regular verbs pronunciation ed endings exercises

past simple  regular verbs

past simple regular verbs

... played tried cooked stayed spied -d - Xed smiled skipped saved knitted listened employed worried arrived dropped washed annoyed studied moved hopped talked enjoyed cried baked stopped cry bake ... phoneed phoned The frog into the water jumped jumpped jumpeed Try to place the verbs into the right column cook save stay knit listen wash spy employ - ed - ed - ied worked played tried cooked ... smileed smilied smiled They to school yesterday walkked wallked walked I out of the window in the morning looked lookked lookied My dad my car on Saturday mened mended mendded My

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2016, 15:51

35 491 0
Some common phrasal verbs and sentence transformation exercises in teaching english at ba thuoc high school (supplementary practice for teaching part e  unit14  15  english 12)

Some common phrasal verbs and sentence transformation exercises in teaching english at ba thuoc high school (supplementary practice for teaching part e unit14 15 english 12)

... Kennedy's barn last night It burned down before the fire fighters arrived + Call St off/ call off St: to cancel St that has been scheduled; to decide that St will not happen E.g - They have called ... consists of two main parts: Some Common Phrasal Verbs often used in Sentence Transformation Exercises, with clear meaning and examples and Practice, with exercises of rewriting the sentences using ... group of people Some Common Phrasal Verbs This research will not focus on the form of phrasal verbs but give some common ones that are used in the exercises of rewriting the sentences + Add

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:36

19 955 0
Verbs pronunciation

Verbs pronunciation

... 1 The dog had watched all of this, but he had refused to become involved The cat crept through the dark house The cat fell asleep on the warm kitchen because he was deprived of sleep the night ... game, they were joined by their children, and the fun continued Test Yourself – Simple, Compound, Complex, or Compound-Complex? The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and ... not pay off The island was filled with many trails winding through the thick underbrush, a small lake, and dangerous wild animals Nam passed the test because he studied hard, but Stacy did not understand

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 11:35

18 68 0
regular verbs past tense cursor game

regular verbs past tense cursor game

... balloons too much tryed tried popped planned nodded namied droped Level tpedd dropped wrapped planied knited tryyed relyed wraped nodied tpped poped start Sorry! You touched a wall Click on, “TRY ... crossed rooms dance two together the his years floor finish family line of marriage prayied planted rejected booked practced start noded popied relyied nammed named dropied knited wrappied planed ... planted married openned pray open cheeried bookied Cursor Game cheered zipied maried planted Regular Verbs (Past Tense) jump reject marryed By John Foose practce Level I practcied jumpped prayed

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2020, 18:27

13 27 0
The pronunciation of the endings S- ES -ED

The pronunciation of the endings S- ES -ED

... completed B. clothed C. enclosed D. showed 53. A. breathed B. housed C. shared D. mixed 54. A. caused B. promised C. kissed D. discussed 55. A. listened B. burgled C. robbed D. chatted 56. ... dreams D. thinks 39. A. laughed B. ploughed C. coughed D. disliked 40. A. imagined B. punished C. diseased D. determined 41. A. examined B. released C. serviced D. ceased 42. A. diseases B. pleases ... 16. A. confused B. faced C. cried D. defined 17. A. trays B. says C. bays D. days 18. A. kissed B. pleased C. increased D. ceased 19. A. devoted B. suggested C. provided D. wished 20. A. closes

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 23:46

11 1,2K 13
FOCUS ON - pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs

FOCUS ON - pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs

... Earth! 10 I'm tired of arguing about the divorce settlement I just want to it FOCUS ON: pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs The pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs is generally ... tricked by the salesman What happened to Mr Ortega? 43 A car drove over you What happened to you? The jeweler showed me several flaws in the diamond What did the jeweler do? The game started late ... -ать в залог; (pawn) закладывать, -ложить; pledge o.s обязываться, -аться; ручаться, поручиться; I pledge my word даю слово; ручаюсь (enjoin): I pledged him to secrecy я взял с него слово не говорить

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

15 275 0
Pronunciation exercises pdf

Pronunciation exercises pdf

... horrid! Really, I prefer my frog I've christened him Fred Freddie Frog! How ridiculous! An abbreviation for Frederick Well, you remember when I rescued him from the river last February? He was ... but he was trapped under a huge great crate I could hear him groaning Fred! How grim! I was pretty frightened, Prue, I can promise you! I crawled through the broken crates and tried to drag him ... dipped a little finger in Mother: Well, it's filthy little finger Here, tip this chicken skin into the bin and I'll give you a biscuit [ ] The end of the adventure Ken: Ted: Ken: Ted: Ken: Ted:

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 12:31

28 203 0
Using phrasal verbs exercises

Using phrasal verbs exercises

... separated separate collapse stopped working deteriorated 7.eliminate detail entered 10 interrupt 11 entered 12 gave out 13 interrupted 14 pause 15 terminated 16 started 17.escaped from 18 irrupted ... separated failed burst into didn't lose finishes/ends interrupted started to cheer ended use 10 started 11 finish 12 get the new clerk used to the job 13 escaped 14 started to 15 snapped off ... surrender faces emitted s.abandon the effort 6, stop be exhausted 8, stop hand over 10 betrayed him 11 distributed 12 abandoned herself 13 dedicated 14 surrendered 15 announced 16 considered to be 17

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 17:07

174 337 0
Pronunciation drills p ds by trager henderson exercises only

Pronunciation drills p ds by trager henderson exercises only

... some verbs ending in Istl, Istl, and letl in their past tense form Practice these words containing final consonant clusters passed danced noticed missed finished wished rushed cashed watched reached ... finished wished rushed cashed watched reached touched scratched Sentences 13 They danced until midnight 14 I finished my homework at nine o'clock 15 We watched television last night ., ~ FINAL CONSONANT ... This criminal robbed a bank Dr Black charged $5.00 for that treatment We begged them to stay with us He received the letter when he arrived 10 She stood beside the window and breathed the fresh air

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 17:59

55 123 0
practice makes perfect basic english second edition beginner 250 exercises 40 audio pronunciation exercises practice makes perfect series

practice makes perfect basic english second edition beginner 250 exercises 40 audio pronunciation exercises practice makes perfect series

... accepted joined moved knocked described proved denied borrowed watched 10 used 11 tidied 12 rained 13 painted 14 avoided 15 pushed 16 married 17 pleased 18 destroyed 19 served 20 obtained 21 ... college? 60 Regular and Irregular Verbs Review 60-1 did screamed, saw illed fell felt, failed walked, talked burned/burnt put broke, needed 10 painted 11 read 12 wore 13 forgot, brought 14 borrowed, ... climbed, dived/dove 17 lost 18 went 19 barked, growled 20 let, melted 21 blew, made 22 snored, annoyed 23 thanked 24 dreamed/dreamt 25 cost 26 owned, sold 27 followed, kept 28 mailed 29 ordered

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2018, 11:27

287 885 0
Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

... meaning and its pronunciation Although new English textbook established by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training is more interested in teaching pronunciation for students, pronunciation ... improve their English pronunciation, ease their nervous thing and use English fluently, accuracy and confidently Therefore, I have collected, chosen and created some more exercises for students ... pronounced as /iz/ when the verbs ends with the soumd as /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/,/dʒ/, /ʒ/, /z/ Ex: misses mixes washes matches messages stages bruises The ending “s/es ” is pronounced as /z/ when the verbs

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 10:59

18 89 0
Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

... meaning and its pronunciation Although new English textbook established by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training is more interested in teaching pronunciation for students, pronunciation ... improve their English pronunciation, ease their nervous thing and use English fluently, accuracy and confidently Therefore, I have collected, chosen and created some more exercises for students ... pronounced as /iz/ when the verbs ends with the soumd as /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/,/dʒ/, /ʒ/, /z/ Ex: misses mixes washes matches messages stages bruises The ending “s/es ” is pronounced as /z/ when the verbs

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:50

18 73 0
Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

Improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

... meaning and its pronunciation Although new English textbook established by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training is more interested in teaching pronunciation for students, pronunciation ... improve their English pronunciation, ease their nervous thing and use English fluently, accuracy and confidently Therefore, I have collected, chosen and created some more exercises for students ... pronounced as /iz/ when the verbs ends with the soumd as /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/,/dʒ/, /ʒ/, /z/ Ex: misses mixes washes matches messagesstages bruises The ending “s/es ” is pronounced as /z/ when the verbs

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2020, 20:21

18 25 0


... awk, sed \b Backspace; supported only in character class awk \f Form feed awk, sed \n Newline (line feed) awk, sed \r Carriage return awk, sed \t Horizontal tab awk, sed \v Vertical tab awk, sed ... single character listed, or contained within a listed range awk, sed, egrep [^ ] Matches any single character that is not listed, or contained within a listed range awk, sed, egrep Matches any ... Friedl, Copyright © 2006, 2002, 1997 O’Reilly Media, Inc Printed in Canada Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 O’Reilly books may be purchased

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2020, 23:07

128 75 0
Designing supplementary exercises in teaching affricative sounds through the book "English pronunciation in use" by Mark Hancock to the first-year English major students at Lang Son teachers'''' Training College

Designing supplementary exercises in teaching affricative sounds through the book "English pronunciation in use" by Mark Hancock to the first-year English major students at Lang Son teachers'''' Training College

... This leads to the fact that the need for the integration of pronunciation with oral communication is clearly realized Therefore, pronunciation is such an integrated and integral part of EFL learning ... students to improve their knowledge of pronunciation To solve the problem, some researchers have designed pronunciation syllabuses for their own colleges In LSTC, the book ―Pronunciation in Use‖ written ... between spelling and pronunciation, of stress and intonation, and of the linking of sounds between words in connected speech; all of these can be highlighted and investigated further in fun and

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:17

62 29 0
rosset e using phrasal verbs exercises

rosset e using phrasal verbs exercises

... separated separate collapse stopped working deteriorated 7.eliminate detail entered 10 interrupt 11 entered 12 gave out 13 interrupted 14 pause 15 terminated 16 started 17.escaped from 18 irrupted ... separated failed burst into didn't lose finishes/ends interrupted started to cheer ended use 10 started 11 finish 12 get the new clerk used to the job 13 escaped 14 started to 15 snapped off ... surrender faces emitted s.abandon the effort 6, stop be exhausted 8, stop hand over 10 betrayed him 11 distributed 12 abandoned herself 13 dedicated 14 surrendered 15 announced 16 considered to be 17

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2021, 12:28

174 20 0
date 1501 06 subject 6 page lesson plans for bad students week 123 6 periods keys to the phonetic symboys how to form plurals of nouns pronunciation of final “s” “ed” exerrcises a objectives

date 1501 06 subject 6 page lesson plans for bad students week 123 6 periods keys to the phonetic symboys how to form plurals of nouns pronunciation of final “s” “ed” exerrcises a objectives

... /d/ needed, loved, liked, wanted, rewarded, remembered, washed, missed, intended, invited, laughed, seemed, helped, traveled, hurried, stopped, played, studied, planned, asked, avoided, hoped, ... -> wanted ; end -> ended needed, invited (ragged, beloved, bored ) k, f, p, ce, ch, sh, ss, x [ t ] stop -> stopped; talk -> talked kiss -> kissed; watch -> watched the rest ... groups: /t/ , /d/ , /id/ (1,5 points) wanted, shopped, checked, needed, arrived, brushed, concerned, departed, watched, loved, seemed celebrated (10)Lesson Plans for bad students

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 19:01

76 27 0
(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

... meaning and its pronunciation Although new English textbook established by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training is more interested in teaching pronunciation for students, pronunciation ... improve their English pronunciation, ease their nervous thing and use English fluently, accuracy and confidently Therefore, I have collected, chosen and created some more exercises for students ... pronounced as /iz/ when the verbs ends with the soumd as /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/,/dʒ/, /ʒ/, /z/ Ex: misses mixes washes matches messages stages bruises The ending “s/es ” is pronounced as /z/ when the verbs

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2021, 22:07

18 19 0
(SKKN mới NHẤT) improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

(SKKN mới NHẤT) improving the students’ english pronunciation through interesting phonic exercises ( grade 6 new english text book)

... meaning and its pronunciation Although new English textbook established by Viet Nam’s Ministry of Education and Training is more interested in teaching pronunciation for students, pronunciation ... improve their English pronunciation, ease their nervous thing and use English fluently, accuracy and confidently Therefore, I have collected, chosen and created some more exercises for students ... pronounced as /iz/ when the verbs ends with the soumd as /s/, /ks/, /ʃ/,/dʒ/, /ʒ/, /z/ Ex: misses mixes washes matches messages stages bruises The ending “s/es ” is pronounced as /z/ when the verbs

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2022, 19:38

18 4 0
S endings pronunciation by senior english majored students at an giang univerity

S endings pronunciation by senior english majored students at an giang univerity

... seniors’ -s endings were often omitted, added, or replaced with similar sounds, usually with the sound /s/ It was revealed that these mistakes were caused by the nonexistence of the -s endings in ... that the thesis entitled “-s endings pronunciation by Senior English Majored Students at An Giang University” represents my own work and that has not been previously submitted to any other university ... I could not have obtained the fruit of my labor without the assistance of my beloved friends and teachers Over this period, I have acquired a range of pronunciation knowledge and reseach writing

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2023, 22:27

84 2 0