peers knowledge of and attitudes towards english

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Assessment of capacity improvement within IPSARD/CAP: Baseline survey of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) compared to end-of-project survey of KSA " docx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Assessment of capacity improvement within IPSARD/CAP: Baseline survey of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) compared to end-of-project survey of KSA " docx

... areas: knowledge of “the role of SMEs in the livestock feed sector in Vietnam” and knowledge of “principles of designing survey questions to minimize bias” The mode score for knowledge of “theory of ... comparisons of baseline and end -of- project results Overall comparisons between baseline and end -of- project results are shown in Table Attitudes are often difficult to change, but some evidence of what ... to show changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) as a result of CARD Project 030/06 VIE Results from a baseline and end -of- project survey are compared, and the end-ofproject results include...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

17 284 0
Báo cáo y học: " Improving Knowledge and Attitudes towards Depression: a controlled trial among Chinese medical students" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Improving Knowledge and Attitudes towards Depression: a controlled trial among Chinese medical students" pot

... of major health and mental health problems in their countries, knowledge regarding the typical symptoms and common experience of depression and opinion on treatment and recovery The utility of ... incidence and prevalence (in the world and in China), social and economic impacts (the world and China), common psychological and physical symptoms, case examples, treatments and prognosis of depression ... proportions of students among baseline and the follow-ups using a series of Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE) As there was a specification of the number of responses within each of these Page of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:23

10 446 0
an evaluation of learners attitudes towards the effectiveness of the online b1 level english learning program on website www tienganhb1 com

an evaluation of learners attitudes towards the effectiveness of the online b1 level english learning program on website www tienganhb1 com

... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES VŨ THỊ LÊ VY AN EVALUATION OF LEARNERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ONLINE B1 LEVEL ENGLISH LEARNING ... online learning and evaluation of an online learning program 1.2 B1 level of English B1 level of English varies in definitions B1 is equivalent to level 3/6 of Common European Framework of Reference ... Rationale of the study Aims and research questions of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Significance of the study Overview of the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:20

70 473 0
High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

High school teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards applying communicative language teaching in teaching grammar = Nhận thức và thái độ của giáo viên cấp ba

... role of English in every field of life Therefore, the demand for learning English is increasing in Vietnam where English is one of the main subjects at school, and among the compulsory subjects of ... collection method and selection of subjects Significance of the study This study hopes to bring about the picture of high school teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards CLT and the application ... perceptions and attitudes Since a number of research studies have been conducted focusing on CLT and teachers’ attitudes towards CLT, little research has been done on teachers’ perceptions and attitudes...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:08

64 964 1
Students' perception and attitudes towards pre-writing activities at Ngo Quyen High school = Nhận thức và thái độ của học sinh trường THPT Ngô Quyền đối với các

Students' perception and attitudes towards pre-writing activities at Ngo Quyen High school = Nhận thức và thái độ của học sinh trường THPT Ngô Quyền đối với các

... beliefs, perception and attitudes is necessary 1.1.1 Definition of beliefs, perception and attitudes There are many definitions of beliefs, perception and attitudes Most often, researchers adopt ... their perception and attitudes towards learning a foreign language Perception and attitudes shape beliefs and are influenced by beliefs To understand more about this, an overview of learner beliefs, ... On the basis of findings and limitations of the study, the following suggestions are made for further research A study on the perception and attitudes of students towards while and post writing...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

59 731 0
A study on community knowledge, beliefs and attitudes on leprosy in ang mo kio, singapore

A study on community knowledge, beliefs and attitudes on leprosy in ang mo kio, singapore

... Incidence of leprosy in Singapore 1960 – 2001 24 2.1 Community beliefs and misconceptions regarding leprosy 35 2.2 Community knowledge and attitudes towards leprosy 41 2.3 Knowledge, attitudes and ... understanding and support of my family Finally, I am eternally grateful to God for all this and much more iii Table of Contents Page ii Dedication Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents iv List of ... Distribution of the attitudes of the respondents towards an unknown person, friend or family member affected by leprosy 86 vii 4.7 Distribution of the attitudes of the respondents towards leprosy...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:34

188 439 0
employment and attitudes towards schema building activities in esp reading comprehension

employment and attitudes towards schema building activities in esp reading comprehension

... Learners‟ and teachers‟ attitudes 30 2.3.1 Definitions and components of attitudes 30 2.3.2 The importance of attitudes in teaching and learning 31 2.4 Summaries of related ... topic of discourse, inferencing, and world knowledge) ; on the right is the process of reading According to Griffin and Vaughn (1984) and Waltz and Pollack (1985), “models of this type are often ... important outcome as achievement” and “a survey of attitudes provides an indicator of current community thoughts and beliefs, preferences and desires, and the chances of success in policy implementation”...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2018, 23:01

223 183 0


... be of some benefit to teachers and students at PYCI in teaching and learning reading Aims of the study: The primary aim of the study is finding out attitudes of the non -English major students towards ... students’ attitudes towards bottom-up and top-down reading tasks? Scope of the study This study is limited to the area of investigating attitudes of non -English major students in doing English ... two courses of General English called English and English The students can enrol English1 only when they pass an Entrance Exam for English English1 usually starts in the second term of their first...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 14:50

58 373 0
Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards the piloted textbook english 10 the case of nghia hung upper secondary school, nam dinh city

Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards the piloted textbook english 10 the case of nghia hung upper secondary school, nam dinh city

... the attitudes of teachers and learners towards the piloted textbook English 10 Being a teacher of English in Upper Secondary School, I realize that the attitudes of the teachers and students towards ... (i).What are the attitudes of the teachers towards the teaching of the piloted English 10? (ii).What are the attitudes of the students towards the learning of the piloted English 10? Scope of the study ... beliefs and feelings of the students Table 1: The attitudes of students towards the topic and the content of the piloted textbook English 10 Items SA The topic and content of the piloted textbook English...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:26

62 505 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Validated instruments used to measure attitudes of healthcare students and professionals towards patients with physical disability: a systematic review" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Validated instruments used to measure attitudes of healthcare students and professionals towards patients with physical disability: a systematic review" pdf

... determinants of attitudes This study has a number of strengths This is the first systematic review of instruments validated for measuring attitudes of healthcare students and professionals towards ... Characteristics of validated survey instruments to measure attitudes of healthcare students and professionals towards patients with physical disability Table of the characteristics of Lam et al Journal of ... measuring attitudes of healthcare students and professionals towards patients with physical disability Less than half were specifically designed for healthcare students and professionals and none...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

7 647 0
The influence of store attributes on consumer attitudes towards private labels the case of metro cash and carry vietnam

The influence of store attributes on consumer attitudes towards private labels the case of metro cash and carry vietnam

... as umbrella brand (B-level brand of price and A-level brand of quality) of food products only They are therefore set to compete to corresponding levels of national brands The brand level is ordered ... the research of Chowdhury et al (1998) and Dodd and Lindley (2003) with reference to the dissertation of Fraser (2009) and Beyza and Leyla (2007), and the examination on brand equity of Nguyen & ... consumer attitudes towards private labels c Price on consumer attitudes towards private labels d Service on consumer attitudes towards private labels e Atmosphere on consumer attitudes towards...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 11:43

82 355 0
the influence of vietnamese learning culture on upper-secondary school students’ attitudes towards communicative activities in learning english

the influence of vietnamese learning culture on upper-secondary school students’ attitudes towards communicative activities in learning english

... facilitators of learning, but imparters of knowledge to students, not as co-participants of learning, but the standards of not only knowledge, but also ethics and lifestyle for learners On the other hand, ... source of all knowledge (and the model or exemplar of morality as in the case of Vietnam), who fill, through teaching-as-modelling -and- explanation, receptacle learners with knowledge (and virtue) ... “Vietnamese teachers of English, by and large, have positive attitudes towards the CA [CLT]” (Canh, 1999), implementation of CLT in Vietnam has not satisfied teachers, learners and parents, and educational...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

65 656 1
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers  A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

... opinion on the role of speaking that it is the vehicle of social solidarity, of social ranking, of professional advancement and of business The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority ... a number of studies on students‘ attitudes or perceptions of native English speaking teachers Most of their findings show that students have positive attitudes towards the teaching of English ... Study of Attitudes towards Variety of English held by Professional and Tertiary Level Students in Korea at 13 Hallorah, J D (1967) Attitudes Formation and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

56 848 0
An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

... attitude towards the use of L1 in their English classrooms The results of their studies further suggested that a limited amounts of L1 has a supportive and facilitating role in the English classes and ... exposure to English because the exclusive use of English during the English lesson period could perhaps minimize the effectiveness of students‟ learning of English Judicious use of the mother ... What is the attitude of teachers and students towards using Vietnamese in the English classroom? How often teachers and students use Vietnamese in EFL classroom? What teachers and students use Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

48 923 0
Learners’ attitudes towards native and nonnative English speaking instructors = Thái độ của người học đối với giáo viên bản ngữ và giáo viên người Việt

Learners’ attitudes towards native and nonnative English speaking instructors = Thái độ của người học đối với giáo viên bản ngữ và giáo viên người Việt

... be native of English and those who not, with respect to the following factors: differences between NSETs and NNSETs and status of the English language; English teaching in Israel; and English teaching ... teacher was preferred by 18% of Belgian 15-year-olds, 44% of English children, and 45% of Polish children Looked at in reverse, 47% of Belgian, 32% of English, and 25% of Polish children preferred ... explore the attitudes of the university students in Hong King towards NS and NNS teachers of English, the strengths and weaknesses of these teachers from the perspective of students, and their...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:37

57 540 0
An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at Hanoi University o

An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at Hanoi University o

... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDY FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ ĐAN QUẾ AN INVESTIGATION INTO ENGLISH MAJOR FRESHMEN’S PERCEPTIONS ON, ATTITUDES TOWARDS AND PERFERENCES ... of contents iv Abbreviations vi Lists of charts and tables vi PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the study Aims of the study and ... study and research questions Methods of the study Scope of the study Significance of the study Structure of the study PART II: DEVELOPMENT...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:21

4 394 1
An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

An investigation into Viet Bac High school 11th grade students and teachers' attitudes towards the applications of pairwork and groupwork in teaching and learni

... and teachers’ attitudes towards the applications of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English speaking skills” It is also hoped that this study may offer the teachers in the English ... school towards the application of pair and groupwork in teaching and learning speaking skills (ii) to examine the current situations of the application of pair and group work in teaching and learning ... high school towards the application of pair and groupwork in teaching and learning English speaking skills The study also examined the current situations of the application of pair and groupwork...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:41

55 804 0