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Tài liệu Using XSD Schema Files to Load and Save a DataSet Structure pptx

Tài liệu Using XSD Schema Files to Load and Save a DataSet Structure pptx

... Read Button.Click Creates a DataSet and reads in the schema from a file containing a previously serialized XSD schema. The XSD schema is written from the DataSet to a stream and displayed. ... SchemaType.Source); da.Fill(orderTable); ds.Tables.Add(orderTable); // Fill the OrderDetails table and add it to the DataSet. da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Order Details]", ... ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); DataTable orderDetailTable = new DataTable(ORDERDETAILS_TABLE); da.FillSchema(orderDetailTable, SchemaType.Source); da.Fill(orderDetailTable);...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

8 403 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Multilingual WSD with Just a Few Lines of Code: the BabelNet API" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Multilingual WSD with Just a Few Lines of Code: the BabelNet API" pdf

... BabelNet can be effectively ac- cessed and automatically embedded within applica- tions by means of a programmatic access. In order to achieve this, we developed a Java API, based on Apache Lucene 3 , ... Wikipedia pages (WIKI) or their redirections (WIKIRED), or are automatic translations (WNTR / WIKITR) – and about their language and lemma. In addition, translation rela- tions among lexical items are ... cross- lingual textual entailment. In Proc. of ACL-11, pages 1336–1345. Rada Mihalcea, Ravi Sinha, and Diana McCarthy. 2010. SemEval-2010 Task 2: Cross-lingual lexical substitu- tion. In Proc. of SemEval-2010,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

6 400 0


... l'Humanisation des Hôpitaux ■ Africa Fighting Malaria ■ Africa Health Research Organization ■ Alternative Sante ■ American Academy of Pediatrics ■ American India Foundation ■ American Jewish ... Poriprekkhit ■ Erica Khetran, Save the Children Bangladesh E gypt ■ Salma Hassan, Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS Egypt Ghana ■ Chief Austin Obiefuna, Afro Global Alliance Ghana Haiti ■ Jessy Adrien, Haitian ... Pneumonia Prevention in Bangladesh Small grant awardee Save the Children Bangladesh and its partner, the Bangladesh Pediatric As- sociation (BPA), organized a coalition of young pneumonia ambassadors...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

32 250 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Differences in substrate specificities between cysteine protease CPB isoforms of Leishmania mexicana are mediated by a few amino acid changes potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Differences in substrate specificities between cysteine protease CPB isoforms of Leishmania mexicana are mediated by a few amino acid changes potx

... are given in bold): OL416 to generate pGL40: 5¢-GACGCCGGTGA AGAATCAGGGTGCGTG-3¢, OL418 to generate pGL41: 5¢-CGAACGGGCACCTGTACACGGAGGACAGC-3¢ and OL420 to generate pGL42: 5 ¢-GCTGCGATGACA TGAAC ... migrated as a major band with a molecular mass of 27 kDa and a m inor band o f molecular m ass 26 kDa in cell l ysates of stationary p hase p roma stigotes o f wild type L. mexicana (lane 1). The ... be rapidly removed by a signal peptidase upon transfer into the endoplasmic reticu- lum ,a1 06aminoacidpro-region ,a2 18aminoacidmature domain that includes the active site, and a C-terminal domain...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

11 543 0
a few classic unknowns in mathematics

a few classic unknowns in mathematics

... students have filled many with a kind of awe for unusual mathematical ability. In recent years the unbounded confidence in mathematical results has been somewhat shaken by a wave of mathematical ... unexpected and far- reaching results contained in the elementary mathematical text-books, and the ease with which the skilful mathematics teachers often cleared away what appeared to be great difficulties ... those who have exhibited unusual mathematical ability is still extant. Even our large city papers sometimes speak of a mathematical genius who could solve every mathematical problem that was proposed...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:53

5 198 0
...After a Few Words... pdf

...After a Few Words... pdf

... world, William Forrester is an acolyte of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and a teacher of history. Only Maya 11 in the flank; we cannot afford to amass a rearward charge. To do so would be to fall directly ... Garrett Pagan Passions The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome had re- turned to Earth with all their awesome powers intact. Overnight, Earth was transformed. War on any scale was out- lawed, ... cigarette to the ground. "The trouble is that doing a real he-man's 7 Loved this book ? Similar users also downloaded Randall Garrett Or Your Money Back Randall Garrett A Spaceship Named...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20

13 335 0
Effective Sales Management Techniques - A Few Important Steps can keep a Sales Manager Focused and His or Her Team Accountable doc

Effective Sales Management Techniques - A Few Important Steps can keep a Sales Manager Focused and His or Her Team Accountable doc

... Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Boston, Baltimore, Miami, San Francisco, Oakland, St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles and many other national and local publications. In addition, Dan has appeared ... Each of which has a direct affect on the success of the organization. The sales manager is frequently an active salesperson, as well as an administrator. He or she must make sure quotas are ... the state of the market, lack of leads and referrals, inability to get to the decision maker, etc. is usually better at making excuses than making sales. The quandary for the sales manager...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:21

6 497 1
Save Lives Like a Combat Medic: How to Splint a Lower-Leg Fracture

Save Lives Like a Combat Medic: How to Splint a Lower-Leg Fracture

... your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. This is a great mnemonic device in a medical sit uation, but in major trauma this order of procedures can cost a life. In the Army we taught an acronym ... something least — and treat them as you encounter problems. It’s always important to make sure your patient is breathing and that their heart is beating. You may have taken first aid and learned to remember ... to readjust your splint (again, unless you’ve applied a tourniquet). Next, assess them again: Do they have an open airway, and are they breathing? Do they have a pulse? Are they bleeding? Any...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:33

7 265 0
BUSINESS GUIDE TO PAPER REDUCTION: A Step-by-Step Plan to Save Money by Saving Paper potx

BUSINESS GUIDE TO PAPER REDUCTION: A Step-by-Step Plan to Save Money by Saving Paper potx

... is a diverse grass-roots coalition that for almost twenty years has engaged in research, advocacy, and organizing associated with environmental and human health problems caused by the rapid ... materials to individuals: Giving people tangible ideas for participation is a good place to start. A basic list of ideas of what they can do will encourage participation. Some sample educational ... from case studies conducted on Bank of America, Nike, AT&T, Alameda County, and the Moore Foundation. All of these organizations are involved in paper reduction, but are at different stages...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21

67 439 0
2000 thi bang A va B.pdf

2000 thi bang A va B.pdf

... your advice, I a better life. a. will have b. shall have c. would have d. any > a 135. Kate and Mary are going to cinema. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 136. My parents are always at ... seasons in a year. a. are b. be c. is d. am > a 148. There any sugar in the jar. a. isn't b. aren't c. is d. are > a 149. Mrs. Mary me English. a. teaching b. teaches c. teach d. ... father doesn't know speak English. a. My b. doesn't c. speak d. English > c 27. She behaves as if she was a baby. a. behaves b. as if b. are having c. are eating d. b & c are...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2012, 12:28

280 2K 8
How to Write a Marketing Plan

How to Write a Marketing Plan

... threats Part 2: Situational Analysis 5. Financial Analysis for Product or Product Line Much of this information can be handled within a graphical format, such as tables and graphs, though a ... includes a brief summary of current marketing decisions (see Situational Analysis) so readers of the plan can easily compare what was planned to what is planned. Part 4: Tactical Marketing Programs ... 2: Situational Analysis o Product, Market Analysis o Distribution Analysis o Competitor Analysis o Financial Analysis o Other Analysis 3. Part 3: Strategy and Objectives o Marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 15:18

20 2.5K 6

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