... Browsing confidential data Chapter 1-44 SO The relation of ethics to accounting information systems Ethics Ethics and and the the AIS AIS Review Question Which of the following is not true of unethical ... business processes Basic computer and IT concepts Examples of IT enablement The internal control structure of organizations The importance of accounting information systems to accountants The relation ... accountants The relation of ethics to accounting information systems Chapter 1-3 Overview Overview of of Business Business Processes Processes Accounting Information System must identify the Chapter
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:07
... business processes and the AIS Types Types of of Accounting Accounting Information Information Systems Systems Three categories of AIS: Manual systems Legacy systems Modern, integrated IT systems Chapter ... accounting information systems Types Types of of Accounting Accounting Information Information Systems Systems Legacy Systems Existing system, often based on old technology Advantages are that legacy systems: ... supported and understood by existing personnel Chapter 2-9 SO Types of accounting information systems Types Types of of Accounting Accounting Information Information Systems Systems Legacy Systems
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:07
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 03
... code of ethics and good internal controls Need Need for for Code Code of of Ethics Ethics and and Internal Internal Controls Controls Question The careful and responsible oversight and use of the ... risks and determine the impact of such risks in terms of finances and reputation Identify and analyze significant changes in the business Develop and execute an action plan to reduce the impact and ... Fraud, Ethics, and Internal Control Chapter 3-2 Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition Study Study Objectives Objectives An introduction to the need for a code of ethics and good internal
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:07
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 04
... Controls and Risks in IT Systems Chapter 4-2 Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition Study Study Objectives Objectives An overview of internal controls for IT systems General controls for IT systems ... Hardware and software exposures in IT systems Application software and application controls Ethical issues in IT systems Chapter 4-3 Internal Internal Controls Controls for for IT IT Systems Systems ... systems Internal Internal Controls Controls for for IT IT Systems Systems Exhibit 4-1 General and Application Controls in IT Systems Application controls used to control inputs, processing, and
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:07
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 05
... groups are balanced? a Internal auditors and external auditors b Shareholders and regulators c Shareholders, the corporation, and the community d Regulators and the community Chapter 5-6 SO An overview ... Internal Controls and Compliance ► Extra work for accountants, IT departments, and executives ► More paperwork is now prepared, retained, and filed with the SEC ► More timely information is required ... governance chain of command, the audit committee is accountable to a The company’s vendors and other creditors b Management and employees c Governing bodies such as the SEC and PCAOB d The external
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:07
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 06
... usage and excess capacity Downtime of IT systems Maintenance hours on IT systems ► IT security and number of security breaches or problems ► IT customer satisfaction, from both internal and ... Governance Proper management, control, and use of IT systems is IT governance IT Governance is defined as: [A] structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the enterprise in order ... balancing risk versus return over and its processes IT governance provides the structure that links IT processes, IT resources and information to enterprise strategies and objectives Chapter 6-6 IT
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 07
... knowledge of accounting and internal control systems Design and performance of audit tests SO The various types of audits and auditors Types Types of of Audits Audits and and Auditors Auditors ... users of financial information about the accuracy and completeness of the information Three primary types of audits include Chapter 7-5 compliance audits, operational audits, and financial ... Auditing Information Technology-Based Processes Chapter 7-2 Study Study Objectives Objectives An introduction to auditing IT processes The various types of audits and auditors Information risk and
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 08
... (EDI) systems and the related risks and controls Point Point of of Sale Sale (POS) (POS) Systems Systems and and the the Related Related Risks Risks and and Controls Controls Point of Sale systems, ... interchange (EDI) systems and the related risks and controls Electronic Electronic Data Data Interchange Interchange (EDI) (EDI) Systems Systems and and The The Risks Risks and and Controls Controls ... interchange (EDI) systems and the related risks and controls Electronic Electronic Data Data Interchange Interchange (EDI) (EDI) Systems Systems and and The The Risks Risks and and Controls Controls
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 09
... documents and the related risks and controls Evaluated receipt settlement systems and the related risks and controls E-business and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems and the related risks and ... Risks and and Controls Controls in in El-Business El-Business and and EDI EDI Exhibit 9-20 E-Business and EDI Risks and Controls Chapter 9-41 SO E-business and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems ... occurs, the information resulting from that purchase must flow into the purchase recording systems, the accounts payable and cash disbursement systems, and the inventory tracking systems Transaction
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 010
... records and documents Security of assets and documents Independent checks and reconciliation Cost-benefit considerations SO Risks and controls in fixed asset processes Risks Risks and and Controls ... employees Recording cash and payroll liabilities and expenses SO An introduction to payroll and fixed asset processes Introduction Introduction to to Payroll Payroll and and Fixed Fixed Asset Asset ... Introduction to to Payroll Payroll and and Fixed Fixed Asset Asset Processes Processes Payroll processes Chapter 10-5 Acquiring and maintaining human resources Capturing and maintaining employee data
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 11
... computerized conversion systems? a Automatic computation of materials requirements b Increased sales and cost of sales c Increased efficiency and flexibility d Early error detection and increased accuracy ... right: CAD a A network including production equipment, computer terminals, and accounting systems CAM b Electronic workstation including advanced graphics and 3-D modeling of production processes ... manufacturing and related accounting applications JIT RFID Chapter 11-33 f Automated scheduling of production orders and materials movement g Production automation, including use of computers and robotics
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Accounting information systems controls and process 2nd tunnwe weickgenannt chapter 12
... WalMart’s purchase and update of its inventory and payables accounts are triggered by this system Chapter 12-23 SO Risks and controls and risks in general ledger processes Risks Risks and and Controls ... ► Adequate records and documents ► Security of the general ledger and documents ► Independent checks and reconciliation ► Cost-benefit considerations SO Risks and controls and risks in general ... processes and reporting Corporate Corporate Governance Governance in in Administrative Administrative Processes Processes and and Reporting Reporting Setting and monitoring financial goals, and establishing
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 11:08
Information Systems Analysis and Design
... information systems Understand characteristics of transaction processing systems, management information systems, and executive information systems Understand characteristics of information systems ... 10 11 12 13 Information Systems: the big picture Information Systems for competitive advantage Organizational Information Systems Entreprise-Wide Information Systems Information Systems Development ... term information systems (IS) Understand IS components: Technology, people, organizations Understand IS career opportunities Understand types of information systems Understand IS and organizational...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 19:15
Information Systems Analysis and Design doc
... Outline Information Systems: the big picture Information Systems for competitive advantage Organizational Information Systems Entreprise-Wide Information Systems Information Systems Development ... systems Understand characteristics of transaction processing systems, management information systems, and executive information systems Understand characteristics of information systems that span ... Understand how to implement enterprise systems 45 Enterprise Systems Enterprise systems Also known as enterprise-wide information systems Information systems that allow companies to integrate information...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:21
... collect and store rain waterand reducewind erosionand evaporation losses Under suchconditions lister plough, rigid tine cultivator, duck foot sweepsand other similar equipmentare useful and canbe ... makingtrenchesfor pipe and cable laying, garbagehandling, widening of rural roadsand removalof bushesand trees etc Dozer is used for agriculturalland levelling, makingbunds in the farms and terracingof ... mud and loose soil at canalworksite, for loading of crushed stonesinto the dumpersand trailers at stone crusherunit, for loading of salt into trucks and trailers, for handling of clay and soil and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:20
Sewing Tools and Equipment -(Clothing1)
... sewing tools and the equipment Apply how to use those tools and equipment in their laboratory activity Basic sewing of processes: Measuring, Cutting, Marking, Hand and Machine stitching, and Pressing ... SEWING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Objectives: At the end of this lesson, 90% of the students will be able to: Identify the sewing tools and the equipment needed for each of the ... stitching and needles for hand stitching There are different kinds of hand needles, such as the following: Sharp needle- all-purpose and medium- length needle Crewel needle- is sharp and of medium...
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2015, 10:33
Sewing tools and equipment
... tightness and looseness of thread stitch regulator- regulates the length of stitches thread take-up lever- moves the thread up and down needle clamp- holds the needle presser bar litter- lowers and ... should be given Regular maintenance is needed because it cots it can a lot knowledge of its pats and function will enable you to determine the cause of the trouble when breaks down Parts of Sewing ... Sewing Machine A sewing machine is an equipment which is very indispensable in any sewing activity, whether it be repairing altering clothes...
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2015, 10:33
Sewing tools and equipments parts of the sewing machine
... PARTS 1 Band Wheel leads the balance wheel through the belt connection Band Wheel Crank moves the band wheel 4 Belt Guide holds the belt to its place Pitman Rod holds the treadle to band wheel ... Take up Lever -releases the thread and interlocks with the bobbin thread Tension disccontrols the looseness and tightness of stitches 5 Needle Clamp holds and tightens the needle Needle Bar ... for operating the needle Bed is the flat portion of the machine and beneath is the feed dog where it is mounted, and the shuttle and lower thread are placed ARM HEAD BED Spool Pin- is the thread...
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2015, 10:33
Knowledge Management and Specialized Information Systems
... DANH MỤC HÌNH Chương 11: Knowledge Management and Specialized Information Systems Nguyên lý mục tiêu học tập Quản lý tri thức cho phép tổ chức chia kiến thức ... học kiến thức thay đổi thủ tục hướng tiến cận kết (Is based on learning new knowledge and changing procedures and approaches as a result) o Microsoft đề nghị số lượng lớn công cụ quản lý tri thức ... cá nhân, tiến trình chương trình khác Hệ chuyên gia (Expert Systems) a Tổng quan o Hệ chuyên gia máy tính hóa (Computerized expert systems) Được phát triển để dự đoán vấn để, kiện tương lai...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 11:06