teachers attitudes towards their job

An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

... teachers attitudes towards the application of pairwork and groupwork in teaching speaking skill and their suggestion for improving their own teaching speaking The questionaires were given to teachers ... Although students can self-select their partners to make their own groups, the teachers themselves should arrange their students into groups When organizing groups teachers should take into consideration ... their speaking lessons 1.3 Research questions This study aims to answer the following research questions: (i) What are attitudes of 11th grade students and teachers at Viet Bac high school towards...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:41

55 804 0
Teachers’ attitudes towards using checking techniques in teaching vocabulary at Bac Ninh specialized high scholl, Bac Ninh province

Teachers’ attitudes towards using checking techniques in teaching vocabulary at Bac Ninh specialized high scholl, Bac Ninh province

... activities are commonly used by teachers to check their students’ vocabularies, the attitudes of teachers of English at Bac Ninh Specialized High School (BSHS) towards the current checking vocabulary ... that teachers of English should to help their students retain the words that they have learned The main purpose of the study is to find out the attitudes of teachers of English at BSHS towards ... explore what activities are commonly used by teachers to check their students’ vocabulary (ii) To investigate the attitudes of English teachers at BSHS towards the current checking vocabulary technique...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

8 428 2
The students’ attitudes towards teachers’ written feedback strategies on their writings at Vocational College of Posts and Telecommunications

The students’ attitudes towards teachers’ written feedback strategies on their writings at Vocational College of Posts and Telecommunications

... receiving, their attitudes towards, their comprehension of and their attention to different types of teacher written feedback It is hoped that the results of this study would help teachers to ... STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES LÊ HẢI ĐOÀN THE STUDENTS ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHERS WRITTEN FEEDBACK STRATEGIES ON THEIR WRITINGS AT VOCATIONAL COLLEGE OF POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ... examine the students’ attitudes towards teachers written feedback strategies Moreover, the study aims to find out whether the students understand the written feedback as intended by their teacher Finally,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2017, 20:54

16 302 0
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers  A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

... Students’ attitudes towards native teachers advantages as native speakers 26 Table 3: Students’ attitudes towards disadvantages of native teachers as native speakers 28 Table 4: Students’ attitudes towards ... foreign teachers tolerance of their errors since their English is poor and they are afraid of making mistakes Unlike their non-native teachers, native teachers encourage them to express their ... Students’ attitudes towards advantages of native teachers as native speakers ……………………………………………………….26-28 Students’ attitudes towards disadvantages of native teachers as native...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

56 848 0
attitudes towards teachers’ error correction Thái độ của học sinh lớp 10 trường THPT Nội Trú Đồ Sơn đối với việc chữa lỗi của giáo viên tro

attitudes towards teachers’ error correction Thái độ của học sinh lớp 10 trường THPT Nội Trú Đồ Sơn đối với việc chữa lỗi của giáo viên tro

... their teachers, for example, to what extent they understand their teachers correction, and how effective they think their teachers instruction is • to explore in what ways students expect their ... Previous Studies on Students’ Attitudes towards Teachers Oral Error Correction It is obvious that individual students differ from each other in their attitudes towards errors and error correction ... need for teachers to learn about their students’ perceptions and preferences for error treatment, I would like to conduct an investigation into “10th grade students’ attitudes towards teachers ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:52

62 410 0
High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

... application, what teachers perceive of it, what their attitudes towards it are 2 Though a number of research studies have been conducted focusing on CLT and teachers attitudes towards CLT, little ... Page Figure 1: Teachers perception of the role of grammar in English Language 22 Teaching Figure 2: Teachers attitudes towards teaching grammar 22 Figure 3: Students’ attitudes towards learning ... 22 3.1.1 Teachers perception of the role of grammar in English 22 Language Teaching 3.1.2 Teachers attitudes to teaching grammar 22 3.1.3 Teachers perception of students’ attitudes towards...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:08

64 964 1
Students' attitudes towards cooperative learning at Nghe An teachers' College and Implications for teacher Education programs  Thái độ của sinh viên trường CĐSP

Students' attitudes towards cooperative learning at Nghe An teachers' College and Implications for teacher Education programs Thái độ của sinh viên trường CĐSP

... Students’ attitudes and perceptions towards CL Students’ attitudes towards CL Five questions (Question 2, 3, 4, and 6) in the Questionnaire were designed to find out students‟ attitudes towards ... and teachers attitudes towards the intended pedagogical models be investigated Moreover, although the benefits of CL have been well documented in the literature, the students‟ and teachers attitudes ... learning styles? How teachers use CL both inside and outside the classroom according to students‟ self-reports? What are their attitudes towards, and perceptions of, CL as well as their suggestions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:01

56 570 1
Students' attitudes towards teachers' corrective feedback in writing at the Boarding High school for Ethnic Minority students in Tuyen Quang = Thái độ của học s

Students' attitudes towards teachers' corrective feedback in writing at the Boarding High school for Ethnic Minority students in Tuyen Quang = Thái độ của học s

... that their teacher feedback was not easy enough to understand In their opinions, the main reason for this is that their teachers feedback was too general to understand In addition, their teachers ... of their teachers feedback, especially in writing comments as they asked their teachers or peers for help to solve their problem Research question 3: What are EFL students’ preferences for teachers ... possible from their teachers to make progress in writing Despite their desire of feedback, more than a half of the students stated that they didn‟t receive their teacher feedback for each of their papers...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:02

61 716 0
study on students’ attitudes towards learning to speak English and their classroom speaking practices at Northern Water Resource College

study on students’ attitudes towards learning to speak English and their classroom speaking practices at Northern Water Resource College

... believed to help teachers at NWRC understand more about the students’ attitudes towards learning to speak English and their expectations of the teachers speaking lessons so that the teachers have ... (2010) Teachers attitudes towards the use of computers in language teaching at Hanam Teachers s Training College, Unpublished MA Dissertation CFL-VNU Nguyễn Thị Chúc Hà (2006), Students’ Attitudes ... Students’ attitudes towards learning to speak English at Ly Thai To High School, Bac Ninh, Unpublished MA Dissertation CFL-VNU Trần Thị Huyền (2008) High school teachers perceptions and attitudes towards...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

7 747 6
a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

... for their learning 3.3 Research question 3: What are teachers attitudes towards the cultural content in this book? teachers were interviewed in order to find out their thoughts and attitudes towards ... is, hence, more important for teachers to have positive attitudes towards learning and teaching cultures 1.3.4 Previous studies on teachers and learners attitudes towards cultural content in ... cultures differ Teachers attitudes obviously lead to their treatment towards cultural contents and then influence to learners‟ attitudes In a nutshell, it is important to uncover both teachers and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18

79 670 3


... understanding about teachers and students attitudes towards using short stories as supplementary materials Teachers and students’ attitudes are very important in the success of this method For teachers, ... teach these courses to get their attitudes towards using short stories to develop students’ subskills of reading They are also given questionnaire about their attitudes towards the use of short-stories ... includes two main parts: students’ attitudes and teachers attitudes towards using short stories as supplementary materials for reading classes 4.1 Students’ attitudes towards using short stories as...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2016, 08:05

60 858 6
A STUDY ON HOW ORAL GRAMMAR PRACTICE CAN CHANGE TRAN NGUYEN HAN 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

A STUDY ON HOW ORAL GRAMMAR PRACTICE CAN CHANGE TRAN NGUYEN HAN 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

... teachers and students For teachers , they should find the suitable teaching style for the students.When teachers apply suitable teaching style, students will keep positive attitudes towards their ... beyond their reach Their tools are “Grade 10 English books” only In addition to this, their lack of awareness of the importance of English as well as their teachers teaching method leads to their ... students change their attitudes towards grammar learning So as to reach this aim, the study sets out to test the hypothesis that oral grammar practice can change students’ attitudes towards grammar...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

73 515 0
A study on how oral practice can change TNH 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

A study on how oral practice can change TNH 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning

... teachers and students For teachers , they should find the suitable teaching style for the students.When teachers apply suitable teaching style, students will keep positive attitudes towards their ... beyond their reach Their tools are “Grade 10 English books” only In addition to this, their lack of awareness of the importance of English as well as their teachers teaching method leads to their ... students change their attitudes towards grammar learning So as to reach this aim, the study sets out to test the hypothesis that oral grammar practice can change students’ attitudes towards grammar...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

75 476 0
This questionnaire is designed to investigate teachers’ attitude towards the applicability of process approach in teaching writi

This questionnaire is designed to investigate teachers’ attitude towards the applicability of process approach in teaching writi

... students try to sort out their problems in learning writing without the help of their teachers While only 32% of the students ask their teachers for help, 57% of them ask their friends and find ... techniques used by teachers It is clear from Table that most of the students believe that the techniques used by the teachers are appropriate However, 72% of the students want their teachers to help ... to the need of teachers in planning a writing lesson The survey ask the teachers whether they change writing techniques from class to class (Question 12 for teachers) Most of the teachers (60%)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:51

31 561 2
Tài liệu Women''''s attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain doc

Tài liệu Women''''s attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain doc

... of action of any FP methods and thus asked women to express their beliefs independently of their actual choices and independently of their perceptions of available choices In our study, we also ... there was no specific assessment of understanding and attitudes for postfertilization effects The purpose of our study was to assess the attitudes about the mechanisms of action of FP in terms ... 21(1):23-46 Oddens BJ: Contraceptive use and attitudes in Italy 1993 Hum Reprod 1996, 11(3):533-539 Oddens BJ, Milsom I: Contraceptive practice and attitudes in Sweden 1994 Acta Obstet Gynecol...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

10 824 0
Increasing online interaction in a distance education MBA: Exploring students’ attitudes towards change ppt

Increasing online interaction in a distance education MBA: Exploring students’ attitudes towards change ppt

... online Online and distance education students’ attitudes towards interacting with other students In the body of research investigating students’ attitudes towards interacting with other students in ... suggest there is a complex interrelationship between students’ attitudes towards interacting with other students, their personalities, their learning styles and the communication technologies provided ... based tutorials, and attitudes towards interaction They found that whilst the student group as a whole did not place a high value on interactions with other students or their tutors, those who...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

22 367 0


... s t a i r McVey Degree : Master of A r t s T i t l e of Thesis r A Investigation i n t o Attitudes n Towards Water Pollution i n the Shuswap Lake Area of B r i t i s h Columbia Examining C omrnittee ... Environmental A t t i t u d e s v , i n Journal o f S o c i a l I s s u e s , Vol 28, No 4, 1972, p 82 ATTITUDES RELATING TO ENVIRaNGENTAL QUALITY ISSUES A s S c h i f f h a s n o t e d , t h e i n c ... h " a t t i t u d e w when d e s c r i b i n g a n i n d i v i d u a l ' s p r e f e r e n c e towards something 19 Although t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p between ttopinionn and n a t t i t u...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

125 471 0

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