... Mobile apps make good business sense LINE ã $338 Million revenue in 2013 ã $143 Million revenue in ẳ 2014 (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Why Mobile App? • Mobile apps make good business sense – LINE • $338 Million revenue in 2013 ... • Why mobile app? Cost of Development? Mobile Dev is Difficult or not? Mobile Dev Processes Notes Third-Party Frameworks (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Why Mobile App? • Mobile apps make good business sense ... Why Mobile App? • Mobile apps make good business sense – SuperCell • $3 Billion company • $892 Million revenue in 2013 (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Why Mobile App? ã Mobile apps make good business sense
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2016, 19:00
... MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Lecturer: MSc Hoang Anh Viet CS 2015-2016 MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 03- MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES ... (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 PrioriCzing MobilizaCon OpportuniCes Project PrioriCzaCon Matrix (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Stage 1: Discovery Gathering mobile app requirement and draw a rough feature list 1. A brief of what exactly app will do ... Did they bring any new insights to the concept? Is the payment plan flexible? When would you like to tentaCvely launch the app? (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Stage 3: Scope of Work Finalizing what needs to be developed and when
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2016, 19:00
... FIGURE 2-1: The increase in the number of mobile Internet users (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 1.1 Mobile Web FIGURE 2-1: The increase in the number of mobile Internet users (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 1.1 Mobile Web FIGURE 2-1: The increase in the number of mobile Internet users ... (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 Mobile Web (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 1.1 Mobile Web FIGURE 2-1: The increase in the number of mobile Internet users (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 1.1 Mobile Web FIGURE 2-1: The increase in the number of mobile Internet users ... Most users are not using a search engine to find apps for their mobile devices; they are using the built -in search tools within the installed market tool (c) Hoang Anh Viet 2016 2.3 Benefits of a Mobile App
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2016, 19:07
... Cordova for Windows Setting up the platform dependencies Installing Java Setting up Android Studio for Android, Mac, and Windows Setting up the Android Software Development Kit 10 Setting up your ... device for development 11 Enabling Developer options 11 Enabling USB debugging 12 Trusting a computer with installed IDE using secure USB debugging (devices with Android 4.4.2) 12 Setting up the ... Alex (Shurf) Frenkel has been working in the field of web application development since 1998 (the beginning of PHP 3.x) He has an extensive experience in system analysis and project management
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2017, 13:48
... manufacturing sector Over the years, he has worked with companies ranging in size from startups to Fortune 500 across a diverse set of industries including manufacturing, entertainment, financial ... computing, Mark has returned to what he loves the most, designing, developing, and delivering software solutions, now focusing in the mobile computing space He continues his private consulting ... Creating a Data Storage Mechanism Creating the Point of Interest entity class Creating the POI storage interface Implementing the POI storage services Using Xamarin.Android NUnitLite Setting up
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2019, 15:34
xamarin mobile application development for android panigrahy 2015 09 30 Lập trình android
... application icon, verifying 249 application name, verifying 249 application versioning scheme, verifying 250 debug mode, disabling 244 linking options, configuring 244, 245 linking, side effects 246 ... experience in creating his own business, developing mobile applications for IOS, Android, and Windows Phone He also has experience in game development, directing a broad range of corporate IT initiatives, ... layouts, ListView widget ActivityListItem 76 SimpleListItem1 76 SimpleListItem2 76 TwoLineListItem 76 delete action adding 123 adding, in POIService 125 disabling 124 delete confirmation prompt adding
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2020, 16:35
(Mẫu powerpoint) mobile application development playful
... consectetur adipiscing elit 11 THANK YOU Empowering Talent In Emerging Markets Unlike traditional outsourcing, we want to provide extraordinary value to our customers by investing our profits into the ... profits into the design talent in Indonesia Whether it’s by educating our employees with our in house academy or by simply providing an incredible work environment with in- house gym, full health care, ... social activities, we’re fully committed to empowering talents in emerging markets We’re leaders In redefining the traditional approach of outsourcing
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2022, 07:54
Professional mobile application development part 2 jeff mcwherter, scott gowell
... building blocks of iPhone and iPad application development, including new features such as iCloud Programming, Twitter integration, importing and exporting documents from within your iOS applications, ... building blocks of iPhone and iPad application development, including new features such as iCloud Programming, Twitter integration, importing and exporting documents from within your iOS applications, ... consecutive monthly billing cycles Safari Library is not available in all countries badvert.indd 28/07/12 5:42 PM Related Wrox Books Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud ISBN: 978-1-118-03469-9
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2023, 23:53
... business—such as managing infrastructure patching servers enables your developers to spend more time innovating— Managing servers, storage, networking, and operating systems is time writing ... consume in the application, backend teams data updates from any event source to subscribed web, mobile, and Internet play an important role in accelerating web and mobile development of Things ... code in their into your application and integrate deeply with popular frontend frameworks, preferred programming language languages, and mobile platforms Additionally, the Amplify command line interface
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2024, 19:26
Application of GIS in urban development plan, West Bengal, India GIS
... crucial planning input for infrastructure planning, land use planning, environmental planning, slum development planning, local economic development, livelihood support and planning related to ... meaningful platform for participatory planning process The usefulness for slum development in urban areas and in disaster management the use of GIS in the planning process in West Bengal, India ... GIS in urban development plan, West Bengal, India Abstract In the last two decades India have witnessed high population growth in the urban areas Urban centers are the hub of the manufacturing,
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2016, 20:21
application of pra tools in village development planning and commune development planning ( vdp và cdp)
... community in this process, the Training courses were organized in all of 8 pilot communes. The method of training is mainly learning by doing the practical exercise . The trainees of each training ... are Province representatives , District staff, commune staff and informants at village level. Training material used in the course includes 2 kinds: (i) Detailed PRA material including all ... PRA and introduced it to readers widely. In mid 1980s there were many experiences to find out by applying in many regions in the world. There was an international workshop in Sep. 1985 in Khon
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 23:30
báo cáo sinh học:" Empowering the people: Development of an HIV peer education model for low literacy rural communities in India" pdf
... rural Indian men: implications for HIV interventions AIDS 2004, 18:1845-1847 Census of India, 2001 [ .in] Chatterjee P: Saving India' s women from HIV/AIDS Lancet Infect ... 26 27 29 30 Singh YN, Malaviya AN: Long distance truck drivers in India: HIV infection and their possible role in disseminating HIV into rural areas Int J STD AIDS 1994, 5:137-138 India: HIV/AIDS ... the training with post-test scores of ≥ 85%, and 20 were appointed as PEPP Outreach Workers (OW) A supplemental three days of training on counselling was given in June 2005 (ii) Training of women's
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
How to Make a Mobile Application in HTML5: Short Guide
... so companies can also expect to pay less for them). The good news for HTML5 developers skilled in writing mobile apps is that they should be at the front of the line for the most interesting ... selling apps has become a very big business. Apple’s App Store holds over 400 million customer accounts, including credit card information, making it the largest transactional site on the Internet ... specically for a particular mobile operat- ing system (iOS, Android, etc.) using the program- ming language, libraries and other tools supporting that OS. Those tools include APIs that apps can
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 11:52
Advance servo control for hard disk drive in mobile application
... both track-seeking and following, such... challenge for the seeking/settling controller is the residual vibrations induced in the transition switching from seeking to track-following [36] [37] ... servo control issues in HDDs which includes seeking, tracking, and settling. Meanwhile, it addresses some important issues regarding to the HDDs in consumer electronics applications, such as ... problem in seeking, smooth settling problem in dual-stage servo control, and tracking accuracy problem in the existence of significant vibrations. To reduce the seeking noise for HDDs in consumer
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 21:16
Training and development technical workers in hanoi garment and textiles companies
... in HN G&T companies Improving quality of trainers: train the trainers the followings contents:... vocational training the simple jobs like sewing, product finishing Training program includes ... implementing training for trainers Fifly, investing in infrastructure and facilities 4.2 Solutions to improve technical worker T&D in HN G&T companies 4.2.1 Improving training need identification in ... HN G&T companies themselves Being afraid of losing trained workers, wasting time, efforts and cost, firms tend not to invest in intensive worker training or only to train Worker training includes:
Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2016, 01:14
sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)
... to them in HTML 4 have been given semantic meanings in HTML5, including: ptg999 xviii Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours About the Author Jennifer Kyrnin has ... Converting Apps to Work Offline 341 The Cache Manifest 343 Using DOM Events and Properties for Offline Apps 347 Debugging the Application Cache 351 x Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development ... Mobile Web Application Development with HTML5 1 Understanding How We Got to HTML5 1 Learning What’s Different with HTML5 3 Defining Web Applications 4 Using the Open Web Standard 4 Using HTML5...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:01
Development of Biotechnology in India
... the Ministry of S&T’s continued interest in the development of biotechnology in India can be assessed (Table 1) [2, 3]. Development of Biotechnology in India 93 Table 1. Major sectors of investment ... gains in biotechnology in India. The education and training programs have been well laid, intelligent scientific work-force being avail- able, fairly good infrastructures are in place and industry ... these areas, a major initiative involving 13 collaborating institutions was launched on bioprospecting in 1997. Characterizing, inventorying, conserving biodiversity, and prospecting of different ecogeographical...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 02:20
... investments to sustain or improve the recreational services provided by the park, such as walking and picnicking. No , Yes A monthly increase in the municipal tax Payment vehicle in Indian ... India May 2010 THE VALUE OF IMPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES: AN APPLICATION OF THE CHOICE EXPERIMENT METHOD TO ESTIMATE THE VALUE OF IMPROVED WASTEWATER TREATMENT INFRASTRUCTURE IN INDIA WORKING ... Services: An Application of the Choice Experiment Method to Estimate the Value of Improved Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure in India Ekin Birol International Food Policy Research Institute,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20
The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile ppt
... turbo encoding/decoding; † Interleaving/de-interleaving: there can be two levels of interleaving before and after channel multiplexing; † Rate matching/de-matching; † Multiplexing/de-multiplexing; and, † ... and 3G) terminal, one can consider the ‘‘ Velcro’’ solution consisting of assembling two single mode terminals in the same case, with minimal hooks needed to allow inter-system monitoring. This ... chain of transfers autonomously. Such DMA engines are ideal for transferring data in and out of LCC units with minimal DSP intervention. This reduces or even eliminates DSP overhead in performing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20
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