... Al and Ca-Mg deficiency was recorded Table I presents K, Ca and Mg concentrations in the abaxial epiderm and in both parenchyma Ca-Mg depletion in the nutrient solution resulted in lower Ca and ... No interaction between excess Al and a deficiency in Ca and Mg was observed on K, Ca and Mg concentrations for the different leaf cells 3.2 Stomatal response and K fluxes under darkness or irradiance ... difference in absolute K contents, Kgd/Kep and gw were similar for +Al and –CaMg plants The seedlings submitted to combined Al stress and a deficiency in Ca and Mg were characterized by high gw in...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22
... between MND and other paraproteins, including IgG, IgA, M proteins, Bence-Jones proteins, and polyclonal gammopathies Rowland et al [9] reported a patient with an IgMM protein and ALS and reviewed ... Rison and Beydoun Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:298 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/4/1/298 hyperparathyroidism), and an ultrasound study of the thyroid and parathyroid glands ... controls along elevated PTH levels and ionized calcium Whitaker et al [24] reported a patient thought to have lower MND and found to have vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:21
Báo cáo y học: "Predicting iron and folate deficiency anaemias from standard blood testing: the mechanism and implications for clinical medicine and public health in developing countries" ppt
... folate deficiency From Day 40 onwards, the folate deficiency has been corrected and haemopoiesis returns to the normal mode During this short period of folate deficiency, the Hb drops and the ... Changes1in Hb and RDW-CV% with iron deficiency Changes in Hb and RDW-CV% with iron deficiency RDW-CV% indicated by -+Hb indicated by -x- This method cannot distinguish between folate and Vitamin ... iron and folate levels are both low but iron is limiting nutrient, then the RBC will be small and hypochromic, with a low MCV and Hb and a high RDWCV% If iron is given to correct the iron deficiency, ...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
Fabrication and characteristics of high k MIM capacitors for high precision applications
... Kcal/mol), and large band gap (5.7 eV) [2.22] The excellent 17 Chapter 2: Literature and Technology Review thermal stability and high band gap make it a promising candidate for high-κ dielectric MIM ... of PVD SiO2 MIM capacitors with (a) 10 nm and (b) 69 nm sputtered SiO2 PTN shows improvement on both quadratic VCC and linear VCC Fig 4.4 Normalized C-V curves of Sm2O3/PVD SiO2 MIM capacitors ... of both SiO2 and Sm2O3 Fig 4.8 TEM image of Sm2O3/PECVD SiO2 MIM capacitor Fig 4.9 EOT versus SiO2 thickness of Sm2O3/SiO2 MIM capacitors with the 80 Sm2O3 thickness at 6, 7.5, 8.5 and 10 nm, respectively...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:24
High k dielectric MIM capacitors for silicon RF and analog applications
... advances in wired and wireless communication trigger demands for high quality passive devices for radio frequency (RF) and mixed signal applications, and Chapter Introduction of High-κ MIM Technology ... ppm/V2 and 13 ppm/V) for fF/µm2 Ta2O5 MIM capacitor when compared to TaOxNy, HfO2, Al2O3 and Ta2O5/Al2O3 stacks MIM capacitors in their work [38] However, the electrical properties of those Ta2O5 MIM ... Introduction of High-κ MIM Technology 1.2.4 Challenges and unsolved problems Though the implementation of MIM structure and high-κ dielectrics appears to be straightforward, putting high-κ MIM capacitors...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11
Luôn mỉm cười với cuộc sống Cuộc sống là một món quà
... Bước từ đau khổ ta mạnh mẽ bước vào – Alexandre Dumas, Nhà văn Pháp 1802 – 1870 Cuộc sống quà Hôm trước bạn nghĩ việc nói lời không tử tế ... vườn truyện thần tiên có hai rồng canh gác hai cổng người ta phải đánh thắng chúng vào được.” -Alexandre Dumas, Nhà văn Pháp 1802-1870 Hãy nhớ rằng… Cuộc sống không đo thở ; mà khoảnh khắc làm nín...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2012, 15:36
Báo cáo y học: "Identification of clinical and simple laboratory variables predicting responsible gastrointestinal lesions in patients with iron deficiency anemia"
... 0.01), and lower mean corpuscular volume (p < 0.002) The standard diagnostic procedure for men and postmenopausal women with iron deficiency is to investigate gastrointestinal tract (upper and lower) ... criteria and were enrolled Their mean age was 43.3 (19-81) years 71 were patient aged under 50 and 20 were over 50 years 77 were female and 14 were male Sixty-six of women were pre-menopausal and ... among men and postmenopausal women is to rule out gastrointestinal tract pathology and a nutritional cause [17-18, 21-23] In pre-menopausal women, iron deficiency anemia is common and menstrual...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18
Quảng cáo là sáng tạo khi nó làm cho bạn… mỉm cười
... (đơn giản), M - memorable (dễ nhớ), I - interesting (gây ý - có ngầm hiểu), L - linked to the brand (gắn kết tốt với nhãn), E emotional (gây xúc cảm thú vị) Tại nên quảng cáo sáng tạo • Một sai ... (đơn giản), M - memorable (dễ nhớ), I - interesting (gây ý - có ngầm hiểu), L - linked to the brand (gắn kết tốt với nhãn), E - emotional (gây xúc cảm thú vị) • Quảng cáo sáng tạo - dễ nhớ giải...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2013, 16:37
Tài liệu Tập viết - Tiết 14 - đỏ thắm,mầm non, chôm chôm, trẻ em, ghế đệm, mũm mĩm docx
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Autolytic activity of human calpain 7 is enhanced by ESCRT-III-related protein IST1 through MIT–MIM interaction pptx
... yeast Vps4 [29–31] MIM1 of CHMP1A or Vps2 binds to the groove between helices and 3, and MIM2 of CHMP6 binds to that between helices and Bajorek et al [32] suggested that MIM1 and MIM2 of IST1 also ... mGFP–calpain autolysis was investigated as shown in (A) two types of MIM motif (MIM1 and MIM2 ) for binding to VPS4 MIT [32,33] MIM1 and MIM2 were originally defined by differences in binding to different ... motif (MIMs), in their C-termini Two types of MIM have been identified: MIM1 and MIM2 The former forms an amphipathic helix that binds to the groove between VPS4 MIT domain helices and [29,30], and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20