step growth and ring opening polymerization



... kJ.mol-1 ΔS0p = 30.9 J.K-1.mol-1 VI/ CYCLOALKENES Ring- opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) [ Trnka and Grubbs ] Cycloalkenes undergo ring- opening polymerization in the presence of coordination ... proton transfer from one N to the other N, ring opening of the HO-containing ring, and transfer from HO-C+ to N with formation of XXV Propagation : * Anionic Polymerization - Use of Strong Base Alone ... 6-membered ring ?? cis- and trans-8-oxabicyclo[ 4.3.0]-nonane FREE OF STRAIN  I does not polymerize II  tetrahydrofuran ring is twisted  highly strained * Polymerization Mechanism and Kinetics...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2015, 03:12

55 720 0


... in contact and mixes with the catalyst microspheres initiating ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) The chemical compatibility of the catalyst with the matrix is investigated and wax protection ... containing DCPD and the catalyst, the monomer is released from the core-shell microcapsule and comes in contact with exposed catalyst, upon which the monomer undergoes ring opening metathesis polymerization ... followed, surfaceinitiated ring opening metathesis polymerization (SI-ROMP) were improved In this paper, developments of SI ROMP are reviewed, in parts of initiator catalysts and parts of surfaces...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 11:36

27 670 0


Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 11:40

2 248 0
Tài liệu Growth and nutritional status of children with homozygous sickle cell disease ppt

Tài liệu Growth and nutritional status of children with homozygous sickle cell disease ppt

... nasogastric route to SCD children with growth retardation (weight and height ,5th centile) led to a rapid and sustained increase in growth and a reduction of pain crises and episodes of infection.15 The ... levels and chronic anaemia are associated with hyperdynamic circulation and deterioration of cardiopulmonary function This increases workload and, consequently, the demand for energy and nutrients ... clinical presentation and growth parameters, use of blood transfusion, therapeutic interventions, micronutrient status and other nutritional and endocrine assessments, and haemoglobin genotype...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

25 603 0
Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

... research and policy organization of some 250 business leaders and educators CED is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical Its purpose is to propose policies that bring about steady economic growth ... economic growth at high employment and reasonably stable prices, increased productivity and living standards, greater and more equal opportunity for every citizen, and an improved quality of life ... stronger growth, and rising standards of living, while society will benefit from less crime, enhanced schools, and children who are better prepared to participate in democratic processes and K-12...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

74 608 0
Tài liệu Growth and Decline of the Economies of Europe and the US docx

Tài liệu Growth and Decline of the Economies of Europe and the US docx

... since 2000 and funding wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and providing assistance to favored countries like Israel, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Georgia to name a few and running up huge trade and budget ... Relationships include the relations between the employee and employer, banks and their creditors and debtors, corporations and governments and the vender and the consumer etc The people of the country ... its European rivals in manufacturing and trade Demand for raw materials and profits from India were boosted by the need to sustain the troops and the economy during Britain’s wars with its European...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 14:20

90 483 0
Rapid credit growth and international credit: Challenges for Asia pdf

Rapid credit growth and international credit: Challenges for Asia pdf

... pace Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines also saw faster growth of dollar credit But Thailand’s 1,000%plus growth was from a tiny base, underscoring how these data need to be interpreted ... between Asia in the mid-1990s and Asia in the 2000s, but also between eastern Europe and Latin America, on the one hand, and Asia now Compared to emerging Europe and Latin America, in Asia the ... and conference participants for useful comments and discussion and Bilyana Bogdanova, Pablo Garcia, Jimmy Shek and Jhuvesh Sobrun for research assistance Authors are members of the Monetary and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

28 450 0
Credit Growth and the Effectiveness of Reserve Requirements and Other Macroprudential Instruments in Latin America pdf

Credit Growth and the Effectiveness of Reserve Requirements and Other Macroprudential Instruments in Latin America pdf

... instrument, especially at time of stress and in the context of a dollarized economy (Leon and Quispe, 2010) Using data for Brazil, Evandro and Takeda (2011) and Glocker and Towbin (2012b) have analyzed ... wind”: (i) raising RRs during the upswing phase of the cycle to contain excessive credit growth and the associated build up of vulnerabilities and (ii) lowering them during the downswing phase ... countercyclically to contain credit growth and manage liquidity conditions in the economy, while managing in tandem policy interest rates These dynamics are evident prior, during, and following the 2008–2009...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

29 525 0
Assessing and Managing Rapid Credit Growth and the Role of Supervisory and Prudential Policies docx

Assessing and Managing Rapid Credit Growth and the Role of Supervisory and Prudential Policies docx

... beauties” (Albania and Romania, and lately the Czech and Slovak Republics) seem to have woken up, while in “late risers” (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Lithuania), real growth of ... Bulgaria, Estonia, and Lithuania; horizontal exchange rate bands in Hungary and Slovenia; fixed exchange rates in Latvia, Macedonia, and Ukraine; crawling bands in Belarus and Romania; and tightly managed ... management and internal control and internal control policies and practices policies and practices Supervisory/ Monitoring Measures Policy Options - Improving banks’ and corporations’ accounting standards...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

59 503 0
House Prices, Credit Growth, and Excess Volatility: Implications for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy pptx

House Prices, Credit Growth, and Excess Volatility: Implications for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy pptx

... nancial and economic stability (Borio and Lowe 2002) Times of prosperity which are fueled by easy credit and rising debt are typically followed by lengthy periods of deleveraging and subdued growth ... Shiller (1981) and LeRoy and Porter (1981) have shown that stock prices See, for example, Roxburgh, et al (2012) Examples include Iacoviello (2005), Iacoviello and Neri (2010), and Walentin and Sellin ... imperfect 12 See, for example, Kannan, Rabanal and Scott (2009), Angelini, Neri, and Panetta (2010), Christensen and Meh (2011), and Lambertini, Mendicino and Punzi (2011) then, the over-accumulation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

47 1,4K 0


... planning institutions; and developing capacities of the key planning agencies and units, namely, NDPC, PPMEDs, RPCUs and DPCUs 10.0 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is ... resources such as land, labour, technology, capital/finance and information; • Expanding access to potable water and sanitation, health, housing and education; • Ensuring the safety of life and property; ... • Infrastructure, energy and human settlements development; • Human development, employment and productivity; and • Transparent and Accountable Governance 2.0 Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

232 472 0
Plant physiology - Chapter 16 Growth and Development pot

Plant physiology - Chapter 16 Growth and Development pot

... expansion during growth and development (A) Growth velocity profile Region of maximum growth velocity 10 15 Position (mm from tip) (B) Relative elemental growth rate Relative elemental growth rate ... elongation zone, and the maturation zone Cells in the meristematic zone have small vacuoles and expand and divide rapidly, generating many files of cells Quiescent center Root cap Growth and Development ... from damage during growth through the soil During seedling growth (in soil or dim light) the hook migrates up the stem, from the hypocotyl into the epicotyl and then to the first and second internodes,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

36 744 0
Báo cáo "The effect of Cu concentration in soil and phosphorous fertilizer on plant growth and Cu uptake by Brassia juncea L. grown on contaminated soils " doc

Báo cáo "The effect of Cu concentration in soil and phosphorous fertilizer on plant growth and Cu uptake by Brassia juncea L. grown on contaminated soils " doc

... samples (leaves and shoots) are collected and washed with pure water and then dried at 70oC until stabilisation of weight The monitoring indicators for plants growth include plant height and biomass ... soil and Cu accumulation in plant, and also the role of phosphate in reducing the uptake of Cu by Brassica juncea L 2.2 Sampling and chemical analysis Plant and soil samples were taken and analysed ... in higher doses they may cause metabolic disorders and growth inhibition for most of plant species Table Effects of added Cu on plant growth and Cu content in plants (fresh weight) Plant Treatments...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

5 590 1
Economic growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: discussing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis potx

Economic growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: discussing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis potx

... Bandyopadhyay (1992), Panayotou (1993), Selden and Song (1994), and Holtz-Eakin and Selden (1995) Special issues of Ecological Economics (1995, 1998) and Environment and Development Economics (1996) have ... C., Pimentel, D., 1995 Economic growth, carrying capacity and the environment Science 268, 520-521 Beckerman, W.,1992 Economic growth and the environment: whose growth? Whose environment? World ... the relationship between economic growth and each type of environmental pressure, analyzing the experience of individual countries and using both econometric and historical analysis (Stern et...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

35 447 0


... relationship between pollution and technology and primary factors, and between income and these same variables, without having a simple and stable relationship between pollution and income In plain words, ... authors have amended standard macroeconomic growth models with pollution components and links have been established between income and pollution convergence Investigating pollution growth with macroeconomic ... monotonically increasing relationship between real GDP and pollution and makes economic growth and sustainable development two conflicting goals However, economic growth generates technological progress; polluting...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

168 278 0
Oriented silicon nanowires on silicon substrates from oxide assisted growth and gold catalysts

Oriented silicon nanowires on silicon substrates from oxide assisted growth and gold catalysts

... metal–Si eutectic alloy is the key point of the MC-VLS growth of SiNWs and the growth temperature is dependent on the metal catalyst As Au and Si can form an eutectic alloy as low as 363 °C [9], ... distribution of SiNWs and Au particle tips (c) Growth direction of SiNWs deposited at 700 °C is limited to the temperature range of 700–800 °C using the OAG and Au catalyst The reduced growth temperature ... the Au catalytic effect in lowering SiO decomposition temperature Close TEM observation shows there is a thin silicon oxide layer covering the Au particle tips During growth, the arriving silicon...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:06

5 539 0
Spontaneous growth and luminescence of si siox core shell nanowires

Spontaneous growth and luminescence of si siox core shell nanowires

... annealing and (b) after annealing two emission bands around 550 and 600 nm, as indicated in Fig 5a Each nanowire consists of a crystalline Si core and an amorphous SiOx shell The core and shell ... suggest that the growth of Sample A follows the oxide-assisted mechanism However, this mechanism seems not suitable to account for the growth of Sample D, since the morphology and growth direction ... Si nanoparticle chains and Sample A showing twisted shapes and rough surfaces (b) Magnified TEM image and SAED pattern for the Si nanoparticle chain (c) Magnified TEM image and SAED pattern for Sample...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:08

6 374 0