perfectly competitive industry identical in scale to hypothetical monopoly

Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Fifth Follow-up Review of Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries pdf

Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Fifth Follow-up Review of Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries pdf

... appears to tolerate increasingly more extreme content in any given age-based rating category over time,” finding increases in violence in films rated PG and PG-13, significant increases in sex in ... able to make the purchases in the 2003 survey The ESRB continues to lead all three industries in providing clear and prominent disclosures of rating information in television, print, and online ... and (3) increasing parental awareness of the ratings and labels The Commission has continued to monitor industry self-regulation in this area, releasing four subsequent reports, all finding that...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

138 438 0
Báo cáo y học: " The utility of the Historical Clinical Risk -20 Scale as a predictor of outcomes in decisions to transfer patients from high to lower levels of security-A UK perspective" pptx

Báo cáo y học: " The utility of the Historical Clinical Risk -20 Scale as a predictor of outcomes in decisions to transfer patients from high to lower levels of security-A UK perspective" pptx

... that the clinical and risk management scales predicted recidivism much better than the historical scale Overall, our findings seem to suggest that the HCR-20 is a useful tool in predicting those ... offences [26-28] Given the growing interest in the use of more structured clinical risk assessment and management tools in clinical decision making [6,9,29-35], we investigated the potential utility ... core component of routine clinical practice The Edenfield Centre Medium secure unit in the North of England has adopted this instrument into routine clinical practice following a series of research...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

8 388 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Psychometric properties of the OLQ-13 scale to measure Sense of Coherence in a communitydwelling older population" potx

báo cáo khoa học:" Psychometric properties of the OLQ-13 scale to measure Sense of Coherence in a communitydwelling older population" potx

... OLQ-11 (obtained by deleting the two items) were indeed better, in particular the exploratory factor solution Where the underlying theoretical constructs could not be linked to the exploratory analyses ... would be interesting to investigate whether similar issues arise in clinical and non-clinical groups of older individuals The OLQ-13 has been translated and used in many countries and in different ... extracting factors in the exploratory analyses, eventually suggesting a three factor model Moreover, both the three factor and one factor solution were further tested in confirmatory analyses...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22

9 407 0
Optimization of chitin and chitosan extraction from by product from white leg shrimp (penaeus vannamei) industry in vietnam to improve its quality and efficiency

Optimization of chitin and chitosan extraction from by product from white leg shrimp (penaeus vannamei) industry in vietnam to improve its quality and efficiency

... ratio of HCl to materials =4:1 Stiring for min, rate of 1000 r/min Preparation of pepsin solution (20U/g protein) Carapaces Washing and pressing Sonicating pepsin solution for 25min Filtering (Pore ... developing sustainably chitin and chitosan industry in Vietnam Table 3.29: Comparison of the benefits between applying integrated technology and conventional procedure to recover chitin, chitosan ... relevent to kinetics of the process and the linkage between protein, minerals and chitin in shrimp shell were cleared - New data and information about the supporting capacities of ultrasound in chitin...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 22:14

24 1K 1
To innovate the private capital in order to create harmoniously competitive environment for the HCM city commercial banks, vietnam

To innovate the private capital in order to create harmoniously competitive environment for the HCM city commercial banks, vietnam

... determining accurate and declared limited ability to market points for restricting to spreading of credit investments; upgrading the length of time for transferring financial documentation to eliminate ... Nam + Collecting and processing on the Vietnam banking system + Collecting and processing on financial liberalization and international integration in banking in a number of countries to draw the ... development, including: - To innovate the regulations of proprietary rights in stock capital in order to be stable with the innovation of the Law on Business, orient the developing model and determine...

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2016, 15:34

179 241 0
Mise en place d’une échelle clinique simple pour évaluer le risque de chutes répétées chez les seniors   a simple clinical scale to assess risk of recurrent falls in older people

Mise en place d’une échelle clinique simple pour évaluer le risque de chutes répétées chez les seniors a simple clinical scale to assess risk of recurrent falls in older people

... P, Vanỗon G, Perrin P, Benetos A A simple clinical scale to stratify risk of recurrent falls in community-dwelling adults aged 65 years and older Phys Ther 2010;90:550-60 48 Kinesither Rev 2011;(111):45-48 ... dộvaluation sur 16 points, reposant sur quatre items simples : antộcộdent de chutes = points ; vivre seul = points ; consommation mộdicaments/jour = points ; sexe fộminin = points r-FTDPSFPCUFOVQFSNFUEFDMBTTFSMFTQFSTPOOFTFOUSPJTDBUấHPries ... practice guide, 2008 Kinộsithộrapie la revue Tinetti ME, Speechley M, Ginter SF Risk factors for falls among elderly persons living in the community N Engl J Med 1988;319:1701-7 Buatois S, Perret-Guillaume...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 22:06

4 422 0
Service quality and customer satisfaction in business to business the case of ready mix concrete industry vietnam

Service quality and customer satisfaction in business to business the case of ready mix concrete industry vietnam

... construction area in generally and Ready-Mix Concrete industry in specifically is in the same situation In today’s global marketplace, the key to sustainable competitive advantage lies in delivering service ... formulated to obtain following objectives: (1) To investigate the different impacts of B2B service quality’s determinants on customer satisfaction in Vietnam Ready-Mix Concrete industry (2) To examine ... can use in measuring customer satisfaction such as: product quality, service quality, pricing, complaints or problems, trust in firm’s employees, firm positioning in customers’ minds Since product...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2017, 21:24

88 636 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"

Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"

... each individual cow, indicating that decisions can differ both within and between herds At the farm level, the veterinarians seemed to integrate farm-related information into the decision as to ... treatment threshold was linked to the metritis scale, but leading Danish veterinarians in the field recommend using a grade of on the scale as a cut-off value for initiating medical treatment, ... definitions of different scoring values, such as excluding certain scores (see examples in table 1) They find the definitions incorrect If the veterinarian strictly follows his/ her own scoring...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

10 588 0
Research on node ranking in peer-to-peer networks

Research on node ranking in peer-to-peer networks

... contains all data linking to page u), divided by the number L(v) of links from page v Damping factor The PageRank theory will maintain at the link clicks on the surf rider who will fictionalize to ... categories, the internal cut-off link and the mutual server link The internal server link is between the page link in the server, and these links use in calculating on each server's place PageRank intermediate ... data in the original PageRank vector Recall that the personalization vector in the original PageRank is defined as a uniform vector Instead, for Rank_local_idea we define the personalization vector...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36

59 387 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language

In order to become competent in a foreign language

... linguists pay much attention to initiating acts: requesting, complimenting, complaininghowever, the studies of responses are less mentioned Although we meet much difficult to find references to ... Bán rồi! Vừa bắt xong (6: 115) 1.1.4 Repeating or clarifying Qs assumption A: Id like anything to drink Q: Anything to drink? What is anything to drink? A: Coke, orange juice, water (50: ... discussed in Austins book entitled How to things with words (1962) In this book, Austin assumes that language not only functions as stating and describing things but also as performing acts He...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 08:49

42 568 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

... môi trường hoàn to n Sinh hoạt sản xuất Nam Bộ gắn bó với đổi thay, biến động nước, dòng sông thủy triều Những biểu văn minh sông nước thể rõ phương thức lao động, nhòp sống sinh hoạt, tín ngưỡng, ... ngữ to n dân đòa phương cụ thể với nét khác biệt so với ngôn ngữ to n dân hay với phương ngữ khác “[8; 24] Ở đây, thấy cần phân biệt ngôn ngữ to n dân phương ngữ Phương ngữ biến thể ngôn ngữ to n ... lớn nước Ven biển có rừng ngập mặn rộng lớn Từ Cà Mau đến Kiên Giang có rừng nguyên sinh U Minh Thượng, U Minh Hạ Rừng có nhiều loài động thực vật quý Hình ảnh quen thuộc sân chim, kèo ong, sếu...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 16:09

137 855 0
Leaching of arsenic in response to organic matter contamination in groundwater treatment practice

Leaching of arsenic in response to organic matter contamination in groundwater treatment practice

... reduced in the bioleaching process, re-oxidized to insoluble ferric form due to the intrusion of supernatant aerobic water into the sand-filter bed and was trapped by the mechanical straining mechanism, ... MATERIALS AND METHODS Field study Preliminary minor -scale field inspection was made in Bangladesh to presume the level of organic matter contaminations in the existing arsenic and iron removal units ... organic matters In order to minimize the hazardous and toxic waste generation during the research activity in the laboratory, a small cross-sectional area (diameter, φ = 25mm) was taken into consideration...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

13 388 0
Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

... sea urchin 80 70 60 50 40 2003 30 2004 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Density of sea urchin (ind m-2) 70 50 60 U pinnatifida (Line 1) U pinnatifida (Line 2) Sea urchin (Line 1) Sea urchin (Line 2) 50 ... appeared in Line The numbers of sea urchin were 212 and 365 ind per belt transect in 2003 and 2004, respectively, but both populations of sea urchin in Line were less than those in Line We also ... and infauna in the outer and inner areas of the bay A total of 16 macrophyte species in 2003 and 15 species in 2004 were observed in Line (Table 1) U pinnatifida and crustose coralline algae were...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

13 477 0
Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to  teacher addressing

Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to teacher addressing

... are used according to whether the speaker wants to address someone politely or more informally, e.g In German Sie-du, in French Vous-tu, in Spanish Usted-tu and in Mandarin in Chinese nín-ni (you) ... attitudes and feeling in it While in Vietnamese, the addressing terms change according to each factor According to Nguyen Quang (2002:159), in the Northern dialect, there are 34 kinship terms as ... from informants, but also contains the considerations in addressing to find out the underlying factors that determine the choice of linguistic forms that have been used and some dimensions in cross-cultural...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:31

79 516 2


... action Find the line or lines which tell us that Hamlet is thinking about being dead Find the line or lines which suggest that he views dying as the easy way out of a problem Find the line which ... invitation to the reader to bring his or her own insights to the poem and even declare his or her own subject To analyze a poem this way, there are certain questions that you should bring to any reading ... then in line the poet shifts to himself and Whitman begins comparing himself to that busy, patient spider He says that like the spider, he too keeps throwing out attempts to connect himself to...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

52 378 1
Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

... vertical integration C Hicks et al / Int J Production Economics 65 (2000) 179}190 Supply chain management in the ETO sector is considered in the context of trends in high-volume manufacturing industry ... World Auto Industry, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA, 1991 [27] A.K Eriksson, H Hakansson, Getting innovations out of  supplier networks, Journal of Business -to- Business Marketing (3) ... developed to exploit expertise or to increase the utilisation of resources The main product and spares businesses tend to be pro"t generators with the additional businesses generating cash during times...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

12 519 0