— r Ly yee National x TAS SEs Planning fe ch LÍ (Là NUA “j 'Đ':: mm? \ x ; Commission
° National Integrated Infrastructure
Master Plan:An Imperative for a Sustainable Economic Growth and
Dr Shamsuddeen Usman, CON Honourable Minister/Deputy Chairman
National Planning Commission at the
Trang 3Background
e Infrastructure stock is inadequate (see Table |)
e Enhanced planning required
e HMNP's visit to India and Malaysia
underscored need for NIIMP
e FEC approved NIIMP Project Framework
Trang 4` | Justification Literature Review
eInfrastructure development promotes economic growth , equity and poverty reduction(UN-Habitat, 201 1)
°An integrated package of measures is needed to get
investments in strategic infrastructure back on track (OECD,
*Medium to long term, well planned infrastructure investment spurs growth and improves competitiveness (WEF 2012)
*Most infrastructure projects generate economic returns of 5%-25% (WEF 2012)
*Raising Nigeria’s infrastructure endowment to Africa’s middle- income countries could boost annual growth by around 4
Trang 5Table |: Nigeria’s WEF Competitiveness Ranking 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 (Out of 133 (Out of 139 Countries) | (Out of 142 Countries) | (Out of 144 Countries) Countries) Country Overall Infrastructure | Overall Infrastructure | Overall Infrastructure Overall Infrastructure India 49 76 S1 86 56 89 S3 84 Malaysia 24 26 26 30 21 26 25 32 Nigeria 99 127 127 135 127 135 115 130 Singapore |3 4 3 5 2 3) 2; 2 South 45 45 54 63 50 62 52 63 Africa
World Economic Forum 2012
& 2 National Se % if
Trang 6Country Experience NMaticonal Infrastructure Plan Infrastructure UK National Infrastructure Plan 2011 New Zealand Government
° “Britain will not be able to e 2°4 National Infrastructure Plan
compete in the modern world
unless we improve our
Infrzerrareiure”” e Contains a 3-year Action Plan e Plan sets out a 20-year vision e Indentifies Ministerial priorities
for infrastructure, guiding principles to set the
e Chancellor of the Exchequer
e First ever Infrastructure Plan
e Sectoral infrastructure plans government's aspiration for e Aims to join up infrastructure infrastructure
subsectors e Covers the transport,
e 500 Priority programmes and telecommunications, energy,
projects water and social infrastructure
e Over £250 pei investment
Trang 7Country/Regional Experience
e Poor state of roads, ports,
airports and other facilities e To enhance intra-regional shaves about 2 percentage points infrastructure connectivity from India's GDP growth and promote economic e Investment in infrastructure was growth among ASEAN
over US$ 380 billion (8.32% of countries
GDP in the | I" NDP) e implementation for the
e Investment in infrastructure is period 2011-2015 expected to increase to US$
[trillion in the 12 NDP for
Trang 9Key Stages for Developing Infrastructure Plans
e Stage 6: Finalising the Plan based on available cash
resources—deciding financing mode—public, private,
PPP, etc
e Stage 7: Moving from planning to implementation * publishing and marketing the plan
* ensuring necessary policy changes
* ensuring necessary legal and regulatory changes * finalising the detailed projects preparation
Trang 10Objectives of the NIIMP
7 se Coordinate approach to physical infrastructure
for sustainable development
e Strengthen linkages between infrastructure sectors and the national economy
e Harmonize and integrate various infrastructure
e Prioritize projects and programmes
e Promote private sector participation
Trang 11Methodology
é e Participatory approach with broad spectrum of stakeholders ed e II Technical Working Groups (TWGs)
| Energy 7 Transport
2.1CT 8 Water, Agriculture and Mining 3 Housing & Regional Dev 9 Social Infrastructure
4 Vital Registration & Security 10 States Infrastructure Development 5 Financing Mechanism 11 Legal & Regulatory
6 Plan Delivery, Monitoring & Evaluation
e The TWGs will be directly responsible for providing technical inputs and technical interfaces for the development of the NIIMP
e Coordinating Consulting firm to manage the project development
Honourable Minister of National Planning (Co- Chair)
Minister of Communications Technology (Co- Chair)
Ministers of Key Infrastructure MDAs Minister of Trade and Investment Minister of Education
Minister of Health
Minister of State, Finance
Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria
Chairmen, Relevant Committees of the National
Chief Economic Adviser to the President Solicitor General of the Federation DG ICRC Secretary to the Commission (SECOM) Zonal representatives DG Nigeria Governors’ Forum DG, NESG
S/A to the President on lnfrastructure SSA to the President on NEPAD Chair of Business Support Group
Representatives of Development Partners Chairmen ofTWGs Composition of the Project Development Structure NATIONAL TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Secretary to the National Planning Commission (Co-Chair) Director-General, Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (Co-Chair) Chairmen of TWGs TECHNICAL WORKING GROUPS To be co-chaired by relevant Ministers and Private Sector counterparts Public Sector NationalAssembly States Representatives Private Sector Academia Professional Bodies Civil Society Organizations Development Partners
Development Financing Institutions Individual Sector Experts
Trang 16` | Duration > The NIIMP to be finalized by April 2013 - Implementation commences in 2014
- Plan Implementation period o 30 year Master Plan
o 3 Nos 10-year Strategic Plans
Trang 17Process chain a — »> AcTIViTiEs) > — >> LEVERAGED 3) smee 2 WEE Ò, Desk Reviews/Basel Public
ine Survey resources
Multi- leveraged Economy Diversified
Consultative N I I M P Effective
Interactions cooperation,
le In-depth aaa : coordination,
Weak Technical + Effecti competition Infrastructu Analysis ri and regulation
fe Base = Arrangements for
holding back Experiential 8 ame
economic >| learning/Study [PARE a on
growth and Visit cooperation participation poverty + Viable Financing enhanced
reduction Mechanisms
ene * Prioritized policies,
Trang 18Benefits of NIIMP
e Enhanced economic growth, employment generation and wealth creation
e Prioritized projects and programmes
e Robust framework for infrastructure
e Enabling environment for investment
Trang 19
Consultations with wide spectrum of stakeholders FEC’s approval of Project Framework
Design of NIIMP web domain (http://tinyurl.com/NIIMP )
Development of Project Document
Procurement Process for Coordinating Consulting firm (4 reputable international consulting firms qualified for RFP) Development of ToRs for the NSC, BSG, NTWG and
Background materials and data gathered
Trang 21Background Materials
Mater Plans/Plans Strategy/Programme Bills/Acts Others Document
Energy Master Plan Draft Renewable Energy Master Plan National Transport Master Plan Nigeria’s Vision 20;2020 First National Implementation Plan Transformation Agenda Niger Delta Master Plan UK Infrastructure Plan New Zealand National Infrastructure Plan Infrastructure and Urban Industries Vision
National Energy Policy Draft Trade and Industrial Policy National PPP Policy Transport National Policy Draft, Railway Requirements and Construction of Roads
PPP Manual for Nigeria Environmental and Social Management Framework PPP infrastructure Finance Initial Screening and Prioritising of Transport Infrastructure Projects Report of Vision 20:2020 National TWG on Transport Paper on Infrastructure Development for the Mines and Steel Industry Power Sector Reforms
Priority projects for Lower Niger River Basin Authority Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission Ports and Harbour Reform Bill National Transport Commission Bill Inland Waterways Bill
Nigeria Railway Bill 2011
Trang 22
“Nigerias infrastructure challenges, though
substantial, are not daunting, given the strength of the national economy While recent policy measures
suggest that the government is taking these challenges seriously, more remains to be done The associated growth dividend is well worth pursuing.’
eThe World Bank sponsored Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic Study, 201 |