students improvement after learning the textbook

An evaluation of the material reward  for the first-year non-English major students at Hai Phong Private University = Đánh giá giáo trình  reward  dành cho sinh

An evaluation of the material reward for the first-year non-English major students at Hai Phong Private University = Đánh giá giáo trình reward dành cho sinh

... the students and the author herself was also present in the classrooms when the students wrote down their answers with an aim to explain questions from the students about the questionnaires The ... to themselves, in other words, their learning results are better if they find themselves in the lessons In stead of asking the students to talk about some one they have never met or describe the ... teachers in the interview with the author, they asserted that many of their students were really bad at English and that they were not able to catch up with the learning speed of the others Obviously,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:48

67 793 0
a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

... English textbooks They classify ELT textbooks into three types according to the patterns of cultures reflectedin the book: the textbooks that mirror the source/home culture, the textbooks based on the ... are neither the source/home nor the target culture In accordance to these three patters, textbooks are classified into three types: the textbooks that mirror the source/home culture, the textbooks ... from the chart that the students highly valued the importance of culture in ESL learning with a large number of students chose number and – the two highest levels in the rank Together with the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18

79 670 3
An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

... using students L1 in an L2 classroom Design of the study The thesis consists of three parts: Part A is the introduction, which presents the rationale, the scope, the aims, the methods and the ... for the majority of the world population These scholars have agreed that since the mother tongue and target language co–exist in the learners‟ mind, in the learning activities they involve, there ... of the students claimed that their teacher used the mother tongue fairly frequently and the minority of students (7.37 %) thought that their teacher rarely used Vietnamese in the EFL class The...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

48 923 0


... upper-secondary students This is an important advantage of the textbook as it is relevant to the students needs, and thereby arousing their interests The purpose underlying in the textbook is to ... like the follow-up stage After students have practiced the target skill in the while-listening stage, they an extension This helps them take the information or whatever they have produced in the ... and the students take more responsibility for their own learning Instead of the teacher being the sole, infallible source of information, then, the teacher shares control of the classroom and students...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

53 1,2K 7
An exploratory study on the teachers and students’ perceptions of an ESP course at the infantry officer training college number one

An exploratory study on the teachers and students’ perceptions of an ESP course at the infantry officer training college number one

... 1: The rating of the students' answers to the questions- Section B Chart 2: The rating of the students' answers to the questions- Section C Chart 3: The rating of the students' answers to the ... and at the same time be an expert in these areas Thus, quite often there is cooperation in the lessons- the teacher helps the students with the English language and the students help the teacher ... fifth unit The progress tests are always welcomed by the teachers and the students as the teachers (and the students) can check the progress the students have made II.2 Methodology The present...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:25

56 675 0
A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

... 19% These tables show the difficulties the teachers and the students have during the speaking activity Both the teachers and students have nearly the same ideas about shyness and passive learning ... 39% of the students take it important The percentage of the students which thinks culture rather important is % However, 3% of the students take no care of the position of culture in ELT In their ... gesture is chosen by the lowest percentage of the students A quarter of the students state that they have been taught about gestures The biggest proportion of the students (35%) say they had been taught...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:55

59 672 2
An Evaluation of the book Target Pet for the first year non-English majors at Vinh University from the perspective of teachers and students

An Evaluation of the book Target Pet for the first year non-English majors at Vinh University from the perspective of teachers and students

... presented in the textbook, and the way the textbook presents material is the way students learn it The educational philosophy of the textbook will influence the class and the learning process Therefore, ... language learning 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY The aims of the study are as follow: + to assess the suitability of the course book to the level and the needs of the students and the requirements of the course ... On the other hand, Grant (1987) categories textbooks as traditional textbooks and communicative textbooks The traditional textbook tries to get students to learn the language as a system The...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 18:52

110 1K 0
A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

... "The Thorn Birds" University of Languages and International Studies, Hanoi Pennington, R (2011) The Feedback Sandwich Resource International, Seamon's, R (2001) The Routledge Companion of Aesthetics ... implication 43 4.2 Limitation of study and the suggestion for further researches 44 4.3 Conclusion REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 45 46 References Abbas, A M (2010) The concept of pragmatic politeness with ... (2007) Use of politeness strategies as a factor in peer editing in the foreign language classroom Paper presented at the Northeast Conference, West Virginia University Austin, J L (1962) How...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

6 552 2
A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... presentations” The more they participate, the more they speak and the more they speak, the more fluent they become in English In short, most of the students responded that they found satisfied when they ... outside the classroom during the experiment because they have to live in the military barrack all the time On the other hand, all the 16 students share very common background, studying in the same ... they respond enthusiastically to the opportunity They are told the tasks they will complete for the purposes of research, but they are not told the precise purpose They are all assured that the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02

77 893 5
Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... Objectives of the study  contribute more theory to the understandings of group discussion  find out the essentials of group discussion  provide the teachers with the basic framework  provide students ... Methods of the study  Qualitative : - Observation - Questionnaire  Quantitative: - Descriptive statistics Subjects of the study  16 post-elementary non major students  all of them learned ... much difference in the number of turns among the participants  Leadership moves - One or two students seem to be leaders in every talk Individual Presentation Findings  most of the participants...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

15 800 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of the effects of climatic and nonclimatic factors on the radial growth of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr) by dendrochronological methods" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of the effects of climatic and nonclimatic factors on the radial growth of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr) by dendrochronological methods" pps

... Norway spruce in the 1970s reflect the records of industrial activity near the forest During this period, neither the meteorological data nor the forest management record shows the eviextent to ... used the data from Muroran because of the longer total weather records at Muroran (1924 - 1990) as compared to those at the Tomakomai Weather Station (located approximately 10 km south of the ... [12] The authors thank Drs K Ishigaki and Y Tanaka at the Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University for technical assistance The authors also thank the staff of the National Forest of the Japan...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

10 324 0
Báo cáo y học: " Chiropractic wellness on the web: the content and quality of information related to wellness and primary prevention on the Internet" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Chiropractic wellness on the web: the content and quality of information related to wellness and primary prevention on the Internet" potx

... audience they were aimed at, the source of the website, the purpose, whether they were Health on the Net Foundation (HON) certified http://, whether they contained standard wellness content, ... on the web by using the strategy above on each search engine were selected for evaluation Demographic assessments of the sites were made such as determining the audience they were aimed at, the ... [12] The Association of Chiropractic Colleges and the American Chiropractic Association, the largest trade group in the US for the chiropractic profession have mission statements supportive of these...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

7 338 0
Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

... throughout the paper, the pedagogical recommendations, the explanation of study limitations, and finally some suggestions for further studies to all of those who share the similar interest in the issue ... university students in Hong Kong towards native and non-native teachers of English Master‟s thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Cheung, Y L., & Braine, G (2007) The attitudes of university students ... (Ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Language teaching and Learning London: Routledge, 356-359 Graddol, D (1997) The future of English London: British Council Graddol, D (1999) The decline of the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

12 820 7
An evaluation on the coursebook Lifelines Elementary for non-English major students at Laocai Teachers Training College

An evaluation on the coursebook Lifelines Elementary for non-English major students at Laocai Teachers Training College

... Education since then The teacher there themselves choose the course book that they believe appropriate to their students without a research The New Cambridge English course I (Michael Swan &Catherine ... asking the appropriateness of the course book to the objectives of the course The third section includes eight questions asking about the suitability of the course book to the students needs The ... find out the teaching and learning methods, learning conditions, and students comments and suggestions The respondents of the survey were 275 non-major English students at the college The data...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50

6 718 9
An investigation into the attitudes of teachers and students at the hanoi college of industrial economics towards speaki

An investigation into the attitudes of teachers and students at the hanoi college of industrial economics towards speaki

... worth learning Therefore, the task of the teachers is to find out their students goal and the topics 48 they want to learn and build these in the textbook as much as possible to make their textbook ... towards the speaking skills in the textbook According to them the topics and activities in the textbook are interesting but not suitable with the level of the first year students at the HCIE ... identify the students needs and help them learn 27 the English language in a smooth way The results showed that there was a general satisfaction about the textbook The majority of the students...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2015, 12:50

56 566 1
Students perspectives on the role of note taking consecutive interpreting a case of english translation and interpreting majored senior students at can tho university

Students perspectives on the role of note taking consecutive interpreting a case of english translation and interpreting majored senior students at can tho university

... events The interpreter listens to the speech and reproduces the message from the source language to the target language at the same time as the speaker delivers their source text (Lu, 2012) The ... When the interpreters not know the proper names which the speaker says, then they should ignore the orthography and write down the phonetically as closely as possible to what they believe they ... provide the information on which theoretical books on note-taking they were familiar with As the result, the more handbooks of note taking the interpreters read the more they use it in their notes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2016, 20:02

45 790 1
Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

Globalization and its effects on the development of educational service in Vietnam

... and Brazil The growth in the first three countries has been fuelled by exports whereas that of Brazil is rather based on the domestic market Among the factors explaining the growth is the expansion ... lower the amount of resources available for the provision of education and education at the micro level The effects at the micro level are basically similar to the effects at the macro ... if they came back to Vietnam But if we look at the bright side, those students are educated deeply from both Vietnam and a foreign country, there is no doubt about their abilities And then they...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 11:16

63 996 3
Optimization of design and operating parameters on the year round performance of a multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system using transient mathematical analysis

Optimization of design and operating parameters on the year round performance of a multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system using transient mathematical analysis

... to the second collector and the outlet of the second collector will be inlet to the next and so on up to the Ncth collector Thus, the outlet temperature of the last collector is taken as the ... stacked one over the other The condenser surface of bottom stages acts as the evaporator surface for the stages above The system consists of two flat plate collectors connected either in series ... combination of collectors At the top of the last stage, there is a water tank of 150 liters capacity which stores the saline water The saline water from the tank flows through the combination of flat...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

26 568 0
Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

... of the media across the OSCE region Second, the study assesses the impact these regulations and practices have on the free flow of information and the freedom of expression on the Internet The ... freedom of the media and the free flow of information on the Internet The study assesses how these provisions are applied by the participating States Furthermore, the study assesses the compliance ... discussions on the matter 20 Disclaimer: For the present report and assessment, use has been made of the replies in the form in which they were received Neither the author nor the Office of the OSCE...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

238 2,7K 0