low power vlsi design techniques ppt

Tài liệu Active Filter Design Techniques ppt

Tài liệu Active Filter Design Techniques ppt

... Responses of Butterworth Low- Pass Filters Low- Pass Filter Design 16-19Active Filter Design Techniques In order to obtain real values for R 2 , C 2 must satisfy the following condition: C 2 w ... First 10 Filter Orders Practical Design Hints 16-47Active Filter Design Techniques 16.8 Practical Design Hints This section introduces dc-biasing techniques for filter designs in single-supply applica- tions, ... Filters 16-5Active Filter Design Techniques In addition, Figure 16–4 shows the transfer function of an ideal fourth-order low- pass func- tion (Curve 3). In comparison to the ideal low- pass, the RC low- pass lacks...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 03:20

66 454 3
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P15 ppt

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P15 ppt

... names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 57/ design_ 57.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Lisa Murillo, A 5design Design 56 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 62/ design_ 62.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 61 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 76/ design_ 76.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 75 Homepage design. Designs—Third...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16

50 421 0
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P16 ppt

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P16 ppt

... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 44/ design_ 44.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 43 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 48/ design_ 48.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 47 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 46/ design_ 46.psd, sl_image.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Lisa Murillo, A 5design Design 45 Homepage design. Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16

50 386 0
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P17 ppt

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P17 ppt

... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 14/ design_ 14.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: A 5design Design 13 Homepage design. Designs—Third ... Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 10/ design_ 10.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Lisa Murillo, A 5design Design 9 Homepage design. Designs—Third Edition Folder 793 Please ... file names: Designs—Third Edition/1-80-xhtml /design_ 11/ design_ 18.psd XHTML pages: index.htm, menu_item_2.htm, menu_item_3.htm Photo credits: Lisa Murillo, A 5design Design 10 Homepage design. Second-level...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 15:16

50 339 0
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P1 ppt

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P1 ppt

... 389 Chapter 15 Case Study: Low- Content XHTML Template 391 Creating the Design for a Low Amount of Content 392 Understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Chosen Design. . 392 Adding Guides ... be able to produce such sites, though, a Web designer needs to have a thor- ough understanding of the basics of Web design. Defining Web Design Web design is an ambiguous term. Web professionals ... issue for Web designers. In the 1990s, a Web designer needed to decide whether to design for a graphical browser, such as Mosaic or Netscape, or a text browser, such as Lynx. As users slowly updated...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20

50 528 1
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P2 ppt

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P2 ppt

... modems. Designing for a higher resolution does not necessarily mean that the designer need disregard monitors with lower resolutions. One trick that designers fre- quently use is to design a ... and a site map/flowchart): These are the heart of a require- ments document, at least for a designer. They give the specific deta ils on design, content, and functionality that a designer needs ... these two documents that a designer bases the design, site architecture, and navigation. When collecting requirements, there are three rules a designer would be wise to follow: 1. Document everything:...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20

50 476 1
Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P3 pptx

Tài liệu Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates- P3 pptx

... judgment of the designer, there are two who would prefer that a design look the way they desire. It is always amazing how quickly a design can change for the worse, at least in the designer’s viewpoint. ... important, therefore, that the designer not become attached to a design. The paying client has the final say. If there is an affinity for a specific design look, the designer can always ask for ... GWX Following are some of the various attributes of the new design: 1. There was a dominance of yellow, which gave the site the fresh, upbeat, professional look desired. However, because yellow...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20

50 560 1
Tài liệu Solutions for CMOS VLSI Design 4th Edition (Odd). ppt

Tài liệu Solutions for CMOS VLSI Design 4th Edition (Odd). ppt

... SOLUTIONS 9 4.11 D = N(GH) 1/N + P. Compare in a spreadsheet. Design (b) is fastest for H = 1 or 5. Design (d) is fastest for H = 20 because it has a lower logical effort and more stages to drive the ... of the internal nodes is guaranteed to be high rather than low. Thus 11 + 2.5 = 13.5 units of capcitance are high and 5 units are low, reducing the charge sharing noise to 13.5 / (13.5 + 5) ... 40960. The best number of stages is log 4 F = 7.66, so try an 8-stage design: NAND3-INV-NAND2- INV-NAND2-INV-INV-INV. This design has an actual logical effort of G = (5/3) * (4/3) * (4/3) = 2.96,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 15:20

39 1,2K 5
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 1: Introduction ppt

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 1: Introduction ppt

... oxide n well n+n+ n+ p+p+p+ Contact CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 40 Simplified Design Rules  Conservative rules to get you started CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 6 nMOS ... process CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 31 Polysilicon Patterning  Use same lithography process to pattern polysilicon Polysilicon p substrate Thin gate oxide Polysilicon n well CMOS VLSI Design ... substrate CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 23 Oxidation  Grow SiO 2 on top of Si wafer – 900 – 1200 C with H 2 O or O 2 in oxidation furnace p substrate SiO 2 CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0:...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

43 507 0
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 6: Power potx

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 6: Power potx

... in active mode CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 2 Outline  Power and Energy  Dynamic Power  Static Power CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 19 Voltage / Frequency  ... if block will be used Lecture 6: Power CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 15 Switching Probability CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 16 Example  A 4-input AND ... f = = = = ∫ ∫ C f sw i DD (t) VDD CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 3 Power and Energy  Power is drawn from a voltage source attached to the V DD pin(s) of a chip.  Instantaneous Power:  Energy:  Average Power: ()...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

29 590 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Crossed Serial Dependencies:i low-power parseable extension to GPSG" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Crossed Serial Dependencies:i low-power parseable extension to GPSG" ppt

... each VP rule which introduces a VP complement, allowing the verb to be lowered onto the complement. As this rule must also expand VPs with verbs lowered onto them, we want e.g. cii) vPlz -> ... (I) will apply to all three of (B) - (D), allowing compound verbs to be discharged at any point. (II) will apply to (B) and (C), allowing the lowering (with compounding if needed) of verbs ... Even in the weakest augmentation, allowing only one occurence of one variable over sequences in any constituent of any rule, the apparent similarity of their power remains to be formally established,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

6 261 0

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