pet result students book and online workbook

Oxford new horizons 1 students book and workbook

Oxford new horizons 1 students book and workbook

... a hundred .5Q fifty -.D sixty 1'0 seventy ~ listen and repeat Pronunciation· I @:B:o listen Listen and repeal ~Check! Write the questions and answers I 1,, 13 b30 ;====== = _ Sam/ su _ S Alison/thirty-two ... rdo DIc.-tllrlo{lMv,d h~hcr), III UI'Ulufl'r Connelly and Paul BcuanyjQ.nadian Press) III (Brad Nil and t\ngclina Jolie/DaVld FUhtr! III (Ktn and Barbir dolU/J(;lrl Sc:hotndorftr) llhIsrmlWruby: ... details ~ Listen and write the words _ _ _ _ _ What's your name? • ~ ~ ,( Already fillisfred? Write dow n the dialogue you have made in exercise ~ Liste n a nd check l\ Woekbook ,108 ) • How

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:10

176 204 0
Oxford new horizons 2 students book and workbook

Oxford new horizons 2 students book and workbook

... children grandad (grandfather) grandma (grandmother) grandchildren son daughter nephew niece @IQD Listen and repeat the words ~ Look! Grammar Guide Steve's mum Chris's sister Emily and Rob's school ... names are William, Harry and Chloe Steve has got a grandad, his mum's dad His name 's Fred He 's got a grandma too She's his dad's mother Her name's Li > +' > +'s \ Workbook p.110-111 Ex.5-7 Does ... Example: Then listen and repeat the words Ama never!Jets to school late \ Workbook pp.111-112 Ex.10, 11, 13, 14 What's Emily doing now? I Rob and Steve are in a music shop ~ Listen and read Why is

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:11

169 220 0
teaching date sep 5th 2004 week 1 period 1 introduction of english 8 a aims to introduce english 8 students book and curriculum b objective by the end of the lesson ss will be able to hold their eng

teaching date sep 5th 2004 week 1 period 1 introduction of english 8 a aims to introduce english 8 students book and curriculum b objective by the end of the lesson ss will be able to hold their eng

... introduce English 8 student's book and curriculum B Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to hold their English 8 book and curriculum C Preparation: Handout D Procedure: 1 ... home and help her mom to look after her younger brothers and sisters c She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes d Her great grandmother used to lit the lamp and her ... Deliberate mistakes - T reads aloud some sentences and asks Ss to listen carefully and try to find out the mistake by standing up and say No and correct it a My father used to play football when

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 16:27

62 7 0
Freshman   students book   2022   online courses

Freshman students book 2022 online courses

... Therefore, TIW truly hopes that our students can allocate their time and energy to complete all tasks provided in this workbook so as to achieve the perfect result for each and every course they take ... our students improve their English and develop the language beyond classroom context but also enable them to conquer the IELTS exam, this workbook shall act as a constant companion to allow students ... this workbook is a splendidly crafted CELTA-standard visual syllabus, a product jointly owned by an elite team of teachers at The IELTS Workshop and critically reviewed under the guidance and

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2024, 01:24

189 0 0
shine on 5 students book and extra practice

shine on 5 students book and extra practice

... console, cell phone cover, laptop case, watchband, camera bag; use the Internet, chat with friends, learn things, watch videos, shop online; I like this watchband Do you?Yes, I like it a lot.No, not ... Trang 2Scope and sequenceScope and sequenceStarter UnitLily, Charlie, Stella, Joe, Amy;January, February, March, April, ... (camera bags).Information Technology (IT)Remember to say Happy Birthday to your friends and family.Trang 3Scope and sequenceBig Numbersthirty, forty, fifty, sixty-four, seventy-two, eighty-six, ninety-nine,

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2024, 18:13

118 0 0
shine on 2 students book and extra practice

shine on 2 students book and extra practice

... Trang 2Scope and sequenceScope and sequenceStarter Unit Welcome one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, book, backpack, toys, family members, the ... D?Hello, I’m I’m (sad/happy).Look! New neighbors Welcome!Nice to meet you! And you!Who’s that?Happy Birthday!balloon, clown, candles, present, card, cake, robot, basketball, puzzle, car, sides, the ... Yardsnail, rabbit, chipmunk, butterflyTrang 4Scope and sequencePicnic Time!chicken, rice, pasta, milk, salad, cheese, ice cream, fries, water, candy, grass, store;What’s wrong? I feel sick!I like

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2024, 18:13

100 0 0
Oxford  achieve 1 students book  workbook 2nd edition

Oxford achieve 1 students book workbook 2nd edition

... who plays the piano and the trumpet, and sings Patrick was born blind, and he can’t straighten his arms or legs, so he can’t walk properly He uses a wheelchair to get around and his father helps ... Jessica, Italo, and Patrick from doing things 2 Jessica, Italo, and Patrick all have a disability 3 Jessica, Italo, and Patrick weren't all born with a disability A 1 and 2 B 2 and 3 C 3 only ... twenty-four hours This caused landslides of rock and mud 5 in the mountains While people in the towns of Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo, and Petropolis were sleeping, the landslides reached their houses

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2017, 20:00

138 537 1
American english file 3b student book and workbook

American english file 3b student book and workbook

... ENGLISH FILE Online Practice Multi-Pack Student Book Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden OXFORD American ENGLISH FILE Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden ... horror movie and a th riller i War H orse a m usical and a soundtrack the m ain cast and the extras SPEAKING a R ead th e m ovie in terv iew and th in k ab o u t you r answ ers and reason s THE ... Profile pictures on Facebook and similar sites are the visual projection to friends and family of w ho you are and w hat you are like On Twitter, where people follow both friends and strangers, profile

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2018, 13:11

129 476 0
Read and retell 2 Students Book

Read and retell 2 Students Book

... speed, and good expression Oral reading fluency activities help boost oral competency and also their understanding Oral Reading Fluency Fluent readers can read a story with accuracy, good speed, and ... Retell A Focus Skill Who are the characters? Write and say Erin Grandpa Characters are people in the story B Retell Choose and retell about Erin and Grandpa ,WEHFRPHVD   ... big day, be confident Follow these tips, and your speech will be great Stand up straight and smile Before the big day, practice your speech Use gestures and make eye contact Practice in front of

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2018, 20:24

83 300 0
Read and retell 3 Students Book

Read and retell 3 Students Book

... speed, and good expression Oral reading fluency activities help boost oral competency and also their understanding Oral Reading Fluency Fluent readers can read a story with accuracy, good speed, and ... Read the story and circle True or False Zito and Allen play tag in the backyard Zito has long legs and four arms Allen has short legs and two arms Zito catches Allen easily Zito and Allen don’t ... the characters? Write and say Allen Zito Characters are people or aliens in the story B Retell Choose and retell about Zito and Allen I have (short / long) legs, four arms, and (two / three) fingers

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2018, 20:25

83 201 0
Business result pre intermediate   students book   reduced kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

Business result pre intermediate students book reduced kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

... Business Result Pre-intermediate I Interactive Workbook Available from September 2012 Business Result Interactive Workbook content is also available online You can access the ... personal development and training • give advice • say thank you and respond • show understanding and suggest solutions Ambition! • talk about ambitions and careers • revise grammar and tenses • say ... medical centre, and he's provided the school with books and a new roof He pays the salaries of the doctor, the nurse, and the dentist in the medical centre, and he buys breakfast and lunch for

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2019, 15:24

164 800 0
Great Ideas Students book: Listening and Speaking Activities for Students of American English

Great Ideas Students book: Listening and Speaking Activities for Students of American English

... J633 1987 and students speaking activities of American English Leo Jones and Victoria Kimbrough ENT'S BOOK Cambridge UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Ideas Listening and speaking activities for students ... the student This book is about ideas: about listening to and understanding other people's ideas, communicating your own ideas, and above all, exchanging ideas with your fellow students There is ... collection of absorbing and enjoyable fluency practice activities designed to improve the listening and speaking abilities of intermediate and advanced students of American English Students are stimulated

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2019, 14:48

114 157 0
Impact of self-regulated learning on academic performance and satisfaction of students in the online environment

Impact of self-regulated learning on academic performance and satisfaction of students in the online environment

... construct sought to explore whether students paraphrase and sum up online materials to gain a better understanding, whether students use diverse online materials, and whether they access different ... female students while 51.2% were male students Furthermore, 85.1% of the respondents are full-time students and 89.2% of students attend first-cycle studies, 7.3% attend second-cycle studies and ... paraphrase and summarize online materials to enhance 797 their understanding I use various online materials (images, videos, tables, etc.) 744 to understand a specific concept When a specific online

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 10:58

20 64 0
New Exploring Reading and Writing 1   Students Book

New Exploring Reading and Writing 1 Students Book

... every now and then : sometimes My uncle comes by our house every now and then to say hello Every now and then, you can see an airplane passing by Every now and then,I stay up late reading books fl ... passages Understanding Details This paft helps students to focus on accurately identifying and retaining the details in the reading passage they have read Vocabulary Practice This part gives students ... different contexts enriches students' understanding of the use of the idioms Making a Summary This part h'elps students to make a summary using the context given to them Students prepare themselves

Ngày tải lên: 29/02/2020, 14:54

127 175 0
New Exploring Reading and Writing 2   Students Book

New Exploring Reading and Writing 2 Students Book

... reading and make readers lose interest By learning the meaning of new words first, students will face each passage with a feeling of confidence The teacher should guide students to try and comprehend ... passages Understanding Details This part helps students to focus on accurately identifying and retaining the details in the reading passage they have read Vocabulary Practice This part gives students ... different contexts enriches students' understanding of the use of the idioms Making a Summary This part helps students to make a summary using the context given to them Students prepare themselves

Ngày tải lên: 29/02/2020, 14:56

128 235 0
New Exploring Reading and Writing 3   Students Book

New Exploring Reading and Writing 3 Students Book

... in Switzerland The 1998 World Cup was held in France This year's Christmas party willbe held at my place tr stand for : to symbolize The color red stands for love and passion UN stands for the ... sentences Understanding the Main ldea The questions in this part help students to practice identifying the main idea of reading passages Understanding Details This part helps students to focus ... different contexts enriches students' understanding of the use of the idioms Making a Summary This part helps students to make a summary using the context given to them Students prepare themselves

Ngày tải lên: 29/02/2020, 14:57

128 224 0

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