redundancy and load sharing design guide

aisc design guide 15 - errata - aisc rehabilitation and retrofit guide

aisc design guide 15 - errata - aisc rehabilitation and retrofit guide

... Revision and Errata List, March 1, 2003 AISC Design Guide 15: AISC Rehabilitation and Retrofit Guide – A Reference for Historic Shapes and Specifications The following ... Dimensions and Primary Properties Steel Sections 1971-2000 Web ThicknessDepth Flange ThicknessWidth Flange 22 Rev. . 5/1/02 E RRATA / DESIGN GUIDE NO. 15: AISC REHABILITATION AND RETROFIT GUIDE PAGE ... no known designation. For Wrought Iron Sections 1873- 1900 (Section 2.4), the "Designation" is simply shown as a sequential number from 1 to 295 as they have and have no known designation....

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:04

14 410 2
aisc design guide 16 - flush and extend multiple-row moment end-plate connections

aisc design guide 16 - flush and extend multiple-row moment end-plate connections

... Both Allow- able Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Fac- tor Design (LRFD) procedures are discussed and illus- trated throughout the Guide. 1.2 Background 1.2.1 Design Procedures for ... and web stiffener size Column web stiffening (transverse stiffeners or continuity plates and panel zone doubler plates) design is not included in this Design Guide AISC Design Guide ... Con- struction (AISC) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specification or Type 1 in the AISC Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Specification, is usually assumed for the design of the frames....

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:04

72 680 2
wisami sharing conversion centered design guide

wisami sharing conversion centered design guide

... HIGH-CONVERTING LANDING PAGE NOW Foreword As a marketer and former usability geek, I understand the battle raging between user centered design and conversion centered design — UCD and CCD, as we’ll ... — and convince them to convert right here and now, as opposed to the self-guided exploration facilitated on a full website. Landing pages sit at the heart of CCD. A landing page being a standalone ... mobile design When designing your mobile landing page experience you should follow a set of design guidelines to provide an optimal experience for your visitors. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design for...

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2015, 23:12

68 275 0
Part and mold design guide

Part and mold design guide

... Plastics Part and Mold Design A Design Guide INTRODUCTION A product of the LANXESS Applications Engineering Group, this manual is primarily intended as a reference source for part designers and molding ... design and production requires team effort and a well-developed strategy When designing plastic parts, your team should consist of diverse players, including conceptual designers, stylists, design ... Mechanical Loading Carefully evaluate all types of mechanical loading including short-term static loads, impacts, and vibrational or cyclic loads that could lead to fatigue Ascertain long-term loads...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2016, 09:43

170 400 0
Wes Mosler - The Piping and Tubing Design Guide for SolidWorks Routing

Wes Mosler - The Piping and Tubing Design Guide for SolidWorks Routing

... Piping & Tubing Design Guide for SolidWorks Routing 2011 By: Wes Mosier 2011 Piping & Tubing Design Guide v1.0 This Page Intentionally Left Blank II 2011 Piping & Tubing Design Guide v1.0 SolidWorks ... Cad Engineering Design Drafter He has written procedural manuals and technical documentation for large and small companies over the past 12 years, and has taught both lecture and hands on courses ... Piping & Tubing Design Guide v1.0 This page intentionally left blank Inserting Subassemblies Into Your Route 9-8 2011 Piping & Tubing Design Guide v1.0 Chapter 10 – Design Tables Design tables...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2016, 09:56

160 906 2
Steel bridge bearing selection and design guide

Steel bridge bearing selection and design guide

... SELECTION AND DESIGN GUIDE Vol II, Chapter HIGWAY STRUCTURES DESIGN HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTATION i PART I - STEEL BRIDGE BEARING SELECTION GUIDE SELECTION ... Definition of Design Requirements .I-1 Step Evaluation of Bearing Types I-1 Step Bearing Selection and Design I-2 PART II - STEEL BRIDGE BEARING DESIGN GUIDE AND COMMENTARY ... Service compressive load due to dead load (kN) PL = Service compressive load due to live load (kN) Pr = Factored compressive resistance (kN) PT = Service compressive load due to total load (kN) Pu =...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2016, 14:58

85 400 0
Oracle Data Modeling and Relational Database Design Ed 1 (Activity Guide)

Oracle Data Modeling and Relational Database Design Ed 1 (Activity Guide)

... Username and Password, and orcl for SID, and then click Connect 66) Click the Reports tab 67) Expand Data Modeler Reports > Design Content > Logical Model, right-click Logical Designs, and select ... University and Bridge Human Skills Developments,GCC use only Practices for Lesson Oracle Data Modeling Relational Design prohibited and is in Development Program (WDP) eKit materials are provided and ... of membership (gold, silver, and bronze) although more may be introduced later Bronze membership is free and replaces the current way of handling rentals Silver and gold memberships incur a fee...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 19:12

192 769 1
WoodSolutions design guide 08 stairs balustrades and handrails

WoodSolutions design guide 08 stairs balustrades and handrails

... Construction Guide Technical Design Guide issued by Forest and Wood Products Australia Timber-framed Construction for Townhouse Buildings Class 1a Design and construction guide for BCA compliant sound and ... Balustrades and Handrails Class Buildings – Construction Page 10 Figure A1: Terminology – Stairs and landings Figure A2: Terminology – Balastrades and handrails #08 • Stairs, Balustrades and Handrails ... Desig n guide Technica l Desi Technical Design Guide issued by Forest and Wood Products Australia gn Guid e issu ed by Forest allatio n and Woo d Prod ucts Australia Technical Design Guides A...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2021, 09:43

56 4 0
WoodSolutions design guide 10 windows and doors 3 3MB

WoodSolutions design guide 10 windows and doors 3 3MB

... Windows and Doors Technical Design Guide issued by Forest and Wood Products Australia 01 04 09 Building with Timber in Bushfire-prone Areas BCA Compliant Design and Construction Guide Technical Design ... Desig n guide Technica l Desi Technical Design Guide issued by Forest and Wood Products Australia gn Guid e issu ed by Forest allatio n and Woo d Prod ucts Australia Technical Design Guides A ... Technical Design Guide issued by Forest and Wood Products Australia Timber-framed Construction for Townhouse Buildings Class 1a Design and construction guide for BCA compliant sound and fire-rated...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2021, 09:43

40 6 0
AISC Manual of Steel Construction: Load and Resistance Factor Design, Third Edition (LRFD 3rd Edition)

AISC Manual of Steel Construction: Load and Resistance Factor Design, Third Edition (LRFD 3rd Edition)

... electrode A4 LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS The load factors and load combinations are developed in Ellingwood, MacGregor, Galambos, and Cornell (1982) based on the recommended minimum loads given ... Connections Designed at Service Loads The design resistance to shear per bolt fFvAb for use at service loads shall equal or exceed the shear per bolt due to service loads, where f = 1.0 for standard, ... Specification When the loading combination includes wind loads in addition to dead and live loads, the total shear on the bolt due to combined load effects, at service load, may be multiplied...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2022, 10:46

147 9 0
Heat exchanger design guide  a practice guide for planning, selecting and designing of shell and tube exchangers

Heat exchanger design guide  a practice guide for planning, selecting and designing of shell and tube exchangers

... HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN GUIDE A Practical Guide for Planning, Selecting and Designing of Shell and Tube Exchangers M NITSCHE AND R.O GBADAMOSI Heat Exchanger Condenser ... 2007, I designed, planned, and built several chemical plants: distillation plants with evaporators, condensers, and heat exchangers, for fatty alcohols, fatty acids, nitrochlorobenzenes, amine and ... hydrocarbons and tar oils; storage tanks and vessels with filling stations for tank truck, rail tank car, and barrels; stirred tank plants for reactions with decanters, centrifuges, and filters;...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2023, 11:41

266 10 0
Tài liệu V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide pptx

Tài liệu V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide pptx

... Acronyms and Definitions V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide OL-7102-01 Contents V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide 10 OL-7102-01 C H A P T E R V3PN: Redundancy and Load- Sharing ... backup and be a perfectly acceptable design V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide OL-7102-01 1-3 Chapter V3PN: Redundancy and Load- Sharing Introduction General Deployment and V3PN Redundancy ... addressing for the GRE tunnel V3PN: Redundancy and Load Sharing Design Guide 1-2 OL-7102-01 Chapter V3PN: Redundancy and Load- Sharing Introduction General Deployment and V3PN Redundancy Issues Several...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

236 864 0
AN1260 li ionli poly battery charge and system load management design guide with MCP73871

AN1260 li ionli poly battery charge and system load management design guide with MCP73871

... sheet or design guide for details MCP73871 DESIGN GUIDE Power Supply Input (IN) The integrated system load sharing and the power path management features of the MCP73871 simplify the design and reduce ... headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India The Company’s quality system processes and procedures ... system designers simplify the design complexities and minimize the external component for portable devices Integrated loadsharing and power path management allow seamless switching between system load...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 17:03

12 363 0
Tài liệu AMD Thermal, Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide docx

Tài liệu AMD Thermal, Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide docx

... Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide AMD Thermal, Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide This document specifies performance requirements for the design of thermal, mechanical, and chassis ... Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide 23794H—November 2002 installation, as well from shock and vibration Figure details the ceramic package and compliant load support pads TM Figure Heatsink and ... 20 iii AMD Thermal, Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide iv 23794H—November 2002 23794H—November 2002 AMD Thermal, Mechanical, and Chassis Cooling Design Guide List of Figures Figure Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

30 377 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Can medio-lateral baseplate position and load sharing induce asymptomatic local bone resorption of the proximal tibia? A finite element study" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Can medio-lateral baseplate position and load sharing induce asymptomatic local bone resorption of the proximal tibia? A finite element study" pot

... (11 load sharing conditions – positions – cementless and cemented techniques) For each simulation, the average VonMises stress in each ROI was evaluated and plotted versus lateral load share and ... area for different positions (a) and load sharing (b) conditions Figure 10 VonMises stress distribution on the interface area for different positions (a) and load sharing (b) conditions Page 11 ... moderately sensitive to load sharing (Figure 6a) Higher average stress values were obtained when the load was exclusively applied on one condyle, and lower values were observed when the load was shared...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

15 283 0
AN1149   designing a li ion battery charger and load sharing system with microchip’s stand alone li ion battery charge management controller

AN1149 designing a li ion battery charger and load sharing system with microchip’s stand alone li ion battery charge management controller

... headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India The Company’s quality system processes and procedures ... System Load Low Hi MCP73837 FIGURE 2: D1 + Li-Ion Cell - Q1 RPROG Typical System and Battery Load Sharing Application DESCRIPTION Design Specifications This application note shows how to design ... during intensive load operations The actual battery run time may vary based on the system load, battery age, and environmental conditions The input power should supply the system load and charge the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:46

10 329 0
aisc design guide 6 - load and resistance factor design of w-shapes encased in concrete

aisc design guide 6 - load and resistance factor design of w-shapes encased in concrete

... Steel Design Guide Series Load and Resistance Factor Design of W-Shapes Encased in Concrete Lawrence G Griffis Walter P Moore and Associates, Inc Houston, Texas AMERICAN ... Plate Erection and Temporary Wind Bracing During Composite Frame Construction Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) of Composite Columns Comparison Between LRFD and Strain Compatibility ... advantages and limitations, and a review of important practical design considerations A summary of the pertinent LRFD rules is presented and compared to other methods A set of suggested design details...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:02

39 1,1K 8
Tài liệu Business Ready Branch Solutions for Enterprise and Small Offices—Reference Design Guide doc

Tài liệu Business Ready Branch Solutions for Enterprise and Small Offices—Reference Design Guide doc

... initiated by and held between local branch office IP and PSTN phones? Business Ready Branch Solutions for Enterprise and Small Offices—Reference Design Guide 2-16 OL-7470-01 Chapter Planning and Designing ... for Enterprise and Small Offices—Reference Design Guide 2-24 OL-7470-01 Chapter Planning and Designing the Business Ready Branch Solution IP Communications For detailed design and configuration ... for Enterprise and Small Offices—Reference Design Guide 1-20 OL-7470-01 C H A P T E R Planning and Designing the Business Ready Branch Solution This chapter provides more detailed design information...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

64 551 0
Tài liệu mpls vpn configuration and design guide pdf

Tài liệu mpls vpn configuration and design guide pdf

... ATM To provision and manage these overlay schemes is not supportable in a network that requires thousands or tens of thousands of VPNs, and hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of sites in ... sites A, B, and C, and three servers S1, S2, and S3 Sites have subscribed to differing sets of content In particular, A and B are allowed to receive data from S1; B and C from S2; and only C from ... model, and therefore substantially more scalable and easier to build and manage than conventional VPNs In addition, valueadded services, such as application and data hosting, network commerce, and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

103 577 1
Intel ® X58 Express Chipset Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide pot

Intel ® X58 Express Chipset Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide pot

... Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide Introduction Introduction The goals of this document are to: • Outline the thermal and mechanical operating limits and specifications ... Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide 31 Mechanical Drawings for Package & Reference Thermal Solution Figure B-1 32 IOH Package Drawing Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide Thermal and Mechanical Design ... Thermal Solution” § Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide 13 Thermal Specifications 14 Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide Thermal Metrology Thermal Metrology The system designer must make temperature...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

42 909 0