monitoring project performance with earned value management

Project Portfolio Earned Value Management Using Treemaps pot

Project Portfolio Earned Value Management Using Treemaps pot

... performance based on past project performance and new information The analysis for computing Earned Value involves calculating three key values for each activity: • Earned Value (EV) is the value ... Proc of Project Management Institute research conference, July 2004, London ( Earned Value Sometimes Have you ever used Earned Value on your projects? Do you currently use Earned Value ... Experience with Earned Value Source: ICPMA Response to Standards Australia on: Draft Standard for Project Performance Measurement Using Earned Value V5.6, International Council for Project Management...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

13 428 0


... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission ... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission ... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

12 429 1


... công việc Chúng ta để MS Project tự tính toán, trường hợp này, Total Cost phương án hữu Nếu bạn nhập giá trị mà có chênh lệch với giá trị MS Project tự tính toán, MS Project tự coi Fixed Cost ... soạn & giảng: Lưu Trường Văn, M.Eng (AIT) Yêu cầu: Tính số SPI, CPI MS Project 2000  MS Project 2002 có hổ trợ trường  MS Project 2000 không hổ trợ trường này, phải tự thiết lập cách sau: Ví ... PHÂN TÍCH EAC, BAC, VAC  Bạn nên xem tài liệu “Phân tích Earned Value giảng khoá học “Bồi dưỡng kiến thức & kỹ Quản Lý Dự ÁnXây Dựng” Trung Tâm Bồi Dưỡng Kế...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 05:21

44 609 1
Bài tập củng cố MS project earned value 2000

Bài tập củng cố MS project earned value 2000

... More Tables ta chọn Earned Value, ấn Apply n vào nút “Apply” Quan sát hình ta thấy:  EAC (Estimate at Completion)= $1500: thể chi phí cuối để hoàn thành công việc Chúng ta để MS Project tự tính ... CV = BCWP – ACWP = $375 - $550 = -$175 41 Yêu cầu: Tính số SPI, CPI MS Project 2000  MS Project 2002 có hổ trợ trường  MS Project 2000 không hổ trợ trường này, phải tự thiết lập cách sau: Ví ... này, Total Cost phương án hữu Nếu bạn nhập giá trò mà có chênh lệch với giá trò MS Project tự tính toán, MS Project tự coi Fixed Cost Quan sát hình ta thấy:  BAC (Budget at Completion): thể...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2014, 18:30

45 721 0
Survey of project management officers Analysis of project performance information received, impact on decision making and project completion success or failure

Survey of project management officers Analysis of project performance information received, impact on decision making and project completion success or failure

... areas (e.g., project integration management, project scope management, project time management, project cost management, project quality management, project human resource management, project communications ... areas (e.g., project integration management, project scope management, project time management, project cost management, project quality management, project human resource management, project communications ... organizations such as project management offices, project management centers of excellence, project management methodologies or life cycles, project management websites, project performance enhancement...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 14:04

141 392 0
Theo dõi dự án phần nâng cao (EARNED VALUE METHOD USING MS PROJECT)

Theo dõi dự án phần nâng cao (EARNED VALUE METHOD USING MS PROJECT)

... ĐIỀU KHIỂN –KIỂM SOÁT DỰ ÁN: PHƯƠNG PHÁP GIÁ TRỊ ĐẠT ĐƯC (EARNED VALUE METHOD) Tác giả: TS Lương Đức Long Đại học Bách Khoa TPHCM Khoa Kỹ Thuật Xây Dựng ... TS LUONG DUC LONG 1.Giới thiệu : PHƯƠNG PHÁP GIÁ TRỊ ĐẠT ĐƯC ƒPhương pháp giá trò đạt (Earned Value methodEVM) dùng để đáng giá tổng thể hiệu thực dự án thời điểm xem xét ƒEVM thực thi việc ... Đánh giá tình trạng tổng thể dự án ƒChỉ số chi phí CPI (Cost Performance Index) = BCWP/ ACWSP>1 có lợi ƒChỉ số tiến độ SPI (Schedule Performance Index) = BCWP/ BCWS >1 có lợi ƒCũng có số tốt số...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 21:18

62 800 0
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical Symptoms Associated with Asystolic or Bradycardic Responses on Implantable Loop Recorder Monitoring in Patients with Recurrent Syncope"

Báo cáo y học: "Clinical Symptoms Associated with Asystolic or Bradycardic Responses on Implantable Loop Recorder Monitoring in Patients with Recurrent Syncope"

... involvement, frequently asymptomatic and self-limited, is present in almost 80% of patients with WNV infection associated with neurologic disease The unique pattern of multifocal chorioretinitis can help ... including ophthalmoscopy and FA in selected cases, should be part of the routine evaluation of patients with clinically suspected WNV infection References Hayes EB, Gubler DJ West Nile virus: epidemiology ... 2006;57:181-94 Khairallah M, Ben Yahia S, Ladjimi A, et al Chorioretinal involvement in patients with West Nile virus infection Ophthalmology 2004;111:2065-70 Garg S, Jampol LM Systemic and intraocular...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:17

2 477 0
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical Symptoms Associated with Asystolic or Bradycardic Responses on Implantable Loop Recorder Monitoring in Patients with Recurrent Syncope"

Báo cáo y học: "Clinical Symptoms Associated with Asystolic or Bradycardic Responses on Implantable Loop Recorder Monitoring in Patients with Recurrent Syncope"

... duration of monitoring with an ILR was months The baseline clinical characteristics of patients with asystolic or bradycardic responses during ILR monitoring (Group 1) are compared with those without ... 0.001 0.009 74 0 73 Group 1= Patients with asystolic or bradycardic response on ILR monitoring Group 2= Patients without asystolic or bradycardic response on ILR monitoring Symptoms (Table and Figure ... ILR monitoring Our study is unique as the clinical symptoms of the syncope in patients with bradyarrhythmic responses (the most common arrhythmia that has been reported during prolonged monitoring...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:17

5 647 0
Improving DataReader Performance with Typed Accessors

Improving DataReader Performance with Typed Accessors

... (dr["OrderID"] != DBNull .Value) orderId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["OrderID"]); if (dr["CustomerID"] != DBNull .Value) customerId = Convert.ToString(dr["CustomerID"]); if (dr["EmployeeID"] != DBNull .Value) employeeId ... DBNull .Value) orderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["OrderDate"]); if (dr["RequiredDate"] != DBNull .Value) requiredDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["RequiredDate"]); if (dr["ShippedDate"] != DBNull .Value) ... (dr["ShipVia"] != DBNull .Value) shipVia = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ShipVia"]); if (dr["Freight"] != DBNull .Value) freight = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Freight"]); if (dr["ShipName"] != DBNull .Value) shipName =...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 11:15

6 283 0
Tài liệu LoopStar® 745 and LoopStar® 745P Cost-Effective Ethernet Over DS3 Solutions With Carrier-Class Management Capabilities doc

Tài liệu LoopStar® 745 and LoopStar® 745P Cost-Effective Ethernet Over DS3 Solutions With Carrier-Class Management Capabilities doc

... tagging/switching/stacking Management • In-band management VLAN • Web-based management GUI • SNMP agent with standard MIBs • FTP client download • LoopStar 700 intelligent management Ethernet Services ... units can be managed in-band via a management VLAN or out-of-band via Ethernet The management suite’s remote management capability allows carriers to extend IP management visibility all the way ... LoopStar® 745P Cost-Effective Ethernet Over DS3 Solutions With Carrier-Class Management Capabilities LoopStar® 745 and LoopStar® 745 P Deliver Management and Service Intelligence to the Remote Customer...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

4 286 0
Tài liệu Improving DataReader Performance with Column Ordinals ppt

Tài liệu Improving DataReader Performance with Column Ordinals ppt

... ordinals can then be used to read data from the DataReader to improve performance without having to code absolute column ordinal values The GetName( ) method of the DataReader takes a column ordinal ... accessor with NULL "ShipRegion (non-specific): " + (dr.IsDBNull(co_ShipRegion) ? "null" : dr.GetString(co_ShipRegion)).ToString( ) + Environment.NewLine + // Provider-specific accessor with NULL...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

4 366 0
Tài liệu UltraWAVE R4S Scalable MSC with Integrated Value Added Services pptx

Tài liệu UltraWAVE R4S Scalable MSC with Integrated Value Added Services pptx

... easy integration with all-IP multimedia subsystems (IMS), while also allowing connection to legacy circuitswitched systems • Simplifies system management and billing and allows value added services ... UltraWAVE R4S Scalable MSC with Integrated Value Added Services Features Benefits The UltraWAVE R4S benefits are made possible through ... functions • Interoperates simultaneously with IP and Circuit-switched RAN • Enables smaller operators to stay abreast of technology and standards by aligning with the 3GPP-recommended migration path...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 11:20

4 305 0
Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 10:Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking pdf

Tài liệu Practical mod_perl-CHAPTER 10:Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking pdf

... segment unshared with parent process Process B’s memory segment unshared with parent process Parent process’ memory segment shared with Process A Parent process’ memory segment shared with Process ... therefore, different processes have different memory pages shared with the parent process 350 | Chapter 10: Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking This is the Title of the Book, ... benefit of sharing memory With memory sharing in place, you can run many more servers than without it In Chapter 11 we will devise a formula to calculate the optimum value for the MaxClients directive...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

34 422 0
Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

... Chapter 9: Monitoring and Performance Course 157: SQL Server 2008 Database Administration Presented by Scott Whigham p • Chapter Introduction • Tools for Monitoring • SQL Server Profiler Monitoring ... Collector p Chapter Introduction • Chapter is about performance and exception monitoring your server • We’ll start with the basics (using Profiler) and end with new features in SQL Server 2008 (Data Collector) ... Introduction • Tools for Monitoring • SQL Server Profiler Monitoring Overview What We’re Going to Cover • Understanding and Using the DMVs • PerfMon • Data Collector p Tools of Performance Monitoring • There...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

148 493 1


... Truong Van, M.Eng PHÂN TÍCH EARNED VALUE (t.t)    Phân tích Earned Value hệ thống đo lưỡng lư thực cụ thể quản lý dự án Earned Value giá trị công việc mà được hoàn thành Value - áp dụng vào tổng ... $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Prepared by Luu Truong Van, M.Eng PHÂN TÍCH EARNED VALUE A: Kế hoạch ngân sách Chi phí dự trù công việc theo kế hoạch (BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work ... trị công việc bị chậm trễ $726.000  Prepared by Luu Truong Van, M.Eng 10 ĐỒ THỊ HOÀN THÀNH EARNED VALUE Chi phí tích lũy Chi phí cuối bị vượt A B C Tiến độ bị vuợt Thời gian Prepared by Luu...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 05:20

14 243 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving Parsing and PP attachment Performance with Sense Information" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving Parsing and PP attachment Performance with Sense Information" doc

... pizza with anchovies, the PP with anchovies could attach either to the verb (c.f ate with anchovies) or to the noun (c.f pizza with anchovies), of which the noun is the correct attachment site With ... results are achieved with SFv , which was also the best configuration for parsing with Bikel The performance gain obtained here is larger than in parsing, which is in accordance with the findings of ... in a parsing context both with and without WordNet-based sense information, and found that the introduction of sense information either had no impact or degraded parse performance The only successful...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

9 524 0
Achieving Enterprise SAN Performance with the Brocade 48000 Director docx

Achieving Enterprise SAN Performance with the Brocade 48000 Director docx

... within a port group in addition to switching over the backplane On 16- and 32-port blades, Local Switching is performed within 16-port groups On 48-port blades, Local Switching is performed within ... ratio It is useful for extremely high -performance servers, supercomputing environments, high -performance shared storage subsystems, and FICON and SAN environments with unpredictable traffic patterns ... switches with similar performance characteristics to the Brocade 48000, it would require ten 40-port switches connected in a “fat-tree” fashion This network would require complex cabling, management...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 18:20

20 348 0
Phương pháp phân tích EARNED VALUE trong quản lý dự án

Phương pháp phân tích EARNED VALUE trong quản lý dự án

... thời gian Thời gian PHÂN TÍCH EARNED VALUE (t.t) Phân tích Earned Value hệ thống đo lưỡng thực cụ thể quản lý dự án q Earned Value giá trò công việc mà hoàn thành q Value - áp dụng vào tổng số ... $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PHÂN TÍCH EARNED VALUE A: Kế hoạch ngân sách Chi phí dự trù công việc theo kế hoạch (BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work ... án : muộn so với kế hoạch lập q Giá trò công việc bò chậm trễ $726.000 10 ĐỒ THỊ HOÀN THÀNH EARNED VALUE Chi phí tích lũy Chi phí cuối bò vượt A B C Tiến độ bò vït Thời gian 11 MỘT VÀI CHỈ SỐ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2014, 17:40

15 820 0
achieving extreme performance with oracle exadata elektronisk ressurs

achieving extreme performance with oracle exadata elektronisk ressurs

... Monitoring Monitoring with Metrics and Alerts Monitoring Active Requests Monitor Using the Oracle Database Monitoring ... Performance with Oracle Exadata by partners or was simply lacking Oracle Database 10 g Enterprise Edition was introduced in 2003 with Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and embedded cluster management ... Achieving Extreme Performance with Oracle Exadata 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 1 10 Actual sum of values: 140 10 30 10 Returned sum of values: 140 FIGURE 2-3 A consistent view of data with MVRC Flashback...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:05

433 402 0