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Signal and systems with matlab

Signal and systems with matlab

... expressed or implied, with regard to the programs or the documentation contained in this book Accordingly, they shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or ... Park of KETI (Korea Electronics Technology Institute) for his invaluable help in correction We gratefully acknowledge the editorial and production staff of Springer-Verlag, Inc including Dr Christoph ... following website: MATLAB R and Simulink R are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc For MATLAB and Simulink product information, please contact: The MathWorks, Inc...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2015, 10:44

490 525 0
The z-Transform

The z-Transform

... polynomial), we combine stages in parallel by multiplying the denominators, and adding the cross products in the numerators This means that the denominator is calculated in the same way as for cascaded ... the numerator calculation is more elaborate In line 340, the numerators of cascaded stages are convolved to find the numerator of the combined transfer function In line 350, the numerator of the ... The bilinear transform changes H (s) , into H (z) , by the substitution: EQUATION 33-10 The Bilinear transform This substitution maps every point in the s-plane into a corresponding piont in the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:20

26 475 0
Time-Domain Analysis and z Transform

Time-Domain Analysis and z Transform

... comparing the coefficients on both sides of the resulting 60 TIME-DOMAIN ANALYSIS AND z TRANSFORM TABLE 2.2 Form of Input Function and Forced Response Input or Forcing Function Particular Function or ... derived the input–output relationship from the given transfer function, we write the corresponding z-transform equation including the terms containing the initial conditions, in the form Y (z) ... y0i (n) = (0.5)n u(n) Instead of finding the inverse z transform of the second term by using the complex integral given in (2.9), we resort to the same approach as used in solving differential equations...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

80 519 0
Sampled Data System and Z-Transform

Sampled Data System and Z-Transform

... The z-Transform Definition • From 𝑅 ∗ 𝑠 = ∞ 𝑛=0 𝑟 𝑛𝑇 𝑒 −𝑠𝑛𝑇 , define: 𝑍 = 𝑒 𝑠𝑇 ∞ 𝑟 𝑛𝑇 𝑧 −𝑛 → 𝑅 𝑧 = 𝑛=0 • z-Transformation in sampled data system • Laplace Transformation in continuous-time systems ... Exercises Find the z-transform of the following function, assuming that 𝑇 = 0.5𝑠 𝑠+1 𝑦 𝑠 = 𝑠−1 𝑠+3 Find the z-transforms of the following functions, using z-transform tables: 𝑠+1 𝑠 𝑦 𝑠 = 𝑦 𝑠 ... A ratio of the z-transform of the sampled output and input at the sample instants • A ratio of the z-transform of the output and input when both input and output are trains of pulse • … • Pulse...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2015, 15:24

48 203 0
Bài giảng xử lý tín hiệu số  z   transform   ngô quốc cường

Bài giảng xử lý tín hiệu số z transform ngô quốc cường

... transform • • • • Z- transform Properties of Z-transform Inversion of Z- transform Analysis of LTI systems in Z domain 4.1 Z - transform • Given a discrete-time signal x(n), its z-transform is defined ... values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value 4.1 Z - transform • Example: Determines the z-transform of the following finite duration signals 4.1 Z - transform • Solution 4.1 Z - transform • Example ... expressions for the z transform • A closed-form expressions for the z transform does not uniquely specify the signal in time domain • The ambiguity can be resolved if the ROC is specified • Z – transform...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 22:05

67 465 0
Thiết kế mạch KĐCS f=4.5g, p =2w ra 15w bộ công 4 cho công suất p =60w, z =50

Thiết kế mạch KĐCS f=4.5g, p =2w ra 15w bộ công 4 cho công suất p =60w, z =50

...  U1  U1  U1 (1  in )  U S Zin Z S  Zin (7) Mặt khác ta có : Zin  Z  in   in (8) Thay in (5) vào (7) kết hợp với (8) ta tìm U1+ : U1  U S  S   S in (9) Với giả thiết điện ... mode lẻ R0 l/4 Ra Vin1 -Vin2 + R R0 R0 l/4 Vin1+Vin2 R0 R R0 Ra R0 -(Vin1-Vin2) Even mode (Common mode) Odd mode (Differential mode) Hình : Mạch ghép – chia công suất Wilkinson chia thành mode ... Mạch ghép – Cộng công suất WILKINSON : Hình biểu diễn mạch ghép công suất Wilkinson : Cửa R0 l/4 Vin1 Cửa R R0 Ra R0 Cửa Vin2 Hình : Sơ đồ mạch ghép chia công suất Wilkinson với nguồn cửa Chiều dài...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2015, 10:19

21 395 3
2009-04 f.doc

2009-04 f.doc

... e-mail? (a) To find a date for a training session (b) To recruit a training session coordinator (c) To reserve a location for the training session (d) To create a guest list for the training session ... further reinforcing its position In 1995, two large hardware manufacturers, Gator Inc and Kairn Corporation, merged to form Kairn Holdings, an arrangement profitable for both companies Kairn Holdings ... meaning to: (a) benefiting (b) encouraging (c) advertising (d) contributing 156 Who is the conference for? (a) People in the retail industry (b) People in the banking industry (c) People in the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 11:01

25 1,6K 3
Chương1 -Cac he thong du lieu lay mau va phep bien doi Z.pdf

Chương1 -Cac he thong du lieu lay mau va phep bien doi Z.pdf

... z < p z p Tơng tự ta có: R ( p k ) = z z p 1.2.5 H m sin H m sin đợc định nghĩa nh sau n>syms a k T; >>f = sin(a*k*T); >>Fz = ztrans(f) Kết m n hình l Fz = z*sin(a*T)/(z^2-2*z*cos(a*T)+1) Điều có ... e akT te at kTe akT p+a ( p + a) e at sin ( akT ) ( z 1) T z ( z + 1) ( z 1) e akT z z e aT zTe aT a p ( p + a) sin ( akT ) aT aT aT z sin ( aT ) a p + a2 z z cos ( aT ) + p p +...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 10:27

31 1,3K 1
Kiểm tra máy tính với CPU-Z

Kiểm tra máy tính với CPU-Z

... n thi t + Processor Selection: N u b n ch y CPUZ máy tính có nhi u b x lý, b n có th ch n l a b x lý c n ki m tra thông tin ph n Lưu ý h Intel Pentium có công ngh Hyper Threading, b n c phép ch ... AGP ho c PCI Express) + Link Width/Max Supported: T c hi n hành/T c t i a cho phép + Aperture Size (Ch có b n dùng card AGP): lư ng b nh t i a có th chia s lưu thông tin h a + Sideband (ch có ... hay kênh ôi + Performance Mode: Nh ng bo m ch ch Intel i m i có công ngh PAT cho phép tăng t c b nh Ô tr ng s cho phép b n bi t c tính PAT hi n th i ang b t hay t t - M c Timing: M c ch a nh...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 09:45

4 2,4K 7
Laplace Transform.pdf

Laplace Transform.pdf

... At −τt e τ2 sin⎛ ωn 1− ζ 2t ⎞ ⎝ ⎠ for t ≥ t d 1− ζ −ζ −t τ2 A1A2 In td Hp(s) Underdamped ζ < Critically damped ζ = Overdamped ζ > Out t τ = For 1.000 A1A2A3 0.393 =1 0.632 τ = For 0.000 A1A2=1 ... Second-Order Step Response (A1/s) for ζ = (Critically Damped) Second-Order Step Response (A1/s) for ζ < (Underdamped) A (τ1s + 1)(τ2s + 1) Second-Order Transfer Function (Hp(s)) for ζ > (Overdamped) ωn A ... A (τs + 1)2 s + 2ζωns + Second-Order Transfer Function (Hp(s)) for ζ = (Critically Damped) Second-Order Transfer Function (Hp(s)) for ζ < (Underdamped) Second-Order Equations A1A2A3 −t d s e...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2012, 21:55

2 561 1
The Discrete Fourier Transform

The Discrete Fourier Transform

... interesting properties For example, a single point in the frequency domain corresponds to a sinusoid in the time domain By duality, the inverse is also true, a single point in the time domain corresponds ... sin(2B k i / N ) N&1 i'0 In words, each sample in the frequency domain is found by multiplying the time domain signal by the sine or cosine wave being looked for, and adding the resulting points ... frequency indexes running from to 64 That is, N points in the time domain corresponds to N/2 %1 points in the frequency domain (not N/2 points) Forgetting about this extra point is a common bug in DFT...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:49

28 677 0
Fourier Transform Properties

Fourier Transform Properties

... the Fourier transform Adding two or more signals in one domain results in the corresponding signals being added in the other domain In this illustration, the time domain signals in (a) and (b) are ... transform If the amplitude is changed in one domain, it is changed by the same amount in the other domain In other words, scaling in one domain corresponds to scaling in the other domain Additivity ... destroying information Frequency domain aliasing is more difficult to understand than time domain aliasing, since the periodic pattern is more complicated in the frequency domain Consider a single...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:49

24 477 0
Fourier Transform Pairs

Fourier Transform Pairs

... each sample in the time domain corresponds to sinusoids in the frequency domain Including the negative frequencies in these graphs allows the duality property to be more symmetrical For instance, ... domain signal is continuous, or because you are ignoring the aliasing), it is of the general form: sin (x)/ x , i.e., a sinc function For continuous signals, the rectangular pulse and the sinc ... the time domain point The algorithm involves: (1) stepping through each time domain sample, (2) calculating the sine and cosine waves that correspond to each sample, and (3) adding up all of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:49

16 495 1
The Fast Fourier Transform

The Fast Fourier Transform

... the interlaced decomposition done in the time domain In other words, the frequency domain operation must correspond to the time domain procedure of combining two point signals by interlacing ... and so forth The FFT time domain decomposition is usually carried out by a bit reversal sorting algorithm This involves rearranging the order of the N time domain samples by counting in binary ... point time domain signal into N signals each containing a single point, (2) find the spectrum of each of the N point signals (nothing required), and (3) synthesize the N frequency spectra into...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:50

18 555 1
The Complex Fourier Transform

The Complex Fourier Transform

... time domain is calculated from all the points in the frequency domain This is done by multiplying the frequency domain by a sinusoid, and integrating (continuous frequency domain) or summing (discrete ... integrating (continuous time domain) or summing (discrete time domain) over the appropriate time domain section If the time domain signal is aperiodic, the appropriate section is from minus infinity ... understand In words, each value in the real part of the frequency domain contributes a real cosine wave and an imaginary sine wave to the time domain Likewise, each value in the imaginary part...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:20

14 654 0
The Laplace Transform

The Laplace Transform

... directly taking the Fourier transform of the time domain waveform Strategy of the Laplace Transform An analogy will help in explaining how the Laplace transform is used in signal processing Imagine you ... For example, a time domain signal, x (t) , is transformed into an sdomain signal, X (s) , or alternatively, X (F,T) The s-plane is continuous, and extends to infinity in all four directions In ... Being bored after a few hours, you strike up a conversation with the conductor: "Interesting terrain," you say "It seems we are generally increasing in elevation, but there are a few interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:20

24 513 0


... > /a/ -nan u(-n-1) az (1 − az −1 ) cos(ωon)u(n) (1-z-1cosωo)/(1-2z-1cosωo+z-2) /z/ >1 sin(ωon)u(n) (z-1sinωo)/(1-2z-1cosωo+z-2) /z/ >1 /z/ < /a/ 2.3 BIẾN ĐỔI Z NGƯỢC 2.3.1 CÔNG THỨC BIẾN ĐỔI...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

45 1,6K 3
Các tính chất của biến đổi Z hai phía

Các tính chất của biến đổi Z hai phía

... tỷ lệ biểu thức [2.2-3] nhận : a −1 z sin ω ZT [ a n u ( n) sin(ω n)] = − 2 với RC : | z | > | a | ( a z − 2a −1 z cos ω + 1) a.z sin ω ZT [ a n u ( n) sin(ω n)] = Hay : [2.2-8] z − 2a.z cos ω ... ) với RC[Y ( z )] : max[ Ri − ] < | z | < min[ Ri + ] tích hai hàm ảnh thành phần [2.2-14] 77 Miền hội tụ hàm Y(z) giao miền hội tụ hàm Xi(z) Chứng minh : Theo biểu thức biến đổi Z thuận [2.1-1] ... | z | < min[ Ri + ] Miền hội tụ hàm Y(z) giao miền hội tụ X1(z) X2(z) Đường cong kín C tích phân [2.2-15] phải bao quanh gốc tọa độ thuộc miền hội tụ X1(z) X2(z) mặt phẳng phức Chứng minh : Theo...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 12:13

6 1,1K 9