software quality attributes and specification ppt

Tài liệu Software quality attributes and trade-offs ppt

Tài liệu Software quality attributes and trade-offs ppt

... indirectly. Quality in use is the combined effect of the quality attributes contained in all the selected quality models and quality in use is what the users behold of the software quality when the software ... The quality model consists of several quality attributes that are used as a checklist for determine software quality (ISO 9126-1). The quality model is dependent of the type of software and ... use. In ISO 9126:1 there are three approaches to software quality; internal quality (quality of code), external quality (quality of execution) and quality in use (to which extent the user needs...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15

100 753 0
Tài liệu Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships ppt

Tài liệu Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships ppt

... 34 Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships Exercise 1: Identifying Business Object Attributes ( 20 minutes) ! Identify business object attributes 1. Participate in small ... note to the appropriate business object. 7. Extrapolate other attributes from the current list of business objects, services, and attributes that may not have been explicitly listed in the usage ... LEFT BLANK Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships 35 Exercise 2: Identifying Business Object Relationships (20 min) ! Identify candidate relationships 1. Participate...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

4 366 0
Tài liệu Assessing quality: argumentations and fallacies. pptx

Tài liệu Assessing quality: argumentations and fallacies. pptx

... modifications and restrictions; ↓ generalisation; Lecture 16. Assessing quality: argumentations and fallacies. Types of argumentations and evaluative questions 1 General demand to assessing quality: ... means Y. Example: Trade and industry, and the government should give part-time and twin jobs a chance. Then a breach of the traditional family pattern of the working man and the housekeeping woman ... (quality) . The results of the Dutch skating team at the world championships in Innsbruck in 1990 were disappointing (judgement): the skaters came second, third, fourth and fifth (quality) . 15 Argumentation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

14 365 0
Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_5 ppt

Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_5 ppt

... uses and the obligation of wastewater treatment to achieve a degree of performance and effluent quality. This quality control has to be carried out as analytical measurements. r Operation and maintenance ... because it is a well-known organism, well introduced and standardized. These tests offer rapid, easy handling and cost effective responses, and a large database for many chemicals is available.As ... 0 1.5 Biosensors and Biological Monitoring for Assessing Water Quality Carmen Rebollo, Juan Azc´arate and Yolanda Madrid 1.5.1 Introduction 1.5.2 Biosensors Definition and Classification

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

19 312 0
Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_9 ppt

Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_9 ppt

... date on farming land, the amount of fertiliser applied on pasture in subbasins 16 and 12, on farming land in subbasins 4 and on corn in subbasins 5, 11 and 15. The dates of planting and harvesting ... categories for unique areas of landcover, soil and management within the subbasins. The main soil classes are sand, loamsand, silty loam and impervious areas. For landuse, five classes are important: impervious ... pasture, corn (maize and corn) and land for common agricultural use (crop culture, not corn). About 30 % of the landuse is pasture, while crop farming represents ca. 50 % of the landuse. To build...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

19 227 0
Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_10 pptx

Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_10 pptx

... L.C. and Barnwell T.O. (1987) The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Model. EPA/600/3-87/007, USA. Janssen, P.H.M., Heuberger, P.S.C. and Sanders,S. ... aSoftware Package for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis. Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Krysanova, V. and Haberlandt, U. (2001) Ecol. Modelling, 150, 255–275. McKay, M.D. (1988) Sensitivity and ... Srinivasan, R. and King, K.W. (1996) SWAT Manual. USDA, Agri- cultural Research Service and Blackland Research Center, Texas. Barthelemy, P.A. and Vidal, C. (1999) A dynamic European agricultural and agri-foodstuff...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

19 249 0
Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_14 ppt

Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_14 ppt

... Zealand. (1998) Australian/New Zealand, Water Quality- Sampling. Part 1: Guidance on the Design of Sampling Programs, Sampling Techniques and the Preservation and Handling of Samples. Stumm, W. and ... (TP) and implies the use of a combined photo-oxidation and thermal digestion system with which conversion of condensed and organic phosphates into orthophosphates is carried out in the soluble and ... nitrate, phosphate and sulfate in water and wastewaters. In wastewater analysis the only pretreatment of the sample consists in its filtration through 0.45 μm membranes and NO − 3 ,NO − 2 and PO 3− 4 contents...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

19 307 0
Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_15 pptx

Wiley Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment_15 pptx

... plants and associated equip- ment are not damaged; r ensure that the operation of the wastewater treatment plant and the treatment of sludge are not impeded; Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment ... research and development for the character- isation and monitoring of industrial wastewater. REFERENCES Barcelo, D. (2005) Emerging Organic Pollutants in Wastewater and Sludge. The Handbook of Environmental ... X t (Andrews, 1968): k t S t μ t (.)X t −−−−→ X t + k m CH 4 where k t and k m are the yield coefficients associated with COD degradation and methane production, respectively; μ t (·) stands for...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

19 221 0