... liên kết 1 Ra lệnh: Insert Link Revit Trang 18Autodesk Revit MEP – Phần MEP - Hệ thống cơ khí Trang 19III-2.1.3 Cố định bản lên kết Chúng ta phải cố định bản Revit Architecture để gữ nguyên ... thúc chọn 9 Nhấn Finish , kết thúc lệnh Lưới được chuyển sang môi trường Revit MEP Trang 28Autodesk Revit MEP – Phần MEP - Hệ thống cơ khí Trang 29 Open Manage Links to correct the proplem: ... theo chuyên ngành MEP I-1.1.3 Lưu trữ dự án 1 Ra lệnh Save như đã giới thiệu 2 Hộp thoại hiện ra Đặt tên dự án Trong bài thực hành gõ “MEP-truong ky thuat” Trang 4Autodesk Revit 2013 – Tạo dự án
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 15:40
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010-Phần 2 pdf
... Trang 1 Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Phan 2 Khai trién ky thuat Nguyén Thi Tam Dan Ngô Gia Bảo Trang 2 ... Tạo mặt đứng, mặt cắt: au kL 1 2 Thực hiện theo các bước tạo mặt đứng, mặt cắt đã trình bày ở Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 - Phan 1 dé tạo thêm mặt đứng, mặt cắt cần thiét nhu: MAT CAT 1-1 (cắt
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
... HVAC VỚI REVIT MEP 2010 Tác giả : KS Đào Ngọc Hùng Tell : 0979 089 429 Avatar Chữ ký Lời Mở Đầu Đây là tài liệu để thực hành (dành cho nhưng người đã có kiếm thức tương đối về Revit MEP) Các ... Trang 2Khởi tạo dự án mới: 1 Khởi động Revit MEP 2 Kích vào Æ New Æ Project: 3 Trong hộp thoại New Project, kích Browser: 4 Dẫn đến thư mục “Hung_Tutorial Revit MEP” đi kèm tài liệu, chọn file Templete ... “H_Mech_01_Complete” 32 Close dự án lại Ghi chú màu 33 Mở file “H_Mech_02.rvt” trong thư mục “Hung_Tutorial Revit MEP” 34 Trong Project Browser Æ Views (Discripline) Æ Mechanical Æ Floor Plan Æ kích phải vào
Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2014, 07:12
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 2 docx
... t A gl A n c e Introduction xxi CHAPTER 1 The Revit World 1 CHAPTER 2 Creating a Model 43 CHAPTER 3 Creating Views 97 CHAPTER 4 Working with the Revit Tools 155 CHAPTER 5 Dimensioning and Annotating ... Coordinating Revit Models 847 CHAPTER 21 Phasing and Design Options 869 CHAPTER 22 Project Collaboration 895 CHAPTER 23 BIM Management 913 Index 937 c o n t e n t s Introduction xxi ch A p t e r 1 The Revit ... Index 937 c o n t e n t s Introduction xxi ch A p t e r 1 The Revit World 1 The Revit Architecture Interface 2 The Revit Workflow 5 Using the Ribbon 6 The View Window 13 Object Selection 17 Modifying
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 3 ppsx
... ➢ All Programs ➢ Autodesk ➢ Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 ➢ Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 (see Figure 1.2). The Revit Architecture Interface 3 2. After you start Revit, you see the ... this book has been written by an author who is “in the trenches” using Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, and Revit MEP simultaneously every day. So, yes, you could figure out all this information ... Windows Vista or Windows 7, be sure to load Revit as 64-bit to take full advantage of the allocated RAM. What Is Covered in This Book Autodesk ® Revit ® Architecture 2011: No Experience Required
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 4 pdf
... command in Revit is a three-step process: 1. At the top of the Revit window is the Ribbon, and built into the Ribbon is a series of tabs. Each tab contains a panel. This Ribbon will be your Revit ... may also notice that Revit places an additional Options bar below the Ribbon for more choices. FIGURE 1.6 The Ribbon is the backbone of Revit Architecture. Chapter 1 • The Revit World 6 FIGURE ... focus of the Revit interface: the Ribbon. You will be using the Ribbon exclusively within Revit. Using the Ribbon You will use the Ribbon for the majority of the commands you execute in Revit. As
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 6 ppt
... now showing in the view. The Revit Architecture Interface 25 TIP When you change the view control in a view, it is not a temporary display. You are telling Revit how you want to plot this ... Wait! How? This brings us to quite an important topic in Revit: the Project Browser. Chapter 1 • The Revit World 30 The Project Browser Revit is the frontrunner of BIM. BIM is sweeping our industry ... applicable to the exercises. The View Tab Since Revit is one big happy model, you will quickly find that simply viewing the model is quite important. Within Revit, you can take advantage of some function-
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 7 potx
... three separate Revit applications: Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, and Revit MEP. All three Revits share the same .rvt file extension. You can open a Revit file produced in any of these ... what Revit calls a family. un d e r s tan d i n g t h e re v i t ar C h i t e C t u r e Fi l e (.r v t ) The extension for a Revit Architecture file is .rvt. There are three separate Revit ... daily basis when you use Revit. Note that when a family is loaded into Revit Architecture, there is no live path back to the file that was loaded. Once it is added to the Revit model, it becomes
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 8 ppt
... use the Offset command. Revit Architecture has the offset function built into most of the commands you will be running. You just need to remember to look at your temporary tab and your Options ... and to the left at a 135° angle (Revit will snap at 45° intervals). Using Reference Planes 49 13. After you move your cursor far enough in this direction, Revit will pick up the north finish ... pick the second point, move your pointer to the right until Revit snaps it to the tangent radius. (You may not get a tangent snap, but Revit will hesitate when you have reached the tangency.) Once
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 11 docx
... show the specific construc-tion methods But in some cases, you would want Revit to reveal this informaconstruc-tion In Revit, you have three choices for the display: clean Join Clean Join will ... people to have fits with Revit Let’s try to avoid those fits right now! editing the cut Profile A plan view is simply a section taken 4′–0″ up the wall from the finish floor In Revit, you can manually ... custom families Adding doors Placing a door in Revit Architecture can seem annoying and unnecessarily tedious at first But like anything else in Revit, once you get the method down, you will find
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 12 pdf
... Changing the temporary dimension Placing Wall Tags Notice the tag that shows up? This is an automatic feature of Revit, as is the tag’s number. Under normal circumstances, Revit will number ... place a door or any opening into a compound wall, you need to tell Revit specifically how to wrap the materials. By default, Revit will stop the brick and any other finish right at the opening. ... are blue temporary dimensions. Let’s make sure these dimensions are going where we want them. a. On the Settings panel of the Manage tab, click Additional Settings ➢ Temporary Dimensions,
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 13 pot
... done in AutoCAD is not helping you any in Revit. In Revit you may need to slow down a bit, and let Revit “do its thing.” After you get the hang of Revit’s behavior, you can speed up again. ... relationship to the model. We will start with possibly the most important function in Revit: creating levels. The power of Revit comes with the single-model concept. By being able to add levels to a ... new level in Revit Architecture is quite simple. But you need to adhere to certain procedures in order to ensure you add the levels correctly. When you use the Level feature in Revit, two procedural
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 07:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 17 pptx
... view you will have the most fun with. Revit Architecture seems to lend itself naturally to this type of view. Taking a camera view is essentially telling Revit to look at a certain area from ... finding the view in the Project Browser, you can tell Revit to show the camera in the plan. The camera will now show up in the plan temporarily so you can see it. In the view, you will see the ... Creating an enlarged area of your model is going to be an item on every project you do. Luckily in Revit Architecture, callouts are not only easy to add to your model but they directly link to the
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 20 pps
... four items, Revit still has two items left to divide. If you choose Move To: Second, Revit will place an additional item at the sec- ond point picked (like Move To: Last), but this time Revit will ... anything. If you choose Move To: Last, for example, Revit will place an additional item in the last place you pick, keeping the first item intact. Revit will then divide the space between the two ... pick the second point, you will have to wait a moment; then Revit will evenly fill the void with the two additional windows. Also, Revit will give you the option of adding additional windows.
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 21 pot
... time to practice! O When you pick the reference plane, Revit will mirror the entire group of windows. Chapter 4 • Working with the Revit Tools 176 Now that the two straight walls have windows, ... Chapter 4 • Working with the Revit Tools 174 The objective of the following example is to mirror the windows to the south side ... command is a great tool for accomplishing this task. It’s one of the most useful tools within Revit, and you will use it extensively. Overuse of this command is not possible! Since the Align
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 22 potx
... item crops up much less often in Revit Architecture than in a conventional drafting application. This is because, Chapter 4 • Working with the Revit Tools 190 in Revit, the functionality is provided ... click Finish Edit Mode and Revit gives you a warning, as shown in the following graphic, you must be sure that you have no overlapping lines or gaps in your sketch. Revit is quite unforgiving ... Chapter 4 • Working with the Revit Tools 184 ne W to t h e 2011 sp l i t Co M M a n d ! There is a new split option offered in Revit Architecture 2011. This new function allows
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 27 doc
... type and arrowhead type for leader text Revit does not use an SHX font. As a mat- ter of fact, SHX can- not be used at all in Revit. It was invented by Autodesk, but only works with AutoCAD. ... only arrowhead Revit provides—had that been the case, Revit would never have even gotten off the ground! To change the arrowhead that Revit uses with a text item, follow this procedure: 1. ... almost seems as though Revit uses the ugliest leader as a default, forcing you to change it immediately. The large arrowhead you see in Figure 5.50 is not the only arrowhead Revit provides—had
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 47 potx
... features about stairs in Revit that you will love, and there are some features (or lack of features) that you will not love. As you create the stairs, keep in mind that Revit cannot always pro- ... Level 1 and the top to Level 2, you are giving Revit the dimensions it needs to calculate the rise of the stairs. When you add the multistory height, Revit will take the calculation from Levels ... way past the floor landing. Revit reports that you have 18 created, 0 remaining (see Figure 10.5). 14. Once you see the second flight completed, pick the last point. Revit will draw both flights
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 58 docx
... on that layer are gone. WARNING Be careful when you delete layers. Revit is not like AutoCAD. When you delete a layer in Revit, the layer is deleted and any object that happens to be on that ... may ask, “How did Revit know what line weights to use for my import?” This is a great question. You can configure the import/export settings to translate AutoCAD colors to Revit line weights. ... surround- ing them. Where do they come from, how does Revit know what tag to associate with what element, and how the heck do you make Revit’s tags look like your tags? You can almost see a
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 No Experience Required - part 59 ppsx
... by Revit, you will have a set of draw- ings that look very generic and will immediately turn off your design team. Creating Custom Tags As mentioned before, templates very much drive how Revit ... Tagging by Material Tagging By Material could be one of the most underused commands in all of Revit. The reason is most people think of a tag as, well, a tag—some kind of box with some abbreviations ... create a family and then load it into your drawing. The tag we will create is a casework tag. Revit does provide one, but ours needs to be smaller (based on scale), and it needs a box surrounding
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 08:20
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