operation circuit models and applications

Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and Applications

Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and Applications

... start developing 1.3 Organization and targeted audience game-theoretic models in a wide range of wireless and communication applications such as cellular and broadband networks, wireless local area ... having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis.” And the most recent one was in 2007, recognizing Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, and Roger Myerson, “for ... Publication Data Game theory in wireless and communication networks : theory, models, and applications / Zhu Han [et al.] p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-521-19696-3 (hardback)...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:20

553 475 0


... Commonly used air quality models are: 1) Conceptual Models 2) Emission Models 3) Meteorological Models, 4) Chemical Models, 5) Source Oriented Models and 6) Receptor Models Air quality model classification ... are emitted and undergo chemical and physical processes Input to the model is simple meteorology Emissions and the movement of pollutants in and out of the 22 Air Quality - Models and Applications ... Chemical transport models, such as Gaussian plume models and gridded photochemical models, begin with pollutant emissions estimates and meteorological observations and use chemical and physical principles...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 12:20

376 298 0


... Commonly used air quality models are: 1) Conceptual Models 2) Emission Models 3) Meteorological Models, 4) Chemical Models, 5) Source Oriented Models and 6) Receptor Models Air quality model classification ... are emitted and undergo chemical and physical processes Input to the model is simple meteorology Emissions and the movement of pollutants in and out of the 22 Air Quality - Models and Applications ... Chemical transport models, such as Gaussian plume models and gridded photochemical models, begin with pollutant emissions estimates and meteorological observations and use chemical and physical principles...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 16:20

376 183 0
Mathematical Models for Registration and Applications to Medical Imaging pptx

Mathematical Models for Registration and Applications to Medical Imaging pptx

... (10), (5), and (12) over Ω1 : c Ω0 dI dζ c c det (∇ξ x) dζdξ ≡ T0 = T1 ≡ c Ω1 dI dζ det (∇η y) dζdη (14) ´ ` Also, (9) and (10) define ζ and ζ as functions of ξ and η, respectively, and can be ... goal of this book is to highlight by some experts in industry and medicine relevant and emerging image registration applications and to show new emerging mathematical technologies in these areas ... 2537-2548, (2002) T F Chan, S Kang and J Shen: Euler’s elastica and curvature based inpaintings, Journal on Applied Mathematics, (2002) T F Chan and J Shen: Mathematical models for local nontexture...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

191 356 0
Multi-way Analysis in the Food Industry Models, Algorithms, and Applications pptx

Multi-way Analysis in the Food Industry Models, Algorithms, and Applications pptx

... multi-way analysis, and as such he is the reason for this thesis Many e-mails, meetings, beers, and letters from and with Age Smilde have enabled me to grasp, refine and develop my ideas and those of ... Given X (I × J) and the column-dimension F of A and B fit the model as the solution of where D is a diagonal matrix and I an identity matrix The specific scaling and ordering of A and B may vary, ... the data, and the goal of the analysis Several decomposition and calibration methods will be explained in the following Most of the models will be described using three-way data and models as...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20

311 549 0


... mechanical and medical dynamic systems 28 Hidden Markov Models, Theory and Applications Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) This section introduces briey the mathematical denition of Hidden Markov Models ... Athanasopoulou and Christoforos N Hadjicostis Part Hidden Markov Models in Speech and Time-domain Signals Processing 111 Chapter Hierarchical Command Recognition Based on Large Margin Hidden Markov Models ... Maruotti and Marco Picone Hidden Markov Models in Image and Spatial Structures Analysis 223 Continuous Hidden Markov Models for Depth Map-Based Human Activity Recognition Zia Uddin and Tae-Seong...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

326 403 0
Báo cáo y học: " The SeqFEATURE library of 3D functional site models: comparison to existing methods and applications to protein function annotation" pot

Báo cáo y học: " The SeqFEATURE library of 3D functional site models: comparison to existing methods and applications to protein function annotation" pot

... Distribution of AUC and sensitivity for all SeqFEATURE models listed in Table Distribution of AUC and sensitivity for all SeqFEATURE models listed in Table (a) Distribution of model AUC Most models have ... descriptive and intuitive models show comparable performance to existing sequence- and structure-based methods Importantly, SeqFEATURE models retain robust performance when sequence identity and structural ... application to calcium binding by EF-hand motifs, and is extended and applied here into a full library of functional site models To build the library of models, we extracted structural examples...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

19 384 0
Existence theorems in nonlinear analysis and applications to optimization related models

Existence theorems in nonlinear analysis and applications to optimization related models

... recent years (e.g., Anh and Khanh [1-7], Khanh and Luc [53], Xiang, Liu and Zhou [94], Yang and Yu [96], Preface VI Yu and Xiang [98], Yu, Yang and Xiang [99], Zhou, Xiang and Yang [101]) Based ... existence of our structures and their usefulness in many applications Moreover, our notions and results in this thesis improve or include as special cases a number of known notions and results It is worthwhile ... nonlinear analysis and applications 1.1 Notions and definitions 1.2 Existence theorems in GFC-spaces 1.3 Applications ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2015, 21:24

113 445 0
Mathematical models with delays for glucose insulin regulation and applications in artificial pancreas

Mathematical models with delays for glucose insulin regulation and applications in artificial pancreas

... glucose and insulin in the plasma (A), and plasma and ISF glucose level difference (B) when τ2 changes…………………… 48 Figure 3.13 Phase plane of glucose and insulin in the plasma (A), and plasma and ... sections The Bergman, Sturis and Hovorka models are all PK models and used in following chapters All the three models have some common limitations although the structures of the models are different: ... glucose and glucose in the ISF, between plasma glucose and plasma insulin, between plasma insulin and ISF insulin, and between IDGU and ISF insulin Glucose level is regulated by these variables and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 18:34

165 795 0
Axisymmetric and three dimensional lattice boltzmann models and their applications in fluid flows

Axisymmetric and three dimensional lattice boltzmann models and their applications in fluid flows

... to handle the 2D and 3D thermal curved wall boundary for TLBE and proved to be of second-order accuracy ix LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Main parameters of popular 2D and 3D discrete velocity models ... of steady flow and 3D Womersley flow in circular tubes agree well with the FVM solutions and exact analytical solutions, which validated our models It is observed that the present models reduce ... (2001) and is much more efficient than the direct 3D LBM simulations Using the axisymmetric model and the multi-block strategy, the steady and unsteady blood flows through constricted tubes and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 14:36

226 324 0
Thermally activated dynamics  stochastic models and their applications

Thermally activated dynamics stochastic models and their applications

... the two stochastic models 1.2 Motivation and Objective 1.2.1 Langevin dynamics and Monte Carlo method The two stochastic dynamical models, the Langevin dynamical equation and the Monte Carlo ... transition and β ≡ 1/kB T = D−1 Applying the standard analysis on both stochastic models, i.e the MaxwellBoltzmann treatment on the Langevin dynamical model and the detailed balance analysis on the random ... , X3 , be a sequence of random variables which are identical and independently distributed Assume that both the expected value µ and the standard deviation σ exist and are finite Consider the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16

138 480 0
Extreme value and related models with applications in engineering and science

Extreme value and related models with applications in engineering and science

... are Anderson and Coles (2002), Andra and Saul (1974, 1979), Arnold, Castillo, and Sarabia (1996), Batdorf (1982), Batdorf and Ghaffanian (1982), Birnbauni and Saunders (1958), Biihler and Schreiber ... Spindel, Board, and Haibach (1979), Takahashi and Sibuya (2002), Tide and van Horn (1966), Tierney (1982), Tilly and Moss (1982), Warner and Hulsbos (1966), Weibull (1959), and Yang, Tayfun, and Hsiao ... mean and variance of a Bernoulli random variable, with success probability p, are p = p and a2 = p ( l - p) 2.2 Show that the mean and variance of a B ( n , p ) random variable arc p = np and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2016, 14:36

367 905 0
Existence theorems in nonlinear analysis and applications to optimization related models

Existence theorems in nonlinear analysis and applications to optimization related models

... recent years (e.g., Anh and Khanh [1-7], Khanh and Luc [53], Xiang, Liu and Zhou [94], Yang and Yu [96], Preface VI Yu and Xiang [98], Yu, Yang and Xiang [99], Zhou, Xiang and Yang [101]) Based ... existence of our structures and their usefulness in many applications Moreover, our notions and results in this thesis improve or include as special cases a number of known notions and results It is worthwhile ... nonlinear analysis and applications 1.1 Notions and definitions 1.2 Existence theorems in GFC-spaces 1.3 Applications ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2016, 11:21

120 203 0
Multi-Carrier Digital Communications - Theory and Applications of OFDM

Multi-Carrier Digital Communications - Theory and Applications of OFDM

... time and coherence bandwidths Then, by using time and frequency interpolation, the impulse response and frequency response of the channel can be calculated Figure 2.7 Pilot positioning in time and ... With Wireless Applications Sergio Benedetto and Ezio Biglieri Simulation of Communication Systems, 2nd Edition: Methodology, Modeling, and Techniques Michel C Jeruchim, Philip Balaban, and K Sam ... elsewhere The book concludes with descriptions of three very important and diverse applications of OFDM that have been standardized and are now being deployed ADSL provides access to digital services...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2013, 16:58

221 976 1
Data mining and medical knowledge management   cases and applications

Data mining and medical knowledge management cases and applications

... supported by arguments, and the explanation of decisions and predictions should be mandatory for an effective deployment of DM models DM and KM are thus becoming of great interest and importance for ... Information and Knowledge and communication technologies These new technologies are speeding an exchange and use of data, information and knowledge and are eliminating geographical and time barriers ... interesting and non-trivial relationships, the construction and discovery of models that can be easily understood by experts, the marriage of model discovery and decision support KM and DM are...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 16:24

465 632 2
Investigation on K2Ti4O9 Whisker Absorbent and Applications in Heavy Metal Ions Removal

Investigation on K2Ti4O9 Whisker Absorbent and Applications in Heavy Metal Ions Removal

... Water and Environment Technology, Vol.5, No.1, 2007 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Absorption behavior of PTW Fig shows the relationship between the quantity of PTW and the adsorption efficiency of Pb2+ and ... Preparation and Applications of Potassium Titanate Whisker, Journal of Salt Lake Research, Vol.12 , No.4, 58-59 [2]Qinghao Meng, Xiaofeng Li and Zhiqiang Du, etc (2002)Synthesis and Characterization ... PTW increases quickly in the beginning and slows down gradually, and reaches constant at equilibrium It is because that in the beginning, PTW is fresh and the metallic ion contents are high,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

6 437 0
Voice over IP Benefits and Applications

Voice over IP Benefits and Applications

... download voice mail and respond electronically, and to forward voice mail to a group Such technology exists today and will soon be available and widely used through enterprise and service provider ... cost-effective voice network, and to increase bandwidth between sites Acme has two intercontinental T1 circuits connected to both London and Tokyo Multiplexers are used on these circuits to separate 12 ... can burst up to 56 K Raleigh and San Diego both have a 64 K CIR and can burst up to 128 K The IS department conducted a study and determined that both data and voice bandwidth needs were growing...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 05:20

15 436 0
Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

... configuration to NVRAM What command saves your running configuration to NVRAM? Step 1-3 Backup your running configuration to the TFTP server What command will back up your running ... your TFTP server What command backs up your IOS software image to your TFTP server? Refer to the Backing Up Software Images section of the Basic Router Operation Tutorial for the ... Refer to the Backing Up Router Configuration Files section of the Basic Router Operation Tutorial for the correct responses to the router questions Make sure you enter the IP...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

5 459 0
Understanding GPS   principles and applications 2nd kaplan2006

Understanding GPS principles and applications 2nd kaplan2006

... Government and Military Applications 12.9.1 Military User Equipment—Aviation, Shipboard, and Land 12.9.2 Autonomous Receivers—Smart Weapons 12.9.3 Space Applications 12.9.4 Other Government Applications ... examples of applications are presented next Further discussion on applications and market projections is contained in Chapter 12 1.9.1 Land The majority of GNSS users are land-based Applications ... Principles and Applications Second Edition Elliott D Kaplan Christopher J Hegarty Editors artechhouse.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Understanding GPS: principles and applications/ [editors],...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 15:59

724 352 2