road to ielts reading test 1 answers

Road to ielts reading 9 test

Road to ielts reading 9 test

... BC READING ACTUAL TESTS Collected by Duong Vu – IDV Ielts Practice British Council IELTS Reading Actual Test 01 READING PASSAGE You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1- 13 which ... dissolve them D storing supplements in a cool, dry environment 11 The best time to stop drinking coffee is A mid-afternoon B 10 p.m C only when feeling anxious D after dinner 12 In the evening, ... used carefully Practice British Council IELTS Reading Actual Test 02 READING PASSAGE You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1- 13 which are based on Reading Passage below The MAGIC of KEFIR

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2022, 19:38

96 7 0


... points to a shift from trying to change people's (13 ) to seeking an answer to the problem in the laboratory ANSWERS: 1x 12 consume vii 13 behaviour iii iv xi ii vi viii metabolism 10 less 11 genetic ... that they use (10 ) energy than thin people to stay alive However, recent research has shown that a (11 ) problem can be responsible for obesity as some people seem programmed to (12 ) more than ... suckers 10 Which of the following applies to the bookish Kraken? A notorious B scary C weird D harmless 11 Where can we see a giant squid? A at the museum B at a seaside C on TV D in supermarkets 12

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2020, 17:05

14 507 0
Reading road to ielts informatinon about the test

Reading road to ielts informatinon about the test

... 31 A FALSE 32 Yes TRUE 33 Not given C 34 Not given C 35 No 10 B 36 prudent practice 11 A 37 privatisation policy 12 D 38 incentives 13 C 39 permit 40 regulatory agency SECTION 14 C 15 A 16 B 17 ... Reading Information about the test © The British Council 2 012 All rights reserved The reading test The basics The reading test has 40 questions to answer in total All ... limit to tackle each section How to read the texts  Keep in mind that your main aim is to locate the answers to the questions You not need to read the text slowly and carefully; not stop to think

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2021, 23:38

111 133 1
AES IELTS practice test 1 reading (1)

AES IELTS practice test 1 reading (1)

... | 11 IELTS Reading Answer Sheet 1 21 21 2 22 22 3 23 23 4 24 24 5 25 25 6 26 26 7 27 27 8 28 28 9 29 29 10 10 30 30 11 11 31 31 12 12 32 32 13 13 ... 33 14 14 34 34 15 15 35 35 16 16 36 36 17 17 37 37 18 18 38 38 19 19 39 39 20 20 40 40 | | 12 IELTS GENERAL TRAINING READING ... TRAINING READING TEST Answer Key PART Uni Accommodation T F F N T N T N Natural Landscapes for You! C 10 D or H 11 B 12 G 13 A 14 G PART Food for Thought 15 x 16 vii 17 ix 18 i 19 iv 20 v 21 ii Assessment

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2016, 22:39

13 802 0
Tài liệu luyện thi IELTS READING - Road to IELTS

Tài liệu luyện thi IELTS READING - Road to IELTS

... One: Reading ANSWERS Each question correctly answered scores mark Correct spelling is needed in all answers Section 1 FALSE TRUE NOT GIVEN FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE C C 10 B 11 A 12 D 13 C Section 14 ... healthy choice xi A safety risk 14 Section A 15 Section B 16 Section C 17 Section D 18 Section E 19 Section F 20 Section G 21 Section H © The British Council 2 012 All rights reserved FOOD FOR ... happen to kefir while it is ripening? 10 What will the yeast cultures have consumed before kefir is ready to drink? 11 The texture of kefir in the mouth is similar to what? Questions 12 and 13 Choose

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2016, 09:50

32 3,4K 1
CAMBRIDGE 11 Reading Test 1  Song ngữ

CAMBRIDGE 11 Reading Test 1 Song ngữ

... together to an accuracy of just 10 mm to ensure a perfect final fit In the summer of 20 01, the structure was then dismantled and transported on 35 lorries to Falkirk, before all being bolted back together ... chuỗi 11 khóa – vây phần hai kênh mà mực nước nâng lên hạ xuống - để hạ xuống dọc đoạn dài 1, 5 km Chuỗi khoá bị tháo dỡ vào năm 19 33, mà liên kết hai kênh bị phá vỡ Khi dự án triển khai vào năm 19 94, ... It took humans 10 ,000 years to learn how to grow most of the crops we now take for granted Along the way, we despoiled most of the land we worked, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2017, 21:39

19 699 1
IELTS reading sample 1 6

IELTS reading sample 1 6

... 0,5 1 0,25 5 1, 25 2/ Vấn đề việc làm 1 0,25 1 0,25 3/ Cơ cấu và vai trò của dòch vụ 2 0,5 2 0,5 4 1 4/ Vùng Đồng bằng Sông Hồng 2 0,5 1 0,25 ½ 1 ½ 2 3 0,75 1 3 5/ Vùng Bắc Trung Bộ 2 0,5 1 2 1 ... who have – Free Online IELTS Advice IELTS Reading Passages - Sample Practicing with these IELTS reading passages will help you to improve your reading skills for IELTS and speed ... – Free Online IELTS Advice IELTS Reading Sample - Passage In this first reading example you have to match headings to paragraphs and decide if statements from the reading

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2017, 18:24

33 613 1
IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

... 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 3.36 1. 217 4.02 1. 097 3 .11 1. 397 3.27 1. 518 3.08 1. 192 3 .14 1. 239 3.27 883 3.24 1. 080 2.68 1. 517 3.05 1. 174 3.20 1. 485 3 .11 2.75 2.95 1. 133 3.46 1. 417 passage 16 Find short sentences ... paragraph 15 Pay special attention to the first part of the 3.04 1. 290 2.86 1. 320 4.06 1. 018 2.82 1. 124 3.27 985 3.34 1. 154 2.86 1. 325 3 .18 1. 296 3.52 1. 344 3.04 1. 347 3.05 1. 174 3.64 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 ... prior knowledge to answer questions 25 Guess if you cannot find the answer 26 2.75 1. 404 3.64 1. 364 3.06 1. 490 2.68 1. 389 3 .18 1. 435 3.42 1. 444 3.32 1. 188 3 .14 1. 125 3.44 1. 215 Make sure you

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2019, 00:05

64 72 0
ielts reading test 4 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

ielts reading test 4 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

... %1  , ' '% , )% ) 1 ' - &-   1 ' ' 1) %')-').)%# 1 '+F' 1 . C '%/  ).) ,)) &- D 1 ' ... ) '% ,  -1 ') 1 % 1 +   . (  .' ') 1 &(,)%) 1) %')-''+ 1 ,))-/  & ... '')'+/&() .)- 1 1)  ,,','% ).&)) 1 ' 1 .)-'% ,)+ .,,)&% 11 ',' %(,

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2019, 16:57

12 225 0
ielts reading test 5 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

ielts reading test 5 kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

... J*'('(  : 6 A%%C - ) 1  )(  6 A%BBC * ' (2-' 1 ((.'/ (, "$, 5& 1. A%%C 0-  (0(( ... ) *  &  2 1   */ &(0 8  ( )(    ()(0' & 1 *0*'(( &*() (1 ,  */*.(2(2*0' ...  0 )( & (1   (/. / (/*  ) (1  )& !  &2(&(2( 2!//()*&*.&'(*/) ((*. 1 -(&-(&)22(,

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2019, 16:57

12 115 0
IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

... 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 3.36 1. 217 4.02 1. 097 3 .11 1. 397 3.27 1. 518 3.08 1. 192 3 .14 1. 239 3.27 883 3.24 1. 080 2.68 1. 517 3.05 1. 174 3.20 1. 485 3 .11 2.75 2.95 1. 133 3.46 1. 417 passage 16 Find short sentences ... paragraph 15 Pay special attention to the first part of the 3.04 1. 290 2.86 1. 320 4.06 1. 018 2.82 1. 124 3.27 985 3.34 1. 154 2.86 1. 325 3 .18 1. 296 3.52 1. 344 3.04 1. 347 3.05 1. 174 3.64 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 ... prior knowledge to answer questions 25 Guess if you cannot find the answer 26 2.75 1. 404 3.64 1. 364 3.06 1. 490 2.68 1. 389 3 .18 1. 435 3.42 1. 444 3.32 1. 188 3 .14 1. 125 3.44 1. 215 Make sure you

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:48

64 13 0
IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

IELTS reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

... 26 4 .1 Reading test- taking strategies used by IELTS candidates in performing IELTS reading tasks 26 4 .1. 1 Testing the reliability of data 26 4 .1. 2 Reading test taking ... 2.4 Reading comprehension and test- taking strategies 2.4 .1 Reading comprehension strategies 2.4.2 Test- taking strategies 2.5 The IELTS test 10 2.6 IELTS reading ... (pp 11 -22) New York: Academic Press Nevo, N (19 89) Test- taking strategies on a multiple-choice test of reading comprehension Language Testing, (6)2, pp 19 9- 215 O‟ Malley, J M., & Chamot, A.U (19 90)

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:06

67 18 0
Ielts reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

Ielts reading test taking strategies employed by high score candidates in academic training module

... 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 3.36 1. 217 4.02 1. 097 3 .11 1. 397 3.27 1. 518 3.08 1. 192 3 .14 1. 239 3.27 883 3.24 1. 080 2.68 1. 517 3.05 1. 174 3.20 1. 485 3 .11 2.75 2.95 1. 133 3.46 1. 417 passage 16 Find short sentences ... paragraph 15 Pay special attention to the first part of the 3.04 1. 290 2.86 1. 320 4.06 1. 018 2.82 1. 124 3.27 985 3.34 1. 154 2.86 1. 325 3 .18 1. 296 3.52 1. 344 3.04 1. 347 3.05 1. 174 3.64 1. 208 3.00 1. 247 ... prior knowledge to answer questions 25 Guess if you cannot find the answer 26 2.75 1. 404 3.64 1. 364 3.06 1. 490 2.68 1. 389 3 .18 1. 435 3.42 1. 444 3.32 1. 188 3 .14 1. 125 3.44 1. 215 Make sure you

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 08:44

64 4 1
Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

... 1. 4 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2 .1 Conception of reading 10 2.2 The IELTS Academic Reading Test Structure 11 2.3 Reading ... 13 2.4 Reading difficulties 14 2.5 Reading techniques enabling students to acquire IELTS high score 14 2.5 .1 Frameworks used in reading assessment studies 14 2.5.2 ... in IELTS reading test 16 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 19 3 .1 Introduction 19 3.2 Respondents and samples 19 3.3 Research questionnaire 19

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2021, 12:21

42 14 0
Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

... Conception of reading 10 2.2 The IELTS Academic Reading Test Structure 11 2.3 Reading competence requirements 13 2.4 Reading difficulties 14 2.5 Reading techniques ... to acquire IELTS high score .14 2.5 .1 Frameworks used in reading assessment studies 14 2.5.2 Proposed models of techniques in achieving high score in IELTS reading test 16 ... Anh Lớp Mã SV: 15 127530 31 : NA1901T Ngành : Ngôn ngữ Anh Tên đề tài: Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test TABLE CONTENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2021, 15:43

45 12 0
Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test

... Conception of reading 10 2.2 The IELTS Academic Reading Test Structure 11 2.3 Reading competence requirements 13 2.4 Reading difficulties 14 2.5 Reading techniques ... to acquire IELTS high score .14 2.5 .1 Frameworks used in reading assessment studies 14 2.5.2 Proposed models of techniques in achieving high score in IELTS reading test 16 ... Anh Lớp Mã SV: 15 127530 31 : NA1901T Ngành : Ngôn ngữ Anh Tên đề tài: Techniques in achieving high scores in IELTS reading test TABLE CONTENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2021, 06:53

45 13 0

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