes other than treatment, the records are no longer excluded from the definition of “education records” and are subject to all other FERPA requirements The FERPA regulations and other helpful ... among other things, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system through the establishment of national standards and requirements for electronic health care transactions and ... age See 34 CFR §§ 99.3 and 99.5(a) Under FERPA, parents and eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records and to seek to have them amended in certain...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

13 465 0
Improving Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Family Planning Programs through the Application of Collaborative Improvement in Developing Countries: A Practical Orientation Guide pptx

Improving Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Family Planning Programs through the Application of Collaborative Improvement in Developing Countries: A Practical Orientation Guide pptx

... experience and lessons learned  Act: The teams act on what they learn from testing the changes: - If the change does not yield the desired results; modify the change and run other PDSA cycles, or abandon ... improvement; the results are then used to decide whether to implement, modify, or abandon the proposed solution If the tested solution does not achieve desired results, the solution can be modified and the ... learning sessions and action periods to test changes and whether they yield improvement Synthesis and spread planning phase: Summarize results, synthesize lessons learned, prepare and plan for spread...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

34 543 0
Tế bào gốc và ứng dụng trong y sinh học (Stem cells and the application in biomedicine) potx

Tế bào gốc và ứng dụng trong y sinh học (Stem cells and the application in biomedicine) potx

... J and et al (2000).; Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into embryoid bodies comprising the three embryonic germs layers Mol Med 6, 88 - 95 Itkin - ansari, P., et al (2001); PDX - and ... năm sau (1992) đa marker tơng tự tế bào gốc tạo máu ngời Những marker bề mặt tế bào gốc tạo máu (theo Weissman cộng sự) Chuột Ngời + CD34+ CD34 () SCA - 1+ Thy1+ () CD38+ C - kit+ CD59+ CD 90 CD38+ ... bào gốc tạo máu có thay đổi định Số lợng tơng đối tế bào CD34+ tách đợc từ máu cuống rốn giảm dần theo tuổi thai nhng phân tử kết dính bề mặt tế bào lại tăng dần lên Sự biến đổi phản ánh chuẩn bị...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 22:20

14 757 2
iec 61131-8 programmable controllers - guidelines for the application and implementation of programming languages

iec 61131-8 programmable controllers - guidelines for the application and implementation of programming languages

... typically programs (2.5.3 of IEC 61131-3) The interfaces among the programs, and between the programs and the external interfaces of the system, are defined, and the functionality allocated to each ... together In summary, the principal goal of IEC 61131-3 is to introduce all the necessary standardized language concepts and constructs to solve the technological problems of each application and ... back to the material handling system, and report the results of the operation to a manufacturing information system External interfaces in this cell would include the material handling and information...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 13:46

112 619 4
FAO WHO Expert Meeting on the Application of Nanotechnologies in the Food and Agriculture Sectors Potential Food Safety Implications

FAO WHO Expert Meeting on the Application of Nanotechnologies in the Food and Agriculture Sectors Potential Food Safety Implications

... provides information on the known and projected applications of nanotechnology, the scope and purpose of the applications, the types and forms of nanomaterials used, the availability of relevant ... of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), Australia, and the Italian Ministry of Health in supporting the preparation and implementation of the Expert Meeting is also acknowledged The ... surrounding the use and application of nanotechnologies in the food and agriculture sectors, although these issues were noted for further consideration elsewhere Objectives The overall purpose of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 15:03

104 454 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Comparison of the effects of vitamin D products in a psoriasis plaque test and a murine psoriasis xenograft model" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Comparison of the effects of vitamin D products in a psoriasis plaque test and a murine psoriasis xenograft model" docx

... evaluate the effect of the calcipotriol ointment and BDP in this model, we tested the compounds topically and compared the results to the findings from the plaque test The effect on the biomarkers ... differentiation and lymphocyte infiltration [15-17] However, these studies compared the biomarker profiles before and after treatment with the calcipotriol ointment and they did not assess the effects of the ... the back of the animals The split human keratome biopsies were then grafted onto the back of the animals The grafts were protected by a bandage during the following two weeks All the transplantation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

9 532 0
báo cáo sinh học:" A review of the application and contribution of discrete choice experiments to inform human resources policy interventions" docx

báo cáo sinh học:" A review of the application and contribution of discrete choice experiments to inform human resources policy interventions" docx

... in the design of the study, carried out some of the literature searches, synthesized the findings and drafted the manuscript DB participated in the design of the study, carried out some of the ... in their birth region or the area where they studied However, the validity of these findings may be limited by the relatively small size of the subsamples used for each estimation and because the ... characteristic and was a DCE attribute in all but one study Other recurring attributes were the provision of housing, the opportunity to benefit from further education, and improving the level of drugs and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

10 645 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "A case study of the College English Test and ethnic minority university students in China: negotiating the final hurdle" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "A case study of the College English Test and ethnic minority university students in China: negotiating the final hurdle" pptx

... entrance and graduation the language policy at the heart of the controversy in the individual institution The following sections present the details of the controversy, and addresses the six questions ... (oral Putonghua and standard written Chinese) and English, these students have experienced trilingualism in their primary and secondary education, studying their mother tongue, Chinese and English–since ... B 1985 Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism: the English language in the outer circle In English in the world: Teaching and learning the language and literature, ed Randolph Quirk,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

11 649 0