sustainable land management sourcebook

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies and Approaches pot

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies and Approaches pot

... of land degradation, rehabilitation / reclamation of denuded land Origin: Externally - recent (<10 years ago) Land use: Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before), Forests / woodlands: ... formation, and potential landslides. Land use Climate Degradation Conservation measure Extensive grazing land Grazing land: Extensive grazing land (before) Forests / woodlands: Plantations, ... 2% - 3% Land ownership: state Land use rights: leased (The land belongs to the state and the land users rented this plot.) Water use rights: (The land belongs to the state and the land users...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

321 2,8K 0
Tài liệu Sustainable water management for rural development in the Mekong river delta, Vietnam pptx

Tài liệu Sustainable water management for rural development in the Mekong river delta, Vietnam pptx

... established as approximately 1 million cubic meter per day. 3. DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT Sustainable water management (SWM) should not only control the water resources towards the ... quality could become a bottleneck as pollution increases along with a higher demand. So a sustainable water management should be interpreted with the targets of the rural development as meaning ... caused pollution of freshwater, intrusion of salinity, water logging of agricultural land, destruction of wetlands and loss of biodiversity in mangrove forest and coastal areas. These negative...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

6 607 0
Tài liệu Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management pptx

Tài liệu Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management pptx

... STATEMENT 10 | Page number Planning for Sustainable Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Sustainable Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... different aspects of land- use planning in England. This PPS replaces Planning Policy Guidance Note 10, Planning and Waste Management, published in 1999 and forms part of the national waste management plan ... development. 5 PLANNING POLICY STATEMENT 10 | SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. The overall objective of Government policy on waste, as set out in the strategy for sustainable development 4 , is to protect...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

28 426 0
Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

Tài liệu Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices docx

...  Carbondioxide(CO 2 )isabsorbedby land andvegetationthroughtheprocessofphotosynthesis.The netemissionsarenegative(sequestration)andsubstantial,offsettingapproximately884MMTCO 2 E,or approximately13%oftotalemissionsin2006. 114 Thecarbonsequestrationandstorageprovidedby land canbepreservedthough sustainable land management practices,andcanbeenhancedby restorationof land, suchasreforestationofcontaminated land.   Theemissionsestimateforthe land basedcarbonsinkisgivenbytheInventory.Specifically,Chapter7, Land Use, Land UseChange,andForestry,providesanassessmentofthenetGHGfluxresultingfrom theusesandchangesin land typesandforestsintheU.S.,includingnetemissionsfromforestland remainingforestland,croplandremainingcropland, land convertedtocropland,grasslandremaining grassland, land convertedtograssland,settlementsremainingsettlements,landfillyardtrimmings,and ... T on =Timeperiodoftransition,defaultis1yearforcarbonlosses AlthoughthisequationissimilartotheequationusedtoestimatecarbonlossesinDOM(seebelow),it isnotinaccordancewiththe2006IPCCGuidelines.Theguidelinesrecommendagreaterdegreeof disaggregationoflandusedatabyclimateandsoiltype.Theequationaboverepresentsa simplificationofthevariabilityofcarboncontentsinsoilthatexistsonregionalandnationalscales.The soilcarbonstockfortheoldlandusecategory(Cs o )wasbasedoninformationfordifferentecosystem typespresentedinthe2000IPCCreportonLandUse,LanduseChange,andForestry. 117 Thesoil carbonstockforthenewlandusecategoryofsettlements(Cs n )wasbasedonafractionofCs o .For forestlandandgrassland,thefractionwas0.5andforcropland,thefractionwas0.8.GuoandGifford (2002)observedthatlandusechangesofforestlandtocroplandandpasturelandtocroplandresulted insoilcarbondecreasesof42%and59%,respectively. 118 Theestimateforthisprojectassumesthat theconversionofforestlandorgrasslandtourbanlandisequivalenttoaconversiontocropland(bo removeexistingvegetationandcausesignificantsoildisturbance);therefore,GuoandGiffordswork supportsthiseffortsestimationofa50%lossassociatedwiththisconversion.Itisestimatedthatsoils underforestsorgrasslandswillloseapproximately50%oftheoriginalorganiccarbonwhenthelandis convertedtodevelopedland.Theselossesareaconsequenceofboththeremovalofsurfacesoils(to providesuitablebuildingfoundation)andnaturaloxidationwhenthesoilisgradedfollowingremoval ofthevegetativecover.Lossesfromcroplandsareonlyexpectedtobe20%becausethesesoilsalready undergoperiodictillageandthemajorityofnaturaloxidationwillalreadyhaveoccurred.Aliterature reviewforthisprojectdidnotidentifyotherstudiescomparabletoGuoandGifford(2002)that estimatedsoilcarbonlossesassociatedwithconvertingcroplandtourbanland.Therefore,the20%soil carbonlossestimatefordevelopmentofcroplandintourbanlandisbasedonbestprofessional judgment. th ...  REDUCINGORAVOIDINGGHGEMISSIONSTHROUGH LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Land management describeshowwemanageanduse land toprovideopenspaceandhabitat,food, naturalresources,andplacesforpeopletolive,work,andrecreate.EPApromotesintegrated land management strategiesthatuse land asproductivelyandsustainablyaspossiblebypromotingsmart growth,preventingandminimizingtheoccurrenceofcontaminationandbycleaningup,reusing,and restoringcontaminated land forbeneficialreusebycommunities. 67   AsdescribedinBox7, land management hasthreekeycomponents: land protection, sustainable land use,and land revitalization.Similartothematerials management approachesthatcanbeusedinthe materialflow, land management approachescanbeusedtoreduceGHGemissionsbyimproving practiceswithinoracrosseachofthesecomponents. Land protectionpracticeslimithowmuch land is contaminatedeachyear.When land iscontaminated,itshouldbe cleaneduptolevelsprotectiveofhumanhealthandthe environment. Land...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 12:20

98 501 0
Payments For Environmental Services In Vietnam: Assessing An Economic Approach To Sustainable Forest Management docx

Payments For Environmental Services In Vietnam: Assessing An Economic Approach To Sustainable Forest Management docx

... adopted the sustainable forest management approach they would have gained very little increase in timber volumes. This meant that the opportunity cost of adopting sustainable forest management ... number of upland farmers still do not manage their land in sustainable ways and often clear cut the forest, which is very destructive to the environment. Moreover, the majority of upland farmers ... Constraints Ownership: In Vietnam land is owned by the state. By constitution, all lands, including forest land, belong to the Government. However, forest and forest land can be contracted or allocated...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:22

51 536 0
Sustainable Forest Management – Case Studies pptx

Sustainable Forest Management – Case Studies pptx

... Sustainable Forest Management – Case Studies, Edited by Jorge Martín-García and Julio Javier Diez p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0511-4 Sustainable Forest Management – Case ... could get from 1 ha of land out of two alternative land- uses: shifting cultivation [slash-and-burn], the Obstacles to a Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Forest Management Under REDD in ... transferable knowledge. CFEMI is designed for communication and management Sustainable Forest Management – Case Studies 38 traditional land- use pattern in southern Cameroon, or carbon credits...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

269 433 0


... IV — Habitat / Species Management Area: managed mainly for conservation through management intervention V — Protected Landscape / Seascape: managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation ... biodiversity; Sustainable use and consumption 9 II. Good Practices a. Biodiversity and livelihoods in forest management i. Biodiversity in production forests 13 ii. Agroforestry 17 iii. Forest landscape ... threatened species: A global species assessment. IUCN: Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. IUCN. 2008. Private–public partnerships can achieve sustainable and equitable development. Accessed at:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:21

53 326 0
Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design

Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design

... for endangered or threatened species Cultural Land use Prior land use Land use on adjoining properties Legal Political boundaries Land ownership Land use regulations Easements and deed restrictions Utilities ... categories. Land use, for example, is an attribute that is expressed in this way. Land use classes include residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Although these land uses differ in many ways, land ... attributes, such as soil type, slope g radient, and land use suitability (Figure 2-3). Land use—a cultural attribute—can be classified into many different categories. A land use classi- fication system developed...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 08:53

386 475 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhanced Capacity and Research in AgroForestry systems for livestock feeding and sustainable land use in Vietnam " potx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhanced Capacity and Research in AgroForestry systems for livestock feeding and sustainable land use in Vietnam " potx

... very well attended. 3.8 Project Management The management of the project provided by staff of the School of Land and Food Sciences, University of Queensland has been fully satisfactory (4) ... livestock feeding and sustainable land use in Vietnam Australian Personnel Assoc. Prof. H.M. Sheltonssoc; Dr R.C. Gutteridge; Dr B.F. Mullen Australian Institution School of Land and Food Sciences, ... implementation. 1.4 Implementation arrangements The University of Queensland had overall responsibility for project management. In Vietnam, VNU was the lead agency and had direct responsibility...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

12 454 0


... forest. Scrubland 24. Sub-montane scrubland, 25. Spin y Tamaulipecan scrubland, 26. Cacti- dominated scrubland 27. Succulent-dominated scrubland, 28. Succulent- cacti-dominated scrubland, 29. Sub-tropical ... Sub-tropical scrubland, 30. Chaparral, 31. Xerophytic scrubland, 32. Succulent-cactus-dominated cloud scrubland,, 33. Rosetophilous scrubland, 34. Desertic xerophytic rosetophilous scrubland, 35. ... xerophytic microphilous scrubland,, 36 Propospis spp dominated, 37. Acacia spp dominated, 38. Vegetation of sandy desertic conditions. Grassland 39. Natural g rassland, 40. Grassland-huizachal, 41....

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

468 353 0