short term memory and focus

Phonological and visual short term memory codification in english mandarin bilinguals

Phonological and visual short term memory codification in english mandarin bilinguals

... Differences in English and Chinese Visual Encoding Lexical Access Phonological Awareness 11 Memory 13 Short- term memory, Language and Other Cognitive Processes 17 Theories and Models of STM 23 ... English- Mandarin bilingual, and the term Chinese is used for written language as well as in the cited articles which employed the term Chinese and not Mandarin The term Chinese ... encoding, memory, and retrieval However, limited research has been carried out with bilingual populations English words seem to be codified in distributed traces at the phoneme level in short- term memory,

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:44

137 264 0
Writing and overwriting short term memory

Writing and overwriting short term memory

... Review 2001, (1), 18-43 Writing and overwriting short- term memory PETER R KILLEEN Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona An integrative account of short- term memory is based on data from pigeons ... intertrial interval in short- term memory Journal of Experimental Psychology, 84, 499-501 Couvillon, P A., Arincorayan, N M., & Bitterman, M E (1998) Control of performance by short- term memory in honeybees ... strength to probability correct, and a transformation that deals with variance in the parameters of the model Writing, rewriting, and overwriting Imagine that short- term memory is a bulletin board

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2022, 14:38

26 3 0
Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

... -Short- Term- Memory -Short- Term- Memory 46 Appendix Tips to increase your short term memory Your ability to store information in short term memory is ... Increase Your Short Term Memory Short term memory is your current memory, the one you are working with right now that is helping you read this article and make sense of it If your short term memory ... Generally if short term memory tries to acquire more items than it can handle, the middle items will often be displaced Chunking of information can lead to an increase in short term memory capacity

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 20:37

62 567 3
Developing a system of games to enhance short term memory for interpreter students at vinh university

Developing a system of games to enhance short term memory for interpreter students at vinh university

... types of short- term memory enhancing games for consecutive interpreting purpose These games are illustrated by practice and particular examples with the aim at improving the use of short- term memory ... to use short- term memory effectively Interpreter trainees often encounter difficulties when practicing and applying it The pressing and necessary issue is how to improve short- term memory skill ... both languages, and good expression of thoughts and ideas Weihe Zhong (n.d) stated that “Among all the skills and techniques required for a professional interpreter, short- term memory skill is

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21

64 541 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Short-term variations and long-term changes in oak productivity in northeastern France. The role of climate and atmospheric CO 2" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Short-term variations and long-term changes in oak productivity in northeastern France. The role of climate and atmospheric CO 2" pot

... coppice-with-standards stands for centuries From lus 1867 until 1914, most of the stands were regenerated to form even-aged high-forest stands, but the old coppice-with-standards stands are still ... both models (tables III and IV) The case of July appears somewhat disconcerting because the related parameters and the from years y, y- and y- on the hand, and years y- and y- on the other, can ... model: The indices Cd and Ch are determined from the relationships: Cd x D = Dr and Ch x H Hr, where Hr and Dr are the dimensions of a reference tree that would be of the same age and characterized

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

16 377 0
Báo cáo y học: "The short-term safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in depressed adolescents with alcohol and cannabis use disorders: a pilot randomized placebo-controlled trial" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The short-term safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in depressed adolescents with alcohol and cannabis use disorders: a pilot randomized placebo-controlled trial" potx

... citation purposes) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Open Access Research The short- term safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in depressed adolescents with alcohol and cannabis use disorders: ... Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R) [27] and the Clinical Global Impressions Scale- Severity and Improvement (CGI) [29] were obtained at baseline and the week 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 study visits. The Beck ... Screened (n=41) Not Randomized (n=7) Reasons: Withdrew Consent (n=5) Lost to Follow-up (n=1) Pregnant (n=1) Randomized (n=34) Placebo (n=16) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

13 381 0
Chapter 19  short term finance and planning

Chapter 19 short term finance and planning

... 625 C H A P T E R 19 Short- Term Finance and Planning short- term financial policies Finally, we outline the basic elements in a short- term financial plan and describe short- term financing instruments ... INC Short- Term Financial Plan (in millions) Q1 Beginning cash balance Net cash inflow New short- term investments Income from short- term investments Short- term investments sold New short- term ... MANUFACTURING Short- Term Financial Plan Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Beginning cash balance Net cash inflow New short- term investments Income from short- term investments Short- term investments sold New short- term borrowing

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2017, 08:14

33 702 5
Advanced concrete technology6   strength and failure of concrete under short term, cyclic and sustained loading

Advanced concrete technology6 strength and failure of concrete under short term, cyclic and sustained loading

... E-values lie between upper and lower bounds 6/5 6/6 Strength and failure of concrete under short- term, cyclic and sustained loading The Hirsch-Dougill model combined the upper and lower bound models ... Strength and failure of concrete under shortterm, cyclic and sustained loading John Newman 6.1.1 The structure of concrete Concrete is a multiphase material containing cement paste (unhydrated and ... concrete • Strength and failure of concrete under short- term, cyclic and sustained loading Category These are based on the statistical distribution of element properties and are of limited use

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2018, 17:18

34 181 0
Two-stream convolutional network for dynamic hand gesture recognition using convolutional long short-term memory networks

Two-stream convolutional network for dynamic hand gesture recognition using convolutional long short-term memory networks

... propose hand gesture recognition models [1,2] The authors of [1] proposed a dynamic hand gesture method by combining both deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and Long Short- Term Memory (LSTM) ... 3451-3456 Ding X., Xu C and Yan Q - A Video Gesture Processing Method Based on Convolution and Long Short- Term Memory Network, IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis ... Science and Technology and Ministry of Science and Technology under the project No B2020-BKA-06, 103/QD-BGDT signed on 13/01/2020 REFERENCES Naguri C R and Bunescu R C - Recognition of Dynamic Hand

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2020, 20:59

10 29 0
DeepACLSTM: Deep asymmetric convolutional long short-term memory neural models for protein secondary structure prediction

DeepACLSTM: Deep asymmetric convolutional long short-term memory neural models for protein secondary structure prediction

... ot and ct are the activation values of the forget gate, input gate, output gate and internal memory cell, respectively Moreover, W, B and ⊗ respectively represent the weight matrix, bias term and ... Abbreviations ACLSTM: asymmetric convolutional long short- term memory; ACNNs: asymmetric convolutional neural networks; BLSTM: bidirectional long short- term memory; BRNNs: bidirectional recurrent neural ... sequences and tertiary structures, and also promote the analysis of protein function and drug design [3, 5–7] The experimental identification of PSS is expensive and time consuming, and thus it

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 12:39

12 14 1
BO-LSTM: Classifying relations via long short-term memory networks along biomedical ontologies

BO-LSTM: Classifying relations via long short-term memory networks along biomedical ontologies

... Circle refers to sigmoid function and rectangle to tanh, while “x” and “+” refer to element-wise multiplication and addition h: ˜ candidate memory cell; m: memory cell; i input gate; f hidden ... Understanding and Intelligent Applications Cham: Springer; 2016 p 224–35 28 Ma N, B H-tZ, Xiao X An Ontology-Based Latent Semantic Indexing Approach Using Long Short- Term Memory Networks Web and ... a specific task Long Short- Term Memory (LSTM) networks have been proposed as an alternative to regular RNN [13] LSTMs are a type of RNN that can handle long dependencies, and thus are suitable

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 13:11

12 6 0
De novo profile generation based on sequence context specificity with the long short-term memory network

De novo profile generation based on sequence context specificity with the long short-term memory network

... sequence context specificity with the long short- term memory network Kazunori D Yamada1,2 and Kengo Kinoshita1,3,4* Abstract Background: Long short- term memory (LSTM) is one of the most attractive ... both N-terminal and C-terminal directions Although we Long-range interactions and memory lengths As shown in Fig 4a, we calculated the pAUC values of SPBuild relative to those of CSBuild and RPS-BLAST ... Schmidhuber J Long short- term memory Neural Comput 1997;9(8):1735–80 Hanson J, Yang Y, Paliwal K, Zhou Y Improving protein disorder prediction by deep bidirectional long short- term memory recurrent

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 14:12

11 16 0
Long short-term memory RNN for biomedical named entity recognition

Long short-term memory RNN for biomedical named entity recognition

... information from both directions and long-range dependencies in the sequence, which is useful for this task, can be well modeled by bidirectional variation and long short- term memory (LSTM) unit, respectively ... [16] and its variants long -short term memory (LSTM) [17] have been successfully used in various sequence prediction problems, such as general domain NER [18, 19], language modeling [20, 21] and ... The model architecture Long short- term memory RNN Bidirectionality The RNNs in this section are neural networks, which have recurrent connections and allow a form of memory This makes them captures

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 16:11

11 12 0
Dependency-based long short term memory network for drug-drug interaction extraction

Dependency-based long short term memory network for drug-drug interaction extraction

... Classifying relations via long short term memory networks along shortest dependency paths[C]//EMNLP; 2015 p 1785–94 27 Zhang S, Zheng D, Hu X, et al Bidirectional long short- term memory networks for relation ... reaction; Bi-LSTM: Bi-directional long short term memory network; CNN: Convolutional Neural Network; DDI: Drug-drug interaction extraction; LSTM: Long Short Term Memory Network; RNN: Recurrent Neural ... Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [23, 24], and sequential neural networks such as Page 100 of 259 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [25] and Long Short Term Memory Network (LSTM) [26, 27], perform

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 16:37

11 8 0
Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

Short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

... -Short- Term- Memory -Short- Term- Memory 46 Appendix Tips to increase your short term memory Your ability to store information in short term memory is ... Increase Your Short Term Memory Short term memory is your current memory, the one you are working with right now that is helping you read this article and make sense of it If your short term memory ... Generally if short term memory tries to acquire more items than it can handle, the middle items will often be displaced Chunking of information can lead to an increase in short term memory capacity

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 08:13

62 64 1
Luận văn short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

Luận văn short term memory in english to vietnamese consecutive interpreting

... -Short- Term- Memory -Short- Term- Memory 46 Appendix Tips to increase your short term memory Your ability to store information in short term memory is ... Increase Your Short Term Memory Short term memory is your current memory, the one you are working with right now that is helping you read this article and make sense of it If your short term memory ... Generally if short term memory tries to acquire more items than it can handle, the middle items will often be displaced Chunking of information can lead to an increase in short term memory capacity

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2021, 21:22

62 1 0
Development and evaluation of short-term strength and durability characteristics of an eco-friendly sulfate-activated binder

Development and evaluation of short-term strength and durability characteristics of an eco-friendly sulfate-activated binder

... Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering, HUCE (NUCE), 2022, 16 (1): 57–67 DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF SHORT- TERM STRENGTH AND DURABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ... 6.0, and 7.5% (by weight of GGBFS) Then, the short- term mechanical strength and durability of the SAB samples were investigated through the tests of compressive strength, porosity, CIP, and UPV ... sulfate activator The physical properties and chemical compositions (determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis) of both cement and GGBFS are shown in Tables and 2, respectively (a) Cement (b) GGBFS

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2022, 11:20

11 6 0
Residual attention bi directional long short term memory cho bào toán phân tích quan điểm tiếng việt

Residual attention bi directional long short term memory cho bào toán phân tích quan điểm tiếng việt

... Residual Attention Bidirectional-Long Short Term Memory (ReAt-Bi-LSTM) model First, the residual technique is used in multiple layers Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM), to enhance the ... 1986 [7] S Hochreiter and J Schmidhuber, “Long short- term memory, ” Neural computation, vol 9, no 8, pp 1735– 1780, 1997 [8] Y Bengio, P Simard, and P Frasconi, “Learning long -term dependencies with ... hình Residual Attention Bi-directional Long Short- Term Memory (ReAt-Bi-LSTM) Đầu tiên, kỹ thuật Residual sử dụng nhiều lớp Bidirectional Long Short- Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) để nâng cao khả học đặc

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2022, 11:18

18 3 0
Centralising and optimising decentralised stroke care systems: a simulation study on short term costs and effects

Centralising and optimising decentralised stroke care systems: a simulation study on short term costs and effects

... Netherlands, a Breakthrough Series-based implementation program increased thrombolysis use and saved short- and long -term healthcare costs due to lower hospital admission and residential costs, and ... Centralising and optimising decentralised stroke care systems: a simulation study on short- term costs and effects Maarten M H Lahr1*, Durk-Jouke van der Zee2, Gert-Jan Luijckx3, Patrick C A J Vroomen3 and ... Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) Ref: 80-82800-98-104 Availability of data and materials First author (M.L.) has unrestricted and unlimited access to the data and

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:39

12 1 0


... 20,2019 [7] Vô danh (2020), Sử dụng mạng LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) đề dự đoán cổ phiếu, -short- term- memoryde-du-doan-co-phieu-241JDz06KPM, truy cập ... THÀNH KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN TIỂU LUẬN HỌC PHẦN DỰ ĐOÁN GIÁ CHỨNG KHOÁN BẰNG MƠ HÌNH LONG SHORT- TERM MEMORY Giảng viên hướng dẫn : ThS HỒ KHÔI Sinh viên thực : NGUYỄN HOÀNG HIẾU MSSV : 2000001425 ... Phòng thi: L.903 Đề tài tiểu luận / báo cáo sinh viên : Dự đoán giá chứng khốn mơ hình Long Short- Term Memory Phần đánh giá giảng viên ( thang rubrics mơn học ) : Tiêu chí ( theo CĐR HP) Đánh giá

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2023, 20:26

35 6 0

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