... wireless link During transmission, the modulated bitstreams typically undergo degradation due to AWGN, cochannel and/or inter-channel interference and possibly fading, specifically in this paper ... in [17, 18] the appropriate distance metric for fading channels must be modified to incorporate the fading effects In particular, the appropriate symbol metric for a Rician channel with ideal interleaving/deinterleaving ... video Similar features are obtained for the Rician fading channel as demonstrated in Figure 9, where we consider a Rician fading channel with ζ = dB We see that by adjusting θ adaptively, it provides...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
... correlated Rayleigh fading envelopes in multipath, flat fading channels in a single time instant We can repeat steps and of this algorithm to generate Rayleigh envelopes in the continuous time interval ... guaranteeing that the generated Rayleigh envelopes are exactly corresponding to the desired covariance matrix The model of a Rayleigh fading generator for generating an individual baseband Rayleigh ... fading envelope proposed in [10, 16] is shown in Figure This model generates a Rayleigh fading envelope using inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT), based on independent zero-mean Gaussian...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Supplement to Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment docx
... consumer transactions generally involve accessing account information, bill payment, intrabank funds transfers, and occasional interbank funds transfers or wire transfers Since the frequency and dollar ... be limited to, the following factors: changes in the internal and external threat environment, including those discussed in the Appendix to this Supplement; changes in the customer base adopting ... authentication mechanisms and gain unauthorized access to customers’ online accounts Rapidly growing organized criminal groups have become more specialized in financial fraud and have been successful in compromising...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Polarimetric Kronecker Separability of Site-Specific Double-Directional Channel in an Urban Macrocellular Environment" pptx
... variations in case of existence Obtain the joint angular PSD between the BS and MS according to (22) and (26) Generate random phases Obtain the single channel polarization-pair MIMO channel according ... approximationsbased instantaneous MIMO channel matrices in this section are done with respect to an MS configuration considered as shown in the following equation for the measurement-based instantaneous MIMO channel ... Sulonen, H Laitinen, O Kivek¨ s, J Krogerus, a and P Vainikainen, “Angular power distribution and mean effective gain of mobile antenna in different propagation environments,” IEEE Transactions on...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Decentralized Utility Maximization in Heterogeneous Multicell Scenarios with Interference Limited and Orthogonal Air Interfaces" pot
... and no intersystem interference takes place Users can be affected by intra- and intercell interference within one radio technology, however The set of users I can be divided into two subsets and ... to intracell and intercell interference in interference limited systems and the SINR between BS m ∈ Mb , b ∈ Ainf and user i ∈ I is given by βi,m = ρgi,m gi,m pi,m p j,m + n = m gi,n Pn + ηinf ... request rates and stronger channel variations due to mobility and fading considerable gains in terms of throughput and sum utility are obtained in comparison to a load-balancing strategy Investigation...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " An Implementation of Nonlinear Multiuser Detection in Rayleigh Fading Channel" docx
... simulations was an unknown Rayleigh flat -fading channel in which the fading gains were independent, identically distributed complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit variance The path ... multiple access Independent component analysis Intersymbol interference Multiple-access interference Minimum mean-square error Principle component analysis Parallel interference cancellation detector ... (BER) performance of the proposed blind ICA receiver in the slow Rayleigh fading channel is presented in Figures and The results show that when the processing gain NPG = 127, the standard matched...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article Low Complexity MLSE Equalization in Highly Dispersive Rayleigh Fading Channels" pot
... performance increases with an increase in L From these results in is clear that the BER performance increases with an increase in L The HNN MLSE equalizer thus exploits sparsity in communication channels ... sparse and dense Rayleigh fading channels It will be established that the HNN MLSE equalizer outperforms the MMSE equalizer in long fading channels and it will be shown that the performance of ... the Rayleigh fading simulator proposed in [33] is used to generate uncorrelated fading vectors Least Squares (LS) channel estimation is used to determine an estimate for the CIR, in order to include...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Multiuser diversity in correlated Rayleigh-fading channels" doc
... and 2) There is an interesting intuition behind this point; In a system with a number of users experiencing independent fading conditions it is more likely that, at any time instant, one of the ... Z, and correspondingly the channel gains, receive powers as the average transmission power constraint increases Particularly, λ∗ → as T → ∞ • Assuming independent fading channels, i.e., setting ... scheduling and multiuser diversity on the performance of correlated Rayleighfading channels More specifically, the power -limited channel average rate is obtained for quasi-static correlated fading...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Uplink Interference Scenarios in Two-Tier Macro and Femto Co-Existing UMTS Networks" pdf
... formulated and serves as a basis to separate the interfering sources in the uplink A number of interference management techniques tackling the intercell and intracell interference are then presented In ... suburban and urban scenarios to show the interference effect on both the macro and femto layers Conclusions are summarized in Section System Model 2.1 Uplink Interfering Scenarios Femtocells can ... overcome the interference from the uncoordinated KTU By doing so, it aggravates the resource constraint in the uplink by adding more interference at the macrobase station Keeping this in mind, our...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Channel Characteristics and Performance of MIMO E-SDM Systems in an Indoor Time-Varying Fading Environment" pptx
... system performance in an indoor timevarying fading environment is given in Section Based on the measured data, the performance of MIMO E-SDM systems in the environment is evaluated in Section The ... transmission in fast time-varying fading environments Conclusions In this paper, we have presented an experiment for measuring SISO and × MIMO channel responses at the 5.2 GHz frequency band in ... of a single antenna is also included for comparison The patterns were obtained by conducting 360◦ measurement of the antennas in an anechoic chamber It is seen that the single antenna has an almost...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20
Error probability analysis for STBC in rayleigh fading channels
... throughput Ant2 Ant N AntM Data Ant2 Channel Decoding Ant1 Receiver Transmitter Channel Coding Data Ant1 Fig 1.1 Transmit and receive diversity system To prove the benefits that can be gained from transmit ... model in flat fading channels and Maximum-likelihood decoding rule for STBC in flat fading channels In Chapter we extend the STBC system model in Chapter into frequencyselective fading channels ... 2.3.2 Flat Fading and Frequency-selective Fading For flat fading, the channels possess a constant gain and linear phase response over a bandwidth that is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:28
Quản lý in ấn trong mạng nội bộ
... Cài t máy in T i Printer Sharing ta ch n Share name tên m c nh mà Windows gán cho t ng máy in Cài t máy in Màn hình Location and comment > ch n next 4/20/2010 Cài t máy in Màn hình Print Test ... t n i g i tác v in n n máy in Manage Printers Cho phép th c hi n thao tác i u n, qu n lý máy in Manage Documents Cho phép ngư i dùng qu n lý tài li u in qua thao tác d ng vi c in, kh i ng l i, ... you want to print a test page ? ch n No nh p Next ti p t c Cài t máy in Màn hình k ti p ch n Finish hoàn thành 4/20/2010 C u hình chia s máy in Chia s máy in m ng Nh p ph i chu t lên máy in c...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 09:44
Implementing an 8 bit Processor based Design in an FPGA
... criminal and civil penalties, including fines and/or imprisonment Altium, Altium Designer, Board Insight, Design Explorer, DXP, LiveDesign, NanoBoard, NanoTalk, P-CAD, SimCode, Situs, TASKING, and ... Generic.IntLib to join the buses Modify the parameter text to read [9 0] on both sides of the joiner by using inline text editing mode Place a GND power port (from the Wiring toolbar) on the EA pin ... Implementing an 8-bit Processor-based Design in an FPGA Set a memory model by clicking on C Compiler in the Build Options list, selecting Memory Model and choosing Small: variables in DATA from...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 09:12
Chuẩn bị hình để in ấn hai màu sắc
... kênh màu PANTONE 124 C www.vietphotoshop.com - Dịch Lê Tùng 18 Chương 13: Chuẩn bị hình để in ấn hai màu sắc Photoshop CS Nếu bạn có máy in, bạn có thẻ in thử ảnh Bán thấy in tờ giấy — in với spot ... chuẩn bị ảnh để in màu Để thấy tách biệt khác loại màu in nào, bạn liên tục cho ẩn lại kênh màu Channels palette quan sát thay đổi ảnh Click vào biểu tượng mắt ( ) kênh màu Gray Channels palette ... Guides Chon công cụ Rectangular Marquee Tool để chế độ Normal Kéo vùng chọn ngang qua ảnh, từ cạnh bên sang cạnh bên từ cạnh xuống đường guideline Chắc chắn kênh spot-color Channels palette chọn,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:35
Xuất bản và in ấn với sắc mầu phù hợp
... đơn “Profile” “Intent” để có thông số cho việc in máy in màu mà ta có ý định in Nếu ta chưa có máy in mặc định chọn “Working CMYK” • Sau chọn “Done” Chọn File –> Save để lưu tập tin In để so sánh ... (halftone screen) • Nên in in màu phối hợp (hay gọi color comp) Một in màu phối hợp nghĩa in phối hợp màu Đỏ, Xanh Xanh dương (RGB) CMYK Việc làm cho in giống với ta nhìn thấy hình • In tách dời để hình ... mở Lựa chọn cho in ấn - Để xác lập thông tin cho việc in ấn, ta định phần “File info” “Print Preview”, sau xác lập từ phần “Options” từ cửa sổ hội thoại “Print” Đăng nhập thông tin File Photoshop...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:36
Một số phương hướng và biện pháp nhằm mở rộng thị trường tiêu thụ sản phẩm in ấn, nội thất ở Công ty TNHH Quảng Cáo Thiên Phú.DOC
... Thành Đô Khoa Quản trị kinh doanh Phu cung ang trc c hụi khng inh minh vi cac doanh nghiờp nganh quang cao Cac doanh nghiờp tung san phõm thi trng cung chinh la luc quang cao i vao hoat ụng khụng ... cụng ty kinh doanh - In va cac dich vu liờn quan ờn in - Thit k mi, thit k ci to, ch to sn phm liờn quan ờn quang cao - Buụn ban võt t, may moc thiờt bi phuc vu cho hoat ụng quang cao - San xuõt ... trị kinh doanh Bng 2.3: Giỏ tr tng sn lng sn xut kinh doanh n v: t ng 2006 Thc 2007 2009 QUí I/2010 100 Thc % Thc % Thc % Thc % hin % hin 15,60 2008 2007 2006 hin 2008 2007 hin 2009 2008 hin so...
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2012, 14:32
Lập kế hoạch tài chính dài hạn tại Công Ty Cổ Phần In An Giang.DOC
... tin An Giang ( sở văn hóa, thể thao du lịch An Giang) Đến tháng 01 năm 1999 “V/v chuyển doanh nghiệp nhà nước thành công ty cổ phần” công ty in An Giang chuyển thành Công ty Cổ phần In An Giang ... In An Giang chuyển thành Công ty Cổ phần In An Giang hoạt động theo luật doanh nghiệp 3.1.2.Khái quát Công ty Cổ phần In An Giang Công ty Cổ phần In An Giang công ty gia công, sản xuất vé số Đặc ... nhà in trực thuộc Sở Văn Hóa Thông tin An Giang (nay Sở Văn Hóa, Thể thao Du lịch An Giang) Đến tháng 01 năm 1999 “V/v chuyển doanh nghiệp nhà nước thành công ty cổ phần” công ty In An Giang...
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2012, 16:44