modern urban air pollution

Tài liệu Urban air pollution and emergency room admissions for respiratory symptoms: a case- crossover study in Palermo, Italy pdf

Tài liệu Urban air pollution and emergency room admissions for respiratory symptoms: a case- crossover study in Palermo, Italy pdf

... associated with exposure to ambient air pollution. J Toxicol Environ Health A 2007, 70:227-242, Review. 4. D’Amato G, Cecchi L, D’Amato M, Liccardi G: Urban air pollution and climate change as environmental ... D: Acute symptoms related to air pollution in urban areas: a study protocol. BMC Public Health 2006, 6:218. 14. Villeneuve PJ, Chen L, Rowe BH, Coates F: Outdoor air pollution and emergency department ... Vitale 1 Abstract Background: Air pollution from vehicular traffic has been associated with respiratory diseases. In Palermo, the largest metropolitan area in Sicily, urban air pollution is mainly addressed...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

11 624 0
Tài liệu Urbanization and Urban Air Pollution pdf

Tài liệu Urbanization and Urban Air Pollution pdf

... the Caribbean High- income countries 1995 10 URBANIZATION AND URBAN AIR POLLUTION Is it possible to reduce air pollution without slowing economic growth? 59 still cause serious air pollution because they are ... 800 1000 Millions of urban residents Middle-income countries Low-income countries High-income countries 10 URBANIZATION AND URBAN AIR POLLUTION 57 indicators of the quality of the air that people ... rough indication of the urban contri- bution to GDP is the combined share of GDP produced in the industry and ser- Urbanization and Urban Air Pollution 1980 1995 Figure 10.1 Urban population, 1980...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

5 425 1


... age" % Stage 1 Air pollution concentration Stage 2 Start of industrial development Initiation of emissions control Stabilization of air quality Stage 3 Stage 4 Improvement of air quality High ... development High Development of air pollution problems in cities according to development status WHO Guideline or national standard Stage 0 %Figure 2: Relationship between air pollution problems in cities ... development. As a city experiences development, the air pollution problems in the city increase rapidly, before stabilizing and declining as air pollution controls are implemented (Peters &...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

51 501 0


... Estimates, Total Exposure as the Basis of Economic Valuation of Air Pollution in India, Indoor Air Pollution (in Health and Air Pollution in Rapidly Develop- ing Countries). East-West Center Working ... While urban air pollution continues to be a major risk in most parts of the world, very few studies and surveys have been conducted to systematically study public perceptions related to air pollution. ... public perceptions of air pollution and knowledge gaps are identified. The paper highlights unique characteristics of urban areas in developing countries in the context of air pollution related...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

32 381 0
Tài liệu Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States pptx

Tài liệu Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States pptx

... and pollution concentration data from across the coterminous United States demonstrates that urban trees remove large amounts of air pollution that consequently irnprove urban air quality. Pollution ... total annual air pollution removal by US urban trees estimated at 71 1,000 metric tons ($3.8 billion value). Pollution removal is only one of various ways that urban trees affect air quality. ... Nowak et al. / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 4 (2006) 115-123 Table 3. Air pollution removal and value for all urban trees provide a viable means to improve air quality and help...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

9 611 1
Combined household water treatment and indoor air  pollution projects in urban Mambanda, Cameroon and rural  Nyanza, Kenya  ppt

Combined household water treatment and indoor air  pollution projects in urban Mambanda, Cameroon and rural  Nyanza, Kenya  ppt

... EfficacytrialsofMMSincludingemission,household air pollution levelsandfuel efficiency,andpossiblealterationstoimproveperformanceandreduce air pollution.   EpidemiologicalstudiesforbothWGandMMSusers(withappropriatecontrol groups),asalongertermevaluationobjective.   KENYA Countrysituation Kenyaisacountryof38.8millionpeople,ofwhich68%areclassifiedas rural(WHO/UNICEF, 2010).Neonatalmortality(33/1000livebirths ... 32  2.4.2Improvedstoves:reductionofhouseholdsolidfuel air pollution Priorsituation Traditionally,three‐stone‐stoveswerethemostcommonlyusedinDouala.Theseconsisted ofthreestonessurroundingafuelsource,typicallywoodorsawdust.Althoughinexpensive, thestovescausedsubstantial air pollution andconsumefuelinefficiently.Inthe rainyseason, peopleusuallyhavetocookindoors,orincoveredareasbytheirhouse,exacerbating exposure.Sawdustandfirewoodwouldalsoincreaseinhumidityatthesetimes,releasing moresmoke.Therainyseasonalsocausesincreasedcharcoaluse,whichismoreexpensive, andrequiresadifferentstove.Gasstoveswere usedbysomeresidents(oftenslightly wealthier).Whilethesegaveoffnosmoke,theywerethemostexpensive,andthedesigns usedbymostinDoualapresentedconsiderabledangersofburning.Asummaryofthe advantagesanddisadvantagesofthevariousstovesisprovidedinTable2.3onthefollowing page. Table2.3Advantages/disadvantagesofproductsavailableandpromotedinprojectarea CostProduct Stove ... analysisoffactorsfordemand/uptake.Assessingreasonsforpurchasing/not purchasingone ormoreproducts.Thiscouldincludewillingness‐to‐pay, socioeconomicindicators,exposuretobehaviour‐changeactivities,technological benefits,healthbenefits,etc.  Exposureandhealth  measurementofhousehold air pollution andexposurewithstovesineverydayuse 14 project,however,thesestovesappeartobewell‐likedandwell‐used,andarereportedto savewood,reducesmokeandtheconsequentirritation,cough,headaches,etc.,aswellas thelevelofsootinthekitchen.Womenhavere‐organisedtheirkitchensinresponsetothis, bringingpotsandother utensilsmuchclosertothestove.Thereasonsforthisinconsistency betweenfieldexperience(reportedreductionsinsmokeandirritation)andtestfindings(for PM 2.5 )arenotclear,asreductionsinambientkitchenPM 2.5 ofsomewherearound40‐50%(at least)mightbeexpectedgiventhereportedimprovementsinthekitchenenvironment.The projectteamusedanestablishedprotocolandequipmentformakingthemeasurements.  Informationonthenumbersofstovesadoptedineachcommunity,andhencelevel(%)of uptake,wasnotreported acrossthestudyareaoravailabletous(althoughthesedatashould beavailabletotheproject).Itisthereforenotpossibletocommentonwhetheradoptionhas metthetargetsetintheprojectobjectives.Whileeffectivenessofthestovesremainsopen toquestionandwillbefurtherassessed oncethenewmeasurementresultsareavailable, themodelofpromotionandsaleofacook‐stoveproductthatiswell‐likedandusedisan importantachievementandofvalueforthefutureoftheproject.  Synergies TheapproachofcombiningthepromotionanddeliveryofHWTSandHHE productsmetwith acrosstheboardpositiveresponses.Itappearsmorecost‐effectivethanifthesame productswerepromotedthroughseparateprogrammes.Combineddeliverymayalso achievehighercompliance,butthisdoesneedfurtheranalysis.Therewerenosubstantive concernswithanyofthecriteriaidentifiedfromthebackgroundreview paper.  Impactonhealthoutcomes Analysisoftheresultsoftheimpactsoftheinterventionsondiarrhoeaandpneumonia incidenceisawaited.Itcanbeexpectedthatthereportedlevelofcompliancewithwater treatmentwouldhavesomeimpactondiarrhoea,particularlywherethehigherlevelshave beenreached.On theotherhand,theverymodestreductioninPM 2.5 levelsrecordedforthe Upesistovewouldnot(ifconfirmed)beexpectedtoleadtosubstantialreductionsinriskof pneumonia.  Sustainabilityandscalingup Withrespecttothetwolinkedissuesofsustainabilityandscaling‐uptheoutcomeofthe evaluationalsoispositive,althoughbothdependtosome degreeatleastontheexistence andmodusoperandiofSWAP.Thevendorsspokentosaidthattheywerecommittedto continuingtheirwork,evenifSWAPceasedoperations,butonlyiftheycouldstillobtainthe products.FromtheperspectiveoftheSWAPmanagement,thevendorsarestilldependent on SWAP’ssupportwithtraining,followupvisits,supplyofproducts,motivatingthemwith incentivesandsoon.SWAPitselfisalsostilldonordependent,andhasrecentlydevelopeda businessplantoraiseitsownincome.However,giventhefactthatSWAPoperatesasimilar methodologyacrossitswholearea ofoperationsfordeliveringthewatertreatment,ITNs andother(original)setofproducts,itdoesseemreasonabletoassumethatdeliveryofthese plusthestoveswouldalsobepossibleacrossthismuchlargerarea.  Todate,scalingupoftheimprovedstovesacrossthiswiderareahasbeen veryslow,dueto theneedtoscaleupproduction,andalsofortrainingofinstallers.Considerationalsoneeds ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

80 361 0
Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport doc

Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport doc

... efforts to reduce urban air pollution. Chapter 2 discusses the impacts of the principal urban air pollutants, and how to assess the contribution of transport to poor urban air quality. It concludes ... varies 1 Emissions in harbors, inland waterways, and airports can have a marked impact on urban air pollution. xxii REDUCING AIR POLLUTION FROM URBAN TRANSPORT and serviced, if cheaper but lower-quality ... Approach to Controlling Urban Air Pollution from Mobile Sources To assess the seriousness of transport-related air pol- lution and enable informed decisionmaking to com- bat air pollution, it is useful...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

194 373 0
Air Pollution Prevention Through Urban Heat Island Mitigation: An Update on the Urban Heat Island Pilot Project ppt

Air Pollution Prevention Through Urban Heat Island Mitigation: An Update on the Urban Heat Island Pilot Project ppt

... Ozone Air Quality in the South Coast Air Basin." Atmospheric Environment 31: 1667-1676. Taha, H. and A. Meier. 1997. "Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands: Meteorology, Energy, and Air Quality Impacts." ... on current energy use and air quality. As the next step, UHIPP seeks to determine what the potential is for each of the cities to reduce air temperature and related air pollution through the widespread ... variable to examine is air temperature. This variable is critical in identifying urban heat islands (if any) and assessing the energy- use and air- quality benefits of urban heat island mitigation...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

10 652 1
The “advantage of latecomer” in abating air-pollution: the East Asian experience

The “advantage of latecomer” in abating air-pollution: the East Asian experience

... Air pollution (Ô nhiễm không khí) Environmental management (Sự quản lý môi trường) “Advantage of late comer” (Li th ca ngi đi sau) EKC and Air pollution Kinh nghiệm ... mô hình nghiên cứu của đề tài * Mô hình lý thuyết: Air pollution (Ô nhiễm không khí) Environmental management (Sự quản lý môi trường) “Advantage ... CHÍ MINH KHOA ĐÀO TẠO SAU ĐẠI HỌC ĐỀ TÀI The “advantage of latecomer” in abating air- pollution: the East Asian experience Môn: Phương pháp nghiên cứu Khoa học Lớp: K20...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 21:59

15 517 0


... examples of air pollution in nature? - burn garbage × B. QUESTIONS - What does clean air provide us with? - (Clean air provides us with) a healthy supply of oxygen. 1. What / clean air / provide ... and decide what we should do (Ì) and what we shouldn’t do (×) to reduce air pollution: 3. What / some examples / air pollution/ nature? - They are dust storms, volcanic eruptions, forest ... the only sources of air pollution in cities? - No, they aren’t. Some other sources are industry, and home heating. 4. automobiles/ garbage disposal/ only/ sources / air pollution / cities? ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 11:10

41 404 2
Management of air pollution

Management of air pollution

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:20

111 380 1

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