models for the semantic classification of noun phrases

Báo cáo toán học: "Conjectured Combinatorial Models for the Hilbert Series of Generalized Diagonal Harmonics Modules" docx

Báo cáo toán học: "Conjectured Combinatorial Models for the Hilbert Series of Generalized Diagonal Harmonics Modules" docx

... a  (c), is the number of cells strictly left of c in the diagram of λ. (3) The leg of c, denoted l(c), is the number of cells strictly below c in the diagram of λ. (4) The coleg of c, denoted ... summation formula for their generating function and giving bijective proofs of the equivalence of different pairs of statistics. As before, these bijections imply that all the new statistics have the ... diagram of λ. For example, the transpose of the partition in Figure 1 is λ  =(7, 6, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1). Definition 2. Let λ be a partition of N.Letc be one of the N cells in the diagram of λ. the

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:20

64 275 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Cumulative t-link threshold models for the genetic analysis of calving ease scores" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Cumulative t-link threshold models for the genetic analysis of calving ease scores" pptx

... densities or products thereof may be specified for the prior density p(ϕ) on ϕ, depending, again, on the number of sets of random effects and whether there are any covariances thereof [21]. Finally, ... hierarchical models. The DIC is based on the posterior distribution of the deviance statistic, which is −2 times the sampling distribution of the data as specified in the first stage of a hierarchical ... al. The generation of individual elements θ j , j = 1, 2, . . . , p +q or blocks thereof of θ from their respective FCD is straightforward using the strategy presented by Wang et al. [48]. The

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

24 263 0
Báo cáo y học: "Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective using focus group" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective using focus group" pdf

... experience of patients. The current version of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for RA includes 76 categories at the 2nd, 8 categories at the 3rd, and 12 categories at the 4th level of the classification. ... of the treatment (one could even say inde- pendent of 'fashionable treatment'). On the other hand, the intake of medication and the suffering of side effects belong to the reality of ... example, introduction, procedure of the ses- sion, technical aspects). At the beginning of each focus group, the procedure of the session was explained, and the concept of the ICF was presented in lay

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22

14 433 0
Báo cáo y học: "Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for chronic widespread pain from the perspective of fibromyalgia patient" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for chronic widespread pain from the perspective of fibromyalgia patient" potx

... spectrum of functioning of patients with CWP. The objective of the study was to add evidence to the validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for CWP from the patient perspective. The specific ... text and 15% of the identified concepts (of the first health professional) by a second health professional. The degree of agreement between the two health professionals regarding the linked ICF ... ities of pain were therefore linked to the ICF category sensa- tion of pain (b280). Saturation of data Regarding the ICF categories of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for CWP, saturation of data

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20

12 574 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "On the relevance of three genetic models for the description of genetic variance in small populations undergoing selection" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: "On the relevance of three genetic models for the description of genetic variance in small populations undergoing selection" docx

... analytical models of Verrier et al. [14] and Chevalet [3] will then be described, each corresponding to a different choice of hypotheses for the algebraic formalization of the ... genome. The genetic models underlying the Monte-Carlo simulations and the two analytical models are presented first. The predictions provided by the three models will then ... discrepancy between the deterministic models and the FFM are identified, notably the hypothesis of independence between loci, and then the infinite number of loci or alleles

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

12 279 0
Báo cáo y học: " The utilization of humanized mouse models for the study of human retroviral infections" docx

Báo cáo y học: " The utilization of humanized mouse models for the study of human retroviral infections" docx

... model. Here, we focus on the development of each of these models for the study of human retroviral infection, i.e., with HIV-1 and HTLV-1. The comparison of all of these models in historical context, ... humanized mouse models An inherent problem associated with the engraftment of any foreign tissue into another host is the risk of incom- patibility, either rejection of the graft by the host or graft ... noteworthy events of humanized mouse model system development over the past 30 years. The bottom half of the timeline denotes the emer- gence of key humanized mouse models. The top half of the timeline

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22

18 313 0
reflections on the application of noun phrases in english vietnamese translation

reflections on the application of noun phrases in english vietnamese translation

... WTC and the Pentagon on the 11th of September are clear striking proofs of the heavy failure in the US Defense Network a The attacks of terrorists on the WTC and the Pentagon on the 11th of September ... to check the comprehension of noun phrases and how the knowledge of noun phrases is applied in the performance, especially in terms of translation Thanks to the result... ... helps translators The study is aimed at finding out whether there is a correlation between the comprehension of English noun phrases and the translation performance In other words, the study will

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 18:33

58 748 4
An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features of verb phrases expressing victory and defeat in tennis commentaries in english and vietnamese

An investigation into the syntactic and semantic features of verb phrases expressing victory and defeat in tennis commentaries in english and vietnamese

... subject, the role which is most relevant to the success of the activity Analytic constructions relate the subject of complement clause to impedance of the success of the activity In the lexical ... verb phrases have a variety of from In view of Clause as Exchange, there are two parts in the 22 sentences: the Mood and the Residue The Mood consists of Subject and Finite The Residue consists of ... have the Mood and the Residue The Mood consists of two parts: the Subject ―Verdasco‖ and the Finite ―has‖ The Residue consists of functional elements of two kinds: Predicator ―won‖ and Adjunct ―the

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 20:14

27 726 1
PD 4763:2012 Classification rules for the enduse application of test results arising from BS 4763, “Classification and method of test for external fire exposure of roofs”

PD 4763:2012 Classification rules for the enduse application of test results arising from BS 4763, “Classification and method of test for external fire exposure of roofs”

... suction to the lower side of the roof specimen during the test However, in the spread of flame test, the intensity of variation varies over the exposed surface of the roof specimen The distance ... fire performance 3.9 roof covering element(s) of a roofing system subject to classification 3.10 roof pitch inclination of the roof surface to the horizontal NOTE In the case of a roof comprising ... the directional effect of this profile layer Pitch of roofing system One of the most important end-use application parameters for the fire performance is the roof pitch In BS 476-3 testing, the

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2017, 09:36

28 202 0
A study on the translation of noun phrases in the weather forecasts from english into vietnamese

A study on the translation of noun phrases in the weather forecasts from english into vietnamese

... Through the chapter two - A sample of the translation of noun phrases in the weather forecasts from English into Vietnamese, I would like to give some suggestions including the procedures of translation ... translate English noun phrases in weather forecasts into Vietnamese The most challenging thing when translating the English noun phrases in weather forecasts intoVietnamese is the accuracy In general, ... another important step is to put the words and phrases in the source language in the situation that the writer intend to provide the readership 3.2 The translation of basic and complex noun phrases

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2017, 09:07

66 699 2
A study on structural features of noun phrases in “pride and prejudice” by jane austen in reference to equivalents in the vietnamese translation version

A study on structural features of noun phrases in “pride and prejudice” by jane austen in reference to equivalents in the vietnamese translation version

... explore the use of noun phrases in the novel and also an analysis of their Vietnamese equivalents in the Vietnamese translation version to examine the way to express the equivalents of noun phrases ... debating It would, therefore, account for the fact that the data would be 100 noun phrases scattered in the novel 1.6 Significance of the study The study hopes to provide an insight of the so-call popular ... phenomenon – Noun phrases in the novel that have over-one-hundred-year existence and numerous keen readers, therefore, contributing to the theories of semantic features of noun phrases in general The

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2019, 23:57

66 365 0
Elucidating adolescent aspirational models for the design of public mental health interventions: A mixed-method study in rural Nepal

Elucidating adolescent aspirational models for the design of public mental health interventions: A mixed-method study in rural Nepal

... list of author information is available at the end of the article [1] Aspirational models are sets of preferences for an idealized self, towards which an adolescent strives, and they are often the ... separate sheets of poster paper, and index cards were developed for the 74 sub-themes For each theme, the participant was given the set of corresponding index cards and was asked to rank the items ... emotions/thoughts—7 sub-themes Coping mechanisms—9 sub-themes Causes of violence—9 sub-themes Causes of alcoholism—7 sub-themes 10 Causes of suicide—9 sub-themes In accordance with recommendations for transparency

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 20:31

13 42 0
Summary of technical doctoral thesis: Research on the selection of models for mineral resource assessment of lode gold deposits at Phuoc Son – Quang Nam

Summary of technical doctoral thesis: Research on the selection of models for mineral resource assessment of lode gold deposits at Phuoc Son – Quang Nam

... Association of Koliada A A et al (1990); A group of northern forms of Bui The Vinh Hoi et al (2011); To the south is the newspaper group Dak Glei - Do Kham Duc Van Chi et al (1997) The search for the ... with the strike of ore body, direction 10-1900 is of 70m, the secondary axis nearly coincides with the pitch of the ore body, d irection 280-1000 is of 50m, the short axis coincides with the thickness ... feature is the scientific foundation for network exploration using squares and equilateral triangles, rhombus - The results of the study with the help of software Surpac Vietnam confirmed the superiority

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 03:22

27 18 0
Gut Wall Metabolism. Application of Pre-Clinical Models for the Prediction of Human Drug Absorption and First-Pass Elimination

Gut Wall Metabolism. Application of Pre-Clinical Models for the Prediction of Human Drug Absorption and First-Pass Elimination

... the established models used for the liver (22,23,28,29) This is due in part to the heterogeneous expression of enzymes along the GI tract and the fact that in vitro techniques for isolating the ... highlights the importance of considering species differences in gut wall metabolism for the prediction of human Foral and dose With the benefit of hindsight, a closer inspection of the rat and ... from translation of the PK/PD efficacy relationship built in the anaesthetised dog anti-thrombotic model Taken together, they informed the human dose prediction used as part of the clinical investment

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 11:45

16 30 0
The equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

The equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

... ranks and the collection of noun phrases in the chapter II of the book “Fire and Fury” was taken to get the data for the study ? ?The equivalence of English and Vietnamese Translation of Noun Phrases ... between the two versions are the principal elements for the assessment of the equivalents of the collected noun phrases in the translation The contrastive analysis was implemented at the level of ... have the reasonable methods for their task That is the reason why the concept translation equivalence is one of the key words in my thesis Due to the length of the thesis, it is impossible for the

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2020, 14:23

77 89 0
A study on the translation of noun phrases in business contract from english into vietnamese  the case of joint venture agreement

A study on the translation of noun phrases in business contract from english into vietnamese the case of joint venture agreement

... 2.2.4 The order when translating noun phrases 27 2.3 Difficulties arising in the translation of noun phrases in business contract 28 2.4 Suggestion to overcome the difficulties in the translation ... CHAPTER II: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT FROM ENGLISH INTO VIETNAMESE 21 2.1 The translation of noun phrases in joint venture agreement ... encouragement and precious assistance throughout the process of writing the thesis Their material and spiritual support are the great driving-force for me Finally, I am greatly indebted to my parents,

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2020, 12:38

74 67 0
Establishment of multifactor predictive models for the occurrence and progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

Establishment of multifactor predictive models for the occurrence and progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

... Page of 14 Fig the weight of factors in model12 the ROC curve of model12 of estrogen promotes the transcription and integration of HPV and the degradation of the host cell P53 protein, thereby ... needed to uncover the mechanism For the random forest model of CIN occurrence, the accuracy rate and AUC value of model 12 are the largest, and the OOB error value is the smallest Therefore, model ... The genes at the core of the network were selected, and the signaling pathways associated with these genes were further explored in the KEGG database to find other genes in the same pathway The

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 08:17

14 19 0
The use of sino vietnamese in the translation of noun phrases in harry potter book series

The use of sino vietnamese in the translation of noun phrases in harry potter book series

... candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these ... aware of these limitations, most of the findings are considered initial findings, offering the opportunities for further research in the future to validate them 5.6 Recommendations for further ... through the way she counts on the content of the original version to find out the best equivalents for those words Using SV is one of the special ways of Ly Lan that achieves values of both Since the

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 09:43

62 84 1
Development of predictive models for the coalescence of fused deposition modeling fibers

Development of predictive models for the coalescence of fused deposition modeling fibers

... DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR THE COALESCENCE OF FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING FIBERS A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri-Columbia ... Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by QUAN HONG NGUYEN Dr A Sherif El-Gizawy, Thesis Supervisor DECEMBER 2017 The undersigned, appointed by the dean of the Graduate ... eta_1=eta_r*exp(-0.01*(T(j-1)-T_r)); theta_1=theta(j/2); k1=(gamma/(3*ao*eta_1*sqrt(3.14)))*((3.14-theta_1)*cos(theta_1)+ sin(theta_1))*((3.14theta_1+sin(theta_1)*(cos(theta_1)))^(1/2))/ (((3.14-theta_1)^2)*((sin(theta_1))^2));

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2021, 09:13

69 5 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the equivalence of english and vietnamese translation of noun phrases in the book fire and fury by michael wolff

... ranks and the collection of noun phrases in the chapter II of the book “Fire and Fury” was taken to get the data for the study ? ?The equivalence of English and Vietnamese Translation of Noun Phrases ... between the two versions are the principal elements for the assessment of the equivalents of the collected noun phrases in the translation The contrastive analysis was implemented at the level of ... have the reasonable methods for their task That is the reason why the concept translation equivalence is one of the key words in my thesis Due to the length of the thesis, it is impossible for the

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 09:58

77 1 0