... ing us to have the day off” or “We appreciate your permitting us to have the day off” would begin to convey some sense of the respectful tone of the Japanese in natu- ral-sounding English But make ... byproduct of centuries of such discred- iting of language is a vast quantity of empty words that reflect neither social reality nor one’s true inner inten- tion In other words, the praise of silence ... and the prevalence of meaningless words are two sides of the same coin.’ Granted, there are a lot of meaningless words that go into making the Japanese publishing industry one of the world’s most
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 12:20
... illusion of understanding, due to its visualization of the whole chain of events, but does not result in comprehension of the functional and causal relationships involved Comprehension of ... purposes of this chapter, animation is defined as “[…] any application which generates a series of frames, so that each frame appears as an alteration of the previous one, and where the sequence of ... abilities, thus facilitating construction of a mental model of the referent situation. Moreover, children as young as 4 years showed unexpectedly good comprehension of cinematic montage conveying implied
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:20
myatt - making sense of data ii - practical guide to data visualization (wiley, 2009)
... Appendix B—Software: This appendix provides a detailed explanation of the capabilities of the Traceis software, along with a discussion of how to access, run, and use the software It is ... that the reader of the book has a basic understanding of the principles of data mining An overview has been given in a previously published book called Making Sense of Data: A Practical ... Exploratory Data Analysis... snapshot of some of the current uses of data mining in a variety of industries It also offers an overview of how data mining can be applied to
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:22
Making Sense of Strategy (2001)
... chances of staying out front In a street fight, a surgical strike may save your life but a “flurry of blows” keeps your enemy off balance and sets you up for the big hit 14 making sense of ... You can grow your sales and profits You can improve your... MANNING P.S In the spirit of good conversation, please let me know what you think of Making Sense of Strategy You can e-mail ... “S-curves” that keep your sales and profits on an upward path, defying the gravitational pull of “more of the same” (Figure 1-2) 12 making sense of strategy GROWTH TIME FIGURE 1-1
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 17:43
making sense of online learning a guide for beginners and the truly skeptical
... technology-based... some of the basics and get you off to a good start When Does Using Technology for Learning Make Sense? Since technology is part of the future landscape of learning, ... is the first step toward making sense of online learning In a nutshell, online learning makes the most sense when it directly meets the needs of learners and organizations ... a distance will escalate Some of the main benefits of online learning (a form of distance learning) are flexibility (people can learn at any time of day or night without being tied
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:04
Making Sense of Strategy_1 pdf
... wrong indeed with the state of strategy It’s also an indictment of leadership This new century is a time of extraordinary... close to 100 years, and they’ve offered “solutions” to just about ... company from here to the future and make a bundle of money on the way? Whether you think of your company as “old economy”... Whether you think of your company as “old economy” or “new economy,” ... Team-Fly ® [...]... questions, making some choices, and getting people to support your decisions Strategy is the ultimate responsibility of every business leader Companies succeed
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Making Sense of Strategy_5 docx
... NERDS PITBULLS PARTYGOERS SPIRIT 38 making sense of strategy Strategy and spirit are two sides of the same coin—yin and yang. When peo- ple are involved in making strategy—when it’s “theirs”—they ... in every member of your team. To imagine that every person can be a brilliant strategist is pure nonsense. But to believe that they can’t contribute is idiotic. 40 making sense of strategy STRATEGY ... Team-Fly ® 42 making sense of strategy will be limited, your learning will be incomplete, and you will run the risk of doing more of the same long after it has become dangerous
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Making Sense of Strategy_6 pptx
... Strategy making. “Do we understand our challenges and do we have a clear view of how we must respond?” 52 making sense of strategy Ability #2: Possibility thinking. “Do we think ‘out of the box’ ... making sense of strategy RAISE YOUR ORGANIZATION’S “STRATEGIC IQ” In this world of constant change, decisions must be made on the run. The alertness, imagination, spirit, and responsiveness of ... 50 making sense of strategy PROCESS process 51 3 PROCESS S o you need a new strategy. Where do you begin? What process should you use? Which concepts should you apply? How can you be sure of
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Making Sense of Strategy_7 docx
... mean!) 58 making sense of strategy No risk, no reward. process 59 Figure 3-3 The best way to improve your chances of making a decent bet on the future is to have an in-depth understanding of the ... What must we do, and how will we make it happen? 5. How will we win the support of our stakeholders? 62 making sense of strategy Figure 3-4 Five questions give you a framework for thinking about ... and are too often con- fused. By focusing on a single notion—your purpose—you get straight down to business and to the decisions that will really make a difference. 64 making sense of strategy
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Making Sense of Strategy_8 pptx
... into the habit of thinking carefully about what’s happening around them, of being sensible about what they commit to doing—and of actually doing it 78 making sense of strategy ... ... unit of money or time. 4. PARTNERS—All stakeholder relationships. 72 making sense of strategy Every company has too much to do and too few resources. So you have to make choices and tradeoffs. ... on? 70 making sense of strategy STEP 4: DEFINE YOUR GOALS, PRIORITIES, AND ACTIONS In the final analysis, the test of an executive comes down to the choices you make and what you make of them.
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_1 doc
... chances of staying out front. In a street fight, a surgical strike may save your life but a “flurry of blows” keeps your enemy off balance and sets you up for the big hit. 14 making sense of strategy ... into action that people laugh them off and keep busy with stuff that really matters. But worst of all, this stop-start, quantum-leap approach 16 making sense of strategy ECONOMY POLITICS SOCIETY ... seem to be inherently more profitable than others. But the profitability of companies within any industry varies widely and there are win- ners and losers in all of them. So companies obviously
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_2 potx
... drive up your customer’s perception of value. 3. Simultaneously drive down the cost of doing it. 26 making sense of strategy Figure 2-1 The First Principles of Business Competition are Focus, ... tions of future outcomes. They got it wrong so often that scenario planning 28 making sense of strategy found a welcome audience in the next two decades. Executives fell in love with the idea of ... customers. “Breakthrough” products and services are commoditized in the blink of an eye. So you can’t get away 24 making sense of strategy from this reality: as long as you look and act the same as
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_3 potx
... NERDS PITBULLS PARTYGOERS SPIRIT 38 making sense of strategy Strategy and spirit are two sides of the same coin—yin and yang. When peo- ple are involved in making strategy—when it’s “theirs”—they ... in every member of your team. To imagine that every person can be a brilliant strategist is pure nonsense. But to believe that they can’t contribute is idiotic. 40 making sense of strategy STRATEGY ... Team-Fly ® 42 making sense of strategy will be limited, your learning will be incomplete, and you will run the risk of doing more of the same long after it has become dangerous
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_4 potx
... Strategy making. “Do we understand our challenges and do we have a clear view of how we must respond?” 52 making sense of strategy Ability #2: Possibility thinking. “Do we think ‘out of the box’ ... making sense of strategy RAISE YOUR ORGANIZATION’S “STRATEGIC IQ” In this world of constant change, decisions must be made on the run. The alertness, imagination, spirit, and responsiveness of ... 50 making sense of strategy PROCESS process 51 3 PROCESS S o you need a new strategy. Where do you begin? What process should you use? Which concepts should you apply? How can you be sure of
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_5 potx
... mean!) 58 making sense of strategy No risk, no reward. process 59 Figure 3-3 The best way to improve your chances of making a decent bet on the future is to have an in-depth understanding of the ... What must we do, and how will we make it happen? 5. How will we win the support of our stakeholders? 62 making sense of strategy Figure 3-4 Five questions give you a framework for thinking about ... and are too often con- fused. By focusing on a single notion—your purpose—you get straight down to business and to the decisions that will really make a difference. 64 making sense of strategy
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Formats and Editions of Making sense of strategy_6 ppt
... into the habit of thinking carefully about what’s happening around them, of being sensible about what they commit to doing and of actually doing it 78 making sense of strategy ... ... unit of money or time. 4. PARTNERS—All stakeholder relationships. 72 making sense of strategy Every company has too much to do and too few resources. So you have to make choices and tradeoffs. ... on? 70 making sense of strategy STEP 4: DEFINE YOUR GOALS, PRIORITIES, AND ACTIONS In the final analysis, the test of an executive comes down to the choices you make and what you make of them.
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Wiley Inside Information Making Sense of Marketing Data.pdf
... aspects of the way we make sense of marketing information. So, at the risk of high vulgarisation and trivialisa- tion of a vast topic, below we have outlined seven key insights about the nature of ... the role of decision -making based on proper business or policy objectives, and in possession of all the relevant facts. Again, this book provides practical illustrations of the dangers of misinterpretation ... decision- making consider to be entirely legitimate. Gerald Zaltman, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard University and an authority on the application of information to decision -making, ...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2012, 15:38
Tài liệu USB in a Nutshell - Making Sense of the USB Standard ppt
... resistors of 15K ohms. For the purposes of power consumption, the pull down resistor at the device is in series with the 1.5K ohms pull up, making a total load of 16.5K ohms on a V TERM of typically ... protocol. In my view the bus topology of USB is somewhat limiting. One of the original intentions of USB was to reduce the amount of cabling at the back of your PC. Apple people will say the ... by Intel which puts more of the burden on software (Microsoft) and allowing for cheaper hardware and the OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface) developed by Compaq, Microsoft and National Semiconductor...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15
Making sense of japanese grammar
... front of [the statue of] Hachiko around 6 yesterday.” Rokuji-goro Hachikoo-mae-ni ita-n-desu. “I was in front of [the statue of] Hachiko around 6.” Hachikoo-mae-ni ita-n-desu. “I was in front of ... ita-n-desu-ka. “Were you in front of [the statue of] Hachiko at 6 yesterday, too?” Ee, (boku-mo) Hachikoo-mae-ni ita-n-desu. “Yes, I was in front of [the statue of] Hachiko, too.” Ee, (boku-mo) ... Questions 179 Glossary 193 Index 197 vii Making Sense of Japanese Grammar A Clear Guide Through Common Problems Zeljko Cipris and Shoko Hamano UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I PRESS HONOLULU The knowledge...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 09:45